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  • 都市・住宅問題

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掲載点数 全12件




Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Stapleton, Kristin, The Modern City in Asia. (Elements in Global Urban History) 75 pp. 2022:8 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <686-910>
ISBN 978-1-108-99492-7 paper ¥4,899.- (税込) GB£ 17.00 *

Kristin Stapleton analyzes how concepts and practices associated with the 'modern city' were received, transformed, and contested in Asia over the past 150 years. In the early twentieth century, activists took advantage of the new significance of the city to pursue a wide variety of goals. Thus, the concept of the modern city played an important role in Asia, despite much critical commentary on the ideals associated with it. By the 1940s, the city yielded its political centrality to the nation. Still, modern cities remained an important marker of national achievement during the Cold War. In recent decades, cities have continued to play a central role in economic and cultural affairs in Asia, but the concept of the modern city has evolved. Asian ideas about urban governance and visions of future cities are significantly shaping that evolution.

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Robinson, Tony / Ji, Minsun, Sustainable, Smart and Solidary Seoul: Transforming an Asian Megacity. (Sustainable Development Goals Series) 184 pp. 2022:10 (Springer, GW) <686-940>
ISBN 978-3-031-13594-1 hard ¥24,306.- (税込) EUR 99.99

This book showcases how innovative state policy in Korea transformed Seoul from one of the world's most impoverished, polluted, and congested cities into a global leader in green urban planning, smart city innovations, and social economy initiatives that have dramatically improved the local quality of life. Today, Seoul's urban planning innovations are increasingly touted as replicable best practices for export to cities across the globe.This book describes how innovative state policy has made Seoul a world leader in sustainable, smart, and solidary urban initiatives. Beginning in the 1960s, Seoul led the fastest urbanization and modernization project in world history, becoming a colossal 26-million-person metropolitan region and one of the largest footprints of humanity on earth, transforming the nation from one of the world's poorest to having the 10th largest GDP in 2020.Today, Seoul has become one of the most productive and innovative urban agglomerations on earth. Seoul's residents enjoy the world's highest penetration of high-speed internet, a model mass transit system, and advanced smart-city technologies. The vast city has become increasingly green and sustainable, while also recycling about 90% of all waste. Seoul has become a leader in social economy innovations like cooperative villages, mutual benefit societies, and social investment funds that advance equitable development goals amid a booming capitalist economy. To broaden our imagination of what good urbanism can achieve, this book reviews Seoul's recent innovations in smart, sustainable, and solidary urbanism, including: green urban planning, sustainable development through recycling and reuse, well-managed mass transit, smart city design, and solidarity economy initiatives.

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P., Neethi / Kamath, Anant, Urban Undesirables. Volume 1: City Transition and Street-Based Sex Work in Bangalore. 240 pp. 2022:9 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <686-968>
ISBN 978-1-00-918021-4 hard ¥21,615.- (税込) GB£ 75.00 *

This book presents urban transition experiences over nearly three decades in Bangalore based on the narratives of the city's street-based sex workers. Sex workers - female, male, and transgender - have been omnipresent in Bangalore's streets for decades. However, despite being blacklisted as 'undesirable' and hazards to the 'ideal public', they have their own unique imaginaries and narratives of the city and its mutations. In mapping out their spatial and social ecosystems and experiences with technology, this book redraws, rewrites, and relooks at a city and its transformations from their perspectives. The analysis of their experience is anchored to concepts around neoliberal urbanism, gender, labour informality, and the politics of technology. The authors take an unconventional journey through their spaces, comrades, and battles to announce and affirm their individuality and agency through their empowerment strategies, and through their struggles to reclaim their spaces and assert their identities as informal workers and legitimate citizens of the city.

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地域科学における偉人 第2巻
Batey, Peter / Plane, David (eds.), Great Minds in Regional Science. Vol. 2. 184 pp. 2022:11 (Springer, GW) <686-342>
ISBN 978-3-031-13439-5 hard ¥36,461.- (税込) EUR 149.99

This book is the second volume in a new series on 'Great Minds in Regional Science,' which seeks to present a contemporary view on the scientific relevance of the work done by great thinkers in regional science. This volume presents, among others, Adam Smith, Johann Heinrich von Thuenen, and Alan Wilson. Each chapter combines factual biographical information about the 'Great Mind,' a description of their major contributions, and a discussion of the broader context of their work, as well as an assessment of its current relevance, scientific recognition, and policy impact. The book attempts to fill a gap in our knowledge and to respond to the growing interest in the formation and development of the field of regional science and its key influential figures.

