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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Ma, Rong, Ethnic Relations in China: Present Situation and Future Prospects. 380 pp. 2022:7 (World Scientific, SI) <678-928>
ISBN 978-981-12-5168-9 hard ¥28,723.- (税込) US$ 128.00 *

This book is a collection of Professor Ma Rong's papers on current and future ethnic relations in China. Some of the studies, presented in the book, are related to basic theories on ethnic relations, while others are specific issues he observed and identified while conducting surveys in different parts of the country. His papers are based on field research and China's current situations, which may shed some light on the theoretical and practical studies on ethnic relations in China.

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Mogilner, Marina, A Race for the Future: Scientific Visions of Modern Russian Jewishness. 320 pp. 2022:11 (Harvard U. Pr., US) <678-96>
ISBN 978-0-674-27072-5 hard ¥11,207.- (税込) US$ 49.95 *

The forgotten story of a surprising anti-imperial, nationalist project at the turn of the twentieth century: a grassroots movement of Russian Jews to racialize themselves.In the rapidly nationalizing Russian Empire of the late nineteenth century, Russian Jews grew increasingly concerned about their future. Jews spoke different languages and practiced different traditions. They had complex identities and no territorial homeland. Their inability to easily conform to new standards of nationality meant a future of inevitable assimilation or second-class minority citizenship. The solution proposed by Russian Jewish intellectuals was to ground Jewish nationhood in a structure deeper than culture or territory-biology.Marina Mogilner examines three leading Russian Jewish race scientists- Samuel Weissenberg, Alexander El'kind, and Lev Shternberg-and the movement they inspired. Through networks of race scientists and political activists, Jewish medical societies, and imperial organizations like the Society for the Protection of the Health of the Jewish Population, they aimed to produce "authentic" knowledge about the Jewish body, which would motivate an empowering sense of racially grounded identity and guide national biopolitics. Activists vigorously debated eugenic and medical practices, Jews' status as Semites, Europeans, and moderns, and whether the Jews of the Caucasus and Central Asia were inferior. The national science, and the biopolitics it generated, became a form of anticolonial resistance, and survived into the early Soviet period, influencing population policies in the new state.Comprehensive and meticulously researched, A Race for the Future reminds us of the need to historically contextualize racial ideology and politics and makes clear that we cannot fully grasp the biopolitics of the twentieth century without accounting for the imperial breakdown in which those politics thrived.

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Nguyen Austen, Anh, Vietnamese Migrants in Australia and the Global Digital Diaspora: Histories of Childhood, Forced Migration, and Belonging. 200 pp. 2022:9 (Routledge, UK) <678-965>
ISBN 978-0-367-77054-9 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

Through oral histories, memoirs, and Facebook posts of Vietnamese adults who entered Australia as children after the Vietnam War (and Vietnamese refugees, war orphans, and children of refugees) this book provides insight into the memories of forced migrant childhoods and histories, as well as the complexities of national and transnational identity and belonging in digital diaspora.As war and displacement compounds the need for creating communities and histories for cultural continuity, this book is a history about childhood and migration for the Vietnamese diaspora of refugees, adoptees, and second generation in Australia and their connectedness to a global and digital diaspora. Using Facebook as a digital archive for historical research, Vietnamese Migrants in Australia and the Global Digital Diaspora presents new methods for the study of what Nguyen Austen proposes as a new area of digital diaspora studies for interdisciplinary research about real and digital life in the humanities and social sciences. As a contemporary digital diaspora study of Vietnamese forced child migrants from 1975 to the present, this book contains a mixed-methods historical analysis of the impact of war and displacement on memories of childhood.This book presents an innovative history of the national, transnational, digital, and contemporaneous lives of Vietnamese child migrants, which will make a significant contribution to the discourse on transnational childhood, migration, and belonging for refugees and migrants in the twenty-first century.

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Chairez-Garza, Jesus F. / Gergan, M. D. et al. (eds.), Rethinking Difference in India Through Racialization: Caste, Tribe, and Hindu Nationalism in Transnational Perspective. (Ethnic and Racial Studies) 204 pp. 2022:9 (Routledge, UK) <678-971>
ISBN 978-1-03-233444-8 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

Through the analytic of racialization, the chapters in this book argue that social difference in India is reproduced and buttressed through casteist, racist, colonial, and Hindu nationalist projects that generate tacit or explicit consent for continued violence against racialized others. At the same time, the chapters look transnationally, examining how regional forms of difference marked by caste and tribe, for instance, have long articulated with historical forms of global racial capitalism. Ultimately, this book attends to the narratives and experiences of those living at the margins, who strategically deploy racial and antiracist concepts to build international solidarity movements beyond the narrow confines of the Indian nation-state. In so doing, it hopes to derive insights on the necessity of transnational translations, even as it directs renewed attention to the specificity of regional hierarchies that shape everyday life and death in India.This book is a significant new contribution to addressing fundamental questions of caste, race, and religious politics in India and will be of interest to researchers and advanced students of Sociology, Politics, Geography, History and Anthropology. The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of Ethnic and Racial Studies.

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Das, Tista, Unattached Women, Able Bodied Men: Partition, Migration and Resettlement in Bengal. 184 pp. 2022:9 (Routledge, UK) <678-973>
ISBN 978-1-03-230624-7 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

This book is one of the few gendered histories of the Partition experience in Bengal. Tracing the afterlife of the Partition in Bengal through the gendered experience of displacement and resettlement, it analyses the spatial reconfigurations that were brought about.Drawing heavily on police records, private papers, newspapers and memoirs, this work enters the realm of personal time in the lives of the migrant and refugee and follows them to see how the spaces that they inhabited, the city of Calcutta and its suburbs, were transformed to accommodate them and imposed with new meanings and one might say, new borders. It highlights how 'fear' came to be the dominant emotion associated with the migrants' flight, how it was subsequently politicized and how it became the cornerstone of the refugees' bargaining with the state. Furthermore, it focuses on how the state, in its attempt to become a charitable institution, put in place a gendered structure of relief and later, rehabilitation. This work also shows how camps and colonies became the sites of political contestation, how the refugees found a brand of Leftist politics particularly useful for their purpose and how it became the cornerstone of their newfound identity.A major intervention in Partition studies, the volume will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of South Asian history, migration and diaspora studies, gender studies and politics.

