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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Lahav, Gallya / Messina, Anthony M., Immigration, Security and the Liberal State: The Politics of Migration Regulation in Europe and the United States. 520 pp. 2023:8 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <702-907>
ISBN 978-1-00-929801-8 hard ¥30,261.- (税込) GB£ 105.00
ISBN 978-1-00-929799-8 paper ¥10,083.- (税込) GB£ 34.99 *

Contextualizing the regulation of human mobility in a new security framework, this book offers an original perspective on the dominant mode of politics and evolving norms shaping the immigration policies of contemporary liberal states. In doing so, the authors challenge existing paradigms that privilege economic and cultural factors over new security ones in explaining the critical institutional and normative changes in migration management, from the early post-WWII through the post-Cold War era. Drawing on evidence from multiple sources, including media and elite discourse, policy tracking, party manifesto data and public opinion across Europe and the US, the book exposes the restrictive nature of immigration politics and policies when immigration is framed as a security threat, and considers its implications for civil liberties. Informed by a rich breadth of scholarly sub-disciplines, the findings contribute both empirically and theoretically to the literatures on international migration, security and public opinion.

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Schayani, Isabel, Nach Deutschland: Fuenf Menschen, fuenf Wege, ein Ziel. 288 S. 2023:8 (Beck, GW) <702-927>
ISBN 978-3-406-80631-5 hard ¥6,320.- (税込) EUR 26.00 *

Safi schleppt sich im Winter zu Fuss ueber die Balkanroute. Ruhi fliegt von Teheran zunaechst nach Italien. Omid will von Calais aus mit dem Schlauchboot weiter. Melika steckt in Moria fest. Und Olena hat als Ukrainerin beinahe freie Fahrt. Isabel Schayani berichtet in ihrem glaenzend geschriebenen Buch von fuenf verschlungenen Wegen Richtung Deutschland und gewaehrt uns tiefe Einblicke in das prekaere Leben im Niemandsland zwischen den Grenzen und in den Grauzonen des Asylrechts. Viele Fluchtrouten durch den Vorderen Orient und Afrika haben Deutschland zum Ziel. Hier soll es Freiheit geben, Schulunterricht und medizinische Versorgung gratis, und Frauen duerfen Sport treiben: Fuer Menschen, die um ihr Leben rennen oder vor Verelendung fliehen, ist das ein grosses Versprechen. Sie lassen ihr vertrautes Leben meist erstaunlich uninformiert hinter sich, mit Kind und ohne Kreditkarte, im freien Fall in eine bessere Zukunft. Isabel Schayani hat fuenf Gefluechtete auf ihren Wegen teils ueber mehrere Jahre immer wieder getroffen. Sie laesst uns die Schikanen der Schlepper, illegale Reisebueros, Grenzen, Registrierungen, Lager, Antraege und Internierungen aus der Perspektive der Heimatlosen erleben. Am Ende ihres Augen oeffnenden Buches gibt sie im Gespraech mit Verantwortlichen, Experten ? und mit den fuenf Gefluechteten selbst ? Antworten auf die grosse Frage: Wie koennen wir Flucht und Migration menschlicher organisieren?

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Asheeke, Toivo Tukongeni Paul Wilson, Arming Black Consciousness: The Azanian Black Nationalist Tradition and South Africa's Armed Struggle. (African Studies 164) 308 pp. 2023:6 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <702-982>
ISBN 978-1-00-934666-5 hard ¥24,497.- (税込) GB£ 85.00 *

Since 1994, as the ruling party in South Africa, the ANC have become synonymous with and indivisible from the fight against apartheid rule. This has left little space for competing accounts, visions, and political projects to find their appropriate place in the historical narrative. In this innovative book, Toivo Asheeke moves beyond these well-trodden histories, to tell the previously neglected story of the Black Consciousness Movement (BCM), a militant revolutionary nationalist wing of the anti-colonial struggle. Using archival sources from four countries and interviews with former veterans of the movement, Asheeke explores the BCM's engagement with guerrilla warfare, community feminism and Black Internationalism. Uncovering the personal and political histories of those who have previously received scant scholarly attention, Asheeke both illuminates the history of Africa's decolonization struggle and that of the wider Cold War.

