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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



McGrath, Ann / Rademaker, Laura / Troy, Jakelin (eds.), Everywhen: Australia and the Language of Deep History. (New Visions in Native American and Indigenous Studies) 330 pp. 2023:1 (U. Nebraska Pr., US) <679-921>
ISBN 978-1-4962-2728-7 hard ¥13,464.- (税込) US$ 60.00 *

Everywhen is a groundbreaking collection about diverse ways of conceiving, knowing, and narrating time and deep history. Looking beyond the linear documentary past of Western or academic history, this collection asks how knowledge systems of Australia's Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders can broaden our understandings of the past and of historical practice. Indigenous embodied practices for knowing, narrating, and reenacting the past in the present blur the distinctions of linear time, making all history now. Ultimately, questions of time and language are questions of Indigenous sovereignty. The Australian case is especially pertinent because Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are among the few Native peoples without a treaty with their colonizers. Appreciating First Nations' time concepts embedded in languages and practices, as Everywhen does, is a route to recognizing diverse forms of Indigenous sovereignties.Everywhen makes three major contributions. The first is a concentration on language, both as a means of knowing and transmitting the past across generations and as a vital, albeit long-overlooked source material for historical investigation, to reveal how many Native people maintained and continue to maintain ancient traditions and identities through language. Everywhen also considers Indigenous practices of history, or knowing the past, that stretch back more than sixty thousand years; these Indigenous epistemologies might indeed challenge those of the academy. Finally, the volume explores ways of conceiving time across disciplinary boundaries and across cultures, revealing how the experience of time itself is mediated by embodied practices and disciplinary norms.Everywhen brings Indigenous knowledges to bear on the study and meaning of the past and of history itself. It seeks to draw attention to every when, arguing that Native time concepts and practices are vital to understanding Native histories and, further, that they may offer a new framework for history as practiced in the Western academy.

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Liu, Huwy-min Lucia, Governing Death, Making Persons: The New Chinese Way of Death. 264 pp. 2023:1 (Cornell U. Pr., US) <679-891>
ISBN 978-1-5017-6721-0 hard ¥29,172.- (税込) US$ 130.00 *
ISBN 978-1-5017-6722-7 paper ¥8,515.- (税込) US$ 37.95 *

Governing Death, Making Persons tells the story of how economic reforms and changes in the management of death in China have affected the governance of persons. The Chinese Communist Party has sought to channel the funeral industry and death rituals into vehicles for reshaping people into "modern" citizens and subjects. Since the Reform and Opening period and the marketization of state funeral parlors, the Party has promoted personalized funerals in the hope of promoting a market-oriented and individualistic ethos. However, things have not gone as planned. Huwy-min Lucia Liu writes about the funerals she witnessed and the life stories of two kinds of funeral workers: state workers who are quasi-government officials and semilegal private funeral brokers. She shows that end-of-life commemoration in urban China today is characterized by the resilience of social conventions and not a shift toward market economy individualization. Rather than seeing a rise of individualism and the decline of a socialist self, Liu sees the durability of socialist, religious, communal, and relational ideas of self, woven together through creative ritual framings in spite of their contradictions.

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A.L.Hinton著 人類学的証言-クメール・ルージュ裁判の教訓
Hinton, Alexander Laban, Anthropological Witness: Lessons from the Khmer Rouge Tribunal. 180 pp. 2022:10 (Cornell U. Pr., US) <679-906>
ISBN 978-1-5017-6568-1 hard ¥29,172.- (税込) US$ 130.00 *
ISBN 978-1-5017-6569-8 paper ¥6,271.- (税込) US$ 27.95 *

