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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



K.アンダーソン著 21世紀の革命と抵抗の政治社会学-アラブ世界とイランからアフリカ、ウクライナ、フランスまで-
Anderson, Kevin, A Political Sociology of Twenty-First Century Revolutions and Resistances: From the Arab World and Iran to Africa, Ukraine and France. 280 pp. 2024:8 (Routledge, UK) <723-531>
ISBN 978-1-03-277138-0 hard ¥37,466.- (税込) GB£ 130.00
ISBN 978-1-03-276150-3 paper ¥11,236.- (税込) GB£ 38.99

This book examines the possibilities - and realities - of positive, humanist change and revolution that have burst forth in the first decades of this century.Kevin B. Anderson critically examines the revolutions, uprisings, social movements, and forms of national resistance that have arisen across the Middle East and North Africa, Sudan, South Africa, Ukraine, and France in the past fifteen years, providing a salient snapshot of geopolitical and social events. The book represents an effort to analyze world events, especially revolutions and radical movements, in a dialectical manner, combining contemporary analysis of the class, gender, and ethnic dimensions of these upheavals with theoretical and historical reflection that engages Hegel, Marx, Lenin, Rosa Luxemburg, CLR James, Raya Dunayevskaya, and other thinkers in the Marxian tradition.A Political Sociology of Twenty-First Century Revolutions and Resistances is an important resource for researchers, as well as a key text for courses in social change, political sociology, and social movements, and contemporary social theory.

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米国海軍と南シナ海-米中越の海事関係 1945~2023年
Elleman, Bruce A, The US Navy and the South China Sea: American, Chinese, and Vietnamese Maritime Relations, 1945-2023. (Routledge Security in Asia Series) 304 pp. 2024:8 (Routledge, UK) <723-592>
ISBN 978-1-03-282407-9 hard ¥37,466.- (税込) GB£ 130.00

This book explores the question "Why is the US Navy in the South China Sea at all?" It traces the history of diplomatic, economic, and military tensions among the People's Republic of China, the Soviet Union, the United States, and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, outlining the origins of the United States-Vietnam relationship during the immediate post-World War II period, the turmoil of the Vietnam War during which China supported North Vietnam against a US-backed South Vietnam and the decision of the US government to open relations with China beginning in 1972. It shows how from 1945-1975 the US government used its relations with Vietnam to exert diplomatic, economic, and military pressure on China to open negotiations leading to full recognition and further discusses the surprising action of the US Navy in 1974 to allow the Chinese Navy to take the Paracel Islands by force, thereby denying control over these islands to a united Vietnam closely allied with the Soviet Union, which was the common enemy of both China and the USA. Overall, the book demonstrates how the presence of the US Navy in the South China Sea is a crucial element in much wider, global US strategy.

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W.R.Thompson他編 東アジアの平和再考
Thompson, William R. / Volgy, Thomas J. (eds.), Reconsidering the East Asian Peace: Confluences, Regional Characteristics and Societal Transformations. (Asian Security Studies) 288 pp. 2024:8 (Routledge, UK) <723-616>
ISBN 978-1-03-276523-5 hard ¥37,466.- (税込) GB£ 130.00

This volumes re-examines the notion of the East Asian peace, arguing that it requires updating for the current and near-future context of US-Chinese rivalry.The 'East Asian peace' refers to the remarkable change in conflict levels in eastern Eurasia over the past eighty years or even the past 130 years or so. Prior to the late 1970s, East Asia was regarded as the most conflictual region on the planet. Although insurgencies have continued in places such as Myanmar, Thailand, and the Philippines, after the 1980s East and Southeast Asia became one of the world's least conflictual regions. Geopolitics and economic development worked hand in hand to reduce conflict in the region and, in this respect, the East Asian peace has been a confluential peace. The general problem with a confluential peace is that the factors that shape it evolve over time, and the specific circumstances in question seem to be evolving in a different direction, with East Asia shaping up to be the most central locale of the contest between US and Chinese hegemony, both regionally and perhaps globally. This book argues that the idea of the East Asian peace now requires adjustment to the current and near future context. The more general arguments presented here focus on alternative interpretations of how regional peace and order should be interpreted, while the more specific arguments involve interpretations of Chinese and other countries' behaviour in the context of the heightened rivalry between China and the United States.This book will be of much interest to students of East Asian politics, peace studies, foreign policy and International Relations.

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Bayly, Susan, Asian Lives in Anthropological Perspective: Essays on Morality, Achievement and Modernity. (WYSE Series in Social Anthropology 16) 402 pp. 2024:5 (Berghahn, US) <723-619>
ISBN 978-1-80539-500-3 hard ¥32,538.- (税込) US$ 145.00 *

Contemporary Asian societies bear the imprint of the experience and afterlives of colonialism, revolutionary socialism and religious and secular nationalism in dramatically contrasting ways. Asian Lives in Anthropological Perspective draws together essays that demonstrate the role of these far-reaching transformations in the shaping of two Asian settings in particular - India and Vietnam. It traces historical and contemporary realities through a variety of compelling topics including the lived experience of India's caste system and the ethical challenges faced by Vietnamese working women.

