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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Antares, Kyrai E., Transracial Adoption, Identity, and Racism in the United States: Between Two Worlds. 174 pp. 2023:6 (Lexington Books, US) <704-682>
ISBN 978-1-66691-459-7 hard ¥21,318.- (税込) US$ 95.00 *

Transracial Adoption, Identity, and Racism in the United States: Between Two Worlds places racial literacy and anti-racism at the center of the transracial adoption debate. The author argues that transracial adoption stems from systemic issues of racial injustice, and that those problems will not be solved quickly, for they are still being realized. While the work to raise awareness of and correct the disproportionate number of Black children in foster care is done, transracial adoption will continue to occur. In the meantime, the author suggests an intentional examination of the narratives of Black transracial adoptees' experiences of race to learn about the racial socialization in transracial adoptive households during childhood, teen years, and into adulthood. Adoptees share what they learned about race in White families, what they needed in terms of racial socialization that they didn't get, the myriad feelings they have toward their families, and how they make sense of race in their lives as young adults in the United States. The stories told by adoptees in this book are centered to inspire a change in how transracial adoption is approached by White parents, adoption professionals, social workers, researchers, and counseling psychologists.

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B.ホフマン他著 アメリカにおける極右テロリズム
Hoffman, Bruce / Ware, Jacob, God, Guns, and Sedition: Far-Right Terrorism in America. (A Council on Foreign Relations Book) 288 pp. 2023:12 (Columbia U. Pr., US) <704-687>
ISBN 978-0-231-21122-2 hard ¥6,495.- (税込) US$ 28.95 *

Shocking acts of terrorism have erupted from violent American far-right extremists in recent years, including the 2015 mass murder at a historic Black church in Charleston and the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. These incidents, however, are neither novel nor unprecedented. They are the latest flashpoints in a process that has been unfolding for decades, in which vast conspiracy theories and radical ideologies such as white supremacism, racism, antisemitism, xenophobia, and hostility to government converge into a deadly threat to democracy.God, Guns, and Sedition offers the definitive account of the rise of far-right terrorism in the United States-and how to counter it. Leading experts Bruce Hoffman and Jacob Ware trace the historical trajectory and assess the present-day dangers of this violent extremist movement, along with the harm it poses to U.S. national security. They combine authoritative, nuanced analysis with gripping storytelling and portraits of the leaders behind this violence and their followers. Hoffman and Ware highlight key terrorist tactics, such as the use of cutting-edge communications technology; the embrace of leaderless resistance or lone-wolf strategies; infiltration and recruitment in the military and law enforcement; and the movement's intricate relationship with mainstream politics. An unparalleled examination of one of today's great perils, God, Guns, and Sedition ends with an array of essential practical recommendations to halt the growth of violent far-right extremism and address this global terrorist threat.

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Tokeshi, Matthew, Campaigning While Black: Black Candidates, White Majorities, and the Quest for Political Office. 304 pp. 2023:8 (Columbia U. Pr., US) <704-698>
ISBN 978-0-231-20926-7 hard ¥31,416.- (税込) US$ 140.00 *
ISBN 978-0-231-20927-4 paper ¥7,854.- (税込) US$ 35.00 *

Even today, Black politicians rarely hold the most powerful elected offices one step below the presidency: governor and U.S. senator. While about 11 percent of the electorate is Black, only 3 percent of senators and 2 percent of governors are Black. Only ten Black Americans have been elected to these offices since Reconstruction, and forty-two states have never elected a Black governor or U.S. senator. Why is it so rare for Black candidates to win elections for these offices?Matthew Tokeshi examines the campaigns of every Black challenger for those offices from 2000 through 2020 and points to the significant effects of racial appeals to white voters. He demonstrates that Black candidates consistently face more attacks on stereotypically anti-Black themes such as crime, sexual misbehavior, and economic redistribution than comparable white candidates. Such attacks diminish their support among the large number of white voters with ambivalent or negative attitudes toward Blacks. However, despite this formidable hurdle, Black candidates can in some circumstances mitigate the effects of negative racial messages.Presenting timely new evidence on the racial dynamics that shape electoral politics in the United States, Campaigning While Black exposes the unique obstacles facing Black candidates and highlights ways that these barriers can be overcome.

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Esen, Erol / Borowski, Damaris (Hrsg.), Deutschland und die Tuerkei als Migrationslaender: Politik und Praxis 60 Jahre nach tuerkischer Migration. 338 pp. 2023:5 (P. Lang, SZ) <704-701>
ISBN 978-3-631-87564-3 hard ¥15,769.- (税込) SFR 64.00 *

Der Sammelband praesentiert die Ergebnisse einer gemeinsamen Tagung der Akdeniz Universitaet und der Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, die im November 2021 in Antalya (Tuerkei) stattfand. Durch den Anwerbevertrag im Jahre 1961 eingeleitet, leben heute etwa 3 Millionen Menschen mit tuerkischer Herkunft in Deutschland. Auf der zweitaegigen Tagung zum 60-jaehrigen Jubilaeum diskutierten Wissenschaftler*innen, Expert*innen sowie Praktiker*innen aus Deutschland und der Tuerkei verschiedene Aspekte der Migration. Das besondere Augenmerk der Veranstalter richtete sich dabei auf moegliche Kooperationsfelder von deutschen und tuerkischen Institutionen sowie neuer Erkenntnisse in Wissenschaft, Politik und Praxis. Der Sammelband enthaelt neben Diskussionsbeitraegen aus der o.g. Tagung auch Beitraege zu angrenzenden Themen, die zur Vertiefung der Diskussionen ausgewaehlt wurden.