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Masoumi, Azar, Refugees Are (Not) Welcome Here: The Paradox of Protection in Canada. 2023:11 (U. British Columbia Pr., CN) <702-665>
ISBN 978-0-7748-6871-6 hard ¥22,215.- (税込) US$ 99.00 *

State-controlled refugee protection in Canada has gone through paradoxical developments in recent decades. While refugee rights have expanded, access to these rights has tightened. Previously unrecognized groups - such as women experiencing gender-based violence and LGBT populations - are now considered legitimate refugees. Yet, the implementation of stringent administrative measures has made it harder for refugees to secure protection. Refugees Are (Not) Welcome Here draws on archival and media sources, interviews, and organizational data to examine how refugee claims are administered within a complex and contradictory regime that maintains significant legal and bureaucratic silos. Azar Masoumi explains why state-controlled refugee protection persists despite its many failures, not only in Canada but globally. This rigorous study deftly argues that the paradoxical interplay between refugee law and claim-processing bureaucracies is symptomatic of a larger illogic: reliance on the exclusivist mechanisms of the nation-state to ensure the universal application of rights. Ultimately, this book illuminates just how this paradox has turned refugee protection into an unfulfilled promise.

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Achtnich, Marthe, Mobility Economies in Europe's Borderlands: Migrants' Journeys through Libya and the Mediterranean. 212 pp. 2023:11 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <702-304>
ISBN 978-1-00-931087-1 hard ¥24,497.- (税込) GB£ 85.00 *

The arrival of unauthorised migrants at the shores of southern Europe has been sensationalized into a migration 'crisis' in recent years. Yet, these depictions fail to grasp migrants' experiences and fall short of addressing a more complex phenomenon. In this original ethnography, Marthe Achtnich examines migrants' journeys and economic practices underpinning mobility to recast how we think of migration. Bringing the perspectives and voices of migrants to the fore, she traces sub-Saharan migrants' journeys along one of the world's most dangerous migration routes: through the Sahara Desert, Libya, and then by boat to Malta in Europe. Examining what she calls 'mobility economies', Achtnich demonstrates how these migrant journeys become sources of profit for various actors. By focusing on migrants' long and difficult journeys, the book prompts a necessary rethinking of mobile life, economic practices under contemporary capitalism, and the complex relationship between the two.

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Dettlaff, Alan J, Confronting the Racist Legacy of the American Child Welfare System: The Case for Abolition. 192 pp. 2023:9 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <702-393>
ISBN 978-0-19-767526-7 hard ¥7,841.- (税込) US$ 34.95 *

In Confronting the Racist Legacy of the American Child Welfare System, Alan J. Dettlaff presents a call to abolish the American child welfare system due to the harm and destruction it causes Black families. Dettlaff traces the origins of the modern child welfare system, which emerged following the abolition of slavery, to demonstrate that the harm and oppression that result from child welfare intervention are not the result of "unintended consequences" but rather are the clear intents of the system and the foreseeable results of the policies that have been put in place over decades. By tracing the history of family separations in the United States since the era of slavery, Confronting the Racist Legacy of the American Child Welfare System demonstrates that the intended outcomes of those separations--the subjugation of Black Americans and the maintenance of white supremacy--are the same intended outcomes of the family separations done today. What distinguishes contemporary family separations from those that occurred during slavery is that today's separations occur under a facade of benevolence, a myth that has been perpetuated over decades that family separations are necessary to "save" the most vulnerable children. Confronting the Racist Legacy of the American Child Welfare System presents evidence of the vast harms that result from family separations to make a case that the child welfare system is beyond reform. Rather, the only solution to ending these harms is complete abolition of this system and a fundamental reimagining of the way society cares for children, families, and communities.