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Copeman, Jacob / Chau, Lam Minh / Cook, J. et al. (eds.), An Anthropology of Intellectual Exchange: Interactions, Transactions and Ethics in Asia and Beyond. (WYSE Series in Social Anthropology 15) 326 pp. 2023:9 (Berghahn, US) <723-620>
ISBN 978-1-80539-070-1 hard ¥32,538.- (税込) US$ 145.00 *

Dialogues, encounters and interactions through which particular ways of knowing, understanding and thinking about the world are forged lie at the centre of anthropology. Such 'intellectual exchange' is also central to anthropologists' own professional practice: from their interactions with research participants and modes of pedagogy to their engagements with each other and scholars from adjacent disciplines. This collection of essays explores how such processes might best be studied cross-culturally. Foregrounding the diverse interactions, ethical reasoning, and intellectual lives of people from across the continent of Asia, the volume develops an anthropology of intellectual exchange itself.

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Makananise, Fulufhelo Oscar / Madima, Shumani Eric (eds.), Decolonising Digital Media and Indigenisation of Participatory Epistemologies: Languages of the Global South. (Routledge Research on Decoloniality and New Postcolonialisms) 240 pp. 2024:8 (Routledge, UK) <723-623>
ISBN 978-1-03-280468-2 hard ¥37,466.- (税込) GB£ 130.00

The book provides valuable insights on decolonising the digital media landscape and the indigenisation of participatory epistemologies to continue the legacies of indigenous languages in the global South.It is one of its kind as it climaxes that the construction phase of self-determining and redefining among the global South societies is an essential step towards decolonising the digital landscape and ensuring that indigenous voices and worldviews are equally infused, represented, and privileged in the process of higher-level communication, exchanging epistemic philosophies, and knowledge expressions. The book employs an interdisciplinary approach to engage in the use of digital media as a sphere for resistance and knowledge transformation against the persistent colonialism of power through dominant non-indigenous languages and scientific epistemic systems. It further advocates that decolonising digital media spaces through appreciating participatory epistemologies and their languages can help promote the inclusion and empowerment of indigenous communities. It indicates that the decolonial process can also help to redress the historical and ongoing injustices that have disadvantaged many indigenous communities in the global South and contributed to their marginalisation.This book will appeal to undergraduate and graduate students, scholars, and academics in communication, media studies, languages, linguistics, cultural studies, and indigenous knowledge systems in higher education institutions. It will be a valuable resource for those interested in epistemologies of the South, decoloniality, postcoloniality, indigenisation, participatory knowledge, indigenous language legacies, indigenous artificial intelligence, and digital media in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

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小川晃弘他編 アジアを横断する市民社会の多様性
Ogawa, Akihiro / Spires, Anthony (eds.), Varieties of Civil Society Across Asia. (Routledge Contemporary Asia Series) 236 pp. 2024:8 (Routledge, UK) <723-624>
ISBN 978-1-03-277262-2 hard ¥37,466.- (税込) GB£ 130.00

This book explores civil societies with distinct characteristics in Asian countries and regions to redefine the dynamic and interconnected formation that is Asia.This book documents how civil society organizations, such as charities and foundations, across Asia which have traditionally been observed to imitate or borrow the methods employed by Western nongovernmental organizations, have been developing distinctive relations with the state, inventing novel civic techniques. Furthermore, it highlights how such organizations have created a characteristic framework for governance and spaces for new social practices and reflections. Reflecting on the historical backgrounds, political systems, and cultural settings, each case study reveals the diverse and alternative approaches and solutions to various issues facing contemporary Asian society.Studying the dynamism of Asia to highlight the emergence of new civil society practices this book will be a great interest to scholars and students of Asian Studies, Anthropology, Sociology & Political Science.

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Polo y La Borda, Adolfo, Global Servants of the Spanish King: Mobility and Cosmopolitanism in the Early Modern Spanish Empire. (Cambridge Latin American Studies) 362 pp. 2024:10 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <723-626>
ISBN 978-1-00-940321-4 hard ¥28,820.- (税込) GB£ 100.00

From 1580 to 1700, low-ranking Spanish imperial officials ceaselessly moved across the Spanish empire, and in the process forged a single coherent political unit out of multiple heterogeneous territories, creating the earliest global empire. Global Servants of the Spanish King follows officials as they itinerated between the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Africa, revealing how their myriad experiences of service to the king across a variety of locales impacted the governance of the empire, and was an essential mechanism of imperial stability and integration. Departing from traditional studies which focus on high-ranking officials and are bounded by the nation-state, Adolfo Polo y La Borda centers on officials with local political and administrative duties such as governors and magistrates, who interacted daily with the crown's subjects across the whole empire, and in the process uncovers a version of cosmopolitanism concealed in conventional narratives.