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Omeni, Akali, Picking Sides: Race, Ethnicity and Recruitment in the Colonial Nigerian Army. 288 pp. 2022:9 (Hurst, UK) <678-879>
ISBN 978-1-78738-817-8 paper ¥8,646.- (税込) GB£ 30.00

Nigeria's colonial history matters. It shaped the destinies of hundreds of ethnicities into the most significant black nation by population on earth. However, Nigeria's ethnicities were not viewed as equal by its colonial masters. Particular ethnic groups were propped as superior to others, which generated tensions in the colonial army and society. Omeni argues that an understanding of the origins of ethnic politics in Nigeria requires a rigorous historical and sociological study of the ethnicisation of the colonial army. The idea that certain ethnicities in Nigeria had more "Martial" features than others underpinned colonial-era policies and dynamics introduced at a malleable time of proto-state formation. Such dynamics developed their own momentum over a century.By Nigeria's First Republic (1960-1966), the army was stratified not only along ethnic lines but also along class lines. Unfortunately, Nigerian society also replicated these pathologies. Indeed, both became virtual mirrors in some respects, with consequences for Nigeria's democratic integrity. This book, which explores themes of race, ethnicisation, and recruitment within the colonial army, goes beyond the discourse on colonialism and the Nigerian military and contributes to the debate on plurality and multi-ethnic politics in Nigeria today.

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Ang, Sylvia, Contesting Chineseness: Nationality, Class, Gender and New Chinese Migrants. (New Mobilities in Asia) 154 pp. 2022:4 (Amsterdam U. Pr., NE) <678-910>
ISBN 978-94-6372-246-9 hard ¥30,837.- (税込) GB£ 107.00 *

Nearly eleven million Chinese migrants live outside of China. While many of these faces of China's globalization headed for the popular Western destinations of the United States, Australia and Canada, others have been lured by the booming Asian economies. Compared with pre-1949 Chinese migrants, most are wealthier, motivated by a variety of concerns beyond economic survival and loyal to the communist regime. The reception of new Chinese migrants, however, has been less than warm in some places. In Singapore, tensions between Singaporean-Chinese and new Chinese arrivals present a puzzle: why are there tensions between ethnic Chinese settlers and new Chinese arrivals despite similarities in phenotype, ancestry and customs? Drawing on rich empirical data from ethnography and digital ethnography, Contesting Chineseness: Nationality, Class, Gender and New Chinese Migrants investigates this puzzle and details how ethnic Chinese subjects negotiate their identities in an age of contemporary Chinese migration and China's ascent.

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Leyva, Karel, Theories politiques de la diversite: Liberalisme, republicanisme, multiculturalisme. 240 p. 2022:4 (P. Lang, SZ) <678-745>
ISBN 978-1-4331-9114-5 hard ¥25,379.- (税込) SFR 103.00

Les theories normatives qui justifient les politiques multiculturelles sont souvent denoncees comme etant relativistes, conservatrices et anti-liberales. De telles politiques menaceraient en effet la cohesion sociale et promouvraient la fragmentation sociale et l’inegalite juridique en placant les cultures au-dessus de la politique et les groupes au-dessus des individus. Elles se fonderaient sur un respect inconditionnel du droit a la difference, en mettant l’accent sur les droits des minorites ethniques au detriment de la majorite et en s’attaquant a l’egalite de tous les citoyens devant la loi. Dans ce cadre, le multiculturalisme est souvent presente comme incompatible aussi bien avec le liberalisme qu’avec le republicanisme. Se voulant une introduction a six theories politiques de la diversite, cet ouvrage presente la relation entre le liberalisme, le republicanisme et le multiculturalisme sous un eclairage different. Au moyen d’une reconstruction et d’une clarification des theories politiques retenues il montre, d’une part, que le liberalisme et le republicanisme sont tous deux compatibles avec la prise en compte gouvernementale de la diversite culturelle et religieuse, notamment en raison de l’adaptation de leurs principes fondamentaux a la realite pluriculturelle contemporaine. D’autre part, il montre que les theories politiques examinees sont difficilement concevables a la lumiere de certaines critiques formulees par les detracteurs des politiques multiculturelles.

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Spalova, Lucia / Mikula, Peter, Media - Migration - Politics: Discursive Strategies in the Current Czech and Slovak Context. (Studies in Communication and Politics 17) 198 pp. 2022:4 (P. Lang, SZ) <678-766>
ISBN 978-3-631-86275-9 hard ¥14,291.- (税込) SFR 58.00

The issue of increasing migration is still relevant even after years of international efforts to address and stabilize the socio-economic increase in migration in the European context. The media are still the main source of information on distant topics, including the migration crisis, and are a mediator of people's access to social reality. Media discourses about migrants are essential for the public to form implicit attitudes towards them and can thus negatively influence the process of integration of refugees in the EU and contribute to strengthening prejudices among citizens. The publication presents a transdisciplinary view of the issue in the Trans-European context, i.e. in an area that has historically served as a buffer zone of migratory pressures.

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Kester, Gerard, The New Europeans: A Roadmap for Mutual Integration and Democratic Ownership. (Europe des cultures / Europe of cultures 25) 206 pp. 2022:3 (P. Lang, SZ) <678-785>
ISBN 978-2-87574-475-3 paper ¥8,624.- (税込) SFR 35.00

Europe has to come to terms with its increasing cultural diversity. In current debate migration is typically presented merely as a social burden. This book envisions a future in which ‘native’ Europeans and those with a migrant background ? together the New Europeans ? come to the conclusion that they should build a new society jointly. An inclusive European society can be generated by launching a common project as an alternative to neoliberalism, developing an economy that is at the service of society. For this, democratic ownership should be the lever. In that process, migrants will be important and resilient catalysts. The book sets out a roadmap for what the future could look like, presenting a vision of Europe at the end of the 21st century as a ‘real Utopia’. This book bucks the trend of depressing accounts on migration from outside Europe. It offers a promissory narrative for the continent’s long-term future. Drawing on political, sociological, economic and philosophical insights, the author sticks his neck out, provokes perhaps, but always with the invitation for a constructive dialogue.

