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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Dator, Jim, Living Make-Belief: Thriving in a Dream Society. (Anticipation Science 9) 232 pp. 2024:5 (Springer, GW) <728-808>
ISBN 978-3-031-61293-0 hard ¥31,775.- (税込) EUR 128.39

This book shows how multiple developments have caused the world to move from "an information society" to a "dream society". Ongoing social and technological forces are pushing us from a world of words, rationality, and truth into a world of images, performance, and make-belief. Rather than deny or reject this transformation, this book argues that one should understand and embrace it as waves of new futures that the world must strive to surf for fame and fun. As a political scientist and futurist, the author also offers hints of new goals and forms of governance fit for a dream society, as he demonstrates that all current systems are ineffective and dangerously obsolete. This book is of great interest to political philosophers, futures scientists, sociologists, and those interested in cultural studies.

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Overwijk, Jan, Cybernetic Capitalism: A Critical Theory of the Incommunicable. (Meaning Systems) 240 pp. 2025:1 (Fordham U. Pr., US) <728-85>
ISBN 978-1-5315-0892-0 hard ¥28,462.- (税込) US$ 125.00
ISBN 978-1-5315-0893-7 paper ¥7,969.- (税込) US$ 35.00

This book offers a conceptual interrogation of how capital navigates its cybernetic environment. Taking an immanent perspective, the book develops a unique synthesis between Niklas Luhmann's systems theory and the critical theory tradition. Overwijk shows how neoliberal capitalism's version of rationalization depends on the organization and management of society on the basis of cybernetic principles. Overwijk seeks to update earlier critiques of cybernetic capitalism that stressed the system's colonization of its environment, its making the entirety of social life communicable. Under today's cybernetic rationalization, things are radically different. Neoliberal political economy aims to incite the incalculability of the market; platform capitalists venture to capitalize on the unpredictable efforts of their users; and post-Fordist management seeks to encourage the creativity of service workers. As this book uniquely shows, capital no longer aims at total communicability, but instead seeks to provoke and exploit the incommunicability of its environment. In this sense, it offers an ecological theory of capitalism, laying conceptual the groundwork for understanding the extractivist logic of the Anthropocene. Cybernetic Capitalism shows how the cultural obsession with incommunicability that animates cybernetic rationalization has taken an irrationalist turn, resurfacing in the mysticism of conspiracy theory and radical-right politics. The book offers a novel and compelling materialist interpretation of today's paradoxical connections between neoliberal rationalism and radical-right irrationalism.

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Thunder, David / Paniagua, Pablo (eds.), Polycentric Governance and the Good Society: A Normative and Philosophical Investigation. (Polycentricity: Studies in Institutional Diversity and Voluntary Governance) 246 pp. 2024:10 (Lexington Books, US) <728-89>
ISBN 978-1-66695-168-4 hard ¥25,047.- (税込) US$ 110.00

Polycentric Governance and the Good Society: A Normative and Philosophical Investigation offers an examination of the idea of polycentric governance as one of the pillars of a flourishing human society. Rather than following the conventional path of suppressing complexity and diversity for the sake of reaching agreement on justice and political stability, David Thunder and Pablo Paniagua see complexity and diversity as assets that should be leveraged to make the "Open Society" a more prosperous, resilient, and flourishing place to live. Polycentric Governance and the Good Society provides valuable food for thought for academics and students looking for a probing, cross-disciplinary discussion of the ethos and institutions of liberal democracy under conditions of social pluralism. Although the volume includes diverse disciplinary lenses, such as public choice theory, MacIntyrean social theory, and constitutional law, the driving concern is to exhibit the potential advantages of polycentric approaches to governance and social coordination for constructing a feasible and morally attractive social order. This is the first extended academic work to explore in depth the advantages, not only from an economic and organizational standpoint but also from a broader ethical, sociological, and anthropological perspective, of polycentric governance arrangements.

