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掲載点数 全6件




Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Gangas, Spiros / Lagoumitzi, Georgia, Sociology in Greece: Its History and Development. (Sociology Transformed) 197 pp. 2022:11 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <688-992>
ISBN 978-3-031-16189-6 hard ¥10,936.- (税込) EUR 44.99

This Palgrave Pivot provides a concise history of the development of sociology in Greece. It provides a compelling narrative of the discipline's embryonic state, its promising beginnings that aligned with its contact with the then robust French and German accomplishments in sociology. It continues with sociology's entanglement with modern Greece's turbulent history during the Civil War and the junta years. It charts Greece's gradual recovery during the mid-1970s, which led to sociology's institutionalization. Yet such institutional boom was not free of politicization processes, many of which proved residual and resilient, stemming from the dictatorship years, as well as from Greece's dependency during its process of modernization. This book completes this historical account by reconsidering sociology's gradual embrace of a multi-paradigmatic orientation, its opportunities in light of the burgeoning Greek EU membership and extroversion. It concludes with charting sociology's position inthe 21st century, facing challenges like the Great Recession and its impact in Greece as well as the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Megrelidze, Konstantin, Fundamental Problems of the Sociology of Thinking. Ed. by C. Brandist. (Historical Materialism Book Series 265) 461 pp. 2022:12 (Brill, NE) <688-994>
ISBN 978-90-04-30008-8 hard ¥36,951.- (税込) EUR 152.00 *

Written at the height of the purges, but unpublished for decades, Megrelidze's text is arguably the most significant, erudite and wide-ranging work of Marxist philosophy written in the USSR at the time. Discussing the emergence and development of human consciousness from the origins of humanity to the rise of capitalism, Megrelidze discusses the major achievements of contemporary cognitive science, sociology, philosophy and linguistics in the light of the works of Marx and Engels that were being published at the time. Far from the rigidities of official 'diamat', the book provides an insight into the important debates in Soviet intellectual life that led to the works of figures such as Vygotsky and the 'Bakhtin Circle'.

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Paoletti, Giovanni / Pendenza, Massimo (eds.), Emile Durkheim: Sociology as an Open Science. (International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology 140) 228 pp. 2022:9 (Brill, NE) <688-995>
ISBN 978-90-04-50801-9 hard ¥25,525.- (税込) EUR 105.00

Sociology for Durkheim was by no means a knowledge closed in its specificity. It was rather an open science, permeable to contributions coming from other disciplines. For him, the task of sociology was to study what held societies together, giving place to reflective change and progressive development. This is an epistemological and political model that still retains all its relevance today: an example to be rediscovered against any reductionist conception of the vocation and object of social sciences; an encouragement to see sociology as an indispensable protagonist for an authentic interdisciplinary dialogue in the field of humanities. It is one of the best legacies Durkheim left us, that this book attempts to illustrate.

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Runde, Ingo / Hawicks, Heike (Hrsg.), Max Weber in Heidelberg: Beitraege zur digitalen Vortragsreihe an der Universitaet Heidelberg im Sommersemester 2020 anlaesslich des 100. Todestages am 14. Juni 2020. (Heidelberger Schriften zur Universitaetsgeschichte 11) 417 S. 2022:10 (Winter, GW) <688-996>
ISBN 978-3-8253-4933-2 hard ¥11,182.- (税込) EUR 46.00 *

2020 jaehrte sich der Todestag des bedeutenden Soziologen Max Weber zum 100. Mal. In Erfurt geboren, wuchs Weber zum groessten Teil in Berlin auf. Unmittelbar nach dem Abitur studierte er drei Semester Jura in Heidelberg und hoerte dort zusaetzlich Vorlesungen in Geschichte, Nationaloekonomie und Philosophie. Nach Promotion und Habilitation in Berlin sowie einer Professur in Freiburg kehrte er an die Ruperto Carola zurueck, wo er 1897 den Lehrstuhl fuer Sozialoekonomie uebernahm und das Bild Heidelbergs in der Wissenschaft durch grundlegende Schriften praegte. Die sonntaeglichen Treffen des ?Weber-Kreises“ in der familieneigenen Villa am Neckarufer wurden zudem zur Keimzelle des vielzitierten ?Mythos von Heidelberg“, der auch nach Webers Tod am 14. Juni 1920 fortlebte. Die Beitraege dieses Bandes widmen sich Webers Leben und Werk in der Heidelberger Zeit und greifen dazu insbesondere auf die im Rahmen der Gesamtausgabe seiner Schriften erschlossenen brieflichen Zeugnisse zurueck.

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Strazzeri, Victor, The Young Max Weber and German Social Democracy: The 'Labour Question' and the Genesis of Social Theory in Imperial Germany (1884-1899). (Historical Materialism Book Series 259) 344 pp. 2022:9 (Brill, NE) <688-997>
ISBN 978-90-04-52442-2 hard ¥34,277.- (税込) EUR 141.00 *

The Young Max Weber and German Social Democracy examines the formative years of a classic social thinker once called the 'bourgeois Marx' from the standpoint of his relationship to the foremost working-class organization of his time. It argues that Weber's early engagement with the standpoint of the rural worker - not his later study of the ethics of ascetic Protestant entrepreneurs - first convinced him of the central role of culture in human agency. The crisis of liberalism in a rapidly modernising, conflict-ridden Imperial Germany embarking on colonial expansion emerges in the work as the decisive setting for the genesis of Weberian social thought; the rising labour movement, in turn, as the young Weber's little-know yet crucial interlocutor.

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Marramao, Giacomo, The Bewitched World of Capital: Economic Crisis and the Metamorphosis of the Political. Ed. & tr. by M. Mandarini. (Historical Materialism Book Series 273) 304 pp. 2022:12 (Brill, NE) <688-21>
ISBN 978-90-04-27304-7 hard ¥29,658.- (税込) EUR 122.00 *

Capital is a chameleon that assumes different guises while maintaining the same logic, exploiting crisis as an opportunity for regeneration. Yet each transformation opens a passage for radical conflict and new revolutionary theories and subjects. This is particularly true of the critical passage from the 1920s to the 1930s, which Giacomo Marramao presents as an incandescent laboratory of theoretical and practical transformations and fierce confrontations. Moving from Austro-Marxism to Frankfurt School Critical Theory, from Hilferding to Grossmann, and Max Weber to Carl Schmitt, The Bewitched World of Capital shows how 'the Political' was remade in the passage from free-market capitalism to mass society, throwing new light on forms of domination and conflict that also traverse our present.

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