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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Sparenborg, Lukas / Moellendorf, Darrel (Hrsg.), Klimaethik: Ein Reader. (stw 2441) 700 S. 2024:9 (Suhrkamp, GW) <714-71>
ISBN 978-3-518-30041-1 paper ¥8,508.- (税込) EUR 35.00

What do we want? Climate Justice! Die Forderung nach Klimagerechtigkeit wird im Rahmen der anhaltenden Klimaproteste immer mehr zur grundsaetzlichen Forderung einer ganzen Generation. Hier stellen sich komplexe und draengende Fragen: Wie genau haengen die Klimakrise und diverse Strukturen der Marginalisierung zusammen? Wer steht in der Verantwortung, diese Krise zu bewaeltigen? Was schulden wir zukuenftigen Generationen? Die internationale Debatte, inklusive feministischer und indigener Diskurse, bietet hierzu facettenreiche Ansaetze, u. a. von Henry Shue, Stephen Gardiner, Anil Agarwal und Sunita Narain, Derek Parfit sowie Catriona McKinnon, die dieser Band - groesstenteils erstmals in deutscher Sprache - zugaenglich macht.

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Reid, Darren R. / Renwick, Neil / Piovezana, L. et al., Indigenous Peoples and UN Sustaiinability Goals in South America: The Case for Change. 160 pp. 2024:5 (Bristol U. Pr., UK) <714-719>
ISBN 978-1-5292-3925-6 hard ¥12,969.- (税込) GB£ 45.00



Albert, Mathias / Brode-Roger, Dina / Iversen, L. (eds.), Svalbard Imaginaries: The Making of an Arctic Archipelago. (Arctic Encounters) 299 pp. 2023:11 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <714-723>
ISBN 978-3-031-43840-0 hard ¥31,599.- (税込) EUR 129.99

By drawing on a broad range of disciplinary backgrounds, this book illustrates the immense complexities of Svalbard as a place, point of reference, or social concept. It portrays the multiple, situated perspectives that characterize understandings and imaginings of Svalbard, and brings together contributions from academic fields that rarely interact with each other.Svalbard Imaginaries contributes to a number of research contexts, ranging from a broadly conceived, multi-disciplinary field of 'Arctic Studies' to more disciplinary specific debates on how places are reworked at the interstices of various global flows and vice versa. It assembles contributions on imaginaries that cover a wide array of issues, including-but not limited to-Svalbard as a geopolitical site, a landscape, an image, a (mining) heritage assemblage, a tourist destination, a wilderness, a built environment, a site of knowledge production, a site of artistic engagement, and projections of the future. It deliberately assembles analyses that refer to a variety of timescales and covers representations of the past, the present, and possible futures of Svalbard.

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Armiero, Marco / Rosa, Salvatore Paolo / Turhan, E. (eds.), Urban Movements and Climate Change: Loss, Damage and Radical Adaptation. (Protest and Social Movements) 276 pp. 2023:11 (Amsterdam U. Pr., NE) <714-724>
ISBN 978-94-6372-666-5 hard ¥30,837.- (税込) GB£ 107.00 *

From the social uprisings in Santiago de Chile to the radical municipalism experiments in Naples, this volume takes the reader on an intellectual journey at the frontlines across global South and global North where climate breakdown meets social innovations. While the effects of the climate crisis are becoming more extreme and tangible across the globe with every passing day, urban social movements and their radical strategies to resist climate injustice often remain concealed from sight. Contributors to this volume ask how would it be to look at the politics of urban loss-and-damage not from the highly securitized zones of climate summits, but from favelas in Rio de Janeiro, flood-prone communities in Sao Paulo, urban gardens in Naples, or neighborhoods resisting climate gentrification in New York City? This book explores diverse worlds and praxis of urban social movements resisting the rising tides of climate crisis and social injustice.