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Ali, S. Harris, Pandemic Urbanism: Infectious Diseases on a Planet of Cities. (Urban Futures) 292 pp. 2022:12 (Polity Pr., UK) <686-375>
ISBN 978-1-5095-4983-2 hard ¥15,695.- (税込) US$ 69.95 *
ISBN 978-1-5095-4984-9 paper ¥5,597.- (税込) US$ 24.95 *

Emerging infectious disease outbreaks in recent decades have transformed the very nature of urban life worldwide, even as the extent and experience of pandemics are shaped by the planetary urban condition. Pandemic Urbanism critically investigates these relationships in a world faced with an unprecedented global pandemic, the first on a majority urban planet. The authors reveal the historical context of recent infectious disease events and how they have variously transformed the urban social fabric. They highlight the important role played by socio-ecological processes associated with the global urban periphery - suburban or post-suburban zones and hinterland areas of ""extended"" urbanization - bringing to light the increased significance of social media, changing mobility patterns, and new forms of urban governance and pandemic response. The book takes forward theoretical approaches to understanding pandemics grounded in urban political ecologies of disease and landscape political ecology, developing novel insights for post-pandemic urban governance and planning. In doing so, it reveals a paradox at the heart of pandemic urbanism: our urban way of life at close quarters enables contagion to spread easily, yet it also makes it easier to contain and respond to disease outbreaks. Multidisciplinary in its approach and written by three proven experts in the field, this book is an invaluable, accessible primer on the origins, pathways, and management of infectious disease.

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Harris, Patrick, Illuminating Policy for Health: Insights From a Decade of Researching Urban and Regional Planning. (Palgrave Studies in Public Health Policy Research) 189 pp. 2022:10 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <686-383>
ISBN 978-3-031-13198-1 hard ¥12,151.- (税込) EUR 49.99

This book unpacks policy and politics for health, equity, and wellbeing. With a critical realist lens, the book provides a methodology for sophisticated health focussed policy analysis which situates public health within complex political processes and systems. The application of that lens is demonstrated with insights from a decade of research into urban and regional planning.

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Linder, Benjamin (ed.), "Invisible Cities" and the Urban Imagination. (Literary Urban Studies) 334 pp. 2022:11 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <686-1088>
ISBN 978-3-031-13047-2 hard ¥36,461.- (税込) EUR 149.99

In 1972, Italo Calvino published Invisible Cities, a literary book that masterfully combines philosophy and poetry, rigid structure and free play, theoretical insight and glittering prose. The text is an extended meditation on urban life, and it continues to resonate not only among literary scholars, but among social scientists, architects, and urban planners as well. To commemorate the 50th anniversary of Invisible Cities, this collection of essays serves as both an appreciation and a critical engagement. Drawing from a wide array of disciplinary perspectives and geographical contexts, this volume grapples with the theoretical, pedagogical, and political legacies of Calvino's work. Each chapter approaches Invisible Cities not only as a novel but as a work of evocative ethnography, place-writing, and urban theory. Fifty years on, what can Calvino's dreamlike text offer to scholars and practitioners interested in actually existing urban life?

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L.ヴァカン著 都市におけるブルデュー-都市理論に挑む
Wacquant, Loic, Bourdieu in the City: Challenging Urban Theory. 288 pp. 2022:12 (Polity Pr., UK) <686-1092>
ISBN 978-1-5095-5643-4 hard ¥15,695.- (税込) US$ 69.95 *
ISBN 978-1-5095-5644-1 paper ¥5,597.- (税込) US$ 24.95 *

Building on three decades of comparative research on marginality, ethnicity, and penality in the postindustrial metropolis, Loic Wacquant offers a novel interpretation of Pierre Bourdieu as urban theorist. He invites us to explore the city through what he calls the trialectic of symbolic space (the mental categories through which we perceive and organize the world), social space (the distribution of capital in its different forms), and physical space (the built environment). On this reading, Bourdieu's topological sociology gives us the tools both to energize and also to challenge the canon of urban studies and to redraw their theoretical landscape. Compact and incisive, Bourdieu in the City will be of interest to students and scholars in sociology, anthropology, geography, urban studies, urban planning, architecture, and social theory.

