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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Grasso, Maria / Giugni, Marco (eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Sociology. (Elgar Encyclopedias in Sociology) 718 pp. 2023:12 (E. Elgar, UK) <706-745>
ISBN 978-1-80392-122-8 hard ¥76,373.- (税込) GB£ 265.00 *

This comprehensive and authoritative Encyclopedia, featuring entries written by academic experts in the field, explores the diverse topics within the discipline of political sociology. By looking at both macro- and micro-components, questions relating to nation-states, political institutions and their development, and the sources of social and political change such as social movements and other forms of contentious politics, are raised and critically analysed.The Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Sociology highlights the key questions relating to political sociology through demonstrating that issues concerning power and political conflict, as well as the relationship between societies and states, are critical for understanding contemporary political and social contexts. The entries also shed light on the current position of this interdisciplinary field of study, which sits at the interface between political science and sociology, and consider its aims in addressing those aspects that pertain to the critical interplay between factors relating to both fields. A timely and stimulating reference work, this Encyclopedia will be a key resource for researchers and students in the field of political sociology, political science and theory, social policy, social theory, and public policy, providing both an excellent entry point for study as well as an essential reference tool for more experienced academics.Key Features:Discusses major approaches and theoriesSummarises key topics in over 160 entries Includes entries on key historical thinkers and concepts Presents frontier areas across the discipline for future research work

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W.オウスウェイト他編 政治社会学を教える
Outhwaite, William / Ray, Larry (eds.), Teaching Political Sociology. (Elgar Guides to Teaching) 208 pp. 2023:10 (E. Elgar, UK) <706-756>
ISBN 978-1-80220-514-5 hard ¥25,938.- (税込) GB£ 90.00 *

Drawing on the diverse experience of a team of internationally recognised specialists, Teaching Political Sociology provides educators with a concise and accessible guide to the main topic areas likely to form part of term, semester or year-long courses in political sociology.The book focuses on the key pedagogic challenges posed to teachers of political sociology, from general issues of value-freedom and engagement with students' political commitments to more specific issues which arise in relation to sensitive areas such as political violence and extremist ideologies of the far right. Chapters introduce readers to the state of the art in a wide range of topics, including race and postcoloniality, postcommunism, legal sociology, human rights and the sociology of war and peace. Highlighting the challenges and opportunities presented by these topics for political sociology teaching and curricula, the book provides an invaluable starting point for educators.Diverse in scope and approach, and offering an evaluation of appropriate literature at various levels, this book will prove an essential resource for teachers of political sociology and related fields such as international relations.

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Stoelner, Thomas / Bittlingmayer, Uwe H. / Okcu, G. (Hrsg.), Anarchistische Gesellschaftsentwuerfe: Zwischen partizipatorischer Wirtschaft, herrschaftsfreier Vergesellschaftung und kollektiver Entscheidungsfindung. 420 S. 2023:10 (Unrast-Vlg., GW) <706-762>
ISBN 978-3-89771-369-7 paper ¥5,348.- (税込) EUR 22.00

Die Herausgeber*innen haben ein breites Spektrum an Autor*innen eingeladen, ihre Vorstellungen darueber, wie eine herrschaftsfreie, demokratische Wirtschaft organisiert werden koennte, einmal ganz konkret auszubuchstabieren. Herausgekommen ist ein Band mit Texten von Schriftsteller*innen, Aktivist*innen und Wissenschaftler*innen ueber partizipatorische Planwirtschaft, vernetzte Raete und politische Selbstbestimmung bis hin zu rechtlichen Perspektiven, philosophischen Praktiken oder reproduktiven Fragen einer zukuenftigen Oekonomie. Der Soziologe Jens Kastner und der Politikwissenschaftler John Holloway thematisieren grundlegende Werte einer herrschaftsfreien Gesellschaft. Die Soziologin Ilse Lenz berichtet ueber Gesellschaften, in denen Frauen Macht innehaben, ohne Herrschaft auszuueben, die feministische Politologin Savvina Chowdhury referiert ueber Reproduktionsarbeit in einer partizipatorischen Wirtschaft und deren Begruender Michael Albert und Robin Hahnel stellen ihre Vision vor. Die Klimaaktivistin Lena Schilling und der Schriftsteller Ilija Trojanow bringen sich ebenso ein wie die Kuenstlerin Nika Dubrovsky, die mit Noam Chomsky ueber die Ideen von David Graeber spricht. Allen Beitraegen und Beitraeger*innen ist die Hoffnung gemein, der lebendigen und bunten Vielfalt der Moeglichkeiten einer herrschaftsfreien Gesellschaft endlich auch in der wissenschaftlichen und oeffentlichen Debatte Gehoer zu verschaffen.