Anthropological Witness tells the story of Alexander Laban Hinton's encounter with an accused architect of genocide and, more broadly, Hinton's attempt to navigate the promises and perils of expert testimony. In March 2016, Hinton served as an expert witness at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, an international tribunal established to try senior Khmer Rouge leaders for crimes committed during the 1975-79 Cambodian genocide. His testimony culminated in a direct exchange with Pol Pot's notorious right-hand man, Nuon Chea, who was engaged in genocide denial. Anthropological Witness looks at big questions about the ethical imperatives and epistemological assumptions involved in explanation and the role of the public scholar in addressing issues relating to truth, justice, social repair, and genocide. Hinton asks: Can scholars who serve as expert witnesses effectively contribute to international atrocity crimes tribunals where the focus is on legal guilt as opposed to academic explanation? What does the answer to this question say more generally about academia and the public sphere? At a time when the world faces a multitude of challenges, the answers Hinton provides to such questions about public scholarship are urgent.

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Lennox, Amie L., Human Trafficking, Structural Violence and Resilience: Ethnographic Life Narratives from the Philippines. (Routledge Studies in Anthropology) 232 pp. 2022:9 (Routledge, UK) <679-907>
ISBN 978-1-03-219827-9 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

This book explores and examines human trafficking in Eastern Mindanao in the Philippines, and the social conditions which facilitate and maintain this exploitation. Through a combination of ethnographic research and life-narrative interviews, the book tells the stories of those who have experienced exploitation, and analyses the social conditions which form the context for these experiences. This book places the trafficking of migrants in context of the local social setting where migration, including human trafficking of migrants, is one of the limited options available for work. It explores how these social configurations contribute to exploitation both domestically and internationally. This book also draws on first-person accounts from those who have experienced trafficking or exploitation, offering lived experiences which reveal deep and complex cultural, social, and personal expressions of meaning, resilience, and hope within constrained, unequal, and even violent circumstances. This book will appeal to students and scholars researching and studying in the fields of social and cultural anthropology, and Southeast Asian studies.

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西井凉子、田辺繁治編 東南アジアにおけるコミュニティ運動
Nishii, Ryoko / Tanabe, Shigeharu (eds.), Community Movements in Southeast Asia: An Anthropological Perspective of Assemblages. 320 pp. 2022:9 (Silkworm Books, TH) <679-912>
ISBN 978-616-215-186-6 paper ¥7,854.- (税込) US$ 35.00 *



Mohan, Urmila, Masking in Pandemic U.S: Beliefs and Practices of Containment and Connection. (Routledge Focus on Anthropology) 136 pp. 2022:9 (Routledge, UK) <679-371>
ISBN 978-1-03-213762-9 hard ¥13,253.- (税込) GB£ 45.99 *

This anthropological study explores the beliefs and practices that emerged around masking in the U.S. during the COVID-19 pandemic. Americans responded to this illness as unique subjects navigating the flux of social and corporeal boundaries, supporting certain beliefs and acting to shape them as compelling realities. Debates over health and safety mandates indicated that responses were fractured with varied subjectivities in play-people lived in different worlds and bodies were central in conflicts over breathing, masking and social distancing. Contrasting approaches to practices marked the limits and possibilities of imaginaries, signaling differences and similarities between groups, and how actions could be passageways between people and possibilities. During a time of uncertainty and loss, the "efficacious intimacy" of bodies and materials embedded beliefs, values, and emotions of care in mask sewing and usage. By exploring these practices, the author reflects on how American subjects became relational selves and sustained response-able communities, helping people protect each other from mutating viruses as well as moving forward in a shifting terrain of intimacy and distance, connection, and containment.