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Walton-Roberts, Margaret, Global Health Worker Migration: Problems and Solutions. (Elements in Global Development Studies) 75 pp. 2023:7 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <702-418>
ISBN 978-1-00-921779-8 paper ¥4,899.- (税込) GB£ 17.00 *

International skilled heath worker migration is a key feature of the global economy, a major contributor to socio-economic development and reflective of the transnationalization of health and elder care that is underway in most OECD nations. The distribution of care and health workforce planning has previously been analysed solely within national contexts, but increasingly scholars have shown how care deficits are being addressed through transnational responses. This Element examines the complex processes that feed health worker migrants into global circulation, the losses and gains associated with such mobility and examples of good practices, where migrants, sending and destination communities experience the best possible outcomes. It will approach this issue through the lens of problems, and solutions, making connections across the micro, meso and macro within and across the sections.

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Eckerlein, Marco, Die jaehrliche Arbeitswanderung zur Hopfenernte in Spalt (1825-1965): Migrationssteuerung bei landwirtschaftlicher Saisonarbeit im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert am Beispiel einer Sonderkultur. (Schriften zur Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte 37) 342 S. 2023:4 (Kovac, GW) <702-428>
ISBN 978-3-339-13502-5 paper ¥24,260.- (税込) EUR 99.80 *

Von der ersten Haelfte des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zur Mitte der 1960er Jahre kamen jaehrlich Ende August Tausende Wanderarbeiter aus verschiedenen Regionen Bayerns, Deutschlands und aus dem Ausland zur Hopfenernte nach Spalt und versetzten damit das Anbaugebiet im suedlichen Mittelfranken fuer zwei bis drei Wochen in eine Art Ausnahmezustand. Das Buch thematisiert diese jaehrliche Arbeitswanderung zur Hopfenernte. Dabei wird zunaechst die Zielregion der Wandermigranten und die Umstaende ihres dortigen Arbeitsaufenthalts dargestellt. Das Hopfenanbaugebiet wird definiert, die Technik des Hopfenanbaus kurz vorgestellt, der Ablauf der Ernte sowie die Arbeits- und Lebensumstaende waehrend dieser Wochen nachgezeichnet und die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung des Hopfenanbaus sowie der des Hopfenhandels dargelegt. Das darauffolgende Kapitel beschaeftigt sich mit der Entwicklung des Angebots und der Nachfrage an Erntehelfern. Dabei werden auch die Massnahmen gegen Arbeitskraeftemangel sowie die unterschiedlichen Formen der Arbeitsvermittlung vorgestellt. Anschliessend stehen die Wandermigranten selbst im Blickpunkt der Betrachtung. Sie werden hinsichtlich ihrer demografischen Merkmale wie Beruf, Alter, Familienstand, Geschlecht und Konfession genauer beleuchtet sowie ihre Herkunftsregionen herausgearbeitet. Dabei werden auch Wanderungssysteme zwischen Herkunftsorten und Hopfenproduktionsorten aufgezeigt. Ferner werden die Migranten hinsichtlich des Grades an jaehrlicher Mobilitaet klassifiziert. Der naechste Hauptpunkt nimmt die oeffentliche Sicherheit und Ordnung waehrend der Erntezeit in den Fokus. Hierzu werden die massgeblichen staatlichen und kommunalen Akteure zu deren Aufrechterhaltung vorgestellt und das fuer die Zeit der Ernte erlassene Regelungssystem analysiert. Darueber hinaus werden die Verstoesse gegen dieses Regelsystem, die Taeter und die Gegenreaktion der Sicherheitsbehoerden thematisiert. Im letzten Hauptpunkt werden schliesslich anhand der in den vorausgegangenen Kapiteln gewonnenen Erkenntnisse zusammenfassend das Migrationssystem und das Wirken der institutionellen Akteure sowie das Handeln bzw. die Reaktion der Erntehelfer auf das System dargestellt.