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Wolff, Annika, Sozio-technischer Wandel durch Europaeisierung?: Die Abfallvermeidungspolitik der Staedte Muenchen und Koeln im Vergleich. 378 S. 2022:7 (Nomos, GW) <686-1075>
ISBN 978-3-8487-8932-0 paper ¥19,204.- (税込) EUR 79.00 *

Auch wenn die Abfallvermeidung seit Jahrzehnten formal oberste Prioritaet in allen abfallwirtschaftlichen Regelungen geniesst, zeigt das nach wie vor hohe Abfallaufkommen, dass die praktische Umsetzung diesem Umstand weit hinterherhinkt. Deshalb analysiert die qualitative Studie anhand eines Vergleichs der Staedte Muenchen und Koeln, inwiefern neue europaeische Abfallvermeidungspolitiken zu Veraenderungen in den sozio-technischen Abfallregimen auf kommunaler Ebene gefuehrt haben. Durch den Fokus auf inkrementelle Wandlungsprozesse auf kommunaler Ebene liefert die Arbeit an der Schnittstelle von Politikwissenschaft und Infrastrukturforschung wichtige Erkenntnisse fuer die Europaeisierungs-, Stadt- und sozialwissenschaftliche Technikforschung.

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Frischmann, Brett M. / Madison, Michael J. et al. (eds.), Governing Smart Cities as Knowledge Commons. (Cambridge Studies on Governing Knowledge Commons) 2023:2 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <686-1084>
ISBN 978-1-108-83717-0 hard ¥27,379.- (税込) GB£ 95.00 *

The rise of 'smart' - or technologically advanced - cities has been well documented, while governance of such technology has remained unresolved. Integrating surveillance, AI, automation, and smart tech within basic infrastructure as well as public and private services and spaces raises a complex set of ethical, economic, political, social, and technological questions. The Governing Knowledge Commons (GKC) framework provides a descriptive lens through which to structure case studies examining smart tech deployment and commons governance in different cities. This volume deepens our understanding of community governance institutions, the social dilemmas communities face, and the dynamic relationships between data, technology, and human lives. For students, professors, and practitioners of law and policy dealing with a wide variety of planning, design, and regulatory issues relating to cities, these case studies illustrate options to develop best practice. Available through Open Access, the volume provides detailed guidance for communities deploying smart tech.

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Haniff, Nesha Z. (ed.), The Pedagogy of Action: Small Axe Fall Big Tree. (Neighborhoods, Communities, and Urban Marginality) 376 pp. 2022:9 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <686-1085>
ISBN 978-981-19-0800-2 hard ¥29,168.- (税込) EUR 119.99

This is the story of teaching consciousness as a requirement for transformations in social justice. In artful narrative, Nesha Haniff traces her own conscientization as a colonized child in Guyana, exploring the cultural and intellectual forces that shape the creation of the Pedagogy of Action. Drawing from Paulo Freire and Ela Bhatt, participants in POA teach an oral HIV education module to marginalized communities in the USA, South Africa and the Caribbean, as the nexus for dismantling traditional pedagogies of race, gender, service and American hegemony. The many challenges of institutional and cultural obstacles, mainly those that excluded poor and black students from overseas travel, required innovation and persistence. The book features essays written by POA students and South African participants reflecting on their own transformations. These essayists are among the hundreds of participants who, over 15 years, in the practice of radical love, grew the Pedagogy of Action.Winner of the 2023 IARSLCE Publication of the Year Award.

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Kuettel, Nora, When Art and Space Meet: An Ethnographic Approach to Artistic Practices and Urban Space in Detroit. (Sozialgeographische Bibliothek 23) 233 S. 2022:8 (F. Steiner, GW) <686-1087>
ISBN 978-3-515-13357-9 paper ¥11,182.- (税込) EUR 46.00