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Spread, Patrick, Economics, Anthropology and the Origin of Money as a Bargaining Counter. (Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy) 336 pp. 2022:10 (Routledge, UK) <679-210>
ISBN 978-1-03-232227-8 hard ¥36,025.- (税込) GB£ 125.00 *

For many decades economists have disputed with economic anthropologists over the origins of money. Economists claim that money emerged from barter exchange; anthropologists claim that it originated as a 'unit of account' in the temples and palaces of ancient Mesopotamia. This book argues that money originated as a bargaining counter in a system of money-bargaining, emerging almost seamlessly from barter-bargaining. This is not the 'money' of mainstream economic conception - a 'veil' cast over a system of resource allocation defined in mathematical terms.Confidence in the bargaining counter is sustained through 'support-bargaining,' a process in which individuals seek the support of their associates but seek at the same time to advance their own interests. A comprehensive 'Introduction to Support-Bargaining and Money-Bargaining' is provided by the work. The arrival of coin-money is recognised by many as a crucial event in the history of mankind, and it is argued here that the distinctive character of support-bargaining in ancient Greek city states made possible the introduction of coin-money. The dependence of coin-money on a particular form of support-bargaining also suggests the reason why coin-money was not introduced much earlier, given that the technology for producing coins was available long before their adoption.This book will be of great interest to researchers in the history and origins of money, banking and economic theory more broadly.

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Kan, Sergei, A Maverick Boasian: The Life and Work of Alexander A. Goldenweiser. (Critical Studies in the History of Anthropology) 282 pp. 2023:2 (U. Nebraska Pr., US) <679-1262>
ISBN 978-1-4962-3348-6 hard ¥14,586.- (税込) US$ 65.00 *

A Maverick Boasian explores the often contradictory life of Alexander Goldenweiser (1880-1940), a scholar considered by his contemporaries to be Franz Boas's most brilliant and most favored student. The story of his life and scholarship is complex and exciting as well as frustrating. Although Goldenweiser came to the United States from Russia as a young man, he spent the next forty years thinking of himself as a European intellectual who never felt entirely at home. A talented ethnographer, he developed excellent rapport with his Native American consultants but cut short his fieldwork due to lack of funds. An individualist and an anarchist in politics, he deeply resented having to compromise any of his ideas and freedoms for the sake of professional success. A charming man, he risked his career and family life to satisfy immediate needs and wants. A number of his books and papers on the relationship between anthropology and other social sciences helped foster an important interdisciplinary conversation that continued for decades after his death. For the first time, Sergei Kan brings together and examines all of Goldenweiser's published scholarly works, archival records, personal correspondences, nonacademic publications, and living memories from several of Goldenweiser's descendants. Goldenweiser attracted attention for his unique progressive views on such issues as race, antisemitism, immigration, education, pacifism, gender, and individual rights. His was a major voice in a chorus of progressive Boasians who applied the insights of their discipline to a variety of questions on the American public's mind. Many of the battles he fought are still with us today.

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Kane, Eileen, Sightlines: Beyond the Beyond in Ireland. 296 pp. 2022 (U. Toronto Pr., CN) <679-1263>
ISBN 978-1-4875-4715-8 hard ¥14,586.- (税込) US$ 65.00 *
ISBN 978-1-4875-4499-7 paper ¥6,171.- (税込) US$ 27.50 *

It is the 1960s, and Ireland is hoping to join what will later become the European Union. The government has devised a plan to stem emigration and save the Irish language by supporting small factories in the Gaeltacht, traditional Irish-speaking villages in remote western areas. But is the plan working? With her signature humor and charm, Eileen Kane transports the reader to County Donegal with a detailed account of rural Irish life during this period of rapid change. This is a story about people living beyond the margins of maps, boundaries, language groups, and government departments - people bound by borders that have little or no correspondence to their own cultural, economic, and historical margins. Ultimately, it is a story about life on the edges, and the places and people who fall outside them.