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Grohmann, Marcus, Seeking Reconciliation in a Context of Coloniality: A Study of White People's Approaches in a Multicultural South African church. ((Re-)konstruktionen - Internationale und Globale Studien) 236 pp. 2023:5 (Springer VS, GW) <702-175>
ISBN 978-3-658-41461-0 paper ¥26,737.- (税込) EUR 109.99

How do white people handle their own dominance while striving for racial reconciliation in a concrete church context in Cape Town? Persisting effects of colonialism present a challenge to reconciliation efforts in settler-colonial societies. This book draws particular attention to the coloniality of knowledge in multicultural churches and denominations. Despite its ability to connect, English is here regarded as an obstacle to deeper cross-cultural understanding and appreciation. The findings of this ethnographic study reveal how - motivated by a 'Hope for transformation from within' - racial integration often took precedence over equity. Eurocentric leanings were found to be both acknowledged and downplayed. With the emphasis on inclusion and upliftment, the equally sought-after cultural diversity was limited by the inadvertent setting up of boundaries, particularly regarding language and theology. Grohmann concludes that the perceptiblebut not prominent mode of choosing vulnerability, i.e. relating on other people's terms, constitutes a promising alternative to conventional ways of tackling inequalities. This decolonial approach to reconciliation would have the potential to advance both equity and equality.

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Nordin, Magdalena / Otterbeck, Jonas, Migration and Religion: IMISCOE Short Reader. (IMISCOE Research Series) 122 pp. 2023:6 (Springer, GW) <702-203>
ISBN 978-3-031-30765-2 paper ¥4,858.- (税込) EUR 19.99

This open access book introduces research on migration and religion with the focus on migration to western European countries from the 1950s and onwards. The book is an in-depth presentation of the main research trends as to methods, theories and empirical zones on migration and religion. In a unique way, the book brings together research about the topic aligning it with the experiences and urgencies of migrants. The first part of three introduces key concepts and presents main research trends over time. The second part deals with the processes of establishment - on an individual level as well as on a group and society level. The third and final part focuses on religious change in relation to religious ideas and habits. It further highlights religious creativity. The third part finishes with a discussion about challenges to research and what we still do not know enough about.

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Ranjan, Amit / Chattoraj, Diotima (eds.), Migration, Regional Autonomy, and Conflicts in Eastern South Asia: Searching for a Home(land). 340 pp. 2023:6 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <702-1097>
ISBN 978-3-031-28763-3 hard ¥34,030.- (税込) EUR 139.99

Delving into the past and present of various secessionist movements in Northeast India, political conflict in Chittagong Hill Tracts in Bangladesh, a political movement for autonomy in Darjeeling hills in Eastern India, and the Rohingya migration crisis affecting India and Bangladesh, this book examines the volatile co-existence of competing population groups in Eastern South Asia. Through the conceptual lens of the 'home' and feeling of 'homeland' in Eastern South Asia, the authors seek answers to three complex but interrelated questions: why is Eastern South Asia facing so many political movements and conflicts? How have the political movements affected the region and people? Why is the number of migrants in this region so high? Answers to these questions are vital to those studying South Asia and interested in understanding this region.

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Vasquez, Jorge Daniel, Transforming Ethnicity: Youth and Migration in the Southern Ecuadorian Andes. (Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship) 105 pp. 2023:6 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <702-1167>
ISBN 978-3-031-30096-7 hard ¥10,936.- (税込) EUR 44.99

This book explores how global migration transforms local dynamics in the communal life of indigenous peoples in southern Ecuador. At its heart, the focus is on Canar, a region marked by more than seven decades of migratory flows to the United States. Canar features one of the areas of greatest human mobility in the entire Andean Region. Drawing on data from in-depth interviews and dialogue-based workshops with indigenous youths, the author shows how migratory processes and forms of self-representation have challenged the idea that ethnic identity is tied to fixed cultural patterns. He further shows how youths' transnational experiences reconfigure generational differences within indigenous communities. In analyzing how transnational life, adultcentrism, gender power dynamics, and institutional discourses intersect in the production of indigenous youths' subjectivities, this book provides an innovative approach to the studies of indigenous peoples and migration.