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Brown, Nadia E. / Clark, Christopher J. et al. (eds.), Women of Color Political Elites in the U.S.: An Intersectional Approach. 120 pp. 2022:8 (Routledge, UK) <678-791>
ISBN 978-1-03-232539-2 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

This book focuses on women of color political elites in the United States in varying levels of office and non-elected positions. In recent years increased attention has been paid to the role that women of color play in U.S. politics. These actors bring different priorities to office and also have to navigate not only sexism, but also barriers due to their racial or ethnic identity among other politically salient identities such as sexual orientation, nativity, immigration status, religiosity and ability. The chapters in this volume employ a variety of methods better understand to how ethno-racial minority women navigate the U.S. political system. This book uses an intersectional approach to understanding the opportunities and challenges that women of color political elites face in American politics.The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of the Journal of Women, Politics, and Policy.

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Daudi, Imbesat, Islamophobia and the West: The Making of a Violent Civilization. 208 pp. 2022:9 (Routledge, UK) <678-731>
ISBN 978-1-03-231973-5 hard ¥36,025.- (税込) GB£ 125.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-234630-4 paper ¥10,948.- (税込) GB£ 37.99 *

This book provides an engaging and insightful look into the definitions, discourse and experiences of Islamophobia and its steady rise since 9/11. It analyses concepts and binaries that are drawn around discussions on civilization, religious dogma, violence, and race. Is there a link between Islam and violence? Why does the West feel threatened by it? The author critically examines these questions and the birth of hate politics which packages hate in a marketable format and often demonizes victims. It also looks at the role of the media in the West in perpetuating stereotypes and its consequences and the nature of war reportage in Islamic countries while deconstructing the narrative of the clash of civilizations.Topical and lucid, this book is a must-read for students and scholars of sociology, international relations, peace and conflict studies, political science, Islamic studies and for other readers interested in these topics.

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Lloyd, Vincent W., Black Dignity: The Struggle against Domination. 208 pp. 2022:11 (Yale U. Pr., US) <678-59>
ISBN 978-0-300-25367-2 hard ¥5,834.- (税込) US$ 26.00 *

Why Black dignity is the paradigm of all dignity and Black philosophy is the starting point of all philosophy "A bold attempt to determine the conditions of-and the means for achieving-racial justice."-Kirkus Reviews This radical work by one of the leading young scholars of Black thought delineates a new concept of Black dignity, yet one with a long history in Black writing and action. Previously in the West, dignity has been seen in two ways: as something inherent in one's station in life, whether acquired or conferred by birth; or more recently as an essential condition and right common to all of humanity. In what might be called a work of observational philosophy-an effort to describe the philosophy underlying the Black Lives Matter movement-Vincent W. Lloyd defines dignity as something performative, not an essential quality but an action: struggle against domination. Without struggle, there is no dignity. He defines anti-Blackness as an inescapable condition of American life, and the slave's struggle against the master as the "primal scene" of domination and resistance. Exploring the way Black writers such as Frederick Douglass, Langston Hughes, and Audre Lorde have dealt with themes such as Black rage, Black love, and Black magic, Lloyd posits that Black dignity is the paradigm of all dignity and, more audaciously, that Black philosophy is the starting point of all philosophy.

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E.ヒルゲンドルフ編 今日の差別、人種主義、法
Hilgendorf, Eric / Tiz, Enis (Hrsg.), Vom richtigen Umgang mit den "Anderen": Diskriminierung, Rassismus und Recht heute. 250 S. 2022:5 (Ergon Vlg., GW) <678-538>
ISBN 978-3-95650-933-9 paper ¥14,342.- (税込) EUR 59.00 *

Die Auseinandersetzungen um Ausgrenzung, Hasskriminalitaet und Rassismus haben in den letzten Jahren immer mehr an Schaerfe gewonnen, nicht nur in Deutschland, sondern auch in anderen Laendern des Westens, vor allem den USA, wo die ?Black Lives Matter-Bewegung“ auf den fast allgegenwaertigen Rassismus bei der US-Amerikanischen Polizei aufmerksam gemacht hat. Auch in Deutschland wird der Polizei Rassismus vorgeworfen, ob zu Recht oder Unrecht, ist umstritten. Andere Themen, die in dem Sammelband behandelt werden, sind die moegliche Diskriminierung Tuerkischstaemmiger, ?Racial Profiling“ und der wieder erstarkende Antisemitismus. Auch Fragen der Ausgrenzung von Menschen wegen ihrer sexuellen Identitaet, unser Umgang mit Sterbenden sowie die biologischen und psychologischen Grundlagen der Ausgrenzung von ?Anderen“ kommen zur Sprache.

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Dalikeni, Colletta, Child Protection Social Workers and Asylum-Seeking Families in Ireland: Issues of Culture, Race, Power Relations, and Mistrust. 244 pp. 2022:3 (P. Lang, SZ) <678-344>
ISBN 978-1-80079-683-6 paper ¥15,276.- (税込) SFR 62.00

The issue of migration and asylum seeking has received increasing attention in the wider arena of international human rights and social service provision practice. Positioned within a liberal understanding of human rights and equality framework, providing asylum seekers with sanctuary is understood as an act of adhering to supranational and international humanitarian obligations. The issues generated by the culturally influenced needs of some asylum seekers have however challenged host countries’ social service institutions, where social work interventions and organisational contexts may still be based on the assumptions of European monocultural traditions. These may not be universally appropriate for service provision to all cultures. Colletta Dalikeni supports readers who wish to understand the challenges of culturally different asylum-seeking families. These families engage, or are required to engage, with child protection social workers. She does so by framing such issues as the reception and integration of asylum-seeking families, in the context of social exclusion, marginalisation, mutual cultural incomprehension, health and wellbeing. This book has a clear agenda. On the one hand, it aims to contribute to the field of research by addressing the silence in current literature on the perspective of African asylumseeking families. On the other hand, it allows the voices of those on society’s margins to be heard in the creation of knowledge. As such, the author employs a progressive approach to develop understanding of child protection issues within the context of asylum-seeking communities.