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Lambert, Valerie, Native Agency: Indians in the Bureau of Indian Affairs. (Indigenous Americas) 344 pp. 2023:1 (U. Minnesota Pr., US) <679-1264>
ISBN 978-1-5179-1452-3 hard ¥24,235.- (税込) US$ 108.00 *
ISBN 978-1-5179-1453-0 paper ¥6,058.- (税込) US$ 27.00 *

What happens when American Indians take over an institution designed to eliminate them? The Bureau of Indian Affairs was hatched in the U.S. Department of War to subjugate and eliminate American Indians. Yet beginning in the 1970s, American Indians and Alaska Natives took over and now run the agency. Choctaw anthropologist Valerie Lambert argues that, instead of fulfilling settler-colonial goals, the Indians in the BIA have been leveraging federal power to fight settler colonialism, battle white supremacy, and serve the interests of their people. Although the missteps and occasional blunders of the Indians in the BIA have at times damaged the federal-Indian relationship and fueled the ire of their people, and although the BIA is massively underfunded, Indians began crafting the BIA into a Native agency by reformulating the meanings of concepts that lay at its heart-concepts such as tribal sovereignty, treaties, the trust responsibility, and Indian land. At the same time, they pursued actions to strengthen and bolster tribes, to foster healing, to fight the many injustices Indians face, and to restore the Indian land base.This work provides an essential national-level look at an intriguing and impactful form of Indigenous resistance. It describes, in great detail, the continuing assaults made on Native peoples and tribal sovereignty in the United States during the twenty-first century, and it sketches the visions of the future that Indians at the BIA and in Indian Country have been crafting for themselves.

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Naji, Stephan / Rendu, William / Gourichon, Lionel (eds.), Dental Cementum in Anthropology. 420 pp. 2022:2 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <679-1269>
ISBN 978-1-108-47708-6 hard ¥36,025.- (税込) GB£ 125.00 *

Tooth enamel and dentin are the most studied hard tissues used to explore hominin evolution, life history, diet, health, and culture. Surprisingly, cementum (the interface between the alveolar bone and the root dentin) remains the least studied dental tissue even though its unique growth, which is continuous throughout life, has been acknowledged since the 1950s. This interdisciplinary volume presents state-of-the-art studies in cementum analysis and its broad interpretative potential in anthropology. The first section focuses on cementum biology; the second section presents optimized multi-species and standardized protocols to estimate age and season at death precisely. The final section highlights innovative applications in zooarchaeology, paleodemography, bioarchaeology, paleoanthropology, and forensic anthropology, demonstrating how cementochronology can profoundly affect anthropological theories. With a wealth of illustrations of cementum histology and accompanying online resources, this book provides the perfect toolkit for scholars interested in studying past and current human and animal populations.

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Raffaeta, Roberta, Metagenomic Futures: How Microbiome Research is Reconfiguring Health and What it Means to be Human. (Routledge Studies in Anthropology) 240 pp. 2022:10 (Routledge, UK) <679-1273>
ISBN 978-1-03-206863-3 hard ¥36,025.- (税込) GB£ 125.00 *

This book is an ethnographic exploration of what it means to be human from a more-than-human perspective, the microbial perspective. It engages with the scientific study of the microbiome and the vast microbial biodiversity that surrounds and constitutes us. Microbes connect human bodies with the environment in which they live and have important implications for both human and environmental health. Scientists studying the microbiome are explorers of uncharted life and in this venture they are constrained by onto-epistemic working practices grounded in the reductionist paradigm of molecular biology. At the same time, however, they configure the microbiome ecosystem as an aspirational form of ecological co-habitation. The aim of the book is to critically explore the ethical, political and ontological implications of microbiome science in times of profound socio-technical and ecological transition and engage with them productively from an anthropological perspective. It suggests ways to revitalize current debates within medical anthropology, environmental anthropology, science and technology studies and anthropology at large, especially with regard to posthumanism, the ontological turn and critical data study.

