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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Wilkins, David E., Indigenous Governance: Clans, Constitutions, and Consent. 392 pp. 2023:12 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <711-846>
ISBN 978-0-19-009599-4 hard ¥22,215.- (税込) US$ 99.00
ISBN 978-0-19-009600-7 paper ¥7,841.- (税込) US$ 34.95 *

After decades of federal dominance and dependence, Native governments now command attention as they exercise greater degrees of political, economic, and cultural power. Given the weight and importance of many issues confronting Native peoples today, these governments arguably matter even more to their peoples and to the broader society than ever before. Native governments have become critically important as the chief providers of basic services and the authors of solutions to collective problems in their societies. As major actors within the realm of democratic politics, they increasingly wield their powers to educate and advocate regarding Indigenous concerns. For many communities (including non-Native neighbors) they are the largest spenders and employers. They have also become adept at negotiating intergovernmental agreements that protect their peoples and resources while strengthening their unique political status. Native peoples and governments are also navigating the devastating and lingering health and economic impact of COVID-19; the profound environmental problems that have been exacerbated by climate change; and jurisdictional conflicts with local, state, and federal actors. Indigenous Governance is a comprehensive, critical examination of Native political systems: the senior political sovereigns on the North American continent in terms of their origin, development, structures, and operation. Author David E. Wilkins provides the recognition and respect due Indigenous governments, while offering a considered critique of their shortcomings as imperfect, sovereign institutions. This appraisal will highlight their history, evolution, internal and intergovernmental issues, and diverse structures.

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Wanner, Catherine (ed.), Dispossession: Anthropological Perspectives on Russia's War Against Ukraine. (Anthropology of Now) 272 pp. 2024 (Routledge, UK) <711-863>
ISBN 978-1-03-246624-8 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-246622-4 paper ¥10,660.- (税込) GB£ 36.99 *

This volume examines Russia's war on Ukraine. Scholars who have lived through the Russian invasion or who have conducted ethnographic research in the region for decades provide timely analysis of a war that will leave a lasting mark on the twenty-first century.Using the concept of dispossession, this volume showcases some of the novel ways violence operates in the Russian-Ukrainian war and the multiple means by which civilians, within the conflict zone and beyond, have become active participants in the war effort. Anthropological perspectives on war provide on-the-ground insight, historically informed analysis, and theoretical engagement to depict the experiences of dispossession by war and the motivations that drive the responses of the dispossessed. Such perspectives humanize the victims even as they depict the very inhumanity of war.Dispossession is geared towards upper-level undergraduate and graduate students, scholars, and the general reader who seeks to have a deeper understanding of the Russian-Ukrainian war as it continues to impact geopolitics more broadly.The Open Access version of this book, available at http://www.taylorfrancis.com, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

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Jaffe, Yitzchak, Food in Ancient China. (Elements in the Archaeology of Food) 75 pp. 2023:12 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <711-949>
ISBN 978-1-00-947580-8 hard ¥14,406.- (税込) GB£ 49.99 *
ISBN 978-1-00-940838-7 paper ¥4,899.- (税込) GB£ 17.00 *

This Element provides an overview of food and foodways in Ancient China, from the earliest humans (~500k BP) up to its historical beginnings: the foundation of the Zhou dynasty (at the start of the 1st millennium BCE). While textual data provides insights on food and diet during China's historical periods, archaeological data is the main source for studying the deep past and reconstructing what people ate, how they ate and with whom they ate it. This Element introduces the plants and animals that formed the building blocks of ancient diets and cuisines, as well as how they created localized lifeways and unifying constructs across ancient China. Foodways, how food was grown, prepared and consumed, was central in the development of differing social, economic and political realities, as it shaped ritual and burial practices, differentiated ethnic groups, solidified community ties and deepened or assuaged social inequalities.