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Rajan, S. Irudaya (ed.), India Migration Report 2022: Health Professionals' Migration. (India Migration Report) 348 pp. 2022:9 (Routledge, UK) <678-363>
ISBN 978-1-03-232457-9 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

India Migration Report 2022 is one of the first volumes to focus comprehensively on Indian health professionals' migration. The essays in the volume discuss the reasons, challenges and opportunities that daunt and prompt health professionals to migrate within and outside India.This volume: * Explores the history of migration of health professionals, especially nurses from India;* Focuses in economic and social drivers of migration among health professionals;* Examines shifting patterns in migration as well as emergence of new destinations for migrants;* Studies the economic and social impact of COVID-19 among migrant health professionals;* Highlights the influence of remittances on rural economies in India.Timely, data-driven and drawing on exhaustive fieldwork, the volume looks at Indian health professionals in North America, Middle East, Asia Pacific and South Asia. It will be of interest to scholars and researchers of development studies, public health, public policy, economics, demography, sociology and social anthropology, and migration and diaspora studies.

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Eroglu, Sebnem, Poverty and International Migration: A Multi-Site and Intergenerational Perspective. (Policy Press Shorts Research) 104 pp. 2022:10 (Policy Pr., UK) <678-367>
ISBN 978-1-4473-6573-0 hard ¥13,830.- (税込) GB£ 47.99 *

International migration is a life-changing process, but do the migrants and their families fare economically better than those who stayed behind? Drawing on the largest database available on labour migration to Europe, this book seeks to shed light upon this question through an exploration of poverty outcomes for three generations of settler migrants spanning multiple European destinations, as compared with their returnee and stayer counterparts living in Turkey. As well as documenting generational trends, it investigates the transmission of poverty onto the younger generations. With its unique multi-site and intergenerational perspective, the book provides a rare insight into the economic consequences of international migration for migrants and their descendants.

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Datta, Amrita, Migration and Development in India: The Case of Bihar. 212 pp. 2022:9 (Routledge, UK) <678-254>
ISBN 978-1-03-229183-3 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

This book deals with a wide range of issues related to rural-urban migration in the context of neoliberal economic development in India.Focusing on three core areas, first it traces state discourses on rural-urban migration in India since the 1930s critically analysing its industrial, labour, rural and urban programmes, and policies. Second, through data on longitudinal surveys undertaken in rural Bihar in 1999, 2011 and 2016, it examines changes in patterns of migration and sources of income; estimates determinants and impacts of migration. Third, based on fieldwork in the village and the city, it presents an in-depth account of a rural-urban migration stream in contemporary India. It shows how, contrary to the results of conventional data sources such as the Census and NSSO, that mobility is high in rural Bihar, and has significantly increased over time as a result of rising labour demand in distant urban markets elsewhere in India. Further, it also provides evidence of decoupling of agriculture from the 'rural' in India.Combining quantitative and qualitative methods in development research, this book will be of great interest to scholars and researchers of development studies, migration studies, development economics, sociology, demography, public policy, and South Asian studies.

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Moses, C. J. J. / Mueller, Tobias / Taleb, Adela (eds.), Rethinking Islam and Space in Europe: The Politics of Race, Time and Secularism. (Ethnic and Racial Studies) 236 pp. 2022:9 (Routledge, UK) <678-171>
ISBN 978-1-03-228252-7 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

The role of Islam in public spaces is one of the most prevalent political questions in Europe. Contestations around the construction of mosques, the ban of Islamic veils and populist rhetoric about "problematic" neighbourhoods indicate Europe's struggles with the place of its second largest religion. This book advocates for an analytical turn in the study of Islam in Europe using space as a central conceptual lens. While spatial approaches are gaining traction in the study of religion, migration, ethnicity, race, and politics, the chapters in this book argue that the critical potential of a spatialised analysis in the field of Islam in Europe remains largely unexplored.This volume presents a collection of nine empirical studies that offer insights into how scholars might exploit the category of space when analysing both current political issues and broader conceptual questions in the social sciences. And more specifically, how does a spatial perspective on Islam contribute to a deeper understanding of the formations of the state, ethnicity, race, secularism, gender, and colonial structures?Rethinking Islam and Space in Europe is a significant new contribution to racial and ethnic studies in Europe, and will be a great resource for academics, researchers, and advanced students of Politics, Sociology, Social and Political Geography, Anthropology and Religious Studies.The chapters in this book were originally published as a 2021 special issue of Ethnic and Racial Studies.

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Borja, Melissa May, Follow the New Way: American Refugee Resettlement Policy and Hmong Religious Change. 320 pp. 2023:3 (Harvard U. Pr., US) <678-132>
ISBN 978-0-674-98978-8 hard ¥10,098.- (税込) US$ 45.00

An incisive look at Hmong religion in the United States, where resettled refugees found creative ways to maintain their traditions, even as Christian organizations deputized by the government were granted an outsized influence on the refugees' new lives.Every year, members of the Hmong Christian Church of God in Minneapolis gather for a cherished Thanksgiving celebration. But this Thanksgiving takes place in the spring, in remembrance of the turbulent days in May 1975 when thousands of Laotians were evacuated for resettlement in the United States. For many Hmong, passage to America was also a spiritual crossing. As they found novel approaches to living, they also embraced Christianity-called kev cai tshiab, "the new way"-as a means of navigating their complex spiritual landscapes.Melissa May Borja explores how this religious change happened and what it has meant for Hmong culture. American resettlement policies unintentionally deprived Hmong of the resources necessary for their time-honored rituals, in part because these practices, blending animism, ancestor worship, and shamanism, challenged many Christian-centric definitions of religion. At the same time, because the government delegated much of the resettlement work to Christian organizations, refugees developed close and dependent relationships with Christian groups. Ultimately the Hmong embraced Christianity on their own terms, adjusting to American spiritual life while finding opportunities to preserve their customs.Follow the New Way illustrates America's wavering commitments to pluralism and secularism, offering a much-needed investigation into the public work done by religious institutions with the blessing of the state. But in the creation of a Christian-inflected Hmong American animism we see the resilience of tradition-how it deepens under transformative conditions.