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Phillips, Tarryn / Araujo, N. / Jones, T. W. et al. (eds.), Narratives of Wellbeing. 239 pp. 2024:7 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <728-310>
ISBN 978-3-031-59518-9 hard ¥37,121.- (税込) EUR 149.99

This book critically interrogates 'wellbeing', a concept that is exploding in popularity across the globe. The collection of essays asks not only how wellbeing can be defined and measured, but what is created and excluded in the process of striving for and articulating wellbeing. The editors propose a narrative framework as a novel and insightful lens through which to analyse wellbeing and understand how the "good life" is sought, experienced and talked about. With case studies from around the world, the contributions explore the tensions and overlaps between various scripts about what it means to live well-historically, socially, culturally, economically, and spiritually. The collection brings together a rich array of disciplinary perspectives, including: sociology, politics, anthropology, history, indigenous studies, religious studies, development studies, paediatric medicine, and gender and sexuality studies. The diversity of chapters make the book accessible and appealing, not only to scholars and students of wellbeing in the health and social science disciplines, but also to a broader public readership intrigued by the rise and impact of a buzzword.

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社会ネットワーク分析 第3版
Borgatti, Stephen P / Everett, Martin G. et al., Analyzing Social Networks. 3rd ed. 360 pp. 2024:2 (Sage, UK) <728-18>
ISBN 978-1-5296-0916-5 hard ¥35,508.- (税込) GB£ 120.00 *
ISBN 978-1-5296-0915-8 paper ¥11,832.- (税込) GB£ 39.99 *

Kickstart your research with this practical, bestselling guide to doing social network analysis. Get to grips with the mathematical foundations and learn how to use software tools such as NeTDraw and UCINET to reach your research goals. Supporting you step-by-step through the entire research process, from design and data collection to coding, visualisation, and analysis, the book also offers: * Case studies and examples using real data * Exercises drawn from the authors' decades of teaching experience * Online access to datasets, worked examples and a software manual to help you practice your skills. Whether you are new to social network analysis or an experienced researcher, this approachable book is your technical toolbox and research companion all in one.

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Pellizzoni, Luigi, Nature, Neoliberalism, and New Materialisms: Riding the Ungovernable. (The Frankfurt School in New Times) 220 pp. 2024:10 (Lexington Books, US) <728-1171>
ISBN 978-1-66696-743-2 hard ¥23,908.- (税込) US$ 105.00

For a long time Western reason, of which capitalism embodies the most accomplished and radical form, seemed able of acquiring a growing capacity to control the world. Social turmoil and the ecological crisis appear to question such capacity, while in social theory 'new materialisms' are committed to denounce its engine - the separation and hierarchization of subject and object, language and matter, cognition and thing, living and inanimate, technology and nature. But what if, with new biotechnologies, geoengineering, ecosystem services, human enhancement, artificial intelligence, and more, the overcoming of this separation is celebrated, and world domination increasingly hinges on the unpredictable? Nature, Neoliberalism and New Materialisms: Riding the Ungovernable brings this elusive strategy into focus, reconstructing its genealogy and showing its correspondence with neoliberal governmental rationality. If anti-dualism is endorsed by an increasingly pervasive logic that panders to, and incites, planetary turbulence in order to extract value, how to combat it? Sticking with, or returning to, traditional naturalism does not work. One is rather to build on the irreducibility of the real to its description, and of nature to mere environment. A theoretical key lies in Adorno and in the concept of form of life, while prefigurative activism constitutes a promising field of experience.

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Gilmartin, Mary / Hubbard, Phil / Kitchin, R. et al. (eds.), Key Thinkers on Space and Place. 3rd ed. 528 pp. 2024:5 (Sage, UK) <728-1196>
ISBN 978-1-5297-3256-6 hard ¥35,508.- (税込) GB£ 120.00 *
ISBN 978-1-5297-3255-9 paper ¥11,832.- (税込) GB£ 39.99 *

Space and place are at the heart of how geographers and sociologists think. This updated edition of the essential undergraduate text will introduce you to the most influential thinkers in the tradition of social theory, with a new focus on the past fifty years. This book is designed to engage with theoretical debates in human geography through the individuals who have made the most significant contributions to this field. This will show you how ideas are shaped by contexts, and how those ideas in turn effect change. This book shows how theoretical understandings evolve, shift and change. It also highlights the connections between different thinkers, whose ideas are developed in collaboration with or in reaction to others. Spatial thought is never developed in a vacuum, but is always constructed by individuals and groups of people located in particular institutional and social structures, with their own sets of personal and political beliefs. The biographical approach of this book reveals how individual thinkers draw on a rich legacy of ideas from past and contemporary generations. With increased coverage of international and female thinkers, as well as those who work against Eurocentric notions of space and place, this book reveals the exciting reorientation of Geography towards new ideas and methods in the last decade. Each entry contextualises its subject within on-going (inter)disciplinary debates and important political moments, as well as highlighting connections between different thinkers. Together the chapters uncover the rich and diverse evolution of social theory, equipping you with the foundational ideas of geographical thought. Each entry offers the following components: i) a short biography ii) an explanation of ideas iii) an exploration of how their ideas have been used and critiqued iv) a selective bibliography of key publications (and key publications which review or critique)