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Beckert, Jens, Verkaufte Zukunft: Warum der Kampf gegen den Klimawandel zu scheitern droht. 250 S. 2024:3 (Suhrkamp, GW) <714-725>
ISBN 978-3-518-58809-3 hard ¥6,806.- (税込) EUR 28.00

Seit Jahrzehnten wissen wir um die Erderwaermung und ihre Gefaehrlichkeit. Dennoch nehmen die globalen Treibhausgasemissionen weiter zu. Offenbar gelingt es uns nicht, den Klimawandel zu stoppen. Wie laesst sich dieses Versagen erklaeren? Warum reagieren Gesellschaften so zoegerlich auf diese Bedrohung? In seinem neuen Buch gibt Jens Beckert eine Antwort. Dass die erforderlichen Massnahmen nicht ergriffen werden, liegt an der Beschaffenheit der Macht- und Anreizstrukturen fuer Unternehmen, Politiker, Waehler und Konsumenten. Die bittere Wahrheit ist: Wir verkaufen unsere Zukunft fuer die naechsten Quartalszahlen, das kommende Wahlergebnis und das heutige Vergnuegen. Anhand von zahlreichen Beispielen und mit sozialwissenschaftlichem Besteck zeigt Beckert, warum es sich beim Klimawandel um ein ≫tueckisches≪ Problem handelt, an dem die sich seit 500 Jahren entwickelnde kapitalistische Moderne aufgrund ihrer institutionellen und kulturellen Strukturen fast zwangslaeufig scheitern muss. Die Temperaturen werden also weiter steigen, die sozialen und politischen Auseinandersetzungen werden sich verschaerfen. Anpassungsfaehigkeit, Resilienz und vor allem solidarisches Handeln sind gefragt. Daraus ergeben sich Aufgaben fuer eine realistische Klimapolitik.

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Beke, Laura / Raessens, Joost / Werning, S. et al. (eds.), Ecogames: Playful Perspectives on the Climate Crisis. (Green Media) 614 pp. 2024:1 (Amsterdam U. Pr., NE) <714-726>
ISBN 978-94-6372-119-6 hard ¥46,400.- (税込) GB£ 161.00 *

With the climate crisis and its repercussions becoming more and more tangible, games are increasingly participating in the production, circulation, and interrogation of environmental assumptions, using both explicit and implicit ways of framing the crisis. Whether they are providing new spaces to imagine and practice alternative forms of living, or reproducing ecomodernist fantasies, games as well as player cultures are increasingly tuned in to the most pressing environmental concerns. This book brings together chapters by a diverse group of established and emerging authors to develop a growing body of scholarship that explores the shape, impact, and cultural context of ecogames. The book comprises four thematic sections, Today's Challenges: Games for Change, Future Worlds: New Imaginaries, The Nonhuman Turn, and Critical Metagaming Practices. Each section explores different aspects of ecocritical engagement in and through games. As a result, the book's comprehensive scope covers a variety of angles, methodologies, and case studies, significantly expanding the field of green media studies.

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DeLay, Tad, Future of Denial: The Ideologies of Climate Change. 304 pp. 2024:4 (Verso, UK) <714-727>
ISBN 978-1-83976-543-8 hard ¥5,764.- (税込) GB£ 20.00 *

The age of denial is over, we are told. Yet emissions continue to rise while gimmicks, graft, and green- washing distract the public from the climate violence suffered by the vulnerable. This timely, interdisciplinary contribution to the environmental humanities draws on the latest climatology, the first shoots of an energy transition, critical theory, Earth's paleoclimate history, and trends in border violence to answer the most pressing question of our age: Why do we continue to squander the short time we have left?The symptoms suggest society's inability to adjust is profound. Near Portland, militias incapable of accepting that the world is warming respond to a wildfire by hunting for imaginary left-wing arsonists. Europe erects nets in the Aegean Sea to capture migrants fleeing drought and war. An airline claims to be carbon neutral thanks to bogus cheap offsets. Drone strikes hit people living along the aridity line. Yes, Exxon knew as early as the 1970s, but the fundamental physics of carbon dioxide warming the Earth was already understood before the American Civil War.Will capitalists ever voluntarily walk away from hundreds of trillions of dollars in fossil fuels unless they are forced to do so? And, if not, who will apply the necessary pressure?