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Anderson, Joe, Gun Rights Activists and the US Culture War: Embodied Fantasies of the Ethical Warrior in Contemporary Gun Culture. (Anthropology of Now) 184 pp. 2024:2 (Routledge, UK) <711-615>
ISBN 978-1-03-256002-1 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-256003-8 paper ¥10,660.- (税込) GB£ 36.99 *

Gun Rights Activists and the US Culture War is a political anthropology book which explores how firearms can become associated with processes of identity formation, as well as acting as symbols of national belonging and embodied safety.In the years following Donald Trump's election an increasingly polarised population is taking up arms against each other more often than ever before. Based on 12 months of participant observation at gun ranges, activist meetings, handgun courses, and political events, as well as interviews with gun rights activists in San Diego County, this book argues that US conservative identity is saturated with concerns about ethics, gender, and who can wield violence legitimately. The book focuses on two gun rights organisations; the first a conservative, predominantly white and male political action committee; the second a pro-LGBTQ+ firearms training group run by trans women. This book demonstrates how gun ownership gives Americans the perceived means to enact their political will through the threat of, or actual, organized violence, and that this perceived capacity explains why guns remain objects that continue to inspire such devotion and debate.Gun Rights Activists and the US Culture War will be of interest to scholars and students in anthropology, gender studies, ethnic studies, sociology, and politics, as well as a general audience of narrative non-fiction readers.

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Swenson, Edward, Infrastructures of Religion and Power: Archaeologies of Landscape, Ritual, and Semiotics. 480 pp. 2024:2 (Routledge, UK) <711-291>
ISBN 978-0-367-40421-5 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-0-367-40422-2 paper ¥10,660.- (税込) GB£ 36.99 *

This book explores the central role of religion in place-making and infrastructural projects in ancient polities. It presents a trilectic approach to archaeological study of religious landscapes that combines Indigenous philosophies with the spatial and semiotic thinking of Lefebvre, Peirce, and proponents of assemblage theories. Case studies from ancient Angkor and the Andes reveal how rituals of place-making activated processes of territorialization and semiosis fundamental to the experience of political worlds that shaped power relations in past societies. The perspectives developed in the book permit a reconstruction of how landscapes were variably conceived, perceived, and lived in the spirit of Henri Lefebvre, and how these registers may have aligned or clashed. In the end, the examination of built environments, infrastructures, and rituals staged within specialized buildings demonstrates how archaeologists can better infer past ontologies, cosmologies, ideologies of time and place, and historically specific political struggles.The study will appeal to students and researchers interested in ritual, infrastructures, landscape, archaeological theory, political institutions, semiotics, human geography, and the civilizations of the ancient Andes and Angkor.

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Cangiani, Michele / Thomasberger, Claus (eds.), The Routledge Handbook on Karl Polanyi. (Routledge International Handbooks) 424 pp. 2024:2 (Routledge, UK) <711-308>
ISBN 978-1-03-237383-6 hard ¥61,963.- (税込) GB£ 215.00 *

Karl Polanyi is one of the most influential social scientists of our era. A report of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) begins by noting that we are in a "Polanyi era": a time of dangerously unregulated markets, where the greatest need for decisive political action is matched by the least trust in politics.This handbook provides a comprehensive of recent research on Polanyi's work and ideas, including the central place occupied by his thinking on the relationship between economics and politics. The stellar line-up of contributors to this book explore Polanyi's work reflecting the intrinsic interdisciplinarity of Polanyi's approach to understanding our society, its place in history, its fundamental dynamics, and its contradictions, as well as the methodological issues he raises. The handbook broadly follows a chronological structure beginning with influences on Polanyi, his formative experiences and early works. A significant section is dedicated to Polanyi's seminal work, The Great Transformation, and its impact. Further sections also look at Polanyi's wider influence, on various disciplines and methodological debates, and his ongoing relevance for present-day issues including debates on populism, neoliberalism and low carbon transitions. This handbook is a vital resource for students and scholars of economics, politics, sociology, and other social sciences.

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Dietrich, Jan / Grund-Wittenberg, Alexandra u. a. (Hrsg.), Handbuch Alttestamentliche Anthropologie. 780 S. 2023:12 (Mohr, GW) <711-189>
ISBN 978-3-16-162519-0 hard ¥36,221.- (税込) EUR 149.00 *
ISBN 978-3-16-162751-4 paper ¥19,204.- (税込) EUR 79.00 *

In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten wurde die Anthropologie des Alten Testaments nicht nur als alttestamentlich-theologisches, sondern auch als interdisziplinaeres Forschungsthema neu entdeckt und durch eine Vielzahl von Beitraegen vorangetrieben. Im gleichen Zeitraum hat sich auch in der Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaft, in der Ethnologie, in der Philosophie sowie in der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft die Anthropologie als ein uebergreifendes Forschungsparadigma etabliert. Das Handbuch Alttestamentliche Anthropologie (HAA), das 15 Personenartikel, 150 Begriffsartikel und 15 Konzeptionsartikel enthaelt, macht es sich zur Aufgabe, den gegenwaertigen Forschungsstand zusammenzufassen, durch neue Perspektiven und interdisziplinaere Akzente weiterzufuehren und in der kompakten Form eines Handbuchs den interessierten Leserinnen und Lesern zugaenglich zu machen.