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Rogahn, Sabrina, Rassismus popularisieren: Hans F. K. Guenthers "Rassenkunden" in der Rezensionsliteratur 1922-1942. 690 S. 2022:9 (Campus, GW) <678-1244>
ISBN 978-3-593-51635-6 hard ¥16,530.- (税込) EUR 68.00 *



Roth, Harald (Hrsg.), Kein Land, nirgends?: Flucht aus Deutschland, Flucht nach Deutschland 1933-1945 und heute. 380 S. 2022:10 (Dietz Nachf., GW) <678-1245>
ISBN 978-3-8012-0644-4 paper ¥7,779.- (税込) EUR 32.00 *

Unser Kontinent erlebt gerade die groesste Massenflucht seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Fluechtende Menschen suchen Schutz, Verstaendnis und eine Gesellschaft, die sie aufnimmt. Sie sind keine gesichtslose Masse. Deshalb stehen im Zentrum dieses Bandes autobiografische Texte von 1933 bis heute - die Stimmen derer, die mit Gewalt aus ihrem Leben und ihrer Heimat vertrieben wurden, um anderswo neu zu beginnen. Daneben setzen sich Wissenschaftler*innen und Vertreter*innen von NGOs mit den wichtigen Fragen der Zwangsmigration auseinander. Sie schreiben ueber Ablehnung, aber auch ueber die grosse Anteilnahme am Schicksal der Heimatlosen und zeigen niedrigschwellige Loesungsansaetze auf, wie ihnen geholfen werden kann. Mit Beitraegen von Wolfgang Benz, Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, Gerald Knaus, Michael Brenner, Ilija Trojanow, Ingo Schulze, Markus M. Beeko, Farhad Alsilo, der als 12-Jaehriger den IS-Terror ueberlebte, Fisseha Mebrahtu, der 17-jaehrigen Schuelerin Leen Alcheikh, dem ukrainischen Journalisten Aleksei Bobrovnikov, Mascha Kaleko, Joseph Roth, Stefanie Zweig, Georg Stefan Troller, Saul Friedlaender und anderen und einem Vorwort von Aleida Assmann.

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Teixeira, Carmen (Hrsg.), Geschichte der Zuwanderung in Nordrhein-Westfalen - Flucht, Vertreibung, Aussiedlung, Arbeitsmigration: Herausforderungen an Integration, Teilhabe und Zusammenhalt im Wandel. 350 S. 2022:9 (Dietz Nachf., GW) <678-1247>
ISBN 978-3-8012-0645-1 paper ¥7,779.- (税込) EUR 32.00 *

Zuwanderung gab es in Nordrhein-Westfalen schon immer. Sie ist ein wesentlicher Teil seiner Geschichte und praegte das bevoelkerungsreichste deutsche Bundesland. Allerdings wird sie meist im Zusammenhang mit Problemen thematisiert. Warum? Dass sie viel mehr gute als schwierige Seiten hat, beschreibt dieser Band, der einen weiten Bogen auch zu aktuellen migrationspolitischen Fragen spannt. Viele fanden in Nordrhein-Westfalen Heimat und Arbeit: polnische Bergleute, Vertriebene aus den ehemaligen Ostgebieten, sogenannte Gastarbeiter*innen, (Spaet-)Aussiedler*innen oder Juedinnen und Juden aus der Sowjetunion, Gefluechtete aus Jugoslawien, Syrien und jetzt der Ukraine. Sie alle kamen mit Hoffnungen. Integration ist ein langer Prozess mit Widerspruechen, Konflikten, ungeloesten Aufgaben, aber auch mit Chancen und grossen Erfolgen. Dieses Buch spricht darueber in vielen persoenlichen Zeugnissen und bietet ausserdem gruendliche Analysen und praezise Fakten zu Geschichte und Gegenwart der NRW-Migrationsgesellschaft.

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Webster, Wendy, Imagining Home: Gender, Race and National Identity, 1945-1964. With a new Preface by the Author. (Routledge Classics) 264 pp. 2022:9 (Routledge, UK) <678-1248>
ISBN 978-1-03-234521-5 hard ¥37,466.- (税込) GB£ 130.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-234520-8 paper ¥5,184.- (税込) GB£ 17.99 *

A vital work for its exploration of the way the very idea of home became white in Britain in the postwar periodAhead of its time when first published and reviewed in the Guardian Highly relevant in light of the Windrush scandal and recent debates surrounding race and colonialism in Britain This Routledge Classics edition includes a new preface by the author

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World Migration Report 2022. 536 pp. 2022:1 (IOM, SZ) <678-1210>
ISBN 978-92-9268-078-7 paper ¥20,196.- (税込) US$ 90.00 *

The World Migration Report 2022, the eleventh in the world migration report series, has been produced to contribute to increased understanding of migration and mobility throughout the world. This new edition presents key data and information on migration as well as thematic chapters on highly topical migration issues, and is structured to focus on two key contributions for readers: Part I: key information on migration and migrants (including migration-related statistics); and Part II: balanced, evidence-based analysis of complex and emerging migration issues

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Cohen, Robin, Global Diasporas: An Introduction. 25th Anniversary ed. 248 pp. 2022:7 (Routledge, UK) <678-1215>
ISBN 978-1-03-218844-7 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-218845-4 paper ¥10,371.- (税込) GB£ 35.99 *

Following its initial publication in 1997, Global Diasporas: An Introduction was central to the emergence of diaspora studies and quickly established itself as the leading textbook in the field. This expanded and fully-revised 25th anniversary edition adds two new chapters on incipient diasporas and diaspora engagement while carefully clarifying the changing meanings of the concept of diaspora and incorporating updated statistics and new interpretations seamlessly into the original text. The book has also been made more student-friendly with illustrations, thought-provoking questions, and guides to further reading.The book features insightful case studies and compares a wide range of diasporas, including Jewish, Armenian, African, Sikh, Chinese, British, Indian, Lebanese, Afghan and Caribbean peoples. This edition also retains Cohen's rich historical and sociological descriptions and clear yet elegant writing, as well as his modified concept of 'diasporic rope' linking different features of diasporas. This updated edition of the definitive textbook in the field will be an indispensable guide for students and instructors seeking to explore the complex issues of diaspora, migration and identity.