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Dubois, Vincent (ed.), Bringing Bourdieu's Theory of Fields to Critical Policy Analysis. (Advances in Critical Policy Studies) 368 pp. 2024:1 (E. Elgar, UK) <706-780>
ISBN 978-1-80392-399-4 hard ¥36,025.- (税込) GB£ 125.00 *

Laying down the foundations of a critical sociological approach to the interdisciplinary domain of public policy, this insightful book presents the first systematic reflection on the use of Bourdieu's theory of social fields to analyse policy processes. Engaging with theoretical dimensions, it provides innovative methodological tools, both quantitative and qualitative in nature, to be used in the wider field of policy studies.Bringing together expert contributors from across the globe, the book explores a diverse range of case studies on various policy sectors and processes such as international policy circulation and policy implementation. Offering a wealth of critical analysis, chapters highlight the unsatisfactory nature of mainstream policy approaches and advocate for the use of Bourdieu's sociological theory to account for the social milieus, structures of relationships, and power dynamics in which public policies are made. Encompassing numerous actors and groups, this theory enables a critical sociological understanding of policy orientations by unveiling the structures of relationships in policymaking.Innovative and perceptive in its approach, this book will prove to be an important resource for scholars and students interested in the fields of critical policy studies, public policy, public administration and management, and sociology.

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Belvedere, Carlos / Gros, Alexis (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Macrophenomenology and Social Theory. 538 pp. 2023:9 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <706-46>
ISBN 978-3-031-34711-5 hard ¥48,616.- (税込) EUR 199.99 *

This Palgrave Handbook showcases how the phenomenological approach, especially but not only as developed by Alfred Schutz, can make important contributions to the theoretical analysis of macro-social phenomena such as the state, history, culture and interculturality, class relations and struggles, social movements and protests, capitalism, democracy, and digitalization processes. It gathers systematically and intellectual-historically oriented chapters that deal with these macro social phenomena from a phenomenological perspective. This handbook is mainly intended for a threefold audience: sociologists and social scientists at large - both theoretically and empirically oriented -, phenomenological sociologists, and phenomenological philosophers. This book includes chapters by international renowned specialists in social theory, phenomenological sociology, and phenomenology: Hartmut Rosa (University of Jena), Michael Barber (St. Louis University), Thomas Eberle (University of St. Gallen), Roberto Walton (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Jochen Dreher (University of Konstanz), Chung-Chi YU (National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan), and George Bondor (AI.I. Cuza University of Iasi, Romania), among others.

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Illhardt, Franz Josef, Ruin des Zusammen-lebens: Corona und die Erneuerung der Gesellschaft. (zeitGeist 1) 264 S. 2023:4 (K. Alber, GW) <706-62>
ISBN 978-3-495-99697-3 hard ¥7,049.- (税込) EUR 29.00

Corona zeigte uns, wie wichtig die medizinischen und statistischen Daten sind. Sie informieren, sind aber schwer zu verstehen. Wir brauchen mehr. Zu wenig wissen wir ueber die Problembewaeltigung der Menschen, zu wenig darueber, wovon unser Zusammen-leben abhaengt. Wir brauchen ein tieferes Verstaendnis, um die Gefahren fuer das Zusammen-leben zu begreifen. Dieses Buch versucht das mit Nachdenklichkeit: es stellt Fragen und scheinbare Selbstverstaendlichkeiten in Frage, es verbindet intellektuelle Quellen des Nachdenkens, indem es Erfahrungen aus Geschichte, Literatur mit den aktuellen Problemen der Coronakrise verknuepft. Und wie geht es jetzt weiter? Gibt es Wege aus einem ramponierten Zusammen-leben zu einer neuen Solidaritaet?

