2024/11/22 update!
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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.),
Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00
Fivecoate, Jesse A. / Kitta, Andrea (eds.),
Whispers in the Echo Chamber: Folklore and the Role of Conspiracy Theory in Contemporary Society. 302 pp. 2025:1 (U. Wisconsin Pr., US) <735-690>
ISBN 978-0-299-35060-4 hard ¥17,237.- (税込) US$ 79.95
Whispers in the Echo Chamber: Folklore and the Role of Conspiracy Theory in Contemporary Society makes the case that conspiracy theories are fundamentally a folklore genre, akin to and often involving other belief narratives like rumor and legend. The editors and contributors show that studying conspiracy theories using the tools of folkloristics is a fruitful and necessary analytical exercise. The volume's three parts lay out folkloristic approaches to conspiracy theories; ways folkloristics can help us understand how conspiracy theories are constructed; and how the genre of conspiracy theories interacts with particular, contemporary political contexts. Jesse A. Fivecoate and Andrea Kitta's timely volume complements studies from political science, sociology, psychology, history, and more, while also crucially calling for the field of folklore studies to engage more fully with conspiracy theories as a genre. Focusing on modern iterations of sometimes quite ancient conspiracy motifs and themes, the volume forcibly illustrates the crucial relevance of this prevalent and influential form of folklore in today's interconnected world.
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Rappert, Brian,
Revelations: A Sociology of Uncovering. 216 pp. 2024:12 (Routledge, UK) <735-693>
ISBN 978-1-03-277695-8 hard ¥38,461.- (税込) GB£ 135.00
ISBN 978-1-03-277694-1 paper ¥10,538.- (税込) GB£ 36.99
From tabloid headlines to scientific discoveries to investigative documentaries, the claim that truth is being revealed is commonplace today. Such attention-grabbing claims can conjure allure, sell products, launch careers, cement authority and much more besides. And yet, despite the familiarity of revelation-talk, this notion has been subject to limited academic theorizing to date outside of matters divine. Revelations sets out to examine both how the making available through revealing is accomplished as well as the implications of revealing. In other words, it is concerned with how revelations are realized and what is realized through them. Central to the argument will be treating attempts to make available as processes that can entail mix - that is, as processes that combine treating truth as publicly demonstrable but also as beyond simple verification, as alternately intelligible but also as unknowable. In taking the pervasive appeal to revealing as its topic, and through drawing inspiration from a range of disciplines, this book should appeal to a variety of audiences; including those interested in secrecy, conspiracy, expertise, celebrity, science and technology.
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A.Reckwitz著 喪失-現代の基本問題
Reckwitz, Andreas,
Verlust: Ein Grundproblem der Moderne. 500 S. 2024:10 (Suhrkamp, GW) <735-694>
ISBN 978-3-518-58822-2 hard ¥7,532.- (税込) EUR 32.00
Gletscher schmelzen, Arbeitswelten verschwinden, Ordnungen zerfallen. Verluste bedraengen die westlichen Gegenwartsgesellschaften in grosser Zahl und Vielfalt. Sie treiben die Menschen auf die Strasse, in die Praxen der Therapeuten und in die Arme von Populisten. Sie setzen den Ton unserer Zeit. Waehrend sich die Formen ihrer Bearbeitung tiefgreifend veraendern, scheinen Verlusterfahrungen und Verlustaengste immer weiter zu eskalieren. Wie ist das zu erklaeren? Und was bedeutet es fuer die Zukunft? Andreas Reckwitz leistet Pionierarbeit und praesentiert die erste umfassende Analyse der sozialen und kulturellen Strukturen, die unser Verhaeltnis zum Verlust praegen. Unter dem Banner des Fortschritts, so legt er dar, wird die westliche Moderne schon immer von einer Verlustparadoxie angetrieben: Sie will (und kann) Verlusterfahrungen reduzieren ? und potenziert sie zugleich. Dieses fragile Arrangement hatte lange Bestand, doch in der verletzlichen Spaetmoderne kollabiert es. Das Fortschrittsnarrativ buesst massiv an Glaubwuerdigkeit ein, Verluste lassen sich nicht mehr wegbearbeiten. Das fuehrt zu einer der existenziellen Fragen des 21. Jahrhunderts: Koennen Gesellschaften modern bleiben und sich zugleich produktiv mit Verlusten auseinandersetzen? Ein wegweisendes Buch.
