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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Santos, Phillip / Muneri, Cleophas T. (eds.), Reading Justice Claims on Social Media: Perspectives from the Global South. 326 pp. 2024:8 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <728-826>
ISBN 978-3-031-53849-0 hard ¥32,171.- (税込) EUR 129.99

This book explores how unresolved questions of social justice shape the character of the political terrain and political actors, through the lens of social media. It treats communication as the medium through which social issues and processes are made visible. Given the rise and spread of populist politics, the views of ordinary people on social issues have never mattered more. One platform through which these voices can be studied extensively is social media. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter now X, YouTube, and Instagram, among others, afford ordinary citizens-often marginalized by traditional mainstream media-space to vent their opinions, engage in discussions of whatever topic, share information and ideas, and explore various kinds of information as well as data, links to which are often provided through various macro and micro discursive spaces therein. Arguably, therefore, social media have become a quintessential platform for studying contemporary sociality. Social media mustbe studied not just as a communication platform, but one through which the social world, social processes and social issues are made visible and, in some cases, enacted. With rich case studies from the Global South, and a particular focus on Africa, this collection does just that.

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Paragi, Beata, Screening by International Aid Organizations Operating in the Global South: Mitigating Risks of Generosity. 200 pp. 2024 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <728-908>
ISBN 978-3-031-54164-3 hard ¥8,659.- (税込) EUR 34.99

Aid organizations usually embrace the idea of digitalization, both in terms of using diverse technologies and processing data digitally for improving their services, making their operations more efficient and even mitigating various risks. While digital fundraising, the use of biometric ID systems or digitalized cash and voucher assistance enjoys widespread attention both in academic and practitioner circles, it is less known how aid organizations navigate between counterterrorism legislations and data protection laws in technical terms. Limiting the discussion to the EU General Data Protection Regulation and by conceptualizing screening - commonly used to prevent the use of donor money for illicit purposes, money-laundering, terrorism finance or corruption - as a data processing operation conducted by larger international aid organizations operating in the Global South, this book focuses on the matter of 'transparency' and 'right to information' being at the nexus ofsurveillance studies and privacy studies. By means of legal and social science methods, it simultaneously explores screening in light of classic surveillance and analyses whether opacity around screening by NGOs (data controllers) is in line with the spirit of European Union data protection regime from the perspective of individuals (data subjects). In so doing, Paragi also contributes to the discussion on the politics of transparency and highlights the dilemmas and challenges aid organizations operating in authoritarian regimes or conflict settings may face.

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〔瀧井一博の序文付〕環太平洋における新しい国家形成 1850~1974年-金、銀、石油、強欲、政府
Aschenbrenner, Peter J., New State-Making in the Pacific Rim, 1850-1974: Gold, Silver, Oil, Greed, and Government. Forward by Takii Kazuhiro. 242 pp. 2024:8 (Lexington Books, US) <728-964>
ISBN 978-1-66692-189-2 hard ¥25,047.- (税込) US$ 110.00

European colonial empires were built on private wealth-seeking (gold, silver and oil). These extractive activities required massive public subsidies. Drawing on the experience of three Pacific Rim nations - Australia, Japan and Canada and two territories in the US (Hawaii and Alaska) - New State-Making in the Pacific Rim, 1850-1974: Gold, Silver, Oil, Greed and Government demonstrates how 19th century colonialism contained the seeds of its own destruction. Peter J. Aschenbrenner identifies three factors that marked the turning point in the history of colonialism. First, governments demanded a greater return to the public treasury from private extractive activities and a reduced footprint (measured in environmental devastation and obliteration of local cultures. Second, first residents acquired considerable skill in 'adaptation for survival,' that is, fighting back against oppression (manifested in programs of extermination, forced population movement and hostility to language, religion and traditional subsistence practices). Third, colonial nations' participation in World War I required their armed forces to fill manpower needs by calling on minorities to perform military service. This gave minorities significant leverage in their struggle to achieve equal political rights and access to their fair share of government benefits. Rethinking colonial practices became a realistic option, once national survival was at risk.