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Dunlap, Xander, This System is Killing Us: Land Grabbing, the Green Economy and Ecological Conflict. 272 pp. 2024:3 (Pluto Pr., UK) <714-729>
ISBN 978-0-7453-4882-7 paper ¥4,896.- (税込) GB£ 16.99 *

This System is Killing Us is an insider look at the catastrophic effects that energy infrastructure and mining are having on communities, their land and our planet. Xander Dunlap spent a decade living and working with Indigenous activists and land defenders across the world to uncover evidence of the repression people have faced in the wake of untamed capitalist growth. From Zapotec and Ikoot people struggling against wind energy projects in Oaxaca, Mexico to the violence of the Hambach mine in the German Rhineland, Dunlap presents the truth that lies behind the green re-branding of capitalism that social movements in the Global North have been slow to challenge. By centring the struggles of people whose lives are being systematically destroyed, Dunlap reveals blind spots within the current official debates around climate change. The book also speaks to the feuds between socialist modernism and degrowth. While changing public policy could play a constructive role in remediating climate catastrophe, by understanding the successes and failures of those 'on the front lines', it becomes clear that decentralised-and ideally viral-self-organisation could be the only way out of this socioecological nightmare. *All royalties from the book are being donated to the Stop Cop City Movement and Atlanta Solidarity Fund*

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Fressoz, Jean-Baptiste / Locher, Fabien, Chaos in the Heavens: The Forgotten History of Climate Change. Tr. by G. Elliott. 288 pp. 2024:2 (Verso, UK) <714-730>
ISBN 978-1-83976-722-7 hard ¥7,205.- (税込) GB£ 25.00 *

Nothing could seem more contemporary than climate change. Yet, in Chaos in the Heavens, Jean-Baptiste Fressoz and Fabien Locher show that we have been thinking about and debating the consequences of our actions upon the environment for centuries. The subject was raised wherever history accelerated: by the conquistadors in the New World, by the French revolutionaries of 1789, by the scientists and politicians of the nineteenth century, by the European imperialists in Asia and Africa until the Second World War.Climate change was at the heart of fundamental debates about colonisation, God, the state, nature, and capitalism. From these intellectual and political battles emerged key concepts of contemporary environmental science and policy. For a brief interlude, science and industry instilled in us the reassuring illusion of an impassive climate. But, in the age of global warming, we must, once again, confront the chaos in the heavens.

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Gall, Tjark / Vallet, Flore / Reyes Madrigal, L. M. et al., Sustainable Urban Mobility Futures. (Sustainable Urban Futures) 187 pp. 2024:1 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <714-732>
ISBN 978-3-031-45794-4 hard ¥9,720.- (税込) EUR 39.99

?This book provides a unique perspective on urban mobility focusing on past challenges and future trends. The book enables discussions of pathways towards sustainable and people-centred urban mobility building on existing concepts and introducing novel methods and consideration of future research. In particular, the book provides an overview of trends, design methods, and projects combining foresight and agent-based modelling to better integrate active mobility in Mobility-as-a-Service, assess impacts of automated vehicles in Paris, and compare multiple solutions in Cairo. The book provides a range of multidisciplinary concepts and methods that will be invaluable to both researchers in the field and students taking relevant courses.