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Restivo, Sal,
The Treachery of Realities: Safeguarding Truth in the Age of Science Denial. (Studies in Critical Social Sciences 313) 315 pp. 2025:2 (Brill, NE) <735-695>
ISBN 978-90-04-72156-2 hard ¥29,660.- (税込) EUR 126.00
This volume targets the contemporary atmosphere of lies, post-truths, and alternative facts. Previously, we had no reason to think humanity was about to have its dinosaur moment; we could be confident of surviving for millennia. It now seems that humanity's future might be a matter of decades, given the variety of existential threats we face, from climate change and asteroids to robots and AI. We are not going to save ourselves driven by faith, belief, hopes, prayers, and wishes in an atmosphere of science deniers. What is required is an investment in a renewed and re-energized secular worldview guided by the sociological imagination and opposed to conventional reasoning and action
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Stolte, John,
Structural Power-Dependence and Social Negotiation in Exchange Networks: A Research Program in Progress. (International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology 143) 143 pp. 2024:12 (Brill, NE) <735-696>
ISBN 978-90-04-71392-5 hard ¥18,832.- (税込) EUR 80.00
What are key causes and effects of structural inequality across many social, economic, and psychological situations of life? Power-dependence/exchange theory and relevant data are used in this book to help answer this complicated question. Crucial dimensions of interpersonal behavior, social symbolic communication, and individual social psychology are explored in the context of exchange network and group dynamics. Developed across the past 60 years, the research program covered here provides a distinctive perspective on "social exchange theory," bringing to bear data produced through use of various research methods: qualitative ethnography, controlled laboratory experiment, vignette experiment, social sample survey, and psycholinguistic analysis.
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Angebauer, Niklas / Blumenfeld, Jacob / Wesche, T. (Hrsg.),
Umkaempftes Eigentum: Eine gesellschaftstheoretische Debatte. (stw 2450) 500 S. 2025:3 (Suhrkamp, GW) <735-31>
ISBN 978-3-518-30050-3 paper ¥6,826.- (税込) EUR 29.00
Vom Klimaschutz ueber die Vergesellschaftung grosser Immobilienkonzerne bis zum Recht auf die eigenen Daten: Wir erleben gegenwaertig ein Comeback von Eigentumsdebatten. Der Band bietet erstmals eine umfassende Einfuehrung in diese hochaktuellen Streitfragen. Welche Folgen hat die Finanzialisierung fuer geistiges Eigentum und das Eigentum an Wohnraum? Welche Gruende sprechen fuer Gemeineigentum? Sind Erbschaften von der Eigentumsidee gedeckt? Die Beitraege von u. a. Katharina Pistor, Christoph Menke, Brenna Bhandar, Rahel Jaeggi, Andrej Holm, Philipp Staab und Andreas Malm entwickeln Loesungsansaetze aus den Perspektiven von Philosophie, Soziologie, Recht und Geschichte.
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Hrubec, Marek,
Towards Justice: A Critical Theory of Global Society and Politics. (Studies in Critical Social Sciences 311) 408 pp. 2025:2 (Brill, NE) <735-436>
ISBN 978-90-04-72101-2 hard ¥32,720.- (税込) EUR 139.00
Based on a critique of liberal and libertarian contradictions with their conflictual consequences and on analyses of critical social theories and perspectives from the Global South (Latin America, Africa, and Asia), this book seeks to address tensions of global social misrecognition and injustice. It deals with the dispute over particular and universal norms on local, regional, and global levels, extra-territorial social recognition of the global poor, strategic socialism, threats of global hegemony, authoritarianism, and war in light of various conflicts.