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Crabtree, Mari N., My Soul Is a Witness: The Traumatic Afterlife of Lynching. 312 pp. 2023:2 (Yale U. Pr., US) <678-1216>
ISBN 978-0-300-25041-1 hard ¥7,293.- (税込) US$ 32.50

An intimate look at the afterlife of lynching through the personal stories of Black victims and survivors who lived through and beyond its trauma Mari N. Crabtree traces the long afterlife of lynching in the South through the traumatic memories it left in its wake. She unearths how African American victims and survivors found ways to live through and beyond the horrors of lynching, offering a theory of African American collective trauma and memory rooted in the ironic spirit of the blues sensibility-a spirit of misdirection and cunning that blends joy and pain. Black southerners often shielded their loved ones from the most painful memories of local lynchings with strategic silences but also told lynching stories about vengeful ghosts or a wrathful God or the deathbed confessions of a lyncher tormented by his past. They protested lynching and its legacies through art and activism, and they mourned those lost to a mob's fury. They infused a blues element into their lynching narratives to confront traumatic memories and keep the blues at bay, even if just for a spell. Telling their stories troubles the simplistic binary of resistance or submission that has tended to dominate narratives of Black life and reminds us that amid the utter devastation of lynching were glimmers of hope and an affirmation of life.

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Danilina, Anna, Ethiken der Essenz: Eine Emotions- und Koerpergeschichte der Rasse in inneren Kolonien (1890-1933). (Studien zu Ressentiments in Geschichte und Gegenwart 7) 432 S. 2023:8 (Wallstein Vlg., GW) <678-1218>
ISBN 978-3-8353-5167-7 hard ¥9,237.- (税込) EUR 38.00 *

In den inneren Kolonien um 1900 wurden Rasse, Rassismus und Antisemitismus verinnerlicht. Rasse, Rassismus und Antisemitismus aeussern sich nicht nur in Begriffen, Vorstellungen oder Taten. Im Kaiserreich und der Weimarer Republik lernten Menschen, rassistisch und antisemitisch zu fuehlen und sich als ueberlegene Deutsche zu empfinden. Gerade als verinnerlichte Geschichte in Gefuehl und Koerper leben Rasse, Rassismus und Antisemitismus fort. In den inneren Kolonien in Ost- und Mitteldeutschland sollten Rasse und Deutschsein erlernt werden. Die Innenkolonisation verband widerspruechliche Akteure: Voelkische und Lebensreformer, aber auch Anarchisten und Zionisten verhandelten, wie die Siedlungsoekonomie ≫neue Menschen≪ hervorbringen sollte. Voelkische Siedlungsbewegte lernten durch ≫arteigene≪ Praktiken eine rassische Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung: ≫Deutsche Arbeit≪, religioese Riten, vegetarische Ernaehrung, Sport und (Runen)Gymnastik sollten sie arisch machen. Die Autorin zeigt, wie die Perspektive auf Koerperlichkeit und Emotionen das Wechselverhaeltnis von Rasse, Rassismus und Antisemitismus sichtbar macht und dabei hilft, deren Kontinuitaeten (an)greifbar zu machen.

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Hall, Naomi M., Sexual Health and Black College Students: Exploring the Sexual Milieu of HBCUs. (Leading Conversations on Black Sexualities and Identities) 136 pp. 2022:6 (Routledge, UK) <678-1223>
ISBN 978-1-03-201570-5 hard ¥14,118.- (税込) GB£ 48.99 *

* One of the first books in the new Leading Conversations in Black Sexualities and Identities series. * Explores various psychosocial, sociocultural, and contextual factors critical among Black college students within the milieu of HBCUs, and how this environment can promote sexual health. * Essential reading for public health and social science researchers and practitioners, as well as student affairs and campus wellness centers. * Aims to help the development of strategies and interventions to improve sexual health outcomes amongst black students at HBCUs, and advance the translation of culturally grounded research into effective practice.

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Hollis, Leah P., Black Women, Intersectionality, and Workplace Bullying: Intersecting Distress. (Leading Conversations on Black Sexualities and Identities) 112 pp. 2022:6 (Routledge, UK) <678-1226>
ISBN 978-1-03-203534-5 hard ¥14,118.- (税込) GB£ 48.99 *

Black Women, Intersectionality, and Workplace Bullying extends and enriches the current literature on workplace bullying by examining specifically how work abuse disproportionality hurts women of color, affecting their mental health negatively and hence their career progression.In this interdisciplinary text, Hollis combines the fields of intersectionality and workplace bullying to present a balanced offering of conceptual essays and empirical research studies. The chapters explore how researchers have previously used empirical studies to address race and gender before arguing that the more complex an identity or intersectional position, such as being a Black gender fluid woman, the more likely a person shall experience workplace bullying. The author also looks at how this affects Black women's mental health, such as through increased anxiety, depression, insomnia, and self-medicating behaviors, before looking specifically at Black female athletes as a study, the topic of colorism at work and its impact on Black women, and how workplace bullying compromises organizations diversity and inclusion initiatives. This book will be of immense interest to graduate students and academics in the fields of social work, ethnic studies, Black studies, Africana studies, gender studies, political science, sociology, psychology, and social justice. It will also be of interest to those interested in intersectionality and how this relates to race and gender of women.

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Jensen, Steffen Bo / Schroeder, Rieke / Oliva, A. S. (eds.), Situating Displacement: Explorations of Global (Im)Mobility. (Political and Social Change 10) 190 pp. 2022:3 (P. Lang, SZ) <678-1227>
ISBN 978-3-631-84760-2 hard ¥10,102.- (税込) SFR 41.00

This anthology offers a fresh look at the theme of forced mobility and displace¬ment. By situating displacement and creating a dialogue with disciplines and analytical perspectives from other academic fields, we broaden the scope of thinking about displacement with different chapters taking well-established ideas from migration, mobility, and refugee research into the conversation. By situating displacement in new ways and from alternate angles, the anthology opens up new reflections, relevant across several disciplinary fields.