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Granberg, Mikael / Glover, Leigh, Climate Change as Societal Risk: Revealing Threats, Reshaping Values. 177 pp. 2023:11 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <714-733>
ISBN 978-3-031-43960-5 hard ¥9,720.- (税込) EUR 39.99

This book analyzes climate change from a societal risk perspective, considering IPCC data, harm reduction, and global impact. Climate change is a globalised agent of social disruption whose impacts will worsen societal inequities and inequalities around the world. For some unfortunate societies already precariously exposed, climate change will tip them into societal collapse. Devastation will also occur to many ecological values in which all societies are embedded. But effective social action can limit the extent of these costs and losses. Ultimately, only social transformation can limit the social and environmental harms of climate change. But what does this mean? To what extent is society at risk? Are such risks particularized and restricted to specific segments and localities? Or is society at risk in a more universal way? Climate risks are re-shaping the practices of households, communities, governments and businesses. In this way, climate risks are a dynamic element in social change and social processes. Risk holds a mirror to society, revealing who and what is prioritized, recognized and valued. It also provides a reckoning of our perceived strengths, vulnerabilities and weaknesses. This volume examines how we understand the societal risks of contemporary and forecast climate change impacts-and those risks inherent in dealing with these impacts. We know that society is fashioning a new global climate-but climate change is also re-fashioning society; this book explores this dynamic process and considers its implications for future society.

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Meziane, Mohamed Amer, The States of the Earth: An Ecological and Racial History of Secularization. Tr. by J. Adjemian. 304 pp. 2024:3 (Verso, UK) <714-739>
ISBN 978-1-80429-177-1 paper ¥5,760.- (税込) GB£ 19.99 *

While industrial states competed to colonize Asia and Africa in the nineteenth century, conversion to Christianity was replaced by a civilizing mission. This new secular impetus strode hand in hand with racial capitalism in the age of empires: a terrestrial paradise was to be achieved through accumulation and the ravaging of nature.Far from a defence of religion, The States of the Earth argues that phenomena such as evangelism and political Islam are best understood as products of empire and secularization. In a world where material technology was considered divine, religious and secular forces both tried to achieve Heaven on Earth by destroying Earth itself.

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Thaler, Gregory M., Saving a Rainforest and Losing the World: Conservation and Displacement in the Global Tropics. (Yale Agrarian Studies Series) 312 pp. 2024:5 (Yale U. Pr., US) <714-746>
ISBN 978-0-300-27250-5 hard ¥24,684.- (税込) US$ 110.00 *
ISBN 978-0-300-27248-2 paper ¥8,976.- (税込) US$ 40.00 *

An unflinching investigation of the false promises of land sparing, exposing how its illusory successes mask the failures of green capitalism For two decades, the concept of land sparing, the claim that agricultural intensification can spare land by preventing forest clearing for agricultural expansion, has dominated tropical forest conservation. Land sparing policies transform landscapes and livelihoods with the promise of reconciling agricultural development with environmental conservation. But that land sparing promise is false. Based on six years of research on agrarian frontiers in Indonesia, Brazil, and Bolivia, this book traces where and how land sparing becomes policy and charts the social and ecological effects of these political contests. Gregory M. Thaler explains why land sparing appears successful in some places but not in others and reveals that success as an illusion achieved by displacing deforestation to new frontiers. The failure of land sparing exposes a harsh truth behind assurances of green capitalism: capitalist development is ecocide.

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Varghese, Mathew, Entangled Ecologies as Metaphors of State Design. 246 pp. 2023:12 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <714-748>
ISBN 978-3-031-46517-8 hard ¥29,168.- (税込) EUR 119.99

This book takes a unique approach to the ethnographic and analytical explorations of ecologies in the making. The core theme of the work will be the emerging anthropocene contexts that simultaneously bring unprecedented human interactions with the non-human as well as the emergence of hybrid ecologies. There will be dependence on existing literature, own ethnographic work that has already went into this, the closer introspection of immediate geographies as well as the pertinent debates. There has been a reconfiguration of meaning and nature of spaces in the context of social relations produced by neo-liberal globalization. States as they have been are transforming and are influenced by policies made beyond borders. This work is marked out by careful enquiry on ecologies in the making with the backdrop of distinct regional developmentalist trajectories as well as specific ethnography from Kerala, South-West India.