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Moeller, Kolja,
Volk und Elite: Eine Gesellschaftstheorie des Populismus. (stw 2452) 400 S. 2024:10 (Suhrkamp, GW) <735-441>
ISBN 978-3-518-30052-7 paper ¥6,120.- (税込) EUR 26.00
Der populistische Appell an das ≫Volk≪ und die Mobilisierung gegen die ≫Eliten≪ dominieren mittlerweile die Politik in vielen Laendern der Welt. Aber wo liegen die geschichtlichen Wurzeln dieser Politikform? Und wie haengt sie mit gesellschaftlichen Krisenprozessen zusammen? Welche Spielarten des Populismus sind zu unterscheiden und was ist ihr Verhaeltnis zu Demokratie und Verfassung? Kolja Moeller verfolgt die Wege des Populismus, die bereits im 11. Jahrhundert beginnen und bis zu den juengsten Konflikten im Zuge der Globalisierung fuehren, und er entwickelt eine umfassende Gesellschaftstheorie dieser Politikform. Ein unverzichtbares Buch, um die gegenwaertige populistische Welle zu verstehen.
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Zaterini, Matteo Jacopo / Punzi, Corrado / Longo, M. (eds.),
Creativity and Sociology: Doing Social Research with and on Artistic Sources. (Classical and Contemporary Social Theory) 272 pp. 2024:12 (Routledge, UK) <735-11>
ISBN 978-1-03-256150-9 hard ¥37,037.- (税込) GB£ 130.00
Creativity and Sociology: Doing Social Research with and on Artistic Sources explores the relationship between artistic and sociological narratives, considering the ways in which artistic narratives in their different forms can be both subjects of sociological observation and tools for the sociological analysis of reality. Thematically divided into sections that focus on 'doing sociology on art' and 'doing sociology with art', it observes the major forms of art - including literature, music, theatre, painting, photography, cinematography and interactive arts such as videogames - examining each as objects and instruments of sociological analysis: as narratives that can offer new perspectives on the world. Bringing together under a single epistemological framework areas of research that frequently remain separate, or beyond sociological framing, this book will appeal to scholars of sociology, social theory and social science methodology with interests in media and artistic narratives.
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Byrd, Dustin J. / Miri, Seyed Javad (eds.),
Sigmund Freud as a Critical Social Theorist: Psychoanalysis and the Neurotic in Contemporary Society. (Studies in Critical Social Sciences 305) 588 pp. 2024:12 (Brill, NE) <735-689>
ISBN 978-90-04-71377-2 hard ¥38,841.- (税込) EUR 165.00
Sigmund Freud's work has influenced the modern world in many profound ways. The "father of psychoanalysis," Freud wrote numerous works wherein his psychoanalytic perspectives were applied to history, society, religion, and other cultural phenomenon. By expanding his psychoanalytic theories into these realms, Freud insured his place within the disciplines of philosophy, sociology, history, theology, and religious studies, wherein his works are still studied. More specifically, his psychoanalytic theories were adopted, revised, and expanded upon by philosophers and sociologists, such as Theodor W. Adorno, Erich Fromm, Herbert Marcuse, Juergen Habermas, Jacques Derrida, Julia Kristeva, Gilles Deleuze, Judith Butler, Slavoj Zizek, and many others, who in some cases radicalized the latent political content within Freud's thought, using it to critique modern industrialized capitalism and theorize about the possibility for alternative forms of societies more conducive towards mental health. Although Freud is often marginalized, or even denigrated, we think there are still elements within the corpus of Freud's work that are valuable for both diagnosing social problems and addressing such problems psychoanalytically. The book demonstrates the lasting relevancy of Freud's thought to a variety of disciplines, as they diagnose a myriad of social issues.
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