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掲載点数 全41件




Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Huber, Matthew T., Climate Change as Class War: Building Socialism on a Warming Planet. 288 pp. 2022:5 (Verso, UK) <668-961>
ISBN 978-1-78873-388-5 paper ¥4,896.- (税込) GB£ 16.99 *

The climate crisis is not primarily a problem of 'believing science' or individual 'carbon footprints' - it is a class problem rooted in who owns, controls and profits from material production. As such, it will take a class struggle to solve. In this ground breaking class analysis, Matthew T. Huber argues that the carbon-intensive capitalist class must be confronted for producing climate change. Yet, the narrow and unpopular roots of climate politics in the professional class is not capable of building a movement up to this challenge. For an alternative strategy, he proposes climate politics that appeals to the vast majority of society: the working class. Huber evaluates the Green New Deal as a first attempt to channel working class material and ecological interests and advocates building union power in the very energy system we so need to dramatically transform. In the end, as in classical socialist movements of the early 20th Century, winning the climate struggle will need to be internationalist based on a form of planetary working class solidarity.

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Schmelzer, Matthias / Vansintjan, Aaron / Vetter, Andrea, The Future is Degrowth: A Guide to a World Beyond Capitalism. 256 pp. 2022:6 (Verso, UK) <668-971>
ISBN 978-1-83976-584-1 paper ¥5,472.- (税込) GB£ 18.99 *

Economic growth isn't working, and it cannot be made to work. Offering a counter-history of how economic growth emerged in the context of colonialism, fossil-fueled industrialization, and capitalist modernity, The Future Is Degrowth argues that the ideology of growth conceals the rising inequalities and ecological destructions associated with capitalism, and points to desirable alternatives to it. Not only in society at large, but also on the left, we are held captive by the hegemony of growth. Even proposals for emancipatory Green New Deals or postcapitalism base their utopian hopes on the development of productive forces, on redistributing the fruits of economic growth and technological progress. Yet growing evidence shows that continued economic growth cannot be made compatible with sustaining life and is not necessary for a good life for all. This book provides a vision for postcapitalism beyond growth. Building on a vibrant field of research, it discusses the political economy and the politics of a non-growing economy. It charts a path forward through policies that democratise the economy, "now-topias" that create free spaces for experimentation, and counter-hegemonic movements that make it possible to break with the logic of growth. Degrowth perspectives offer a way to step off the treadmill of an alienating, expansionist, and hierarchical system. A handbook and a manifesto, The Future Is Degrowth is a must-read for all interested in charting a way beyond the current crises.

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World Wildlife Crime Report 2020: Trafficking in Protected Species. 132 pp. 2021:4 (UN, US) <668-778>
ISBN 978-92-1-148349-9 paper ¥10,098.- (税込) US$ 45.00 *

The report presents the latest assessment of global trends in wildlife crime. It includes discussions on illicit rosewood, ivory, rhino horn, pangolin scales, live reptiles, tigers and other big cats, and European eel. The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic has highlighted that wildlife crime is a threat not only to the environment and biodiversity, but also to human health, economic development and security. Zoonotic diseases - those caused by pathogens that spread from animals to humans - represent up to 75% of all emerging infectious diseases. Trafficked wild species and the resulting products offered for human consumption, by definition, escape any hygiene or sanitary control, and therefore pose even greater risks of infection

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Ginn, William J., Valuing Nature: A Handbook for Impact Investing. 232 pp. 2020:7 (Island Pr., US) <668-614>
ISBN 978-1-64283-091-0 hard ¥6,732.- (税込) US$ 30.00 *

As the world faces unprecedented challenges such as climate change and biodiversity loss, the resources needed far outstrip the capabilities of non-profits and even governments. Yet there are seeds of hope, and much of that hope comes from the efforts of the private sector. Impact investing is rapidly becoming an essential tool, alongside philanthropy and government funding, in tackling these major problems. Valuing Nature presents a new set of nature-based investment areas to help conservationists and investors work together. NatureVest founder William Ginn outlines the emerging private sector investing opportunities in natural assets such as green infrastructure, forests, soils, and fisheries. The first part of Valuing Nature examines the scope of nature-based impact investing while also presenting a practical overview of its limitations and the challenges facing the private sector. The second part of the book offers tools for investors and organisations to consider as they develop their own projects and tips on how non-profits can successfully navigate this new space. Case studies from around the world demonstrate how we can use private capital to achieve more sustainable uses of our natural resources without the unintended consequences plaguing so many of our current efforts. Valuing Nature provides a roadmap for conservation professionals, non-profit managers, and impact investors seeking to use market-based strategies to improve the management of natural systems.

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Eaglin, Jennifer, Sweet Fuel: A Political and Environmental History of Brazilian Ethanol. 240 pp. 2022:3 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <668-476>
ISBN 978-0-19-751068-1 hard ¥10,992.- (税込) US$ 48.99 *

As the hazards of carbon emissions increase and governments around the world seek to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, the search for clean and affordable alternate energies has become an increasing priority in the twenty-first century. However, one nation has already been producing such a fuel for almost a century: Brazil. Its sugarcane-based ethanol is the most efficient biofuel on the global fuel market, and the South American nation is the largest biofuel exporter in the world. Sweet Fuel offers the first full historical account of the industry's origins. The Brazilian government mandated a mixture of ethanol in the national fuel supply in the 1930s, and the success of the program led the military dictatorship to expand the industry and create the national program Proalcool in 1975. Private businessmen, politicians, and national and international automobile manufacturers together leveraged national interests to support this program. By 1985, over 95% of all new cars in the country ran exclusively on ethanol, and, after consumers turned away from them when oil was cheap, the government successfully promoted flex fuel cars instead. Yet, as Jennifer Eaglin shows, the industry's growth came with associated environmental and social costs in the form of water pollution from liquid waste generated during ethanol distillation and exploitative rural labor practices that reshaped Brazil's countryside. By examining the shifting perceptions of the industry from a sugar byproduct to a national energy solution to a global clean energy option, Sweet Fuel ultimately reveals deeper truths about what a global large-scale transition away from fossil fuels might look like and challenges idealized views of green industries.

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Dowbiggin, Anna, Climate Risk and Business: New Challenges for Organizations. 120 pp. 2021:10 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <668-504>
ISBN 978-3-030-78243-6 hard ¥14,582.- (税込) EUR 59.99

Addressing the urgency of radical decarbonization as a mitigative response to climate risk, this book explores how business can respond to the challenges of climate risk, through various transformational processes. Those processes involve cognitive transformations, organizational changes, climate risk integration into risk management practices, shifts in corporate reporting and disclosure as well as futuristic scenario-based planning beyond normal business planning cycles. Though much has already been written on corporate sustainability efforts, there is a greater need now for building mitigative capacity at the firm level, in alignment with shifting policy and regulatory regimes. Theoretical and empirical work on these areas is addressed in the novel thought experiment approach of this book. A research agenda for future work is provided.