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Handel, Zev, Chinese Characters across Asia: How the Chinese Script Came to Write Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese. 240 pp. 2025:1 (U. Washington Pr., US) <728-966>
ISBN 978-0-295-75301-0 hard ¥23,908.- (税込) US$ 105.00
ISBN 978-0-295-75302-7 paper ¥7,286.- (税込) US$ 32.00

A fascinating story of writing across cultures and timeWhile other ancient nonalphabetic scripts-Sumerian cuneiform, Egyptian hieroglyphs, and Mayan hieroglyphs-are long extinct, Chinese characters, invented over three thousand years ago, are today used by well over a billion people to write Chinese and Japanese. In medieval East Asia, the written Classical Chinese language knit the region together in a common intellectual enterprise that encompassed religion, philosophy, historiography, political theory, art, and literature. Literacy in Classical Chinese set the stage for the adaptation of Chinese characters into ways of writing non-Chinese languages like Vietnamese and Korean, which differ dramatically from Chinese in vocabularies and grammatical structures.Because of its unique status in the modern world, myths and misunderstandings about Chinese characters abound. Where does this writing system, so different in form and function from alphabetic writing, come from? How does it really work? How did it come to be used to write non-Chinese languages? And why has it proven so resilient? By exploring the spread and adaptation of the script across two millennia and thousands of miles, Chinese Characters across Asia addresses these questions and provides insights into human cognition and culture. Written in an approachable style and meant for readers with no prior knowledge of Chinese script or Asian languages, it presents a fascinating story that challenges assumptions about speech and writing.

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Schneider, Aaron (ed.), Popular Sovereignty in a Digital Age: Lessons for the Global South and Working Classes. 342 pp. 2024:8 (State U. New York Pr., US) <728-971>
ISBN 978-1-4384-9885-0 hard ¥22,542.- (税込) US$ 99.00 *



Wilson, Bernard / Osman, Sharifah Aishah (eds.), The Asian Family in Literature and Film: Challenges and Contestations - South Asia, Southeast Asia and Asian Diaspora. Volume II. (Asia-Pacific and Literature in English) 495 pp. 2024 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <728-972>
ISBN 978-981-9722-26-6 hard ¥44,546.- (税込) EUR 179.99

This book investigates the ways in which the family unit is now perceived in South and Southeast Asia and the Asian diaspora: its numerous conceptions and the changes it has undergone over the last century and into the new one. The prevailing threads that run through a significant part of the literature and cinema emerging from these societies are the challenges that confront those negotiating changing forms of family, changes which are expressed historically, politically, and socio-culturally, and often in relation to gender, ethnic, or economic imbalances. Though regional and localized in many ways, they are also very much universal in the questions they ask, the lessons they teach, and the connections they make. Theoretically, and in terms of focus, the collection offers a broad range, embracing representation and analysis from scholars across the globe and across disciplines. It assembles written and visual texts from and about India, Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, Singapore, and the Asian diaspora. How have more fluid concepts of family in the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries affected the understanding of family in Asia? How have families in Asia resisted or embraced change? How have they responded to trauma? What do other readings-gendered, feminist, queer, and diasporic-bring to modern debates surrounding family? To what extent are notions of family, community, society, and nation represented as interchangeable concepts in Asian societies? This book questions the power dynamics, ethical considerations, and moral imperatives that underpin families and societies within, and beyond, Asian borders.

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Wilson, Bernard / Osman, Sharifah Aishah (eds.), The Asian Family in Literature and Film: Changing Perceptions in a New Age-East Asia. Volume I. 1. (Asia-Pacific and Literature in English) 591 pp. 2024:7 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <728-973>
ISBN 978-981-9724-99-4 hard ¥44,546.- (税込) EUR 179.99

This book offers a key analysis of the changing perceptions of family in East Asian societies and the dynamic metamorphosis of "traditional" family units through the twentieth century and into the new millennium. The book focuses on investigations of the Asian family as it is represented in literature, film, and other visual media emerging from within China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, and on contestations of the power hegemonies and moral codes that underpin such representations, while also assessing Western and global influences on the Asian family. Individually and collectively, these essays examine traditions and transformations in the evolving conception of family itself and bring together a range of scholars from within and beyond the region to reflect upon the social and cultural mores represented in these texts, the issues that concern Asian families, and projections for future families in their own societies and in a globalized world. Through the written text and the lens of the camera, what directions has the understanding of family in an Asian context taken in the twenty-first century? How have the multiple platforms of media represented, encouraged, or resisted transitions during this time? Amid broader and mutating referential frameworks and cross-cultural influences, is the traditional concept of the "nuclear family" still relevant in the twenty-first century? This book lends further prominence to the diverse literary and cinematic production within East Asia and the eclectic range of media used to represent these ideas. It will be essential reading for scholars of literature, film studies, and Asian studies, and for those with an interest in the cultural and sociological implications of the changing definitions and parameters of the family unit.