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Massey, Garth, Teaching Social Inequality. (Elgar Guides to Teaching) 256 pp. 2023:11 (E. Elgar, UK) <706-357>
ISBN 978-1-80392-821-0 hard ¥27,379.- (税込) GB£ 95.00 *

The growing chasm between rich and poor, within societies and between nations, has enormous implications not only for people's well-being and life chances but for the prospects for democracy throughout the world. From the interpersonal to the societal level, social inequality is the central feature of social life. Helping students appreciate and understand this is the most important task of social science instruction.Garth Massey provides a down-to-earth guide to teaching and learning that emphasizes historically and comparatively the social construction and institutional maintenance of social inequality. It explores approaches to teaching big ideas and theories, along with the challenges raised by the notions and assumptions students bring to class. The author emphasizes how to unpack and make comprehensible the complexity of social inequality in society today and also how to explore the often quantitative understandings provided by contemporary research.Highly attractive is the accessible style of this book, encouraging open classroom discussion and examination of sometimes contentious topics such as class and racial privilege, homelessness, gender preference and sexual identity, shrinking opportunities for social mobility, and global human migration. Its scope makes it a useful tool for instructors of social movements, globalization, race and ethnicity, gender studies, border studies and all courses that impart an understanding of social life.

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Cox, Laurence / Szolucha, Anna et al. (eds.), Handbook of Research Methods and Applications for Social Movements. (Handbooks of Research Methods and Applications) 480 pp. 2024:1 (E. Elgar, UK) <706-13>
ISBN 978-1-80392-201-0 hard ¥63,404.- (税込) GB£ 220.00 *

This cutting-edge and authoritative Handbook covers a broad spectrum of social movement research methodologies, offering expert analysis and detailed accounts of the ways in which research can effectively be carried out on social movements and popular protests. Addressing practice-oriented questions, this Handbook engages with both theoretical and political dimensions, unpacking the multidimensional nature of social movement research for new and established scholars alike and for movement-based as well as academic researchers across many disciplines.Divided into three thematic sections, this stimulating Handbook dives deep into discussions relating to the methodological challenges raised by researching social movements, the technical questions of how such research is conducted, and then to more practical considerations about the uses and applications of movement research. Expert contributors and established researchers utilise real-world examples to explore the methodological challenges from a range of perspectives including classical, engaged, feminist, Black, Indigenous and global Southern viewpoints. The Handbook of Research Methods and Applications for Social Movements will not only appeal to experienced researchers, but also to activists who have started to think about researching their own movements and to politically engaged students. It speaks to new and established scholars in relevant disciplines such as sociology, political science, anthropology, geography, development studies, gender studies, and race and ethnic studies, and particularly those looking to better appreciate the different research methods for understanding social movements.

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石戸光、水島治郎、小林正弥、張暁芳編 ポスト・パンデミックの世界における社会的公正-学際的視点
Ishido, Hikari / Mizushima, Jiro / Kobayashi, Masaya / Zhang, Xiaofang (eds.), Social Fairness in a Post-Pandemic World: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 276 pp. 2023:10 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <706-210>
ISBN 978-981-19-9653-5 hard ¥34,030.- (税込) EUR 139.99 *

This book brings a much-needed re-examination of the concepts of social fairness and justice in light of the COVID-19 crisis. Through careful analysis of issues as diverse as the allocation of vaccines through the global system COVAX, women and gender, migrants and refugees, the environment, and social justice, the authors bring novel perspectives on openness, freedom, and well-being. This ambitious collection combines political, economic, historical, philosophical, and cultural analyses to examine whether it is possible to envision a "fair society" after the global COVID-19 pandemic.

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C.R.サンスティーン他編 ナッジと社会研究ハンドブック
Sunstein, Cass R. / Reisch, Lucia A. (eds.), Research Handbook on Nudges and Society. 416 pp. 2023:11 (E. Elgar, UK) <706-222>
ISBN 978-1-03-530302-1 hard ¥46,112.- (税込) GB£ 160.00 *

This timely Research Handbook offers a comprehensive examination of the growing field of nudging and its impact on society. The editors, Cass R. Sunstein and Lucia A. Reisch provide readers with a detailed exploration of the theoretical and empirical work on nudging, as well as an understanding of current and likely future developments in the field.Divided into five key thematic parts, the Research Handbook covers everything from the foundations of nudging to its use in organizations. Top international scholars approach the subject from multiple disciplines and perspectives, examining current debates in the field, including the relationship between nudges and freedom; nudges, behavioral biases, and noise; the fundamental role of default rules and social norms; and how nudging can enhance human welfare. Health, safety, poverty, employment, the environment (including climate change), economic growth, and civil rights are among the subjects covered. The Research Handbook concludes with a detailed look at contested ideas and real-world policies, such as ethics and the policies of Covid-19, as well as providing commentary on misconceptions about nudging.This Research Handbook is an essential resource for scholars and students in the fields of behavioral economics, public policy, law, public administration, public health, food policy, and sustainable development policy. The state-of-the-art practical insights into nudging, as well as accessible style, also makes this an invigorating read for practitioners.