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Hull, R. Bruce / Robertson, David P. / Mortimer, Michael, Leadership for Sustainability: Strategies for Tackling Wicked Problems. 272 pp. 2021:1 (Island Pr., US) <668-510>
ISBN 978-1-64283-167-2 paper ¥7,180.- (税込) US$ 32.00 *

Solving today's environmental and sustainability challenges requires more than expertise and technology. Effective solutions will require that we engage with other people, wrestle with difficult questions, and learn how to adapt and make confident decisions despite uncertainty. We need new approaches to leadership that empower professionals at all levels to tackle wicked problems and work towards sustainability. Leadership for Sustainability gives readers perspective and skills for promoting creative and collaborative solutions. Blending systems thinking approaches with leadership techniques, it offers dozens of strategies and specific practices that build on the foundation of three main skills: connecting, collaborating, and adapting. Inspiring case studies show how the book's strategies and principles can be applied to diverse situations: Coordinating the activities of widely dispersed individuals and groups who may not even know they are connected, illustrated by the work of urban planners, local businesses, citizens, and other stakeholders advancing ambitious climate action goals via a Community Energy Plan in Arlington County, Virginia Collaborating with diverse stakeholders to span boundaries despite their differences of opinion, expertise, and culture, as illustrated by the bold actions of a social entrepreneur who transformed the global food service industry with the "plant-forward" movement Adapting to continuous change and confounding uncertainty, as a small nonprofit organization mobilizes partners to tackle poverty, water scarcity, sanitation, and climate change in rural India Readers will come away with a holistic understanding of how to lead from where they are by applying leadership principles and practices to a wide range of wicked situations. While the challenges we face are daunting, the authors argue that these situations present opportunities for creating a more just, healthy, and prosperous world.

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Taylor, Andrew (ed.), Rethinking Leadership for a Green World. 512 pp. 2022:3 (Routledge, UK) <668-535>
ISBN 978-1-03-204183-4 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-204184-1 paper ¥11,524.- (税込) GB£ 39.99 *

First James Lovelock, and recently Prince William and David Attenborough believe that we have reached a tipping point in the process of climate change. Whether they are right or not, it is certainly true that the impact of humankind upon the ecology of the earth has reached a point where real changes in human behaviour are required. If managers are to be enablers of planetary survival then we need to develop a new approach to risk, which explicitly includes ecological limits upon economic behaviour. This implies a fundamental reorientation of their role in allocating resources to minimise risk and maximise reward.This book brings together some of the brightest contemporary thinkers on leadership, complexity and sustainability to consider the big ideas that we will need to make the changes required, and to outline the major themes that can inform a new approach to constructing a green world. It looks at how to ensure that local models of sustainability are able to flourish in the context of global networks and presents specific case studies of markets and organisations that offer insights into the development integrated solutions and the leadership lessons we can learn. Combining both theory and practice, this book serves to guide business managers and provides deeper insight and critical perspectives on some of the key issues facing leaders moving towards the green economy. It also provides useful supplementary reading for students in business and environmental studies.

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Stone, Lesego Senyana / Stone, Moren Tibabo et al. (eds.), Protected Areas and Tourism in Southern Africa: Conservation Goals and Community Livelihoods. (Routledge Studies in Conservation and the Environment) 304 pp. 2022:3 (Routledge, UK) * paper 2023 <668-595>
ISBN 978-1-03-204433-0 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-204434-7 paper ¥11,524.- (税込) GB£ 39.99 *

This volume discusses the complex relationship between Protected Areas and tourism and their impact on community livelihoods in a range of countries in Southern Africa.Protected areas and tourism have an enduring and symbiotic relationship. While protected areas offer a desirable setting for tourism products, tourism provides revenue that can contribute to conservation efforts. This can bring benefits to local communities, but it can also have a negative impact, with the establishment of protected areas leading to the eviction of local communities from their original places of residence, while also preventing them from accessing the natural resources they once enjoyed. Taking a multi-disciplinary approach, this book addresses the opportunities and challenges faced by communities and other stakeholders as they endeavour to achieve their conservation goals and work towards improving community livelihoods. Case studies from Botswana, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe address key issues such as human-wildlife conflicts, ecotourism, wildlife-based tourism, landscape governance, wildlife crop-raiding and trophy hunting, including the high-profile case of Cecil the lion. Chapters highlight both the achievements and positive outcomes of protected areas, but also the challenges faced and their impact on how protected areas are viewed and also conservation priorities more generally. The volume gives these issues affecting protected areas, local communities, managers and international conservation efforts centre stage in order inform policy and improve practice going forward.This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of conservation, natural resource management, tourism, sustainable development and African studies, as well as professionals and policymakers involved in conservation policy.

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Stuart, Don, No Farms, No Food: Uniting Farmers and Environmentalists to Transform American Agriculture. 336 pp. 2022:4 (Island Pr., US) <668-401>
ISBN 978-1-64283-231-0 hard ¥6,732.- (税込) US$ 30.00 *

America's farms are key to the preservation of vital ecosystems and a stable climate. Yet farmers and environmentalists have not always seen eye-to-eye about the best ways to manage agricultural landscapes. Since 1980, American Farmland Trust (AFT) has been bringing people together to work for healthy land and a healthy food system. No Farms, No Food traces the development of this powerful coalition, responsible for landmark achievements in farmland preservation. It all began with Peggy Rockefeller's determination to stop the inexorable urban sprawl that was threatening the nation's agriculture. From this humble start grew a small but astute organisation, and more importantly, a formidable constituency of farmers and environmentalists united around a common cause. With leadership from AFT, that constituency drove through Congress the first "Conservation Title" in the history of the U.S. Farm Bill; oversaw the development of agriculture conservation easement programmes throughout the country; and continues to develop innovative approaches to sustainable agriculture. No Farms, No Food takes readers inside the political and policy battles that determine the fate of America's farmland and it illustrates the tactics needed to unify fractured interest groups for the common good. No Farms, No Food is both an inspiring history of agricultural conservation, and a practical guide to creating an effective advocacy organisation. This is an essential read for everyone who cares about the future of our food, farms, and environment.

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Ertin, Deniz Z., Lobbying in der Europaeischen Union: Beteiligung von Interessenorganisationen in der EU-Klima- und Bankenpolitik. (Studies on the European Union 17) 500 S. 2021:6 (Nomos, GW) <668-356>
ISBN 978-3-8487-8259-8 paper ¥24,066.- (税込) EUR 99.00 *

Beteiligen sich zivilgesellschaftliche oder wirtschaftliche Interessenorganisationen intensiver an der Klima- und Bankenpolitik in der Europaeischen Union? Der Autor betrachtet hierzu das prae-legislative Lobbying. Im Beobachtungszeitraum von 2010-2018 werden sowohl die Online-Konsultationen als auch direkte Treffen mit Interessenorganisationen analysiert. Die Ergebnisse in beiden Politikfeldern zeigen ein deutliches Bild eines strukturellen Ungleichgewichts zugunsten der wirtschaftlichen Interessenorganisationen. Dabei widerlegt die Arbeit nicht nur die vorherrschende Meinung, dass die EU ein pluralistisches Interessenorganisationssystem sei, sondern stellt auch die Demokratiefunktion von Interessenvertretung in der EU in Frage.