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Walker, Thomas / McGaughey, Jane et al. (eds.), Environmental Migration in the Face of Emerging Risks: Historical Case Studies, New Paradigms and Future Directions. 167 pp. 2023:7 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <702-1202>
ISBN 978-3-031-29528-7 hard ¥34,030.- (税込) EUR 139.99

This book will provide a space for new and emergent research in environmental migration, particularly in the context of a world beginning to emerge from the grip of a debilitating public health crisis that kept many firmly rooted in place while displacing others internationally. With famines, vast wildfires, droughts, and record heatwaves uprooting human settlements internationally, research on migration in the face of emerging risks is all the more urgent. As Balsari, Dresser, & Leaning point out, "the wall-building, xenophobic, and insular" platforms of some global powers in their immigration and asylum policies, and the ever-increasing stresses placed on the natural world that continue to make sites of human settlement less and less hospitable, make research on this topic both very timely and much needed. This book will include numerous case studies, historical analyses, projections, models, and recommendations for both policy and future research directions. Contributions are drawn from academics and practitioners in this fertile interdisciplinary field of academic inquiry, and each one focuses on the intersection of population and environment studies, history, geography, law, diaspora studies, economics, public health, and sociology.This book is composed of five clear sections. The introductory section includes one chapter that presents an overview of the current landscape, the scope and objectives of the book, as well as its specific approach and the various themes. The concluding section is composed of one chapter that presents a global map of recent innovations drawing together some of the core themes discussed throughout the book. The concluding chapter synthesizes the challenges and opportunities presented, and the possible future directions that researchers, practitioners, and regulators could and should move towards.

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Methi, Jan Selmer / Nikiforova, Basia (eds.), Borderology: Spatial Perspective, Theoretical and Practical. (Key Challenges in Geography) 253 pp. 2023:6 (Springer, GW) <702-1218>
ISBN 978-3-031-29719-9 hard ¥34,030.- (税込) EUR 139.99

This book develops and establishes knowledge about borderology in the border zone between different countries, cultures, and climatic environment. The content of border and border zone has, during our research, changed from being a physical border between states to different borders and border zones which also include social and mental borders. The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the concept even more. The expressions "lockdown" and "social distance" indicate such borders that we, a short time ago, had largely not considered in our everyday life. Not only states closed their borders, regions inside a country, and even borders within families were established. "Illegally" passing these borders could crate strong reactions both from the nature by a disease or by the authorities with fees. The pandemic has not only challenged our understanding of borders and border zones, but it has also challenged our understanding of human rights and especially our understanding of what freedom is.

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Langmia, Kehbuma (ed.), Black Communication in the Age of Disinformation: DeepFakes and Synthetic Media. 226 pp. 2023:7 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <702-1235>
ISBN 978-3-031-27695-8 hard ¥31,599.- (税込) EUR 129.99

This book explores the consequences of the changing landscape of media communication on Black interactions in the virtual space. Current developments in technology, such as facial recognition, have already disproportionately affected people of color, especially people of African descent. The rise of DeepFakes and other forms of Fake News online has brought a host of new impacts and potential obstacles to the way that Black communities communicate. With a focus on the emergence of DeepFakes, and AI Synthetic Media, contributors have explored a range of themes and topics, including but not limited to: How do AI and digital algorithms impact people of color? How does Social Media shape Black women's perception of their body? How vulnerable are young Africans to social media generated fake news? Contributions have examined how Black virtual, in person and digital communication is affected by the current onslaught of misinformation, manipulated images and videos, and changing socialmedia landscape.