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Dove, Michael R., Hearsay Is Not Excluded: A History of Natural History. (Yale Agrarian Studies Series) 288 pp. 2024:5 (Yale U. Pr., US) <714-45>
ISBN 978-0-300-27367-0 hard ¥24,684.- (税込) US$ 110.00 *
ISBN 978-0-300-27010-5 paper ¥7,854.- (税込) US$ 35.00 *

This chronicle of natural history argues that the modern environmental crisis and rise in science skepticism codeveloped with the historic distancing of scientific knowledge from folk knowledge For millennia, the field of natural history promoted a knowledgeable and unifying view of the world. In contrast, the modern rise of narrow scientific disciplines has promoted a dichotomy between nature and culture on the one hand and between scientific and folk knowledge on the other. Drawing on the fields of anthropology, history, and environmental science, Michael R. Dove argues that the loss of this historic holistic vision of the world is partly to blame for contemporary environmental degradation and science skepticism. Dove bases this thesis on a study of four pioneering natural historians across four centuries: Georg Eberhard Rumphius (seventeenth century), Carl Linnaeus (eighteenth century), Alfred Russel Wallace (nineteenth century), and Harold C. Conklin (twentieth century). Dove studies their field craft and writing; the political, cultural, and environmental circumstances in which they worked; the sources of their insight; and the implications of their work for modern society. Most of all, the book seeks to discover what enabled those natural historians to straddle boundaries that today seem impassable and to distill that wisdom for a modern world greatly in need of a holistic vision of people and environment.

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Schaupp, Simon, Stoffwechselpolitik: Arbeit, Natur und die Zukunft des Planeten. (edition suhrkamp) 450 S. 2024:3 (Suhrkamp, GW) <714-483>
ISBN 978-3-518-02986-2 paper ¥5,834.- (税込) EUR 24.00

Wenn wir die oekologische Krise verstehen wollen, muessen wir die Arbeitswelt verstehen. Denn es ist die Arbeit, durch die Gesellschaften laut Karl Marx ihren Stoffwechsel mit der Natur vollziehen. Arbeitspolitik ist daher fuer Simon Schaupp stets auch Umweltpolitik - oder ≫Stoffwechselpolitik≪. Dabei spielt die Natur selbst eine aktive Rolle: Je weiter ihre Nutzbarmachung vorangetrieben wird, desto drastischer wirkt sie auf die Arbeitswelt zurueck. Wie produktiv diese Perspektive ist, zeigt der Soziologe an einer Vielzahl historischer Beispiele: Ohne Moskitos sind weder Aufstieg noch Niedergang der Plantagenwirtschaft zu verstehen. Die Durchsetzung der Gewerkschaften wurde unter anderem durch die neuen Machthebel moeglich, welche die materiellen Eigenschaften der Steinkohle den Beschaeftigten an die Hand gaben. Und auch das Fliessband wurde nicht zuletzt deshalb eingefuehrt, weil sich in fruehen Schlachtfabriken infolge von Streiks verwesende Tierkadaver stauten. Soll die Erderwaermung zumindest verlangsamt werden, setzt dies fuer Schaupp eine Transformation der Arbeitswelt voraus: Wir muessen die Logik der expansiven Nutzbarmachung ueberwinden und die Autonomie der Natur ernst nehmen.

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Greenfield, Adam, Beyond Hope: Collective Power and Mutual Care in the Long Emergency. 288 pp. 2024:7 (Verso, UK) <714-500>
ISBN 978-1-78873-835-4 paper ¥3,455.- (税込) GB£ 11.99

We are living through a Long Emergency: a near-continuous train of pandemics, heatwaves, droughts, resource wars and other climate-driven disasters. In Lifehouse, Adam Greenfield asks what might happen if the tactics and networks of care that spring up in response to these times might be brought together in a single, coherent way of life?Using examples from the Black Panthers' "survival programs," the astonishingly effective Occupy Sandy disaster-relief effort and the neighborhood-based mutual aid groups that sustained many during COVID lockdowns to the large-scale, self-organised polities of municipalist Spain and Kurdish Rojava, Greenfield argues for rethinking local power as a bulwark against despair - a way to discover and develop the individual and collective capacities that have gone underutilized during all the long years of late capitalism, and a means for thriving in the face of impending catastrophe.