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Klemke, Ulrich, Auswanderer der badischen Revolution 1848/49 in die USA: Ein biographisches Lexikon. (Studien zur Geschichtsforschung der Neuzeit 106) 420 S. 2022:5 (Kovac, GW) <678-1229>
ISBN 978-3-339-12956-7 paper ¥24,260.- (税込) EUR 99.80 *



Konrad, Alexander, Umdeutungen des Islams: Bundesdeutsche Wahrnehmungen von Muslim*innen 1970-2000. (Geschichte der Gegenwart 31) 496 S. 2022:6 (Wallstein Vlg., GW) <678-1230>
ISBN 978-3-8353-5268-1 hard ¥10,210.- (税込) EUR 42.00 *

Fanatismus, Krieg und Terror ? oeffentliche Deutungen und Stereotype ueber Muslim*innen in der Bundesrepublik. Ein grosser Teil der deutschen Bevoelkerung hat heutzutage eine negative Wahrnehmung von Muslim*innen. Ihnen wird pauschal ein Hang zu Gewalt, religioesem Fanatismus, Extremismus und Unterdrueckung von Frauen unterstellt. Diese Zuschreibungen bestehen nicht erst seit den Terroranschlaegen vom 11. September 2001, sondern haben sich bereits in den drei Jahrzehnten zuvor etabliert. Alexander Konrad untersucht den Wandel der bundesdeutschen Wahrnehmungen von Muslim*innen von den Siebzigerjahren bis zur Jahrtausendwende. Dabei nimmt er oeffentliche Aussagen und Handlungen von Akteur*innen aus Politik, Medien, Wissenschaft, Religionsgemeinschaften und Zivilgesellschaft kritisch in den Blick. Hintergruende, argumentative Ueberschneidungen und Agenden stehen im Zentrum seiner Analyse. Auch den damaligen Bemuehungen um reflektierte Sichtweisen zu Muslim*innen spuert der Autor nach. Mit seiner Studie leistet Alexander Konrad einen fundamentalen Beitrag zur zeithistorischen Dekonstruktion von Denkweisen ueber Islam und Muslim*innen.

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Malik, Kenan, Not So Black and White: A History of Race from White Supremacy to Identity Politics. 328 pp. 2023:1 (Hurst, UK) <678-1234>
ISBN 978-1-78738-776-8 hard ¥5,764.- (税込) GB£ 20.00 *

A powerful new history of the idea of race, forcing us to rethink today's culture wars. Is white privilege real? How racist is the working class? Why has left-wing antisemitism grown? Who benefits most when anti-racists speak in racial terms? The 'culture wars' have generated ferocious argument, but little clarity. This book takes the long view, explaining the real origins of 'race' in Western thought, and tracing its path from those beginnings in the Enlightenment all the way to our own fractious world. In doing so, leading thinker Kenan Malik upends many assumptions underpinning today's heated debates around race, culture, whiteness and privilege. Malik interweaves this history of ideas with a parallel narrative: the story of the modern West's long, failed struggle to escape ideas of race, leaving us with a world riven by identity politics. Through these accounts, he challenges received wisdom, revealing the forgotten history of a racialised working class, and questioning fashionable concepts like cultural appropriation. Not So Black and White is both a lucid history rewriting the story of race, and an elegant polemic making an anti-racist case against the politics of identity.

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Meissner, Fran / Vertovec, Steven / Sigona, Nando, The Oxford Handbook of Superdiversity. (Oxford Handbooks) 488 pp. 2022:11 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <678-1235>
ISBN 978-0-19-754493-8 hard ¥39,270.- (税込) US$ 175.00 *

Old immigration hubs and new ones worldwide have experienced rapid and increasing movements of people from more varied national, ethnic, linguistic, and religious backgrounds. These movements have emerged along with a diversification of migration channels and legal statuses. In concurrent but differing ways, these migration-driven trends profoundly transform societies in complex ways spanning social, demographic, cultural, economic, and political structures. Across a range of disciplines and literatures, such complex transformation processes and patterns are summarized by the concept of superdiversity. In The Oxford Handbook of Superdiversity, the editors have collated bespoke contributions that summarize and expand on research work done in light of superdiversity. The book offers unique insights into the ongoing debates about diversity and how to make sense of it considering complex social transformations. The collection is unique in providing accessible texts that highlight different disciplinary standpoints and developments and the methodological innovation superdiversity entails. The Handbook also brings together chapters that emphasize interdisciplinary case studies and examples of the social implications of superdiversity in different cities and contexts around the globe. The thirty-three chapters in this book are arranged in five sections: Disciplinary Developments; Methodological Reflections; Spaces and Scales; Power and Politics; and Conceptual Encounters. Together, these offers students, educators, researchers, and practitioners a much sought-after compendium of major advances made in studying complex transformations in light of superdiversity.

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Neely, Teresa Y. / Montanez, Margie (eds.), Dismantling Constructs of Whiteness in Higher Education: Narratives of Resistance from the Academy. (Routledge Research in Higher Education) 288 pp. 2022:9 (Routledge, UK) <678-1238>
ISBN 978-0-367-46555-1 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

This book offers counternarratives from People of Color (POC) engaged in varied departments, faculties, and institutions in higher education to interrogate and challenge the construct of whiteness as an ideological form reproduced across campuses throughout the United States.Documenting individuals' lived experiences, the text uses narratives, personal stories, and autoethnographic approaches to explore how social and racial injustices manifest themselves at both a macro- and micro-level through structures and ideologies of whiteness, as well as personal and group interactions. This book, divided into four valuable parts, offers reconceptualizations of racial diversity in higher education, and further explores identity politics within the academy to ultimately posit that a varied approach is necessary to combat the equally varied ideological forms of whiteness. This text will benefit scholars, academics, and students in the fields of higher education, race and ethnicity studies, and academic librarianship more broadly. Those involved with the multicultural education, education policy and politics, and equality and human rights in general will also benefit from this volume.

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Reiter, Bernd / Sanchez, John Anton (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Afro-Latin American Studies. 752 pp. 2022:10 (Routledge, UK) <678-1243>
ISBN 978-0-367-69143-1 hard ¥56,199.- (税込) GB£ 195.00 *

This Handbook provides a comprehensive roadmap to the burgeoning area of Afro-Latin American Studies.Afro-Latins as a civilization developed during the period of slavery, obtaining cultural contributions from Indigenous and European worlds, while today they are enriched by new social configurations derived from contemporary migrations from Africa. The essays collected in this volume speak to scientific production that has been promoted in the region from the humanities and social sciences with the aim of understanding the phenomenon of the African diaspora as a specific civilizing element. With contributions from world-leading figures in their fields overseen by an eminent international editorial board, this Handbook features original, authoritative articles organized in four coherent parts:* Disciplinary Studies;* Problem Focused Fields;* Regional and Country Approaches;* Pioneers of Afro-Latin American Studies.The Routledge Handbook of Afro-Latin American Studies will not only serve as the major reference text in the area of Afro-Latin American Studies but will also provide the agenda for future new research.