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Stark, Heidi Kiiwetinepinesiik / Craft, Aimee et al. (eds.), Indigenous Resurgence in an Age of Reconciliation. 256 pp. 2022:12 (U. Toronto Pr., CN) <679-1275>
ISBN 978-1-4875-4459-1 hard ¥16,830.- (税込) US$ 75.00 *
ISBN 978-1-4875-4460-7 paper ¥7,293.- (税込) US$ 32.50 *

What would Indigenous resurgence look like if the parameters were not set with a focus on the state, settlers, or an achievement of reconciliation? Indigenous Resurgence in an Age of Reconciliation explores the central concerns and challenges facing Indigenous nations in their resurgence efforts, while also mapping the gaps and limitations of both reconciliation and resurgence frameworks. The essays in this collection centre the work of Indigenous communities, knowledge, and strategies for resurgence and, where appropriate, reconciliation. The book challenges narrow interpretations of indigeneity and resurgence, asking readers to take up a critical analysis of how settler colonial and heteronormative framings have infiltrated our own ways of relating to our selves, one another, and to place. The authors seek to (re)claim Indigenous relationships to the political and offer critical self-reflection to ensure Indigenous resurgence efforts do not reproduce the very conditions and contexts from which liberation is sought. Illuminating the interconnectivity between and across life in all its forms, this important collection calls on readers to think expansively and critically about Indigenous resurgence in an age of reconciliation.

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Stone, Nomi, Pinelandia: An Anthropology and Field Poetics of War and Empire. (Atelier: Ethnographic Inquiry in the Twenty-First Century 8) 310 pp. 2022:10 (U. California Pr., US) <679-1276>
ISBN 978-0-520-34436-5 hard ¥21,318.- (税込) US$ 95.00 *
ISBN 978-0-520-34437-2 paper ¥6,719.- (税込) US$ 29.95 *

Across the pine forests and deserts of America, there are mock Middle Eastern villages, mostly hidden from public view. Containing mosques, restaurants, street signs, graffiti in Arabic, and Iraqi role-players, these villages serve as military training sites for cultural literacy and special operations, both seen as crucial to victory in the Global War on Terror. In her gripping and highly original ethnography, anthropologist Nomi Stone explores US military predeployment training exercises and the lifeworlds of the Iraqi role-players employed within the mock villages, as they act out to mourn, bargain, and die like the wartime adversary or ally. Spanning fieldwork across the United States and Jordan, Pinelandia traces the devastating consequences of a military project that seeks to turn human beings into wartime technologies recruited to translate, mediate, and collaborate. Theorizing and enacting a field poetics, this work enlarges the ethnographic project into new cross-disciplinary worlds. Pinelandia is a political phenomenology of American empire and Iraq in the twenty-first century.

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Zumwalt, Rosemary Levy, Franz Boas: Shaping Anthropology and Fostering Social Justice. (Critical Studies in the History of Anthropology) 656 pp. 2022:12 (U. Nebraska Pr., US) <679-1277>
ISBN 978-1-4962-1691-5 hard ¥8,963.- (税込) US$ 39.95 *

Franz Boas defined the concept of cultural relativism and reoriented the humanities and social sciences away from race science toward an antiracist and anticolonialist understanding of human biology and culture. Franz Boas: Shaping Anthropology and Fostering Social Justice is the second volume in Rosemary Levy Zumwalt's two-part biography of the renowned anthropologist and public intellectual. Zumwalt takes the reader through the most vital period in the development of Americanist anthropology and Boas's rise to dominance in the subfields of cultural anthropology, physical anthropology, ethnography, and linguistics. Boas's emergence as a prominent public intellectual, particularly his opposition to U.S. entry into World War I, reveals his struggle against the forces of nativism, racial hatred, ethnic chauvinism, scientific racism, and uncritical nationalism. Boas was instrumental in the American cultural renaissance of the 1920s and 1930s, training students and influencing colleagues such as Melville Herskovits, Zora Neale Hurston, Benjamin Botkin, Alan Lomax, Langston Hughes, and others involved in combating racism and the flourishing Harlem Renaissance. He assisted German and European emigre intellectuals fleeing Nazi Germany to relocate in the United States and was instrumental in organizing the denunciation of Nazi racial science and American eugenics. At the end of his career Boas guided a network of former student anthropologists, who spread across the country to university departments, museums, and government agencies, imprinting his social science more broadly in the world of learned knowledge.Franz Boas is a magisterial biography of Franz Boas and his influence in shaping not only anthropology but also the sciences, humanities, social science, visual and performing arts, and America's public sphere during a period of great global upheaval and democratic and social struggle.