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Janowski, Bernd, Anthropologie des Alten Testament: Grundfragen - Kontexte - Themenfelder. 2., durchgesehene u. ergaenzte Aufl. 838 S. 2023:10 (Mohr, GW) <711-227>
ISBN 978-3-16-162800-9 paper ¥13,127.- (税込) EUR 54.00 *

Neben der 'Theologie des Alten Testaments' und der 'Literatur- und Religionsgeschichte Israels' gehoert die 'Anthropologie' zu den Kernthemen der alttestamentlichen Wissenschaft. Das Lehrbuch von Bernd Janowski bearbeitet dieses Thema in umfassender Weise, indem es sich in sieben Abschnitte gliedert: Einfuehrung, Lebensphasen, Personbegriff, Soziales Handeln, Welterfahrung, Anthropologien im Alten Testament, Resuemee. Ein ausfuehrlicher Quellenhang veranschaulicht das Thema anhand ausgewaehlter Texte und Bilder aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments. "Bernd Janowski hat [...] einen grossartigen Gesamtentwurf vorgelegt, der schon jetzt als Standardwerk bezeichnet werden kann. Galt bis dahin die Anthropologie des Alten Testaments von Hans Walter Wolff aus dem Jahr 1973 als massgebliches Werk, so duerfte nun die beeindruckende Darstellung des emeritierten Tuebinger Alttestamentlers an deren Stelle treten." Ludger Schwienhoerst-Schoenberger in Christ in der Gegenwart , Nr. 21/2019, S. 226 "Bernd Janowskis monumentales opus magnum, in dem eine lebenslange Beschaeftigung mit anthropologischen Themen der Bibel ihren Hoehepunkt erreicht, darf schon jetzt als das kuenftig unentbehrliche Standardwerk zu allen Fragen im Umkreis bezeichnet werden. [...] Eine uneingeschraenkte Leseempfehlung, die jedem Interessierten dringend ans Herz gelegt sei!" Friedhelm Hartenstein in Theologische Literaturzeitung 144, Buch des Monats (Juli/August 2019) "Bernd Janowski hat mit seiner Anthropologie des Alten Testaments ein materialreiches Kompendium vorgelegt, ein Nachschlagewerk, ein Lesebuch, ein Lehrwerk, ein kluges Buch, von dem sich die interessierte Leserschaft gern zum Nach- und Selberdenken anregen laesst. Zweifellos liegt fuer die alttestamentliche Anthropologie hier ein Referenzwerk vor." Achim Behrens in Orientalistische Literaturzeitung , 115 (2020), S. 449-452 "[...] ein wahres Meisterwerk, das jede/r Student/in der Theologie zu Rate ziehen wird. Auch die Fachexegese darf sich ueber ein aeusserst hilfreiches Handbuch freuen, das man durcharbeiten und auf das man immer wieder als Nachschlagewerk zurueckgreifen wird." Thomas Hieke in Biblische Notizen , 184 (2020), S. 149-150 "Dieses Buch stellt die alttestamentliche Anthropologie erfrischend neu, uebersichtlich und umfassend dar und ist ein unschaetzbarer Beitrag nicht nur zur alttestamentlichen Wissenschaft, sondern ebenfalls zur praktischen Theologie. Darueber hinaus sei es ausdruecklich als Nachschlagewerk oder zur Gesamtlektuere in Studium, Vikariat und Pfarramt empfohlen." Lukas Altvater auf https://netzwerktheologie.wordpress.com "Insgesamt kann allen die Anschaffung dieses Standardwerkes, das man mit Gewinn und mit Genuss liest, nur empfohlen werden." Kathrin Gies in Theologische Revue 118, Juli 2022 "Janowskis 'Anthropologie' fuellt eine seit Jahrzehnten ueberfaellige Luecke der alttestamentlichen Theologie und Exegese und wird allein aus diesem Grund schon zu einem Standardwerk avancieren." Benedikt Collinet in bbs 12.2020, www.bibelwerk.de/verein/buecherschau "Mit seiner Anthropologie des Alten Testaments ist Bernd Janowski ein grosser Wurf gelungen, dem man eine lange Halbwertszeit wuenscht! Nicht nur fuer Studierende, sondern fuer jeden, der sich mit der Gedankenwelt des Alten Testaments auseinandersetzen moechte, ist das Handbuch nur zu empfehlen." Fabian Brand auf https://theologieundwelt.wordpress.com/2021/07/09/anthropologie-des-alten-testam