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Zeisler-Vralsted, Dorothy, African Americans and the Mississippi River: Race, History, and the Environment. (Routledge Environmental Humanities) 224 pp. 2022:9 (Routledge, UK) <678-1078>
ISBN 978-1-138-67132-4 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-138-67133-1 paper ¥10,660.- (税込) GB£ 36.99 *

This book follows the historical trajectory of African Americans and their relationship with the Mississippi River dating back to the 1700s and ending with Hurricane Katrina and the still-contested Delta landscape.Long touted in literary and historical works, the Mississippi River remains an iconic presence in the American landscape. Whether referred to as "Old Man River" or the "Big Muddy," the Mississippi River represents imageries ranging from the pastoral and Acadian to turbulent and unpredictable. However, these imageries-revealed through the cultural production of artists, writers, poets, musicians, and even filmmakers-did not reflect the experiences of everyone living and working along the river. Missing is a broader discourse of the African American community and the Mississippi River. Through the experiences of African Americans with the Mississippi River, which included narratives of labor (free and enslaved), refuge, floods, and migration, a different history of the river and its environs emerges.The book brings multiple perspectives together to explore this rich history of the Mississippi River through the intersection of race and class with the environment. The text will be of great interest to students and researchers in environmental humanities, including environmental justice studies, ethnic studies, and US and African American history.

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Hannon, Michael D., Black Fathering and Mental Health: Black Fathers' Narratives on Raising Their Children Across the Family Life Cycle. 148 pp. 2022:3 (P. Lang, SZ) <678-1135>
ISBN 978-1-4331-9309-5 paper ¥10,348.- (税込) SFR 42.00

This edited volume is the first work purposefully designed to amplify the voices of Black men in communicating their mental health needs and challenges while fathering in their families and communities. Dr. Michael Hannon has convened a group of Black fathers and aspiring fathers, who are also professional counselors, and they offer unique and untapped perspectives about the needs, challenges, and victories of Black fathering across the family life cycle in the context of an anti-Black world. In each chapter, the contributors offer counselors and other mental health professionals a resource to assist them in providing culturally relevant and responsive support to Black fathers at various points across the family life cycle and more comprehensively understand the circumstances that might prompt-and prevent-Black fathers to seek counseling support. "Dr. Michael Hannon and his colleagues have broken new ground with a unique and timely contribution to the literature of Black fathering and anti-racism. Through their lived experience as sons and fathers, combined with their education and experience as mental health counselors, they are transparent, vulnerable, proud, reflective, articulate, committed, engaged Black men who thoroughly disrupt the racist trope of the absent Black father. Their lived experiences are diverse and reflective of the broad spectrum of family constellations in our society. I read this manuscript as an Arab American, having raised two Biracial Black children with special needs. The fears expressed about their children experiencing the dangers of racism and white supremacy resonated deeply in my heart from when I held my children for the first time. Each contributor includes reflections on how counseling helped or could have helped their fathering. Hannon's concluding chapter is actionable recommendations for counselors and other mental health professionals for working with Black fathers. In sum, this book will instruct and inspire the reader with the resilience and determination of Black men and fathers."-Robert Naseef, PhD, Alternative Choices, Psychologist, Author of Autism in the Family: Caring and Coping Together and Special Children, Challenged Parents: The Struggles and Rewards of Raising a Child with a Disability "Black Fathering and Mental Health is a rich, nuanced account of the reality of Black fathering in the context of their families, neighborhoods, villages, and larger society. While reading, you feel like you are sitting next to these men as they share their innermost thoughts and feelings, and their lessons learned, about the strengths, challenges, and triumphs of Black fatherhood. As a counseling psychologist, I see this book as an inspiring look inwards into one's own community, telling the story as only insiders can. It is an essential text for counselors and any mental health professional working to understand and support Black fathers or fathers-to-be. In fact, I would argue that it is a must read for anyone who has Black men and boys in their lives."-Muninder Kaur Ahluwalia, PhD, Professor, Montclair State University, Author of Taking Action: Creating Social Change through Strength, Solidarity, Strategy, and Sustainability "Rarely have the voices of African Americans fathers been recognized. This text highlights the lived experiences of courageous African American men. Each chapter provides a window into the inner lives of African American fathers in ways that help professional counselors directly meet their mental health needs. This needs to be a required text for practicum and internship counseling courses."-Carla Adkison-Johnson, PhD, LPC, Department Chair and Professor, Western Michigan University and Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development "This beautiful book makes me want to be somebody's father. It overflows with love, impressive vulnerability, inspiring examples, and useful guidance. It is a must-read for every Black man who is or aspires to be a father, as well as everyone who aims to effectively support them." -Shaun Harper, PhD, Clifford and Betty Allen Professor, University of Southern California, Author of College Men and Masculinities: Theories, Research and Implications for Practice and Advancing Black Male Student Success from Preschool Through PhD

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Yankelevich, Pablo, The Others: Race, Regulations, and Corruption in Mexico's Immigration and Naturalization Policies. (Latin American History in Translation) 208 pp. 2022:9 (Routledge, UK) <678-1052>
ISBN 978-1-03-218775-4 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-218058-8 paper ¥10,660.- (税込) GB£ 36.99 *

The Others reconstructs the history of migration and naturalization of foreigners in Mexico during the first half of the twentieth century.Despite never receiving large influxes of foreigners, paradoxically Mexico has applied particularly tight controls on migration and naturalization. Why did it choose to limit the arrival of foreigners when their numbers were so low as a proportion of the total population? In a nation riven by ethnic prejudices and with post-revolutionary governments swift to criticize racial discrimination, what can explain the strong racialization of naturalization and migration policies? First published in Spanish, this award-winning book sheds light on the origins of many migration-related problems still plaguing the Mexican government: irregular migration to the United States, the lack of any genuine control over the arrival and residence of foreigners in Mexico, immigration and naturalization red tape, the authorities' corruption and arbitrary decisions, racism, and discrimination in its migration policy. These are all issues overlooked by historical research in Mexico and explored in depth for the first time here.This book will be invaluable to students and scholars of Mexican history, borderland studies, and those interested in the relationship between the United States and Latin America.

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