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Chase, Elaine / Sigona, Nando / Chatty, Dawn (eds.), Becoming Adult on the Move: Migration Journeys, Encounters and Life Transitions. 246 pp. 2023:7 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <702-1241>
ISBN 978-3-031-26533-4 hard ¥29,168.- (税込) EUR 119.99

This edited collection situates the migration of children and young people into Europe within a global framework of analysis and provides a holistic perspective that encompasses cultural media, ethnographic research and policy analysis. Drawing on a unique study of young unaccompanied migrants who subsequently became 'adult' within the UK and Italy, it examines their different trajectories and how they were impacted by their ability to secure legal status. Divided into three interlinked sections, it begins by examining the cultural repertoires about migration and adulthood to which migrants are sensitized in their countries of origin from a young age. This forms the contexts within which their direct experiences of turning 18 in a different country are explored. These combined insights are framed by an analysis of related policies which bureaucratically and institutionally shape these migratory experiences. This interdisciplinary volume will appeal to scholars and students in the fields of migration studies, international development, geography, sociology, anthropology, youth studies, law, education, health and wellbeing, social care and cultural studies.

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Somaiah, Chand, Cosmopolitan Maternalisms: Migration, Kinship, and Coorg Mothering in Modernity. 360 pp. 2024:3 (U. Toronto Pr., CN) <702-1248>
ISBN 978-1-4875-0709-1 hard ¥14,586.- (税込) US$ 65.00 *

This women-centred study examines social reconstructions of immigrant mothering among a middle-class minority community of first-generation Coorg women - Kodavathees - in urban Karnataka, Singapore, and Sydney through conceptual lenses of new cosmopolitanisms and new maternalisms. Cosmopolitan Maternalisms explores how Kodavathee immigrant mothering is practised with a pragmatic awareness of adapting the ways of the ancestors to the pitfalls and promises associated with living in modernity. As a member of this community, which possesses martial and agricultural traditions, and as an immigrant mother herself, Chand Somaiah engages in maternal conversations and in-depth qualitative interviews with forty-three mothers. The book emphasizes the sociocultural processes associated with cosmopolitanization that accomplish mothering in general, and that affect these Kodavathee mothers specifically. Cosmopolitan Maternalisms makes sense of the gendered and globalized convictions, contradictions, and aspirations shared by these mothers who are poised to slowly challenge the heteronormative maternal pedestals and patriarchal structures of middle-class transnational India.

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Brandel, Andrew, Moving Words: Literature, Memory, and Migration in Berlin. (Anthropological Horizons) 256 pp. 2023:10 (U. Toronto Pr., CN) <702-1267>
ISBN 978-1-4875-4368-6 hard ¥19,074.- (税込) US$ 85.00 *
ISBN 978-1-4875-4369-3 paper ¥6,719.- (税込) US$ 29.95 *

In the decades since the fall of the Berlin Wall, Berlin has re-emerged as a global city in large part thanks to its reputation as a literary city - a place where artists from around the world gather and can make a life. Moving Words foregrounds the many contexts in which life in the city of Berlin is made literary - from old neighbourhood bookshops to new reading circles, NGOs working to secure asylum for writers living in exile to specialized workshops for young migrant poets. Highlighting the differences, tensions, and contradictions of these scenes, this book reveals how literature can be both a site of domination and a resource for resisting and transforming those conditions. By attending to the everyday lives of writers, readers, booksellers, and translators, it offers a crucial new vantage point on the politics of difference in contemporary Europe, at a moment marked by historical violence, resurgent nationalism, and the fraught politics of migration. Rooted in ethnographic fieldwork, rich historical archives, and literary analysis, Moving Words examines the different claims people make on and for literature as it carries them through the city on irregular and intersecting paths. Along the way, Brandel offers a new approach to the ethnography of literature that aims to think anthropologically about crossings in time and in space, where literature provides a footing in a world constituted by a multiplicity of real possibilities.