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Towards Sustainable Renewable Energy Investment and Deployment: Trade-offs and Opportunities with Water Resources and the Environment. (ECE Energy 63) 69 pp. 2021:10 (UN, US) <668-375>
ISBN 978-92-1-117231-7 paper ¥10,098.- (税込) US$ 45.00 *

This toolkit for renewable energy policy-makers and investors builds on the work already done by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) towards sustainably increasing renewable energy investments and improving cross-sectoral planning in decision-making processes. The Renewable Energy Hard Talk events held in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2018) and Serbia (2019) included a Nexus component for this purpose. Substantively, the approach used drew from the nexus assessment work under the ECE Water Convention and evolved into a list of criteria for sustainable renewable energy policies and investment initiatives that bring multiple benefits across sectors and countries while minimizing trade-offs, including with other water uses and environment protection

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諏訪亜紀他編 地方のエネルギーガバナンス-フランスと日本における再生可能及び分散型エネルギーのための機会と課題-
Dreyfus, Magali / Suwa, Aki (eds.), Local Energy Governance: Opportunities and Challenges for Renewable and Decentralised Energy in France and Japan. (Routledge Explorations in Energy Studies) 296 pp. 2022:3 (Routledge, UK) <668-379>
ISBN 978-0-367-45891-1 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

Local Energy Governance: Opportunities and Challenges for Renewable and Decentralised Energy in France and Japan examines the extent of the energy transition taking place at a local level in France and Japan, two countries that share ambitious targets regarding the reduction of GHG emissions, their share of renewable energy and their degree of market liberalization. This book observes local energy policies and initiatives and applies an institutional and legal analysis to help identify barriers but also opportunities in the development of renewable energies in the territories. The book will highlight governance features that incubate energy transition at the local level through interdisciplinary contributions that offer legal, political, sociological and technological perspectives. Overall, the book will draw conclusions that will also be informative for other countries aiming at promoting renewable energies. This book will be of great interest to students and scholars of energy policy and energy governance.

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Carlisle, Liz, Healing Grounds: Climate, Justice, and the Deep Roots of Regenerative Farming. 200 pp. 2022:3 (Island Pr., US) <668-391>
ISBN 978-1-64283-221-1 hard ¥6,283.- (税込) US$ 28.00 *

A powerful movement is happening in farming today-farmers are reconnecting with their roots to fight climate change. For one woman, that's meant learning her tribe's history to help bring back the buffalo. For another, it's meant preserving forest purchased by her great-great-uncle, among the first wave of African Americans to buy land. Others are rejecting monoculture to grow corn, beans, and squash the way farmers in Mexico have done for centuries. Still others are rotating crops for the native cuisines of those who fled the "American wars" in Southeast Asia. In Healing Grounds, Liz Carlisle tells the stories of Indigenous, Black, Latinx, and Asian American farmers who are reviving their ancestors' methods of growing food-techniques long suppressed by the industrial food system. These farmers are restoring native prairies, nurturing beneficial fungi, and enriching soil health. While feeding their communities and revitalising cultural ties to land, they are steadily stitching ecosystems back together and repairing the natural carbon cycle. This, Carlisle shows, is the true regenerative agriculture - not merely a set of technical tricks for storing CO2 in the ground, but a holistic approach that values diversity in both plants and people. Cultivating this kind of regenerative farming will require reckoning with our nation's agricultural history-a history marked by discrimination and displacement. And it will ultimately require dismantling power structures that have blocked many farmers of colour from owning land or building wealth. The task is great, but so is its promise. By coming together to restore these farmlands, we can not only heal our planet, we can heal our communities and ourselves.

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Simkova, Pavla, Urban Archipelago: An Environmental History of the Boston Harbor Islands. (Environmental History of the Northeast) 256 pp. 2021:10 (U. Massachusetts Pr., US) <668-1275>
ISBN 978-1-62534-596-7 hard ¥20,196.- (税込) US$ 90.00 *
ISBN 978-1-62534-597-4 paper ¥6,271.- (税込) US$ 27.95 *

The Boston Harbor Islands have been called Boston's "hidden shores." While some are ragged rocks teeming with coastal wildlife, such as oystercatchers and harbor seals, others resemble manicured parks or have the appearance of wooded hills rising gently out of the water. Largely ignored by historians and previously home to prisons, asylums, and sewage treatment plants, this surprisingly diverse ensemble of islands has existed quietly on the urban fringe over the last four centuries. Even their latest incarnation as a national park and recreational hub has emphasized their separation from, rather than their connection to, the city.In this book, Pavla Simkova reinterprets the Boston Harbor Islands as an urban archipelago, arguing that they have been an integral part of Boston since colonial days, transformed by the city's changing values and catering to its current needs. Drawing on archival sources, historic maps and photographs, and diaries from island residents, this absorbing study attests that the harbor islands' story is central to understanding the ways in which Boston has both shaped and been shaped by its environment over time.

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Smith, Laura, Ecological Restoration and the U.S. Nature and Environmental Writing Tradition: A Rewilding of American Letters. 347 pp. 2022:2 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <668-1276>
ISBN 978-3-030-86147-6 hard ¥31,599.- (税込) EUR 129.99

This book presents a critical history of the intersections between American environmental literature and ecological restoration policy and practice. Through a storying-restorying-restoring framework, this book explores how entanglements between writers and places have produced literary interventions in restoration politics. The book considers the ways literary landscapes are politicized by writers themselves, and by conservationists, activists, policymakers, and others, in defense of U.S. public lands and the idea of wilderness. The book profiles five environmental writers and examines how their writings on nature, wildness, wilderness, conservation, preservation, and restoration have variously inspired and been translated into ecological restoration programs and campaigns by environmental organizations. The featured authors are Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) at Walden Pond, John Muir (1838-1914) in Yosemite National Park, Aldo Leopold (1887-1948) at his family's Wisconsin sand farm, Marjory Stoneman Douglas (1890-1998) in the Everglades, and Edward Abbey (1927-1989) in Glen Canyon. This book combines environmental history, literature, biography, philosophy, and politics in a commentary on considering (and developing) environmental literature's place in conversations on restoration ecology, ecological restoration, and rewilding.

