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掲載点数 全11件




Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Rasmussen, Terje, Political Legitimacy: Realism in Political Theory and Sociology. (Routledge Studies in Political Sociology) 200 pp. 2022:7 (Routledge, UK) <673-894>
ISBN 978-1-03-213710-0 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-215099-4 paper ¥10,660.- (税込) GB£ 36.99 *

Political Legitimacy: Realism in Political Theory and Sociology explores the concept of political legitimacy, the nature of the normative foundation of politics and the state. With particular attention to the broad theoretical approach of political realism within political theory and political sociology, it examines the work of figures including Bernard Williams, Raymond Geuss, John Grey, Max Weber, and Niklas Luhmann, among others.Contending that in the face of the waning influence of political idealism, the insights of political realism constitute a promising way forward, the author also advances the view that realist political theory would benefit from sociological insights, particularly on the nature of the state.As such, Political Legitimacy will appeal to scholars and students of social and political theory, political sociology, and political philosophy.

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Dzalto, Davor, Beyond Capitalist Dystopia: Reclaiming Freedom and Democracy in the Age of Global Crises. (Antinomies) 248 pp. 2022:7 (Routledge, UK) <673-881>
ISBN 978-0-367-74640-7 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

This provocative book interrogates the ideology of capitalism as the "default" narrative underpinning various mainstream ideologies in the contemporary world. The book explores the genesis, structure and functioning of this ideological narrative, provides its critical assessment and outlines a possible alternative, beyond the logic of capitalism and toward a truly free and democratic society.The book takes a broad view of the major global challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, and persuasively argue that, in order to resolve any of the major global problems, from the ongoing ecological crisis to economic and geopolitical issues, we need to confront the capitalist system. To unpack the logic of contemporary capitalist ideology, and the way it structures our inter-personal and political relations, the book gives an analysis of the "end of ideology" narrative and offers a critical assessment of the ideas behind the widely used but fundamentally flawed concept of "Liberal democracy." The book revisits metaphysical foundations behind the ideology of capitalism, exposing their secular-religious dimension, and their immanent oppressiveness. Based on this deconstruction of the metaphysical foundations implicit in (Neo)Liberalism and capitalism, the book offers a way in which alternative metaphysical foundations can be constructed to allow for different socio-political and economic models that would be based on a radical affirmation of freedom and democracy, as well as human responsibility for the natural environment.Beyond Capitalist Dystopia: Reclaiming Freedom and Democracy in the Age of Global Crises will be of great interest to anyone searching for alternatives to the pervasive ideology of capitalism as well as students and researchers active in various fields in the humanities and social sciences.

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Gardiner, Christie M. / Webb, Eileen (eds.), The Age-friendly Lens. (Routledge Advances in Sociology 344) 256 pp. 2023 (Routledge, UK) <673-390>
ISBN 978-0-367-48211-4 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

This book engages with the concept of age-friendly environments, adopting multi-perspectivity to demonstrate how age-friendly environments can contribute to shifting how we think, feel and act toward issues of age and ageing and operate as a vehicle to improve understandings of ageism. Drawing from traditionally distinct fields, the text demonstrates theoretical and applied dimensions of the age-friendly global agenda, with several chapters discussing topics that have to date been underrepresented in age-friendly scholarship, including education, health and justice systems. The case studies encourage critical engagement with the issue of ageism in age-friendly scholarship. It presents a clear understanding of the inequalities, challenges and opportunities of ageing and of the ways international, regional, national and sub-national commitments in health, development and human rights, and are further impacted by, ageing through designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating policies and programmes. The essays utilise a critical and interdisciplinary dialogue to enhance discussion of the age-friendly environment agenda through the inclusion of age-friendly perspectives in addition to its processes and destinations in an ageing society.The book serves as a catalyst to stimulate research, policy and public interest in the physical, social and regulatory environments in which we age and the consequent impact upon health and well-being. It will be of interest to professors, graduate students and undergraduate students in policy, sociology, health, planning and gerontology. It is also recommended reading for policy makers, politicians, think tanks and lobbyists, who are concerned with age all-age-inclusiveness.