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Lang, Miriam / Manahan, Mary Ann / Bringel, Breno (eds.), The Geopolitics of Green Colonialism: Global Justice and Ecosocial Transitions. 288 pp. 2024:3 (Pluto Pr., UK) <714-557>
ISBN 978-0-7453-4934-3 paper ¥7,201.- (税込) GB£ 24.99 *

The time for denial is over. Across the Global North, the question of how we should respond to the climate crisis has been answered: with a shift to renewables, electric cars, carbon trading and hydrogen. Green New Deals across Europe and North America promise to reduce emissions while creating new jobs. But beneath the sustainability branding, these climate 'solutions' are leading to new environmental injustices and green colonialism. The green growth and clean energy plans of the Global North require the large-scale extraction of strategic minerals from the Global South. The geopolitics of transition imply sacrificing not only territories, but truly sustainable ways of inhabiting this world. A new subordination in the global energy economy prevents societies in the South from developing sovereign strategies to foster a dignified life. This book provides a platform for the voices that have been conspicuously absent in debates around energy and climate in the Global North. Drawing on case studies from across the Global South, the authors offer incisive critiques of green colonialism in its material, political and symbolic dimensions, discuss the multiple entanglements that forcefully connect the transitions of different world regions in a globalised economy, and explore alternative pathways toward a liveable and globally just future for all.

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Ramana, M. V., Not a Solution: Nuclear Power, Climate Change, and Political Economy. 240 pp. 2024:7 (Verso, UK) <714-596>
ISBN 978-1-80429-000-2 hard ¥5,764.- (税込) GB£ 20.00

THE CLIMATE CRISIS has propelled nuclear energy back into fashion. Its proponents argue we already have the technology of the future and that it only needs perfection and deployment. Nuclear Is Not the Solution demonstrates why this sort of thinking is not only naive but dangerous.Even beyond the horrific implications of meltdown and the intractable problem of waste disposal, nuclear is not practicable on such a large scale. Any appraisal of future energy technology depends on two important parameters: cost and time. Nuclear fails on both counts. It is more costly than its renewable competitors wind and solar. And, importantly given the need for rapid transformation, it is slow. A plant takes a decade to come online. If you include permits and fundraising, this adds another decade. And we should not forget the deep roots it has in the defense industry.M. V. Ramana's powerful book destroys any illusion that nuclear is our answer to climage change, untangling technical arguments into simple and sensible language. Importantly, Nuclear Is Not the Solution also unmasks the powerful groups with vested interests in the maintenance of the status quo, currently working hard to greenwash a spectacularly dirty industry.

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Zou, Xiaolong, Urban Sustainable Development in East Asia: Understanding and Evaluating Urban Sustainable Trends in China and Japan. (Urban Sustainability) 131 pp. 2023:12 (Springer, GW) <714-618>
ISBN 978-981-9970-14-8 hard ¥34,030.- (税込) EUR 139.99 *

This book offers careful glimpse from the lenses of selected case studies of major counties in East Asia, namely China and Japan to obtain insights as well as lessons regarding their perspective sustainable cities development. Urban sustainability is the pillar domain for achieving overall sustainability. East Asia has the world most populous countries and cities; therefore, it is of great importance to understand, analyze, and assess the sustainable urban development trends and paradigms in an East Asia setting so as to better guide the future development of sustainable cities in the region. The outcomes of this book are policy-relevant consultations to key stakeholders from various walks of sustainability studies.