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Solecki, William / Rosenzweig, Cynthia (eds.), Climate Change and U.S. Cities: Urban Systems, Sectors, and Prospects for Action. 384 pp. 2022 (Island Pr., US) <668-1277>
ISBN 978-1-61091-978-4 paper ¥10,098.- (税込) US$ 45.00 *

Approximately 80% of the U.S. population now lives in urban metropolitan areas, and this number is expected to grow significantly in the coming years. At the same time, the built infrastructure sustaining these populations has become increasingly vulnerable to climate change. Stresses to existing systems, such as buildings, energy, transportation, water, and sanitation are growing. If the status quo continues, these systems will be unable to support a high quality of life for urban residents over the next decades, a vulnerability exacerbated by climate change impacts. Understanding this dilemma and identifying a path forward is particularly important as cities are becoming leading agents of climate action. Prepared as a follow-up to the Fourth National Climate Assessment (NCA), Climate Change and U.S. Cities documents the current understanding of existing and future climate risk for U.S. cities, urban systems, and the residents that depend on them. Beginning with an examination of the existing science since 2012, chapters develop connections between existing and emerging climate risk, adaptation planning, and the role of networks and organizations in facilitating climate action in cities. From studies revealing disaster vulnerability among low-income populations to the development of key indicators for tracking climate change, this is an essential, foundational analysis. Importantly, the assessment puts a critical emphasis on the cross-cutting factors of economics, equity, and governance. Urban stakeholders and decision makers will come away with a full picture of existing climate risks and a set of conclusions and recommendations for action. Many cities in the United States still have not yet planned for climate change and the costs of inaction are great. With bold analysis, Climate Change and U.S. Cities reveals the need for action and the tools that cities must harness to effect decisive, meaningful change.

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Stephens, Jennie C., Diversifying Power: Why We Need Antiracist, Feminist Leadership on Climate and Energy. 200 pp. 2020:11 (Island Pr., US) <668-1278>
ISBN 978-1-64283-131-3 paper ¥7,854.- (税込) US$ 35.00 *

The climate crisis is a crisis of leadership. Transformation to a renewable-based society requires leaders who connect social justice to climate and energy. During the Trump era, connections among white, male power; environmental destruction; and fossil fuel dependence have become more conspicuous. The inadequate and ineffective framing of climate change as a narrow, isolated, discrete problem to be "solved" by technical solutions is failing. The dominance of technocratic, white, male perspectives on climate and energy has inhibited investments in social innovations. With new leadership and diverse voices, we could strengthen climate resilience, reduce growing inequities, and promote social justice. In Diversifying Power, energy expert Jennie Stephens argues that the key to effectively addressing the climate crisis is diversifying leadership so that antiracist, feminist priorities are central. All politics is now climate politics, so all policies, from housing to health, now have to integrate climate resilience and renewable energy. Stephens takes a closer look at climate and energy leadership related to job creation and economic justice, health and nutrition, housing and transportation. She looks at why we need to resist by investing in bold diverse leadership to curb the "the polluter elite." We need to reclaim and restructure climate and energy systems so policies are explicitly linked to social, economic, and racial justices. Inspirational stories of diverse leaders who integrate antiracist, feminist values to build momentum for structural transformative change are woven throughout the book, along with Stephens' experience as a woman working on climate and energy. The shift from a divided, unequal, extractive, and oppressive society to a just, sustainable, regenerative, and healthy future has already begun. But structural change needs more bold and ambitious leaders at all levels, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez with the Green New Deal, or the Secwepemc women of the Tiny House Warriors resisting the Trans Mountain pipeline. Diversifying Power offers hope and optimism. Stephens shows how anyone working on issues related to energy or climate (directly or indirectly) can leverage the power of collective action. By highlighting the creative individuals and organizations making change happen, she provides inspiration and encourages action on climate and energy justice.

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Tabassum, Nowrin, The Politics of Climate Change Knowledge: Labelling Climate Change-induced Uprooted People. (Transforming Environmental Politics and Policy) 180 pp. 2022:3 (Routledge, UK) * paper 2023 <668-1281>
ISBN 978-0-367-48158-2 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-0-367-69242-1 paper ¥11,524.- (税込) GB£ 39.99 *

This book addresses political knowledge of climate change and its relation to labelling people affected by climate change, either as 'climate refugees' or as 'climate change-induced displaced people or migrants'.By questioning the knowledge of climate change and subsequent labelling of people, this book will spark debate in studies of global climate politics and transnational policy networks. Rather than considering the issue of climate change as a given phenomenon, the author explores how the politicized knowledge of climate change has been produced in international negotiations and how that knowledge is transmitted from global forums to local country levels via climate change action plans and resilience projects. This book introduces the concept of multi-scalar knowledge brokers (MKBs) - individual actors who work at multiple levels (local, national, and international) to transmit the knowledge of climate change from global level to local level.The author uses the primary case study of Bangladesh to demonstrate how the dominant actors in global climate politics - the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the World Bank, as well as the USA and the UK - interact with the government and local NGOs in Bangladesh regarding transmitting the knowledge of climate change, labelling the uprooted people, and implementing resilience projects.This book will be of interest to students, scholars, and practitioners of international relations, environmental politics, climate change studies, political ecology, political geography, and migration and displacement studies.The Open Access version of this book, available at www.taylorfrancis.com, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license. Thanks to the support of libraries working with Knowledge Unlatched www.knowledgeunlatched.org

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Woelfle Hazard, Cleo, Underflows: Queer Trans Ecologies and River Justice. (Feminist Technosciences) 296 pp. 2022:3 (U. Washington Pr., US) <668-1284>
ISBN 978-0-295-74974-7 hard ¥23,562.- (税込) US$ 105.00 *
ISBN 978-0-295-74975-4 paper ¥6,732.- (税込) US$ 30.00 *

Rivers host vibrant multispecies communities in their waters and along their banks, and, according to queer-trans-feminist river scientist Cleo Woelfle Hazard, their future vitality requires centering the values of justice, sovereignty, and dynamism. At the intersection of river sciences, queer and trans theory, and environmental justice, Underflows explores river cultures and politics at five sites of water conflict and restoration in California, Oregon, and Washington.Incorporating work with salmon, beaver, and floodplain recovery projects, Woelfle Hazard weaves narratives about innovative field research practices with an affectively oriented queer and trans focus on love and grief for rivers and fish. Drawing on the idea of underflows-the parts of a river's flow that can't be seen, the underground currents that seep through soil or rise from aquifers through cracks in bedrock-Woelfle Hazard elucidates the underflows in river cultures, sciences, and politics where Native nations and marginalized communities fight to protect rivers. The result is a deeply moving account of why rivers matter for queer and trans life, offering critical insights that point to innovative ways of doing science that disrupt settler colonialism and new visions for justice in river governance.