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Keskitalo, E. C. H., Rethinking Nature Relations: Beyond Binaries. (Rethinking Research and Theory) 122 pp. 2023:10 (E. Elgar, UK) <706-1030>
ISBN 978-1-03-530632-9 hard ¥18,733.- (税込) GB£ 65.00 *

This incisive book explores the implications of the nature-culture binary and how it impacts the ways in which we think about nature. Bringing together and building on extensive work from varied fields, E. C. H. Keskitalo maps the many understandings of nature across diverse traditions and histories, and demonstrates that nature relations must be understood in connection to power.Focusing on five key binaries - nature-culture, urban-rural, productivism-landscape, leisure-work, and wilderness-civilization - the book unpacks how discussions and conceptions of nature shape our actions towards nature. It examines the role of classification and categorisation in language, and reflects on how to limit the overuse of natural resources. Looking beyond theory, Keskitalo examines the practical implications of understandings of nature relations on key topics including property systems, globalisation, planning, and management.Rethinking Nature Relations will be an accessible entry point for students and scholars in the social and natural sciences to begin critically examining nature relations. It will also be an invaluable resource for those working in environmental policy, sociology, geography, and development studies.

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Domaradzka, Anna / Hamel, Pierre (eds.), Handbook on Urban Social Movements. (Research Handbooks in Urban Studies) 480 pp. 2024:1 (E. Elgar, UK) <706-1063>
ISBN 978-1-83910-964-5 hard ¥47,553.- (税込) GB£ 165.00 *

Providing an overview of urban social movements from a diverse range of empirical and theoretical perspectives, this Handbook includes not only a critical analysis of the transformations that have occurred in the urban landscape recently, but also sheds light on the strategies implemented by social actors in various socio-political and cultural contexts. It focuses on better understanding how and to what extent collective action around urban issues remains relevant in our modern world.Top international scholars introduce the main features of urban movements from countries and cities around the world, including across Africa, Asia, Europe and North and South America, to highlight their diversity as well as the multiple scales through which they are employed. The Handbook first documents the concrete forms of contemporary urban movements, before highlighting new developments in the field, particularly in the face of new forms of communication, and finally examines the specificity of contemporary urban movements in the context of emerging unexpected local and global challenges.With a broad range of case studies and in-depth coverage of key issues, this Handbook is critical reading for urban studies and social movement studies scholars. The practical advice offered throughout also makes this an invigorating read for representatives of international institutions working on urban policies and development, as well as urban activists looking for a more in-depth study of the field.

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Balagopalan, Sarada / Wall, John / Wells, Karen (eds.), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Theories in Childhood Studies. 384 pp. 2023:11 (Bloomsbury Academic, UK) <706-1081>
ISBN 978-1-350-26384-0 hard ¥37,466.- (税込) GB£ 130.00 *

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Theories in Childhood Studies brings together an international group of childhood studies scholars who work with a range of critical theories. It speaks to both scholars and students by addressing questions such as how childhoods are diversely constructed and how children's experiences can be better understood. The volume draws together a diversity of theoretical perspectives from the social sciences and humanities such as critical race studies, disability studies, posthumanism, feminism, politics, decolonialism, queer theory and postcolonialism to generate a much-needed conversation about how to move childhood studies forward as a grounded field of research. The volume is subdivided into three sections - subjectivities, relationalities, and structures - each of which addresses different but interrelated approaches to childhood studies theorization. This handbook will be an essential text not just for childhood studies researchers, but for all those interested in theorizing what childhood is, what work it does and who children are.

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Boerner, Stefanie / Carlson, Soeren, Europasoziologie. (Studienkurs Soziologie) 200 S. 2023:8 (Nomos, GW) <706-1083>
ISBN 978-3-8487-8949-8 paper ¥5,834.- (税込) EUR 24.00 *

Wie veraendert die europaeische Integration die daran beteiligten Gesellschaften? Welche sozialen Probleme entstehen dabei? Kommt es gar zur Herausbildung einer europaeischen Gesellschaft? Diese und andere Fragen behandelt die Europasoziologie, die sich seit den 1990er Jahren entwickelte, als deutlich wurde, dass die europaeische Integration nicht nur politische, wirtschaftliche und rechtliche, sondern auch gesellschaftliche Folgen fuer die Mitgliedstaaten der Europaeischen Union hat. Dieses Lehrbuch gibt Studierenden der Soziologie und der European Studies einen Einblick in zentrale Theorieperspektiven und Themen dieses vergleichsweise jungen und sich bestaendig weiterentwickelnden Forschungs- und Lehrgebiets und vermittelt ihnen damit zugleich Grundfragen und Schluesselbegriffe der Soziologie.