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Anders, Allison Daniel / Noblit, George W. (eds.), Evolutions in Critical and Postcritical Ethnography: Crafting Approaches. 296 pp. 2024:8 (Springer, GW) <728-1206>
ISBN 978-3-031-58826-6 hard ¥34,646.- (税込) EUR 139.99

Moving beyond traditional critical ethnography, postcritical ethnographies accept as a key premise that studies which are critical of the social world must also turn critique back on the ethnographer, the study, and its process. The book includes an introduction to the evolutions of critical ethnography and postcritical ethnography and exemplar chapters from contributors who engaged in long-term ethnographic studies. Accompanying each chapter is an introductory preface and margin notes created by the editors to underscore the methodological 'moves' made by each author. Addressing the distinct orientations critical and postcritical ethnographies take, the book illuminates how different authors think, enact, and represent their critical and postcritical/post-critical work. In this way the book is pedagogical within and across each chapter. Each contributor has produced a chapter that includes a brief summary of their respective long-term inquiry project with emphases on relation in the being, doing, and theorizing of qualitative research. Contributors discuss their navigation of commitments across the arc of their research and engage critical social theory, interrogating issues of power and ideology. Each chapter includes retrospective analytical reflections on the long-term ethnographic work contributors completed. The chapters address interpretivist commitments to emic analyses, metaphor, and representation and each contributor's personal and professional commitments to equity and justice. The chapters engage critical social theories, crip horizons, critical race theory, and queer theory, as well as critical and queer pedagogies, de/colonialism, and post-humanism. A summary chapter addresses key issues in contemporary postcritical/post-critical qualitative research. The book is designed to prepare novice qualitative researchers to craft, conduct, and represent postcritical/post-critical qualitative research. The book provides guidance for researchers who are interested in social critique, equity, and justice and who seek to avoid the failures in the last quarter of the 20th Century of critical ethnography.

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児童期の社会学 第6版
Corsaro, William A. / Everitt, Judson G., The Sociology of Childhood. 6th ed. (Sociology for a New Century Series) 424 pp. 2024:5 (Sage, UK) <728-1208>
ISBN 978-1-07-185099-2 paper ¥30,477.- (税込) GB£ 103.00 *

The Sixth Edition of William A. Corsaro and Judson G. Everitt's groundbreaking text discusses children and childhood from a sociological perspective-providing in-depth coverage of social theories of childhood, the peer cultures and social issues of children and youth, and children and childhood within the frameworks of culture and history. This revised edition has been thoroughly updated to incorporate the latest research and the most pertinent information so readers can engage in powerful discussions on a wide array of topics.

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幼児期研究-学生案内 第2版
Fitzgerald, Damien / Maconochie, Heloise (eds.), Early Childhood Studies: A Student's Guide. 2nd ed. 424 pp. 2024:1 (Sage, UK) <728-1210>
ISBN 978-1-5297-9490-8 hard ¥25,151.- (税込) GB£ 85.00 *
ISBN 978-1-5297-9489-2 paper ¥8,577.- (税込) GB£ 28.99 *

The second edition of this indispensable textbook supports your academic development as you explore key concepts, theories, and practices. Engaging case studies bring theory to life, encouraging you to apply your knowledge in real-world scenarios. Reflect on your own beliefs and values with thought-provoking reflection points, while actionable steps guide you in translating theory into practice. Stay current with an extensive list of further readings, ensuring you remain at the forefront of research and practice. Includes key features such as: Learning outcomesAction pointsCase studiesReflection pointsSpotlights on policy/researchChapter summariesFurther readings Each chapter begins with Learning Outcomes and ends with a summary, to guide your studies and package the most complex of subjects in a digestible and understandable form. Unsure how Early Years policies are implemented and impact young children? Curious about working with multilingual children and families? This updated edition covers topics ranging from children's neurological development, to the impact of technology and digital culture, to childhood disability and SEND. Complete and comprehensive, this is the only textbook that will support you from the moment your degree begins right up to your graduation. Whether you're embarking on a career in early childhood or seeking a deeper understanding of this vital field, this book equips you with the essential knowledge and tools to make a positive impact in the lives of young children.

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