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Hilliard, Emily, Making Our Future: Visionary Folklore and Everyday Culture in Appalachia. 312 pp. 2022:11 (U. North Carolina Pr., US) <679-1190>
ISBN 978-1-4696-7161-1 hard ¥22,215.- (税込) US$ 99.00 *
ISBN 978-1-4696-7162-8 paper ¥5,597.- (税込) US$ 24.95 *

In this book, Emily Hilliard draws from her work as state folklorist to explore contemporary folklife in West Virginia. In doing so, she challenges the common perception of both folklore and Appalachian culture as static, antiquated forms, offering instead the concept of "visionary folklore" as a future-focused, materialist, and collaborative approach to cultural work.With chapters on the expressive culture of the West Virginia teachers' strike, the cultural significance of the West Virginia hot dog, the tradition of independent pro wrestling in Appalachia, the practice of nonprofessional women songwriters, the collective counternarrative of a multiracial coal camp community, the invisible landscape of writer Breece D'J Pancake's hometown, the foodways of an Appalachian Swiss community, the postapocalyptic vision presented in the video game Fallout 76, and more, the book centers the collective nature of folklife and examines the role of the public folklorist in collaborative engagements with communities and culture. Hilliard argues that folklore is a unifying concept that puts diverse cultural forms in conversation, as well as a framework that helps us reckon with the past, understand the present, and collectively shape the future.

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Bandak, Andreas, Exemplary Life: Modelling Sainthood in Christian Syria. (Anthropological Horizons) 264 pp. 2022:9 (U. Toronto Pr., CN) <679-120>
ISBN 978-1-4875-4293-1 hard ¥14,586.- (税込) US$ 65.00 *
ISBN 978-1-4875-4294-8 paper ¥7,841.- (税込) US$ 34.95 *

Based on over five years of ethnographic fieldwork in Syria, Exemplary Life focuses on the life of a Damascus woman, Myrna Nazzour, who serves as an aspirational figure in her community. Myrna is regarded by her followers as an exemplary figure, a living saint, and the messages, apparitions, stigmata, and oil that have marked Myrna since 1982 have corroborated her status as chosen by God. Exemplary Life probes the power of examples, the modelling of sainthood around Myrna's figure, and the broader context for Syrian Christians in the changing landscape of the Middle East. The book highlights the social use of examples such as the ones inhabited by Myrna's devout followers and how they reveal the broader structures of illustration, evidence, and persuasion in social and cultural settings. Andreas Bandak argues that the role of the example should incite us to investigate which trains of thought set local worlds in motion. In doing so, Exemplary Life presents a novel frame for examining how religion comes to matter to people and adds a critical dimension to current anthropological engagements with ethics and morality.

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Nakassis, Constantine V., Onscreen/Offscreen. (Studies in the Anthropology of Language, Sign, and Social Life) 384 pp. 2023:2 (U. Toronto Pr., CN) <679-1207>
ISBN 978-1-4875-4177-4 paper ¥7,293.- (税込) US$ 32.50 *

Based on over a decade of ethnographic fieldwork in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu, Onscreen/Offscreen is an exploration of the politics and being of filmic images. The book examines contestations inside and outside the Tamil film industry over the question "what is an image?" Answers to this question may be found in the ontological politics that take place on film sets, in theatre halls, and in the social fabric of everyday life in South India, from populist electoral politics and the gendering of social space to caste uplift and domination. Bridging and synthesizing linguistic anthropology, film studies, visual studies, and media anthropology, Onscreen/Offscreen rethinks key issues across a number of fields concerned with the semiotic constitution of social life, from the performativity and ontology of images to questions of spectatorship, realism, and presence. In doing so, it offers both a challenge to any approach that would separate image from social context and a new vision for linguistic anthropology beyond the question of "language."