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Islam, M. Rezaul, Family Planning and Sustainable Development in Bangladesh: Empowering Marginalized Communities in Asian Contexts. (Diverse Perspectives on Creating a Fairer Society) 292 pp. 2024:4 (Emerald, UK) <714-669>
ISBN 978-1-83549-165-2 hard ¥24,684.- (税込) US$ 110.00 *

Exploring tailored family planning strategies for marginalized groups, Family Planning and Sustainable Development in Bangladesh delves into comparative insights from Asian contexts, providing actionable approaches to empower and transform communities, foster sustainable development and improve reproductive health outcomes. Featuring comprehensive case studies and analysis from diverse Asian regions and religious communities, M. Rezaul Islam provides readers with a nuanced understanding of family planning strategies tailored to unique cultural contexts. Seamlessly connecting family planning with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Islam demonstrates its potential for uplifting the most vulnerable communities in Bangladesh and beyond. Dissecting global population trends and cultural influences on family planning, chapters navigate knowledge, attitudes, practices, and communication strategies, unveiling avenues for transformation and sustainable change within Asian communities. Concluding by presenting actionable policy implications that stakeholders can adopt to drive positive change at both community and systemic levels, Family Planning and Sustainable Development in Bangladesh is a powerful addition to the contemporary landscape of global health, development, and social progress.

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Menga, Filippo, Thirst: The Global Quest to Solve the Water Crisis. 192 pp. 2024:8 (Verso, UK) <714-179>
ISBN 978-1-80429-071-2 paper ¥4,896.- (税込) GB£ 16.99

A sense of urgency about the global water crisis has entered the political and corporate discourse, and in humanity's quest to solve it, we are all called to rise to the challenge. However, solutions are hard to come by where causes are not clearly defined. And given the scale and geographic dispersion of the problem, there are many drivers of the crisis. In fact the global water crisis is only global in the sense that there are people in regions all over the world that are condemned to insecure water access . The acute reasons for lack of water vary from place to place. The one unifying factor is the global power of the market over the provision, allocation and maintenance of water supplies.Building on a critique of recent responses to the water crisis and their contradictions, the book interrogates how savior-like, 'high priests' of a fetishized global developmentalism - embodied by celebrities, CEOs, and sustainability directors - are shaping global water governance. The book thus argues that if humanity is to escape the current deadlock that bedevils access to clean water around the world, it has to reconsider both its faith in the market and its relationship with nature.

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Toke, David, Energy Revolutions: Profiteering versus Democracy. 192 pp. 2024:5 (Pluto Pr., UK) <714-181>
ISBN 978-0-7453-4925-1 paper ¥5,184.- (税込) GB£ 17.99 *

'A vision of how, in the renewable era, shared ownership of energy could lead to a future of equality and economic security' - Molly Scott Cato This book exposes the energy crisis as an inevitable result of an industry run by and for corporate profit. Energy policy was never meant to favour sustainability or energy security - for decades, it has been shaped by corporate interests while hampering renewable alternatives. Now we suffer the consequences. Written by a leading energy expert, Energy Revolutions reveals the urgent need to radically increase state intervention, including public ownership, and deploy energy democracy for the public interest. It explores examples of energy democracy around the world, showing us how to fight back against fossil fuel interests, avoid climate catastrophe and the threat of nuclear technological dependency; transforming energy into a cheap, decentralised renewable good for all.