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Gilks, Charles F. / Alemu, Yibeltal Assefa, A WHO Public Health Approach to Ending AIDS in the Global South: Lessons for NCD Control and Universal Health Coverage. 240 pp. 2024:8 (Routledge, UK) <723-244>
ISBN 978-1-03-234233-7 hard ¥37,466.- (税込) GB£ 130.00

In highlighting how a WHO Public Health Approach (PHA) has been successfully used in developing countries to provide HIV/AIDS patients with antiretroviral therapy (ART), this important book provides a template for how the PHA can be implemented to treat other chronic but non-communicable diseases (NCDs) as well. With over 28 million people globally now receiving treatment for HIV/AIDS, it's clear there are lessons to be learnt from the provision of ART which have great relevance for NCD care and towards achieving Universal Health Coverage in the global south.The first section of the book provides a detailed overview of the strategy that enabled such a successful program to be take place, the challenges faced and its evolution over time. The book then moves on to assert that by approaching other chronic NCDs in a similar way, focussing on populations with integrated long-term and short-term person-centred care, there is a pathway towards universal health care and Universal Health Coverage across the developing world. Discussing many of the most pressing diseases and public health issues effecting these regions, this book provides global health scholars and practitioners with a detailed analysis of the challenges faced in tackling these diseases, but also an integrated person-centred health-care approach by which these challenges may be met.

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Abebe, Tatek / Dar, Anandini / Wells, Karen (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Childhood Studies and Global Development. 632 pp. 2024:8 (Routledge, UK) <723-171>
ISBN 978-0-367-74043-6 hard ¥59,081.- (税込) GB£ 205.00

The Routledge Handbook of Childhood Studies and Global Development explores how global development agendas and processes of economic development influence children's lives. It demonstrates that children are not only the frequent targets or objects of development but that they also shape and influence processes of economic, political and sociocultural development.The handbook makes the case for the importance of placing children at the heart of development debates and demonstrates how researchers, policymakers and practitioners can engage children in development. Through reports on field research as well as a critical engagement with theories in development studies and childhood studies, contributors contest normative assumptions about childhood and global development. They tease out and tease apart the complex social, historical, cultural, economic, epidemiological, ecological, geopolitical, and institutional processes transforming what it means to be young in the world today.Showcasing research from both established scholars and early career researchers, and with particular prominence given to the work of authors from the global south, this book will be an essential reference for policymakers, practitioners, and for researchers and students across childhood studies, education, geography, sociology, and global development.

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Rodriguez Carreon, Vivianna, Agency in Poverty and War: Consciousness in Rural Human Development. (Routledge Studies in Hazards, Disaster Risk and Climate Change) 248 pp. 2024:8 (Routledge, UK) <723-177>
ISBN 978-1-03-258652-6 hard ¥37,466.- (税込) GB£ 130.00

This book examines how people's self-awareness is affected by both internal and external factors amid war and poverty. It explores how agency has influenced the inward human development of rural women who face triple disadvantages related to gender, ethnicity, and access to economic power.It presents a multidisciplinary perspective on the intersection of war and poverty through narratives of surviving women. It advances understandings of how rural people, peasants and Indigenous Peoples of Peru, particularly women, have experienced poverty and war as a combination of oppression, repression and aggression. It explores their disempowered agency is affected and evolves post-conflict, in the search for justice. It does this by taking a capabilities approach combined with insights from perspectives on raising consciousness and inner transformation in human development, in which awareness of rural people's experience enables them to be free and can move them from survival to conscious agents. This book offers new narratives to evaluate the hazards of poverty and war and the potential human security for rural people agency and empowerment in building peace. It will be of interest to scholars and practitioner of development studies, peace and security, political studies, and political geography.

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Pirie, Iain, The Enduring Legacies of the Global Financial Crisis in East Asia: A Quiet Transformation. (Routledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics) 200 pp. 2024:8 (Routledge, UK) <723-195>
ISBN 978-1-03-264589-6 hard ¥37,466.- (税込) GB£ 130.00

The Enduring Legacies of the Global Financial Crisis in East Asia challenges the assumption that the global financial crisis had a limited structural impact on East Asian political economies, arguing that the crisis has led to a significant, if uneven, reorganization of major national political economies within the region where, in response to the crisis, states have promoted domestic processes of financialization as a means of stimulating their economies.The major East Asian economies, bar Japan, enjoyed strong recoveries from the 2008-09 financial crisis. However, this success has been achieved by promoting domestic processes of financialization to maintain demand - more precisely, the rapid build-up of household debt (Malaysia, Korea, Taiwan, China) and asset price bubbles (China, Japan). In short, East Asia has employed precisely those practices that the global financial crisis itself illustrated the unsustainability of, to maintain growth in the post-crisis period. Using a post-Keynesian framework, the book argues that the dependency on these forms of financialization to support demand is a direct product of a failure to address the issue of inequality. High levels of inequality slow the growth of non-debt based domestic consumption. An alternative approach to supporting demand in the post-crisis period would need to focus on progressive redistribution through strengthening of labour rights and systems of social support, which would directly challenge the interests of economic and political elites. The structural vulnerabilities that accelerated financialization is creating in East Asia demonstrate the necessity of a post-Keynesian growth strategy based on redistribution and curbing financialization. The book also argues is that in certain Northeast Asian economies the crisis has led to a consolidation of systems of industrial activism/state control, which could have occurred without accelerated financialization and vice versa.This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of Political Economy and Asian Studies.

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