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Borrows, John / McNeil, Kent (eds.), Voicing Identity: Cultural Appropriation and Indigenous Issues. 352 pp. 2022:12 (U. Toronto Pr., CN) * paper 2022:11 <679-1255>
ISBN 978-1-4875-4467-6 hard ¥19,074.- (税込) US$ 85.00 *
ISBN 978-1-4875-4468-3 paper ¥7,293.- (税込) US$ 32.50 *

Written by leading Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars, Voicing Identity examines the issue of cultural appropriation in the contexts of researching, writing, and teaching about Indigenous peoples. This book grapples with the questions of who is qualified to engage in these activities and how this can be done appropriately and respectfully. The authors address these questions from their individual perspectives and experiences, often revealing their personal struggles and their ongoing attempts to resolve them. There is diversity in perspectives and approaches, but also a common goal: to conduct research and teach in respectful ways that enhance understanding of Indigenous histories, cultures, and rights, and promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples. Bringing together contributors with diverse backgrounds and unique experiences, Voicing Identity will be of interest to students and scholars studying Indigenous issues as well as anyone seeking to engage in the work of making Canada a model for just relations between the original peoples and newcomers.

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Coggeshall, John M., Something in These Hills: The Culture of Family Land in Southern Appalachia. 240 pp. 2022:10 (U. North Carolina Pr., US) <679-1257>
ISBN 978-1-4696-7024-9 hard ¥22,215.- (税込) US$ 99.00 *
ISBN 978-1-4696-7025-6 paper ¥6,271.- (税込) US$ 27.95 *

What is the "something in these hills" that ties mountain families to family land in the southern Appalachians? This ethnographic examination challenges contemporary theory and explores two interrelated themes: the duality of the southern Appalachians as both a menacing and majestic landscape and the emotional relationship to family land characteristic of long-term residents of these mountains. To most outsiders, the area conjures images of a beautiful yet dangerous place, typified by the movie Deliverance. To long-term residents, these mountains have a fundamental emotional hold so powerful that many mourn the sale or loss of family land as if it were a deceased relative. How can the same geographical space be both? Using a carefully crafted cultural lens, John M. Coggeshall explains how family land anthropomorphizes, metaphorically becoming another member of kin groups. He establishes that this emotional sense of place existed prior to recent land losses, as some contemporary scholars argue. Utilizing the voices and perspectives of long-term residents, the book provides readers with a more fundamental understanding of the "something in these hills" that holds people in place.

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Descola, Philippe / Lenclud, G. / Severi, C. et al., Les idees de l'anthropologie: essai de genealogie critique. 2022:5 (Editions de l'Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales, FR) <679-1258>
ISBN 978-2-7132-2916-9 paper ¥2,917.- (税込) EUR 12.00



Fabricant, Nicole, Fighting to Breathe: Race, Toxicity, and the Rise of Youth Activism in Baltimore. (California Series in Public Anthropology) 268 pp. 2022:11 (U. California Pr., US) <679-1259>
ISBN 978-0-520-37931-2 hard ¥21,318.- (税込) US$ 95.00 *
ISBN 978-0-520-37932-9 paper ¥6,719.- (税込) US$ 29.95 *

Industrial toxic emissions on the South Baltimore Peninsula are among the highest in the nation. Because of the concentration of factories and other chemical industries in their neighborhoods, residents face elevated rates of lung cancer and other respiratory illnesses in addition to heart attacks, strokes, and cardiovascular disease, all of which can lead to premature death. Fighting to Breathe follows a dynamic and creative group of high school students who decided to fight back against the race- and class-based health disparities and inequality in their city. For more than a decade, student organizers stood up to unequal land use practices and the proposed construction of an incinerator and instead initiated new waste management strategies. As a Baltimore resident and activist-scholar, Nicole Fabricant documents how these young organizers came to envision, design, and create a more just and sustainable Baltimore.