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Eisewicht, Paul / Hitzler, Ronald / Schaefer, Lisa (eds.), The Social Sense of the Senses: The Reconstruction of Sensory Aspects of Knowledge Bases. 302 pp. 2023:7 (Springer VS, GW) <706-1087>
ISBN 978-3-658-38579-8 hard ¥19,444.- (税込) EUR 79.99

That which we consider to be real we call knowledge. As a rule, we consider what our five senses convey to us to be real. Our perception and what we consider real and construct as socially effective differs depending on which senses we focus on and how intensively. The connection between reality constructions and sensory conditions has received little attention in social research so far. This concerns, for example, the use of our sensory organs for empirical reconstructions of bodies of knowledge, sensory perceptions as part of bodies of knowledge, or the question of how far knowledge is dependent on sensory abilities. This anthology attempts to close this gap by focusing on the social significance of sensory perceptions and discussing it using the example of various objects of investigation.

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Kortesoja, Matti, Power of Articulation: Imagery of Social Structure and Social Change. 129 pp. 2023:6 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <706-1092>
ISBN 978-3-031-33076-6 hard ¥12,151.- (税込) EUR 49.99

This open access book is the first book that attempts to treat the notion of articulation as an important concept to be added to the lexicon of communication studies and social science. It constitutes the first comprehensive and systematic discussion of 'articulation' in English, providing an introduction of its usages and what has occurred on its 'travels' from one theoretical realm to another in political philosophy, structural linguistics, new economic anthropology, cultural studies and post-Marxist discourse theory. The proposed research takes a relational approach to society and social action in a way that recognises their relative autonomy. It entails an introduction of the 'discursive turn' in the imagery of society and social change, thereby proving that the relational concept of articulation/Gliederung has potential to consider society as both a structured, complex whole and a product of human interaction.

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Kurilla, Robin, Group Identity Fabrication Theory: A Communication-ecological Account with Social-theoretical Implications. 326 pp. 2023:8 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <706-1093>
ISBN 978-3-658-39966-5 paper ¥20,660.- (税込) EUR 84.99

To date, there has been no comprehensive and coherent approach to determining the communicative and precommunicative processes involved in the construction of group identities. The present study fills this gap by developing a unified theoretical foundation that can be used to capture empirical construction processes. Moreover, it contributes to the domain of group communication research. It creates a basic theoretical riverbed that provides a conceptual foundation for the conception of inter- and intra-group communication, which does not take its starting point from 'objective' categories, but from de facto socialization processes. In addition, the architecture of an innovative social theory is presented using the example of the construction of group identity, which satisfies the demands of epistemological interests in communication studies and possibly also in other disciplines.

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N.ルーマン著 システム理論講義 1966~1970年
Luhmann, Niklas, Soziologie unter Anwesenden: Systemtheoretische Vorlesungen 1966-1970. Hrsg. von C. Gesigora u. a. (stw 2418) 600 S. 2024:3 (Suhrkamp, GW) <706-1094>
ISBN 978-3-518-30018-3 paper ¥6,320.- (税込) EUR 26.00



Soeffner, Hans-Georg, The Designed Myth: Investigations on the Structure and Effect Condition of Utopia. 240 pp. 2023:8 (Springer, GW) <706-1097>
ISBN 978-3-658-39701-2 paper ¥19,444.- (税込) EUR 79.99

Utopian thinking and utopian designs ostensibly represent a belief in human progress. The starting point of utopias is almost always a bad present that is to be overcome. But in the 20th and 21st centuries, doubts are growing about a plannable future designed by enlightened reason, about the project of modernity. Utopias are answered by dystopias. This makes it clear: the basic motif of utopian thinking is the fear of an uncontrollable future, a fear that could perhaps be overcome by the principle of hope (Ernst Bloch), an amiable illusion. The Content The "contradiction" of rationality and irrationality in utopian conceptions ? Fiction and reality ? Model and myth ? Symbol and symbolic action ? Enlightenment to autonomy. The target groups ? Humanities scholars, political scientists and social scientists ? Philosophers ? Theologians The author Prof. Dr. Hans-Georg Soeffner is Professor Emeritus of General Sociology at the University of Konstanz, Senior Fellow and Board Member at the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities Essen (KWI) and Permanent Visiting Fellow at the Forum internationale Wissenschaft of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitaet Bonn.

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