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Aldrin, Philippe / Fournier, Pierre et al. (dir.), L'enquete en danger: vers un nouveau regime de surveillance dans les sciences sociales. (Sociologia) 379 p. 2022:1 (A. Colin, FR) <673-1260>
ISBN 978-2-200-63324-0 paper ¥6,052.- (税込) EUR 24.90



Cohen-Avenel, Pascale / Quaquarelli, Lucia (eds.), Thinking in Common: Community in the Global Era. (Travaux interdisciplinaires et plurilingues 35) 138 pp. 2021:12 (P. Lang, SZ) <673-1261>
ISBN 978-2-8076-1412-3 paper ¥9,856.- (税込) SFR 40.00

This interdisciplinary volume brings together articles by researchers in the humanities and the social sciences analyzing the emergence of communities in the age of globalisation. The different contributions deal with the complex network of cultural, political and symbolic spaces that coalesce around commonly held causes or interests and examine ways in which these sets of connections impact on their members’ everyday lives, shaping attitudes and behaviours which transcend (or at least claim to transcend) the limits of the nation state, creating common spaces, communities, or at times both.

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Duval, Julien / Heilbron, Johan / Issenhuth, P. (dir.), Pierre Bourdieu et l'art de l'invention scientifique: enqueter au Centre de sociologie europeenne (1959-1969). (Bibliotheque des sciences sociales 10) 461 p. 2022:2 (Classiques Garnier, FR) <673-1262>
ISBN 978-2-406-12404-7 hard ¥21,149.- (税込) EUR 87.00
ISBN 978-2-406-12403-0 paper ¥11,668.- (税込) EUR 48.00 *



Gibbs Van Brunschot, Erin / Humphrey, Tamara, Pathways to Ruin: High-Risk Offending over the Life Course. 240 pp. 2022:6 (U. Toronto Pr., CN) <673-1265>
ISBN 978-1-4875-2711-2 hard ¥17,952.- (税込) US$ 80.00 *
ISBN 978-1-4875-2712-9 paper ¥6,719.- (税込) US$ 29.95 *

Individuals who have committed a number of crimes over their lifetimes have had complex, multi-faceted life experiences often characterized by extreme disadvantage and victimization. Those who are formally designated as "high-risk" by the Canadian criminal justice system often have a record of violent or sexual crimes. As a result, they are usually subject to additional monitoring in the community after completing a prison sentence. Pathways to Ruin? disentangles the numerous elements and pathways that lead to high rates of reoffending by focusing on developmental periods of childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. The book uses a case-study approach to consider individuals' entire crime pathway by examining the circumstances and factors that contribute to assumptions or official designations of "high-risk" behaviour. Erin Gibbs Van Brunschot and Tamara Humphrey overhaul society's popular crime narratives and instead draw on sociological and criminological perspectives to identify historical, social, and personal contexts that appear to increase the likelihood of reoffending. They also consider how negative life experiences may be addressed to circumvent trajectories of serious offending. Reducing the social distance that the "law-abiding" public may feel towards marginalized groups, Pathways to Ruin? details how legal systems could better serve these individuals, and acknowledges the many missed opportunities for compassion.

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Joly, Marc, La sociologie reflexive de Pierre Bourdieu. (Biblis 246) 367 p. 2022:1 (CNRS, FR) <673-1266>
ISBN 978-2-271-13981-8 paper ¥2,431.- (税込) EUR 10.00



Klein, Dieter, Regulation in einer solidarischen Gesellschaft: Wie eine sozial-oekologische Transformation funktionieren koennte. 240 S. 2021:11 (VSA, GW) <673-1267>
ISBN 978-3-96488-117-5 paper ¥4,083.- (税込) EUR 16.80