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Matthews, Luke J. / Robertson, Paul, Theorizing the Anthropology of Belief: Magic, Conspiracies, and Misinformation. 152 pp. 2024:1 (Routledge, UK) <711-248>
ISBN 978-1-03-242033-2 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-242032-5 paper ¥10,660.- (税込) GB£ 36.99 *

This book explores both scientific and humanistic theoretical traditions in anthropology through the lens of ontology.The first part of the book examines different methods for generating valid anthropological knowledge and proposes a shift in current consensus. Drawing on Western scholars of antiquity and the medieval period and moving away from 20th-century theorists, it argues that we must first make ontological assumptions about the kinds of things that can exist (or not) before we can then develop epistemologies that study those kinds of things. The book goes on to apply the ontology-first theory to a set of case studies in modern day conspiracy theories, misinformation, and magical thinking. It asserts that we need to move away from unneeded metaphysical assumptions of conspiracy theories being misinformation and argues that reconstructing particular historical events can be a fruitful zone for application of quantitative methods to humanistic questions.Theorizing the Anthropology of Belief is an excellent supplementary suitable for upper-level undergraduate and graduate courses in anthropological theory.

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Balm, Roger, Pictorial Archaeology: Modernity and the Muse of Antiquity. 304 pp. 2024:2 (Routledge, UK) <711-1227>
ISBN 978-1-03-264687-9 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

This book explores the expressly pictorial type of visual archaeology, the transcribing of three-dimensional materiality into two-dimensional depictions, and its influential history within the discipline. The picturing of ancient sites and artifacts to convey information links visual reporting with the workings of the imagination and indicates that the study of antiquity has always had a hybrid identity: part artistic and part scientific. In examining expressly pictorial forms of visual story-telling about the past, this book looks beyond certain supposed "creative turns" and focuses instead on creative continuities, answering key questions about the power of picturing and its ability to not only inform documentary practices but actively structure those practices. How are prints, drawings, paintings and photographs able to collapse the three-dimensional world of the ancient past onto a flat page but also convey a sense of material reality? In contemporary practice, how do pictorial ways of seeing enable the interpretation of material remains but also shape the recognition of digital traces on a computer screen? Published illustrations, both historical and contemporary, are primary sources of evidence for answering such questions and identifying common patterns of pictorial information.This book provides a framework for scholars researching the visual culture of archaeology as well as the history of archaeology. It is also recommended for professionals in the fields of heritage studies, conservation and community archaeology.

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Gilberthorpe, Emma (ed.), Anthropological Perspectives on Global Challenges. (ASA Monographs) 256 pp. 2024:3 (Routledge, UK) <711-1231>
ISBN 978-1-03-258616-8 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

This volume offers a snapshot of anthropological perspectives on global challenges. Whilst it could not hope to represent the full scope of anthropological perspectives, those that are presented highlight some of the critical flaws embedded in such an all-encompassing notion. The contributors reveal the possibilities of reimagining the ways in which 'challenges' are understood and addressed and demonstrate how a combination of deep understanding of the past and collaboration, cooperation and inclusive dialogue about the future, can improve the chances of positive action. The collection thus not only shows us that perspectives must change, but also how that change might be realised. Whilst the chapters are authored solely by anthropologists, this book is not solely for anthropologists. The book is illustrative of the practical and theoretical insights that anthropology can offer those individuals, teams, and policy- and decision-makers engaged in research, mitigation and/or intervention practices in relation to the global challenges. Beyond academia, it contributes to broader understandings of the challenges we collectively face at this point in time and how we might collectively and effectively address them.