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Stan, Corina / Sussman, Charlotte (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of European Migration in Literature and Culture. 711 pp. 2023:7 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <702-1296>
ISBN 978-3-031-30783-6 hard ¥48,616.- (税込) EUR 199.99 *

The Palgrave Handbook of European Migration in Literature and Culture engages with migration to, within, and from Europe, foregrounding migration through the lenses of historical migratory movement and flows associated with colonialism and postcolonialism. With essays on literature, film, drama, graphic novels, and more, the book addresses migration and media, hostile environments, migration and language, migration and literary experiment, migration as palimpsest, and figurations of the migrant. Each section is introduced by one of the handbook's contributing editors and interviews with writers and film directors are integrated throughout the volume. The essays collected in the volume move beyond the discourse of the "refugee crisis" to trace the historical roots of the current migration situation through colonialism and decolonization.

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Ambrosini, Maurizio / Hajer, Minke H. J., Irregular Migration: IMISCOE Short Reader. (IMISCOE Research Series) 151 pp. 2023:6 (Springer, GW) <702-1332>
ISBN 978-3-031-30837-6 paper ¥9,720.- (税込) EUR 39.99

This open access short reader provides an introduction to the theoretical debates regarding irregular migration and aims to bridge these theoretical debates to current empirical developments. It defines irregular migrants and irregular migration by discussing the wide variety of definitions and highlights the reasons for the presence of irregular immigrants in developed countries. The book provides an overview of the variation in policies regarding irregular migrants and elaborates on how irregular migration is facilitated and supported. It discusses the trends and dynamics between border enforcement, human smuggling/trafficking, and on the support irregular migrants obtain by citizens and civil society while residing in the EU. Last but not least, the book also focuses on the agency and political mobilization of irregular migrants. As such, it provides a great resource for everyone interested in learning more about irregular migration.

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Charania, Gulzar R., Fighting Feelings: Lessons in Gendered Racism and Queer Life. 318 pp. 2023:9 (U. British Columbia Pr., CN) <702-1335>
ISBN 978-0-7748-6899-0 hard ¥22,215.- (税込) US$ 99.00 *

Racialized women and girls often feel racial injustice before they have the words to name it. Sometimes they fight these feelings, and sometimes they use these feelings to fight. In this important and revealing book, Gulzar Charania puts the experiences of women of colour at the centre of her investigation, sharing how they endure everyday racism, as well as its lasting impacts and exacting costs in their lives and educational trajectories.Fighting Feelings highlights how the elasticity of white supremacy invites people of colour to be its accomplices, how interlocking forms of oppression force racialized queer women to calibrate the risk of expressing their sexuality, and how schools and the nation inform the development of racial literacy. Charania traces the complex convergences, and inseparability, of race, class, gender, and sexuality in women's lives, and demonstrates the divergent political horizons that racism fosters.

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Holland, David, Imperial Heartland: Immigration, Working-class Culture and Everyday Tolerance, 1917-1947. (Modern British Histories) 350 pp. 2023:6 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <702-1340>
ISBN 978-1-00-921619-7 hard ¥27,379.- (税込) GB£ 95.00 *

Working-class Britons played a crucial role in the pioneering settlement and integration of South Asians in imperial Britain. Using a host of new and neglected sources, Imperial Heartland revises the history of early South Asian immigration to Britain, focusing on the northern English city of Sheffield. Rather than viewing immigration through the lens of inevitable conflict, this study takes an alternative approach, situating mixed marriages and inter-racial social networks centrally within the South Asian settlement of modern Britain. Whilst acknowledging the episodic racial conflict of the early inter-war period, David Holland challenges assumptions that insurmountable barriers of race, religion and culture existed between the British working classes and non-white newcomers. Imperial Heartland closely examines the reactions of working-class natives to these young South Asian men and overturns our pre-conceptions that hostility to perceived racial or national difference was an overriding pre-occupation of working-class people during this period. Imperial Heartland therefore offers a fresh and inspiring new perspective on the social and cultural history of modern Britain.