Wie koennte die Regulationsweise in einer kuenftigen demokratisch-sozialistischen Gesellschaft funktio-nieren ? einer Gesellschaft, die es noch gar nicht gibt? Diese Frage ist durchaus sinnvoll, denn die Elemente der Regulierung einer solidarischen Gesellschaft werden sich bereits in den naechsten Jahren herausbilden und bewaehren muessen. In der juengeren linken Debatte werden in der Regel wuenschenswerte und erforderliche Qualitaeten eines demokratischen gruenen Sozialismus eroertert. Relativ wenig Aufmerksamkeit wird aber Vorstellungen ueber eine kuenftige progressive Regulationsweise zugemessen. Zu lernen ist aus dem Untergang frueherer Gesellschaften, aber auch aus den positiven Erfahrungen des New Deal und aus der enorm kurzfristigen Umstellung der US-Oekonomie auf Kriegswirtschaft im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Vorurteilslos ist die Entwicklung der Regulationsweise in China zu beobachten. Die oft ganz gegensaetzlichen Auffassungen im Diskurs ueber Regulierung in kommenden Transformationsprozessen machen deutlich, wie dringlich eine Regulationsstrategie ist. Im Mittelpunkt des Buches stehen die drei Hauptkomponenten kuenftiger Regulation: gesellschaftliche Planung und Lenkung, ein eingehegter Marktmechanismus und das Handeln zivilgesellschaftlicher Akteure. Wie sollten sich diese drei Teilmechanismen und ihre Kombination unter wechselnden Bedingungen entwickeln, um die in der gegenwaertigen globalen Umbruchsituation ungeloesten Grossprobleme zu bewaeltigen? Wie kann eine andere Regulationsweise in Gang kommen?

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Kranebitter, Andreas / Mokre, Monika u. a. (Hrsg.), Befreiungswissen als Forschungsprogramm: Denken mit Heinz Steinert. 300 S. 2022:5 (Westfaelisches Dampfboot, GW) <673-1268>
ISBN 978-3-89691-072-1 Kart0 ¥7,293.- (税込) EUR 30.00

Heinz Steinert (1942-2011) hat ein breit gefaechertes wissenschaftliches Werk hinterlassen. Er schrieb zu Kriminalitaet ebenso wie zur Kritischer Theorie, zur Fabrikdisziplin und Kulturindustrie, zu Max Weber wie Michel Foucault, zu Kapitalismus und empirischer Sozialforschung. Die Kritik der Herrschaftsverstrickung von Sozialwissenschaft stand dabei im Zentrum seines Schaffens. Stets forderte er die Schaffung von Befreiungswissen und fokussierte auf die Denkmodelle der Befreiung. Diesem Fokus ist auch der vorliegende Sammelband gewidmet. Nicht Musealisierung kritischen Denkens oder Fragen nach einer instrumentellen "Brauchbarkeit", weder Goetzenverehrung noch der in Familienromanen kritischer Theorie so beliebte Versuch, Vergessene zu "Klassikern" zu erheben, "gerade nicht Traditionspflege, sondern Weiterarbeit an den Fragen und am Instrumentarium", wie Steinert selbst formulierte, stehen im Zentrum des Bandes. Die Beitraege laden zur Auseinandersetzung mit dem Steinert'schen Werk und zum kritischen Weiterdenken an. Mit Beitraegen von u.a. Ellen Bareis, Helga Cremer-Schaefer, Alex Demirovic, Walter Fuchs, Jens Kastner, Andreas Kranebitter, Reinhard Kreissl, Monika Mokre, Arno Pilgram, Veronika Reidinger/Paul Herbinger, Christoph Reinprecht, Karl Reitter und Johannes Stehr.

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Smith, Dorothy E. / Griffith, Alison I., Simply Institutional Ethnography: Creating a Sociology for People. (Institutional Ethnography) 160 pp. 2022:5 (U. Toronto Pr., CN) * paper 2022:4 <673-1270>
ISBN 978-1-4875-2805-8 hard ¥13,464.- (税込) US$ 60.00 *
ISBN 978-1-4875-2806-5 paper ¥6,495.- (税込) US$ 28.95 *

Institutional ethnography (IE) originated as a feminist alternative to sociologies defining people as the objects of study. Instead, IE explores the social relations that dominate the life of the particular subject in focus. Simply Institutional Ethnography is written by two pioneers in the field and grounded in decades of ground-breaking work. Dorothy Smith and Alison Griffith lay out the basics of how institutional ethnography proceeds as a sociology. The book introduces the concepts - Discourse, Work, Text - that institutional ethnographers have found to be key ideas used to organize what they learn from the study of people's experience. Simply Institutional Ethnography builds an ethnography that makes this material visible as coordinated sequences of social relations that reach beyond the particularities of local experience. In explicating the foundations of IE and its principal concepts, Simply Institutional Ethnography reflects on the ways in which the field may move forward.

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