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Heywood, Paolo / Candea, Matei (eds.), Beyond Description: Anthropologies of Explanation. 264 pp. 2023:12 (Cornell U. Pr., US) <711-1232>
ISBN 978-1-5017-7156-9 hard ¥29,172.- (税込) US$ 130.00 *
ISBN 978-1-5017-7157-6 paper ¥7,168.- (税込) US$ 31.95 *

Beyond Description brings anthropologists and other social scientists together to examine the problem of explanation. What is "an explanation?" What can it add? What makes it authoritative, clarifying, or misleading? Whom does it serve and how is it produced? These questions lie at the heart of recent public crises of confidence in expertise, political representation, and classic liberal visions of whom we can rely on for true and trustworthy accounts. In a world beset by events and processes that seem to defy expert predictions of their impossibility, and in which post-hoc accounts can often feel more like rationalizations than explanations, competing voices vie for public presence and seek to silence one another. Anthropology and the social sciences face such questions too, making contemporary explanatory practice both an empirical and a reflexive challenge. By combining ethnographic studies of practices of explanation in a range of contemporary political, medical, artistic, religious, and bureaucratic settings, the essays in Beyond Description offer critical examinations of changing norms and forms of explanation in the world and within anthropology itself.

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Kencis, Toms / Bronner, Simon J. / Seljamaa, E.-H. (eds.), Folklore and Ethnology in the Soviet Western Borderlands: Socialist in Form, National in Content. (Studies in Folklore and Ethnology: Traditions, Practices, and Identities) 318 pp. 2023:12 (Lexington Books, US) <711-1235>
ISBN 978-1-66690-653-0 hard ¥24,684.- (税込) US$ 110.00 *



Laguens, Andres, Perspectivism in Archaeology: Insights into Indigenous Theories of Reality. 350 pp. 2024:4 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <711-1236>
ISBN 978-1-00-939391-1 hard ¥24,497.- (税込) GB£ 85.00 *

Perspectivism in Archaeology explores recurring features in Amerindian mythology and cosmology in the past, as well as distinctions and similarities between humans, non-humans and material culture. It offers a range of possibilities for the reconstruction of ancient ontological approaches, as well as new ways of thinking in archaeology, notably how ancient ontological approaches can be reconciled with current archaeological theories. In this volume, Andres Laguens contributes a new set of approaches that incorporate Indigenous theories of reality into an understanding of the South American archaeological record. He analyses perspectivism as a step-by-step theory with clear explanations and examples and shows how it can be implemented in archaeological research and merged with ontological approaches. Exploring the foundations of Amerindian perspectivism and its theoretical and methodological possibilities, he also demonstrates applications of its precepts through case studies of ancient societies of the Andes and Patagonia.

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Lassiter, Luke Eric / Karchmer, Eric I. / Powell, Dana E., The New Invitation to Anthropology. 5th ed. 256 pp. 2023:11 (Rowman & Littlefield, US) <711-1237>
ISBN 978-1-4422-7714-4 hard ¥30,294.- (税込) US$ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-4422-7715-1 paper ¥10,098.- (税込) US$ 45.00 *



Lykke, Nina / Aglert, Katja / Henriksen, Line, Feminist Reconfigurings of Alien Encounters: Ethical Co-Existence in More-than-Human Worlds. (More Than Human Humanities) 184 pp. 2024:2 (Routledge, UK) <711-1238>
ISBN 978-1-03-244756-8 hard ¥14,406.- (税込) GB£ 49.99 *

Feminist Reconfigurings of Alien Encounters reclaims the notion of alien encounters together with strange but queerly loved companions: Vulgar slugs, diatoms (micro-algae), and familiars (spirit guides of witches). The book's three human co-authors ask: what would it take to establish more-than-human, bio- and geo-egalitarian co-existence on a planet in trouble?This playfully crafted mixed-genre book is informed by feminist posthumanisms and co-created with a spectral community of more-than-humans who are respectfully summoned to contribute with their perspectives. In focus of the entangled artistic-philosophical-poetic investigations are questions of ethics, aesthetics, and methodologies to co-exist response-ably rather than based on modern human beliefs in exceptionalism and entitlement to sovereignty, control, and conquest of more-than-human worlds. Feminist Reconfi gurings of Alien Encounters is intended for broad global audiences of researchers, teachers, professionals, NGOs, politicians, students from undergraduate to postgraduate levels, artists, writers, activists, and artivists who are interested in entangled artistic-poetic-philosophical modes of understanding the world as well as in ecology, new feminist materialism, critical posthumanism, and questions about radically rethinking and reimagining human/more-than-human relations on Earth.