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Barnett, Jonathan / Bouw, Matthijs, Managing the Climate Crisis: Designing and Building for Floods, Heat, Drought, and Wildfire. 240 pp. 2022:7 (Island Pr., US) <668-1246>
ISBN 978-1-64283-200-6 paper ¥7,854.- (税込) US$ 35.00 *

The climate, which had been relatively stable for centuries, is well into a new and dangerous phase. In 2020 there were 22 weather and climate disasters in the United States, which resulted in 262 deaths. Each disaster cost more than a billion dollars to repair. This dangerous trend is continuing with unprecedented heat waves, extended drought, extraordinary wildfire seasons, torrential downpours, and increased coastal and river flooding. Reducing the causes of the changing climate is the urgent global priority, but the country will be living with worsening climate disasters at least until mid-century because of greenhouse emissions already in the atmosphere. How to deal with the changing climate is an urgent national security problem affecting almost everyone. In Managing the Climate Crisis, design and planning experts Jonathan Barnett and Matthijs Bouw take a practical approach to addressing the inevitable and growing threats from the climate crisis using constructed and nature-based design and engineering and ordinary government programmes. They discuss adaptation and preventive measures and illustrate their implementation for seven climate-related threats: flooding along coastlines, river flooding, flash floods from extreme rain events, drought, wildfire, long periods of high heat, and food shortages. The policies and investments needed to protect lives and property are affordable if they begin now, and are planned and budgeted over the next 30 years. Preventive actions can also be a tremendous opportunity, not only to create jobs, but also to remake cities and landscapes to be better for everyone. Flood defences can be incorporated into new waterfront parks. The green designs needed to control flash floods can also help shield communities from excessive heat. Combating wildfires can produce healthier forests and generate creative designs for low-ignition landscapes and more fire-resistant buildings. Capturing rainwater can make cities respond to severe weather more naturally, while conserving farmland from erosion and encouraging roof-top greenhouses can safeguard food supplies. Managing the Climate Crisis is a practical guide to managing the immediate threats from a changing climate while improving the way we live.

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Campello Torres, Pedro Henrique / Jacobi, Pedro Roberto (eds.), Towards a just climate change resilience: Developing resilient, anticipatory and inclusive community response. (Palgrave Studies in Climate Resilient Societies) 117 pp. 2022:1 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <668-1247>
ISBN 978-3-030-81621-6 hard ¥15,798.- (税込) EUR 64.99

This book provides an accessible overview of how efforts to combat climate change and social inequalities should be tackled simultaneously. In the context of the climate emergency, the impacts of extreme events can already be felt around the world. The book centres on five case studies from the Global South, Latin America, Pacific Islands, Africa, and Asia with each one focused on climate justice, resilience, and community responses towards a just transition. The book will be an invaluable reference for advanced undergraduates and postgraduate students, researchers, policymakers, and practitioners in environmental studies, urban planning, geography, social science, international development, and disciplines that focus on the social dimensions of climate change.

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Cirino, Erica, Thicker Than Water: The Quest for Solutions to the Plastic Crisis. 272 pp. 2021:10 (Island Pr., US) <668-1249>
ISBN 978-1-64283-137-5 hard ¥6,283.- (税込) US$ 28.00 *

Much of what you've heard about plastic pollution may be wrong. Instead of a great island of trash, the infamous Great Pacific Garbage Patch is made up of manmade debris spread over hundreds of miles of sea-more like a soup than a floating garbage dump. Recycling is more complicated than we were taught: less than nine percent of the plastic we create is reused, and the majority ends up in the ocean. And plastic pollution isn't confined to the open ocean: it's in much of the air we breathe and the food we eat. In Thicker Than Water: The Quest for Solutions to the Plastic Crisis, journalist Erica Cirino brings readers on a globe-hopping journey to meet the scientists and activists telling the real story of the plastic crisis. From the deck of a plastic-hunting sailboat with a disabled engine, to the labs doing cutting-edge research on microplastics and the chemicals we ingest, Cirino paints a full picture of how plastic pollution is threatening wildlife and human health. Thicker Than Water reveals that the plastic crisis is also a tale of environmental injustice, as poorer nations take in a larger share of the world's trash, and manufacturing chemicals threaten predominantly Black and low-income communities. There is some hope on the horizon, with new laws banning single-use items and technological innovations to replace plastic in our lives. But Cirino shows that we can only fix the problem if we face its full scope and begin to repair our throwaway culture. Thicker Than Water is an eloquent call to reexamine the systems churning out waves of plastic waste.

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d'Eaubonne, Francoise, Feminism or Death: How the Women's Movement Can Save the Planet. Tr. by R. Hottell. 352 pp. 2022:3 (Verso, UK) <668-1251>
ISBN 978-1-83976-440-0 paper ¥5,764.- (税込) GB£ 20.00 *

Originally published in French in 1974, radical feminist Francoise d'Eaubonne surveyed women's status around the globe and argued that the stakes of feminist struggle was not about equality but about life and death-for humans and the planet. In this wide-ranging manifesto, d'Eaubonne first proposed a politics of ecofeminism, the idea that the patriarchal system's claim over women's bodies and the natural world destroys both, and that feminism and environmentalism must bring about a new 'mutation'-an overthrow of not just male power but the system of power itself. As d'Eaubonne prophesied, "the planet placed in the feminine will flourish for all." Never before published in English, and translated here by French feminist scholar Ruth Hottell, this edition includes an introduction from scholars of ecology and feminism situating d'Eaubonne's work within current feminist theory, environmental justice organizing, and anticolonial feminism.

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Groskinsky, Brenda (ed.), Climate Actions: Local Applications and Practical Solutions. (Environmental and Societal Dimensions of Sustainable Development Goals) 240 pp. 2022:3 (CRC Pr., US) * paper 2023 <668-1257>
ISBN 978-0-367-47833-9 hard ¥26,511.- (税込) GB£ 91.99 *
ISBN 978-0-367-50078-8 paper ¥12,677.- (税込) GB£ 43.99 *

This book offers a diverse set of solid concerted strategies in the development and implementation of specific "climate actions," in natural and built places where we all live. The book also serves as a conduit of knowledge for those who are unsure on how they can make a difference for their families, their communities, and the natural places that surround them. Through many actionable examples of mitigation efforts for the ever-present effects of climate change, especially for those who may not understand the wide range of climate action opportunities that are available. Scientists, academics, and community leaders, will find concrete examples on how they too, can develop and implement climate action solutions.