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Olwig, Mette Fog / Skovmand Bosselmann, Aske et al. (eds.), Agroforestry as Climate Change Adaptation: The Case of Cocoa Farming in Ghana. 155 pp. 2024:1 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <714-184>
ISBN 978-3-031-45634-3 hard ¥12,151.- (税込) EUR 49.99

This open access book provides multidisciplinary perspectives on the potential of agroforestry to mitigate the negative impacts of climate change on cocoa production. Against the backdrop of increasingly precarious farmer livelihoods, it focuses on cocoa-agroforestry in Ghana - the second largest producer of cocoa in the world. Taking the reader on a journey across experimental plots and on-farm studies, the book delivers a holistic understanding of cocoa-agroforestry. Chapters examine historical yield and climate interactions, the effects of heat and drought on cocoa plants and the role of differing shade trees on soil fertility, yields, pests and diseases. The book discusses the socioeconomics of shade tree management, including cost-benefits, tree rights and competition for natural resources emphasizing policy implications and recommendations.Taking a multidisciplinary approach to climate-agriculture interactions, the book provides an innovative understanding of agroforestry and perennial cropping systems that goes beyond the Ghanaian cocoa belt. It is of relevance to students, researchers, farmers, practitioners and policymakers working with agroforestry and climate change adaptation.This is an open access book.

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Fressoz, Jean-Baptiste, Happy Apocalypse: A History of Technological Risk. Tr. by D. Broder. 272 pp. 2024:6 (Verso, UK) <714-246>
ISBN 978-1-83976-550-6 hard ¥5,764.- (税込) GB£ 20.00 *

Being environmentally conscious is not nearly as modern as we imagine. As a mode of thinking it goes back hundreds of years. Yet we typically imagine ourselves among the first to grasp the impact humanity has on the environment. Hence there is a fashion for green confessions and mea culpas.But the notion of a contemporary ecological awakening leads to political impasse. It erases a long history of environmental destruction. Furthermore, by focusing on our present virtues, it overlooks the struggles from which our perspective arose.In response, Happy Apocalypse plunges us into the heart of controversies that emerged in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries around factories, machines, vaccines and railways. Jean-Baptiste Fressoz demonstrates how risk was conceived, managed, distributed and erased to facilitate industrialization. He explores how clinical expertise around 1800 allowed vaccination to be presented as completely benign, how the polluter-pays principle emerged in the nineteenth century to legitimize the chemical industry, how safety norms were invented to secure industrial capital and how criticisms and objections were silenced or overcome to establish technological modernity.Societies of the past did not inadvertently alter their environments on a massive scale. Nor did they disregard the consequences of their decisions. They seriously considered them, sometimes with dread. The history recounted in this book is not one of a sudden awakening but a process of modernising environmental disinhibition.

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Khan, Syed Abdul Rehman / Sajid, Muhammad Jawad / Zhang, Yu, Emerging Green Theories to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals. (Industrial Ecology) 186 pp. 2023:10 (Springer, GW) <714-265>
ISBN 978-981-9963-83-6 hard ¥34,030.- (税込) EUR 139.99

This book opens up a critical dimension to the field of industrial ecology. The book discusses the emerging green theories in industrial ecology and evolving practices adopted by businesses to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. The author(s) identifies valuable lessons to be learned and presents conceptual frameworks and ideas to guide future industrial ecology applications, which are integrated into the triple bottom line approach and have cornerstone value to achieving Sustainable Development Goals. Additionally, the book discusses the relevant economic theories that serve as the foundation for the presented green views. This elaboration of economic ideas reinforces our work's relevance to achieving a green economy. Therefore, this book is essential for industrial ecology scholars and those interested in ensuring an environmentally sustainable future.

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持続可能な経営-資源指向の経営のジレンマに対処する 第2版
Mueller-Christ, Georg, Sustainable Management: Coping with the Dilemmas of Resource-Oriented Management. 2nd ed. 390 pp. 2024:1 (Springer, GW) <714-272>
ISBN 978-3-031-45790-6 hard ¥29,168.- (税込) EUR 119.99 *

In the second edition of this book, the concept of resource-based sustainability has once again been expanded to include further references to modern management theories. The author shows that overcoming the dilemmas that sustainability creates for companies and all organizations leads to more complex decisions that also require higher levels of awareness. The concept of sustainable leadership is closely related to the resource approach. Finally, readers will learn how to tell a compelling transformation narrative toward sustainability.

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