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Neale, Timothy / Addison, Courtney / Phan, Thao (eds.), An Anthropogenic Table of Elements: Experiments in the Fundamental. (Technoscience and Society) 272 pp. 2022:10 (U. Toronto Pr., CN) <679-1168>
ISBN 978-1-4875-6356-1 hard ¥21,318.- (税込) US$ 95.00 *
ISBN 978-1-4875-6357-8 paper ¥8,963.- (税込) US$ 39.95 *

An Anthropogenic Table of Elements provides a contemporary rethinking of Dmitri Mendeleev's periodic table of elements, bringing together "elemental" stories to reflect on everyday life in the Anthropocene. Concise and engaging, this book provides stories of scale, toxicity, and temporality that extrapolate on ideas surrounding ethics, politics, and materiality that are fundamental to this contemporary moment. Examining elemental objects and forces, including carbon, mould, cheese, ice, and viruses, the contributors question what elemental forms are still waiting to emerge and what political possibilities of justice and environmental reparation they might usher into the world. Bringing together anthropologists, historians, and media studies scholars, this book tests a range of possible ways to tabulate and narrate the elemental as a way to bring into view fresh discussion on material constitutions and, thereby, new ethical stances, responsibilities, and power relations. In doing so, An Anthropogenic Table of Elements demonstrates through elementality that even the smallest and humblest stories are capable of powerful effects and vast journeys across time and space.

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Bubandt, Nils / Andersen, Astrid Oberborbeck et al. (eds.), Rubber Boots Methods for the Anthropocene: Doing Fieldwork in Multispecies Worlds. 456 pp. 2023:2 (U. Minnesota Pr., US) <679-1056>
ISBN 978-1-5179-1164-5 hard ¥31,416.- (税込) US$ 140.00 *
ISBN 978-1-5179-1165-2 paper ¥7,841.- (税込) US$ 34.95 *

A methodological follow-up to Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet The environmental and climatic crises of our time are fundamentally multispecies crises. And the Anthropocene, a time of "human-made" disruptions on a planetary scale, is a disruption of the fabric of life as a whole. The contributors to Rubber Boots Methods for the Anthropocene argue that understanding the multispecies nature of these disruptions requires multispecies methods.Answering methodological challenges posed by the Anthropocene, Rubber Boots Methods for the Anthropocene retools the empirical study of the socioecological chaos of the contemporary moment across the arts, human science, and natural science. Based on critical landscape history, multispecies curiosity, and collaboration across disciplines and knowledge systems, the volume presents thirteen transdisciplinary accounts of practical methodological experimentation, highlighting diverse settings ranging from the High Arctic to the deserts of southern Africa and from the pampas of Argentina to the coral reefs of the Western Pacific, always insisting on the importance of firsthand, "rubber boots" immersion in the field.The methodological companion to Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet: Ghosts and Monsters of the Anthropocene (Minnesota, 2017), this collection puts forth empirical studies of the multispecies messiness of contemporary life that investigate some of the critical questions of our time.Contributors: Filippo Bertoni, Museum fuer Naturkunde, Berlin; Harshavardhan Bhat, U of Westminster; Nathalia Brichet, U of Copenhagen; Janne Flora, Aarhus U, Denmark; Natalie Forssman, U of British Columbia; Peter Funch, Aarhus U; Kirsten Hastrup, U of Copenhagen; Colin Hoag, Smith College; Joseph Klein, U of California, Santa Cruz; Andrew S. Mathews, U of California, Santa Cruz; Daniel Muenster, U of Oslo; Ursula Muenster, U of Oslo; Jon Rasmus Nyquist, U of Oslo; Katy Overstreet, U of Copenhagen; Pierre du Plessis, U of Oslo; Meredith Root-Bernstein; Heather Anne Swanson, Aarhus U; Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, U of California,Santa Cruz; Stine Vestbo.

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