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Hayes, Graeme / Jinnah, Sikina / Kashwan, P. et al. (eds.), Trajectories in Environmental Politics. 320 pp. 2022:3 (Routledge, UK) <668-1258>
ISBN 978-1-03-210035-7 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

This book explores the dominant framings and paradigms of environmental politics, the relationship between academic analysis and environmental politics, and reflects on the first thirty years of the journal, Environmental Politics.The book has two purposes. The first is to identify and discuss the key themes that have driven scholarship in the field of environmental politics over the last three decades, and to highlight how this has also led to oversights and silences, and the marginalisation of important forms of analysis and thought. As several chapters in the book explore, problem-solving frameworks have increasingly taken away space from more radical systemic challenge and critique, as the key themes of environmental politics have become ever more central to the field of politics as a whole - and as our understandings of social and environmental crisis become ever clearer and more urgent. The second purpose of the volume is to map out a series of new and developing agendas for environmental politics. The chapters in this volume focus foremost on questions of justice, materiality, and power. Discussing state violence, multispecies justice, epistemic injustice, the circular economy, NGOs, parties, green transition, and urban climate governance, they call above all for greater attention to intersectionality and interdisciplinarity, and for centering key insights about power relations and socio-economic inequalities into increasingly widespread, yet also often depoliticised, topics in the study of environmental politics.The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of Environmental Politics.

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Janos, Nik / McKendry, Corina (eds.), Urban Cascadia and the Pursuit of Environmental Justice. 304 pp. 2021:10 (U. Washington Pr., US) <668-1261>
ISBN 978-0-295-74935-8 hard ¥23,562.- (税込) US$ 105.00 *
ISBN 978-0-295-74936-5 paper ¥6,732.- (税込) US$ 30.00 *

In Portland's harbor, environmental justice groups challenge the EPA for a more thorough cleanup of the Willamette River. Near Olympia, the Puyallup assert their tribal sovereignty and treaty rights to fish. Seattle housing activists demand that Amazon pay to address the affordability crisis it helped create. Urban Cascadia, the infrastructure, social networks, built environments, and non-human animals and plants that are interconnected in the increasingly urbanized bioregion that surrounds Portland, Seattle, and Vancouver, enjoys a reputation for progressive ambitions and forward-thinking green urbanism. Yet legacies of settler colonialism and environmental inequalities contradict these ambitions, even as people strive to achieve those progressive ideals.In this edited volume, historians, geographers, urbanists, and other scholars critically examine these contradictions to better understand the capitalist urbanization of nature, the creation of social and environmental inequalities, and the movements to fight for social and environmental justice. Neither a story of green disillusion nor one of green boosterism, Urban Cascadia and the Pursuit of Environmental Justice reveals how the region can address broader issues of environmental justice, Indigenous sovereignty, and the politics of environmental change.

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Khare, Neloy (ed.), Climate Change in the Arctic: An Indian Perspective. 384 pp. 2022:3 (CRC Pr., US) <668-1262>
ISBN 978-0-367-48269-5 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

The Arctic, in the polar region, the northernmost part of Earth, is the hotspot for climate change assessments and the sensitive barometer of global climate variability. This book includes the scientific observations in the Arctic region's climate and the results obtained by scientists at the Indian Arctic station Himadri over the past decade. Designed and structured to incorporate multi-dimensional climate change research output, it is a significant contribution toward understanding, among other issues, the role of persistent organic pollutants and mercury, as well as the increase of carbon monoxide during ozone reduction in the Arctic.Features include: Highlights the achievements of climate change research in the Arctic region Includes case studies of scientists in the Arctic and their significant achievements through the Indian research base Himadri Provides a thorough review of palaeoclimate change studies, the impact of climate change on biotic components and the impact of climate change on abiotic components Provides specific details on the study of ozone depletion phenomenon over the Arctic region Covers a wide range of research contributions Details sea ice variability in the context of global warming over the Arctic region Connects seismogenesis with the climate change in the Arctic regionThis book will be an important read for researchers, students and all interested professionals.

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Khare, Neloy (ed.), Climate Variability of Southern High Latitude Regions: Sea, Ice, and Atmosphere Interactions. 360 pp. 2022:4 (Routledge, UK) <668-1263>
ISBN 978-1-03-206159-7 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

This is the first book to provide a comprehensive overview of climate change-related investigations carried out by Indian researchers through initiatives in southern high latitude regions. It explains climate variability over the Southern Ocean and Antarctica; air, sea, ice, and atmosphere interactions; and the impact of climate variability on sea ice and the polar atmosphere. The data were gathered at two Indian research bases, Maitri and Bharti, which are ideal sites to study and understand climatic evolution in Antarctic in the past and recent changes. This book helps to understand climatological perspectives and to evaluate some of the most pressing issues in the south polar region.FEATURES Highlights the achievements of India in the contemporary field of Antarctic climatology Presents four decades of research by Indian scientists in Antarctica, which is now shared for the first time with the global community Includes case studies on climatological and environmental conditions of natural archives to shed light on climate scenarios in the Southern Ocean and Antarctic regions Covers various aspects of climate variability and induced air-sea-ice-atmosphere interactionsThis book is edited by one of the top scientists and researchers of India in the field of paleoclimatology, and the contributors are experts in the Antarctic region.

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Kropp, Cordula / Sonnberger, Marco, Umweltsoziologie. (Studienkurs Soziologie) 250 S. 2021:8 (Nomos, GW) <668-1264>
ISBN 978-3-8487-5035-1 paper ¥5,834.- (税込) EUR 24.00 *

Welche Rolle spielen Denk- und Konsummuster, Innovationen und Infrastrukturen sowohl fuer die Entstehung von Umweltproblemen als auch fuer den gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit ihnen? Wie unterscheiden sich Umwelteinstellungen und Risikowahrnehmungen zwischen gesellschaftlichen Gruppen? Und wie haengt all das mit der Diagnose zusammen, dass das Naturverhaeltnis moderner Gesellschaften nicht zukunftsfaehig ist? Ausgehend von diesen Fragen erlaeutert die Einfuehrung in die Umweltsoziologie, was die oekologische Krise aus soziologischer Sicht bedeutet. Dabei wird in die zentralen Fragestellungen und Theorien der Umweltsoziologie eingefuehrt und diskutiert, welchen Beitrag die Disziplin zur Bewaeltigung der Herausforderungen des Anthropozaen leisten kann.

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Lettow, Susanne / Nessel, Sabine (eds.), Ecologies of Gender: Contemporary Nature Relations and the Nonhuman Turn. (Routledge Environmental Humanities) 140 pp. 2022:3 (Routledge, UK) * paper 2023 <668-1266>
ISBN 978-0-367-90239-1 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-219831-6 paper ¥11,524.- (税込) GB£ 39.99 *

Ecologies of Gender: Contemporary Nature Relations and the Nonhuman Turn examines the role of gender in recent debates about the nonhuman turn in the humanities, and critically explores the implications for a contemporary theory of gender and nature relations.The interdisciplinary contributions in this volume each provides theoretical reflections based on an analysis of specific naturecultural processes. They reveal how "ecologies of gender" are constructed through aesthetic, epistemological, political, technological and economic practices that shape multispecies and material interrelations as well as spatial and temporal orderings. The volume includes contributions from cultural anthropology, cultural studies, film studies, literary studies, media studies, philosophy and theatre studies. The essays are organized around four key dimensions of an "ecological" understanding of gender: "creatures", "materials", "spaces" and "temporalities". The overall aim of the volume Ecologies of Gender: Contemporary Nature Relations and the Nonhuman Turn is to explore the potentialities and limitations of the nonhuman turn for a critical analysis and theory of ecologies of gender, and thereby make an original contribution to both the environmental humanities and gender studies. This book will be of great interest to scholars and students from the interdisciplinary field of the environmental humanities and environmental studies more broadly, as well as from gender studies and cultural theory.