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Meyer, Silke / Stroehle, Claudius (eds.), Remittances as Social Practices and Agents of Change: The Future of Transnational Society. 464 pp. 2023:7 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <702-1345>
ISBN 978-3-030-81503-5 hard ¥12,151.- (税込) EUR 49.99

This open access book explores the transformative effects of remittances. Remittances are conceptualized as flows of money, objects, ideas, traditions, and symbolic capital, mapping out a cross-border space in which people live, work, and communicate with multiple belongings. By doing so, they effect social change both in places of origin and destination. However, their power to improve individual living conditions and community infrastructure mainly results from global inequality. Hence, we challenge the remittance mantra and go beyond the migration-development-nexus by revealing dependencies and frictions in remittance relations. Remittances are thus scrutinized in their effects on both social cohesion and social rupture. By highlighting the transformative effects of remittance in the context of conflict, climate change, and the postcolonial, we shed light on the future of transnational society.Presenting empirical case studies from Ghana, Burkina Faso, Sri Lanka,New Zealand, Turkey, Lebanon, USA, Japan, and various European countries, as well as historical North America and the Habsburg Empire, we explore remittance relations from a range of disciplines including anthropology, sociology, history, design, architecture, governance, and peace studies.

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Wang, Simeng (ed.), Chinese in France amid the Covid-19 Pandemic: Daily Lives, Racial Struggles and Transnational Citizenship of Migrants and Descendants. 365 pp. 2023:9 (Brill, NE) <702-1354>
ISBN 978-90-04-51109-5 hard ¥32,818.- (税込) EUR 135.00

The day after the epidemic broke out in Wuhan, Chinese people in France are already busy sending masks across borders and sharing media information; at the same time, a significant number of Chinese people are victims of racist attacks, insults and discrimination in France. Based on both quantitative and qualitative empirical data, this book reveals the new dynamics and interactions generated by the Covid-19 pandemic not only between different sub-groups of Chinese in France, but also between ethnic Chinese and their both countries: China and France. Mutual aid, local or transnational solidarity, inclusion initiatives, like any act of exclusion and hostility, invite you to question the essence of humanity in transnational settings, beyond the racialization of the Covid-19 virus.

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Wray-Lake, Laura / Hope, Elan C. / Abrams, Laura S., Young Black Changemakers and the Road to Racial Justice. (Contemporary Social Issues Series) 280 pp. 2023:11 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <702-1356>
ISBN 978-1-00-924422-0 hard ¥23,056.- (税込) GB£ 80.00 *
ISBN 978-1-00-924421-3 paper ¥7,489.- (税込) GB£ 25.99 *

Young Black Changemakers and the Road to Racial Justice tells the stories of how Black youth become changemakers and speaks to researchers, educators, community organizations, and the public. Through many kinds of action, Black youth are driven by a larger purpose to improve the world for Black people. Black families and Black-centered organizations support and sustain Black youth's civic engagement. Investing in community-based organizations benefits young Black changemakers, and Black identity and community can offer belonging and joy. Black youth's stories call us to root out anti-Blackness in schools, on social media, and in public discourse. Black youth bring society hope for the future and point the way forward on the road to racial justice.

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Wang, Zhe, Transnational Student Return Migration and Megacities in China: Practices of Cityzenship. (Palgrave Pivot) 155 pp. 2023 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <702-1057>
ISBN 978-981-9920-82-2 hard ¥10,936.- (税込) EUR 44.99 *

This book is a study of the return migration of overseas Chinese students. By 2018, over 3.5 million Chinese students had returned from overseas universities to China, with the megacities of Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen representing by far their main destinations. In other words, when overseas students return to China, many do not return to their hometown but usually land, work and settle down in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. Their return migration is thus not only transnational, but also internal-urban. This book adopts a multi-level geographical analysis to explore this important phenomenon, exploring why and how returnees choose these three cities and how they experience and interpret their everyday lives in these megacities after their return. In doing so, it highlights the importance of cultural logics and multiscalar thinking of transnational Chinese students' return migration and illuminates how their transnational migration reproduces domestic socio-spatial inequalities. This book brings an important contribution to the fields of Cultural Geography, Urban Geography, Transnationalism, Migration Studies and Citizenship Studies.

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