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Zhao, Xudong, Anthropology of Cultural Transformation I.: Togetherness and Separation. (China Perspectives Series) 272 pp. 2024:2 (Routledge, UK) <711-1244>
ISBN 978-1-03-267799-6 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

As the first of a two-volume set on the anthropology of cultural transformation, this book discusses the manifestations of cultural transformation in the modern world and explores the re-establishment of cultural consciousness.Anthropology in the 21st century is confronted with a worldview of cultural transformation based on communication, collision, and interaction among cultures around the globe. This two-volume set aims to reorient the role and function of anthropology by focusing on the reconstruction of knowledge and cultural consciousness in order to better imagine and realize the synergetic interaction between different cultures and civilizations. In this first volume, the author provides an overview of the key issues and stances of anthropology in the face of cultural transformation. The book examines the trend of social and cultural transformation in the modern world and in China. It analyzes how the technology of separation brought about by modernity shapes family function and education. As a promising solution to this predicament, the book elucidates the importance of cultural consciousness in resisting disasters and social syndromes.The title will appeal to anthropologists, students, and general readers interested in anthropology, sociology, and ethnography.

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Zhao, Xudong, Anthropology of Cultural Transformation II.: Chinese Consciousness and Ethnography Writing. (China Perspectives Series) 216 pp. 2024:2 (Routledge, UK) <711-1245>
ISBN 978-1-03-267803-0 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

This book is the second of a two-volume set on the anthropology of cultural transformation. It examines how cultural consciousness enriches and reshapes the vision of anthropology and ethnographic writing.Anthropology in the twenty-first century is confronted with a worldview of cultural transformation based on communication, collision, and interaction among cultures around the globe. This two-volume set aims to reorient the role and function of anthropology by focusing on reconstructing knowledge and cultural consciousness to better imagine and realize the synergetic interaction between different cultures and civilizations. The second volume begins with a case study of the demolition of urban areas in Beijing, revealing a reinvention of public cultural representation. It then explores the new paths and missions of Chinese anthropological studies and ethnographic writing, which should be grounded in China's indigenous consciousness and cultural reservoir.The title will appeal to anthropologists, students, and general readers interested in anthropology, sociology, and ethnography.

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Zhao, Xudong, Anthropology of Cultural Transformation. 2 vols. (China Perspectives Series) 488 pp. 2024:2 (Routledge, UK) <100-6383>
ISBN 978-1-03-267801-6 hard ¥74,932.- (税込) GB£ 260.00

This two-volume set explores how anthropology should respond to and engage with cultural change in the modern world.Anthropology in the twenty-first century faces a worldview of cultural transformation based on communication, collision, and interaction among cultures around the globe. This two-volume set aims to reorient the role and function of anthropology by focusing on reconstructing knowledge and cultural consciousness to better envision and realize the synergetic interaction between different cultures and civilizations. The first volume discusses the manifestations of cultural transformation in the modern world and elucidates the importance of restoring cultural consciousness. The second volume examines how cultural consciousness enriches and reshapes the vision of anthropology and ethnographic writing. It explores the new paths and missions of Chinese anthropological studies and ethnographic writing, which should be grounded in the indigenous consciousness and cultural reservoir of China.The set will appeal to anthropologists, students, and general readers interested in anthropology, sociology, and ethnography.

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Espino, Nilson Ariel, Conversations with the Turtles: On The Ideological Conundrums of Our Times. 200 pp. 2024:4 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <711-1103>
ISBN 978-1-00-944116-2 hard ¥8,646.- (税込) GB£ 30.00 *

Polarization often results from deficient forms of social belonging, caused primarily by stark social inequalities. These inequalities then generate psychological responses that both create and worsen polarization. Yet social stability is possible. In this provocative and original book, Nilson Ariel Espino argues that our current ideological polarizations can be best analysed as springing from the contradictions of modernity and its obsessions. Using culture as a founding and organizing dimension, the author disassembles the typical dichotomies of left versus right, or conservatism versus progressivism, and reveals the opposing sides as mutually interdependent positions that struggle with cultural paradoxes they are ill-suited to address. Written with clarity and verve for the general reader, this book brings classic concepts of cultural anthropology to bear on the key preoccupations of today's world, from poverty and inequality, to political instability and the environmental crisis.

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