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Llorens, Hilda, Making Livable Worlds: Afro-Puerto Rican Women Building Environmental Justice. (Decolonizing Feminisms) 224 pp. 2021:11 (U. Washington Pr., US) <668-1267>
ISBN 978-0-295-74939-6 hard ¥23,562.- (税込) US$ 105.00 *
ISBN 978-0-295-74940-2 paper ¥6,732.- (税込) US$ 30.00 *

When Hurricanes Irma and Maria made landfall in Puerto Rico in September 2017, their destructive force further devastated an archipelago already pummeled by economic austerity, political upheaval, and environmental calamities. To navigate these multiple ongoing crises, Afro-Puerto Rican women have drawn from their cultural knowledge to engage in daily improvisations that enable their communities to survive and thrive. Their life-affirming practices, developed and passed down through generations, offer powerful modes of resistance to gendered and racialized exploitation, ecological ruination, and deepening capitalist extraction. Through solidarity, reciprocity, and an ethics of care, these women create restorative alternatives to dispossession to produce good, meaningful lives for their communities.Making Livable Worlds weaves together autobiography, ethnography, interviews, memories, and fieldwork to recast narratives that continuously erase Black Puerto Rican women as agents of social change. In doing so, Llorens serves as an "ethnographer of home" as she brings to life the powerful histories and testimonies of a marginalized, disavowed community that has been treated as disposable.

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Park, David J., Media Reform and the Climate Emergency: Rethinking Communication in the Struggle for a Sustainable Future. 280 pp. 2021:9 (U. Michigan Pr., US) <668-1268>
ISBN 978-0-472-13271-3 hard ¥16,830.- (税込) US$ 75.00 *

Award-winning author David J. Park argues that the battle against global warming is also a fight for media reform. With his new book Media Reform and the Climate Emergency: Rethinking Communication in the Struggle for a Sustainable World, he critically examines how advertising, the digital infrastructure, and journalism advance the climate emergency and lays out a path of reform to help create a more sustainable world. The production and consumption of goods and services within consumer societies lead to unsustainable greenhouse gas emissions, and Park finds that much of mass communication is either dependent upon or closely tied to the success of this social organization. As a result, he suggests successful environmental movements creatively dismantle or reform institutional infrastructures that extend the planetary global warming crisis and the unsustainable consumption of nature. Communication policies and industries are part of these infrastructures. Advertising evolved to propel a new consumer society that would encourage the over-consumption of goods and services with harmful and unsustainable production processes. Our digital infrastructure is largely premised upon the surveillance of online consumer habits and preferences, with the goal to create individualized messages to more effectively persuade people to increase their consumption habits. Much of commercial journalism resists the drastic and immediate regulatory changes necessary to address the worst aspects of this crisis. This is because so many of the needed changes challenge the media's source of income, their libertarian philosophy, and the general status quo, which is preferred by elites. Bound to foster conversations among scholars, activists, politicians, and those who work in the communication industries, this book rethinks mass communication and highlights how immediate reform is needed in the struggle for a sustainable planet.

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Pendergrass, Drew / Vettese, Troy, Half-Earth Socialism: A Plan to Save the Future from Extinction, Climate Change and Pandemics. 240 pp. 2021:7 (Verso, UK) <668-1269>
ISBN 978-1-83976-031-0 hard ¥4,319.- (税込) GB£ 14.99 *

Over the next generation, humanity will confront a dystopian future of climate disaster and mass extinction. Yet the only "solutions" on offer are toothless cap-and-trade programs, catastrophic geoengineering schemes, and privatized conservation, which will do nothing to reverse the damage suffered by the biosphere. Indeed, these mainstream approaches assume that consumption in the Global North can continue unabated. It can't. What we can do, environmental scholars Troy Vettese and Drew Pendergrass argue, is strive for a society able to provide a comfortable standard of living while stabilizing the environment: half-earth socialism. This means: Rewilding half the Earth to absorb carbon emissions and restore biodiversity A rapid transition to renewable energy, paired with drastic cuts in consumption by the world's wealthiest Global veganism to cut down on energy and land use Worldwide socialist planning to efficiently and equitably manage production The involvement of everyone-even you! As this thrilling and provocative book makes clear, we must humbly accept that we cannot fully understand or control the Earth-but we can control our economic system, and we can regulate energy and land use for the common good.

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Pickrell, John, Flames of Extinction: The Race to Save Australia's Threatened Wildlife. 296 pp. 2021:9 (Island Pr., US) <668-1270>
ISBN 978-1-64283-202-0 hard ¥6,732.- (税込) US$ 30.00 *

In the early months of 2020, the world's attention was riveted on Australia, where the nation's iconic wildlife fought for survival in the face of unprecedented wildfires. Images of koalas drinking from firefighters' water bottles went viral and became the global face of a catastrophe that would kill as many as three billion animals. Known as the Black Summer, the fire season was responsible for more wildlife deaths and near-extinctions than any other single event in Australian history. Flames of Extinction, written by a journalist at the heart of this news coverage, is the first book to tell the stories of Australia's record-setting fires, focusing on the wild animals and plants that will be forever changed. As news of the fires spread around the world, journalist John Pickrell was inundated with requests for articles about the danger to Australia's wildlife. The picture seemed grim, from charred koalas to flames that burned so hot not even animal skeletons remained. But Pickrell's reporting exposed a larger picture of hope. Flames of Extinction tells the story of the scientists, wildlife rehabilitators, and community members who came together to save wildlife and protect them in the future. As climate change intensifies and devastating wildfires become more commonplace, Australia's Black Summer offers a poignant warning to the rest of the world. Through evocative and urgent storytelling, Flames of Extinction puts readers on the ground to witness the aftermath of one of Australia's greatest tragedies and inside the inspiring effort to save lives.