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Li, Bozhong, Guns and Ledgers: China and the East Asian World in the Age of Early Economic Globalization. 367 pp. 2024 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <728-359>
ISBN 978-981-9963-22-5 hard ¥32,171.- (税込) EUR 129.99

This book seeks to reconcile the dual forces of war and economic globalization in tracing China's early modernity. For late imperial China, there were two forms of encounter with the West; the guns of invading Europeans, and the ledgers by which trade between China and the West was measured and regulated. Even today, China's reactions to the West oscillate between business-driven openness and military paranoia. In this intellectual tour de force, Bozhong Li, one of China's preeminent intellectual and economic historians, traces the unprecedented transition that led China into the modern world; the book will be of value for economists, historians, and sinophiles alike.

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Mcloughlin, Claire / Ali, S. / Xie, Kailing et al. (eds.), The Politics of Development. 392 pp. 2024:3 (Sage, UK) <728-235>
ISBN 978-1-5296-6770-7 hard ¥32,549.- (税込) GB£ 110.00 *
ISBN 978-1-5296-6769-1 paper ¥10,649.- (税込) GB£ 35.99 *

A pathbreaking introduction to the controversial, contested and deeply political topic of development. Written in an engaging and eminently readable style, leading authors invite readers to examine the political dynamics behind some of today's most complex global issues, from rising inequality and social exclusion to the climate crisis. By confronting false assumptions and dispelling myths, the book challenges readers to see politics as not only the obstacle to development, but also the means to achieve it. The Politics of Development is grounded in the everyday challenges facing people around the world in accessing the vital resources they need to survive and thrive. It illustrates the unavoidable reality that politics shapes who gets what, when, how; whether in family settings, local communities, national stages or global arenas. It provides readers with a clear roadmap for action centred on institutions, interests, and ideas, to better navigate competing demands and push forward profound change. There are no easy answers to the politics of development - instead, this book provides the analytical tools to understand why getting development right can be so hard and how you can positively respond to some of the critical challenges facing governments, societies and citizens around the world today. This text is essential reading for any student of the politics of development or Development Studies, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Claire Mcloughlin is Associate Professor of Politics and Development, University of Birmingham, UK Sameen Ali is Assistant Professor of International Development, University of Birmingham, UK Kailing Xie is Assistant Professor of International Development, University of Birmingham, UK Nicholas Cheeseman is Professor of Democracy and International Development, University of Birmingham, UK David Hudson is Professor of Politics and Development, University of Birmingham, UK

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Erskine, Noel Leo, Black Missionary in an Age of Enslavement: The Life and Times of George Liele. 184 pp. 2024:8 (Rowman & Littlefield, US) <728-147>
ISBN 978-1-5381-8005-1 hard ¥20,493.- (税込) US$ 90.00
ISBN 978-1-5381-8006-8 paper ¥6,603.- (税込) US$ 29.00

Much discussion of Protestant Christianity and its missions in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries is focused on the work of English missionary William Carey and American Missionaries Adoniram and Ann Judson, who travelled to India in 1793 and 1813. This book reframes this conventional understanding of mission studies and outreach by exploring the legacy and life of the enslaved American Baptist George Liele (1750-1825)-the first African American ordained to the Christian ministry. Black Missionary in an Age of Enslavement looks at Christianity and mission through the life and times of Liele, highlighting his travels as an itinerant preacher in South Carolina, Georgia, Jamaica (and through his protege there, David George), Nova Scotia, Sierra Leone and, toward the end of his life, England. Liele knew what it meant to be both slave and free. In Jamaica, as in Savannah, he was imprisoned for his faith and saw the survival of the church as pivotal. Liele was a man of firsts: the first African American ordained to the Christian ministry (May 20, 1775), and the first missionary to take the Christian gospel outside the United States. It was Liele, more than any other missionary, who initiated the practice of offering education to native people both enslaved and free. With the hymnal in one hand and the Bible in the other, Liele taught the enslaved and free that they were destined for liberation.

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