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Salafsky, Nick / Margoluis, Richard, Pathways to Success: Taking Conservation to Scale in Complex Systems. 304 pp. 2022:2 (Island Pr., US) <668-1271>
ISBN 978-1-64283-135-1 paper ¥6,507.- (税込) US$ 29.00 *

As environmental problems grow larger and more pressing, conservationists have had to adapt. With a shrinking window of time to act, they are turning to broad approaches to combat continental- and global-scale crises of biodiversity loss, invasive species, and climate change. Pathways to Success-the long-awaited successor to the classic volume Measures of Success-is a modern guide to building large-scale transformative programs capable of tackling the complex conservation crises we face today. In this strikingly illustrated volume, coauthors Nick Salafsky and Richard Margoluis walk readers through fundamental concepts of effective program-level design, helping them to think strategically about project coordination, funding, and stakeholder input. Chapters in the first part of the book look at all aspects of designing and implementing large-scale conservation programs while the second part focuses on how to use data and information to manage, adapt, and learn from program strategies. In addition, the authors offer practical advice for avoiding pitfalls, such as formulaic recipes and simplistic silver-bullet solutions that can trip up otherwise well-intentioned efforts. Abundant graphics help to explain and clarify concepts presented in the text, and a glossary in the back matter defines technical terms for the reader. Pathways to Success is the definitive guide for conservation program managers and funders who want to increase the scale and effectiveness of their work combating biodiversity loss, climate change, and other pressing environmental issues.

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Schinaia, Cosimo, Psychoanalysis and Ecology: The Unconscious and the Environment. 176 pp. 2022:4 (Routledge, UK) <668-1272>
ISBN 978-1-03-211479-8 hard ¥37,466.- (税込) GB£ 130.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-211482-8 paper ¥9,219.- (税込) GB£ 31.99 *

This book presents the psychoanalyst with the question of how our enormously modified environmental conditions determine our subjective mental changes and vice versa.The gravity of the environmental crisis is amply clear and yet, in the face of such incontrovertible evidence, there is an emotional, more than cognitive, difficulty in comprehending the present reality and its future consequences. In understanding the collective imagination as permeating the individual one and vice versa, this book investigates this relationship of mutual co-determination between the individual traumatic stories told and experienced in the consulting room and the positive or negative environmental attitudes exhibited by patients. The pairing of clinical vignettes with dispatches from the collective imagination sheds light on the confused affective investments and anxieties that propel pathological defenses, such as negation, suppression, intellectualization, displacement, and disavowal. The final chapter concludes with notes on the role of hope in a damaged world and the importance of integrity within the psychoanalytic field and beyond.This book will be of great interest to psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, and psychiatrists, as well as anthropologists, environmentalists, and ecologists.

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Siegmann, Arjen (ed.), Climate of the Middle: Understanding Climate Change as a Common Challenge. (SpringerBriefs in Climate Studies) 74 pp. 2022:1 (Springer, GW) <668-1274>
ISBN 978-3-030-85321-1 paper ¥9,720.- (税込) EUR 39.99

This Open Access book presents a multidisciplinary perspective to increase our understanding of climate policies that are rooted in the natural moral inclinations of people, families and firms. Which policies prevent a widening gap between higher and lower educated people? Which policy instruments are there, and how could they be used? What is the role of free entrepreneurship?In this book, academics from different fields have brought together their knowledge and expertise to reflect on the following three questions:How are the polarised positions on climate change of different groups related to their moral outlook, world view, tradition, cultural norms and values?What is a good distribution of responsibilities between firms, households and the government relating to climate change?What are possible avenues where the climate policies are a natural extension of moral inclinations of families and firms, such as the stewardship for the natural environment and the climate? This book will be of interest to policy and decision-makers, students of social and behavioural sciences, and those interested climate change policies and how this effects our lives

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Cook, Margaret / Frost, Lionel / Gaynor, Andrea et al., Cities in a Sunburnt Country: Water and the Making of Urban Australia. (Studies in Environment and History) 320 pp. 2022:6 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <668-1167>
ISBN 978-1-108-83158-1 hard ¥21,615.- (税込) GB£ 75.00 *

As Australian cities face uncertain water futures, what insights can the history of Aboriginal and settler relationships with water yield? Residents have come to expect reliable, safe, and cheap water, but natural limits and the costs of maintaining and expanding water networks are at odds with forms and cultures of urban water use. Cities in a Sunburnt Country is the first comparative study of the provision, use, and social impact of water and water infrastructure in Australia's five largest cities. Drawing on environmental, urban, and economic history, this co-authored book challenges widely held assumptions, both in Australia and around the world, about water management, consumption, and sustainability. From the 'living water' of Aboriginal cultures to the rise of networked water infrastructure, the book invites us to take a long view of how water has shaped our cities, and how urban water systems and cultures might weather a warming world.

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Vigil, Sara, Land Grabbing and Migration in a Changing Climate: Comparative Perspectives from Senegal and Cambodia. (Routledge Studies in Global Land and Resource Grabbing) 232 pp. 2022:2 (Routledge, UK) * paper 2023 <668-1112>
ISBN 978-1-03-204426-2 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-204428-6 paper ¥11,524.- (税込) GB£ 39.99 *

This book provides a theoretical and empirical examination of the links between environmental change, land grabbing, and migration, drawing on research conducted in Senegal and Cambodia.While the impacts of environmental change on migration and of environmental discourses on land grabs have received increased attention, the role of both environmental and migration narratives in shaping migration by modifying access to natural resources has remained under-explored. Using a variegated geopolitical ecology framework and a comparative global ethnographic approach, this book analyses the power of mainstream adaptation and security frameworks and how they impact the lives of marginalised and vulnerable communities in Senegal and Cambodia. Findings across the cases show how environmental and migration narratives, linked to adaptation and security discourses, have been deployed advertently or inadvertently to justify land capture, leading to interventions that often increase, rather than alleviate, the very pressures that they intend to address. The interrelations between these issues are inherent to the tensions that exist, in different contexts and at different times, between capital accumulation and political legitimation. The findings of the book point to the urgency for researchers and policymakers to address the structural causes, and not the symptoms, of both environmental destruction and forced migration. It shows how acting upon environmental change, land grabs, and migration in isolated or binary manners can increase, rather than alleviate, pressures on those most socio-environmentally vulnerable.This book will be of interest to students, scholars, and practitioners working on the topics of land and resource grabbing and environmental change and migration. The book will also be of interest to those analysing political ecology transitions in Africa and Asia, as well as to those interested in novel theoretical and methodological frameworks.

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Lakeman, Silvana, Environmental and Disaster Displacement Policy: Organisational Cooperation between the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Organisation for Migration. 256 pp. 2021:10 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <668-1007>
ISBN 978-3-030-84538-4 hard ¥29,168.- (税込) EUR 119.99

This book explores the involvement of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in the issue area of environmental and disaster displacement. In considering both agencies' historical involvement, their response to Typhoon Haiyan, and first-hand accounts from both agency staff and other experts, this book outlines how inter-agency involvement in the issue area has been categorised by (real or imagined) divisions; of agency structures and mandates, activities, and even personalities. While historically inherited differences exist, environmental and disaster displacement has led to a converging of agency roles and amplified tensions, at a time when cooperation is most critical.

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