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Wihtol de Wenden, Catherine, Migration and International Relations: IMISCOE Short Reader. (IMISCOE Research Series) 92 pp. 2023:7 (Springer, GW) <704-754>
ISBN 978-3-031-31715-6 paper ¥9,720.- (税込) EUR 39.99 *



Tilley, Brian P., Higher Ground: Morality and Humanity in the Evolving Politics of Race. 236 pp. 2023:5 (Lexington Books, US) <704-77>
ISBN 978-1-66690-753-7 hard ¥22,440.- (税込) US$ 100.00 *

As quickly as an American, anti-racist consensus formed in the wake of George Floyd's death, it seemed to evaporate under the pressures of a highly polarized political system. How do we escape the trap of polarization to reconstruct a consensus for meaningful action against racism? In this book, the lessons of history, problems understanding modern racism, and American political parties' approaches to racism are analyzed from a person-centered, psychological perspective. The author prioritizes arguments and research findings that emphasize humanity and carry "moral weight:" the perspective must demonstrate how racism violates our fundamental sense of right and wrong. The author's analysis of research and history concludes that morality, humanity, and racism are interrelated and mutually influential. The author shows that moral conviction against racism increases the likelihood of meaningful change; this conviction is nurtured through a deeper understanding of the human costs of racism for all Americans. This is the path to higher ground where Americans can unite to pursue true equality.

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Gil-Riano, Sebastian, The Remnants of Race Science: UNESCO and Economic Development in the Global South. (Race, Inequality, and Health 7) 368 pp. 2023:8 (Columbia U. Pr., US) <704-803>
ISBN 978-0-231-19434-1 hard ¥31,416.- (税込) US$ 140.00
ISBN 978-0-231-19435-8 paper ¥7,854.- (税込) US$ 35.00 *

After World War II, UNESCO launched an ambitious international campaign against race prejudice. Casting racism as a problem of ignorance, it sought to reduce prejudice by spreading the latest scientific knowledge about human diversity to instill "mutual understanding" between groups of people. This campaign has often been understood as a response led by British and U.S. scientists to the extreme ideas that informed Nazi Germany. Yet many of its key figures were social scientists either raised in or closely involved with South America and the South Pacific.The Remnants of Race Science traces the influence of ideas from the Global South on UNESCO's race campaign, illuminating its relationship to notions of modernization and economic development. Sebastian Gil-Riano examines the campaign participants' involvement in some of the most ambitious development projects of the postwar period. In challenging race prejudice, these experts drew on ideas about race that emphasized plasticity and mutability, in contrast to the fixed categories of scientific racism. Gil-Riano argues that these same ideas legitimated projects of economic development and social integration aimed at bringing ostensibly "backward" indigenous and non-European peoples into the modern world. He also shows how these experts' promotion of studies of race relations inadvertently spurred a deeper reckoning with the structural and imperial sources of racism as well as the aftermath of the transatlantic slave trade.Shedding new light on the postwar refashioning of ideas about race, this book reveals how internationalist efforts to dismantle racism paved the way for postcolonial modernization projects.

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服部圭子、新矢麻紀子、御舘久里恵編 日本における移民のための言語支援
Hattori, Keiko / Shinya, Makiko / Otachi, Kurie (eds.), Language Support for Immigrants in Japan: Perspectives from Multicultural Community Building. 278 pp. 2023:8 (Lexington Books, US) <704-810>
ISBN 978-1-66691-021-6 hard ¥23,562.- (税込) US$ 105.00 *

Examining language support practices in both formal and nonformal education, ranging from public night school to community-based language classes, this volume encourages the development of systems in Japan that foster equitable and inclusive language policies.

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Mungello, D. E., Interracial Lovers in Revolutionary China. 196 pp. 2023:7 (Rowman & Littlefield, US) <704-829>
ISBN 978-1-5381-7625-2 hard ¥25,806.- (税込) US$ 115.00 *
ISBN 978-1-5381-7626-9 paper ¥8,751.- (税込) US$ 39.00 *

In the twentieth century, China underwent a monumental dynastic change and was transformed from an outmoded monarchy into a modern communist state. This century of revolutionary change was marked by political upheaval and social chaos. It was a period in which Chinese began to go abroad to study and conduct business while foreigners came to China for economic opportunity and adventure. In the process, Chinese and foreigners began to meet and form romantic relationships. These love affairs (fengliu yunshi ????) are notable because they coincided with the last phase of Western imperialism, including its lingering racial prejudices and even laws against interracial sexual relationships. Conversely in China, there were periodic outbreaks of hostility and violence against foreigners. This book explores the interracial relationships of twenty-two people who, transcended these obstacles to cross color lines and fall in love.

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Bates, Crispin (ed.), Beyond Indenture: Agency and Resistance in the Colonial South Asian Diaspora. (Global South Asians) 2023:8 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <704-858>
ISBN 978-1-00-933979-7 hard ¥28,820.- (税込) GB£ 100.00

Beyond Indenture brings together essays that reflect, as far as possible, the viewpoints and voices of indentured Indians who exercised agency, resisted and manipulated the colonial labour system to their advantage, and went on to build new lives for themselves overseas following the expiration of their contracts. Some remigrated to other colonies to earn a better wage and escape from debt and other burdens. Among those who chose to remain, women played a prominent role in the struggle for rights, freedom and opportunities, achieving them in ways which often defied or redefined South Asian customs and traditions. Post-independence, the Indian communities overseas faced newer problems, not least of which were discrimination and marginalisation. This volume studies these accounts and explores the theme of the broad alliances of diasporic Indians and Pakistani and Bangladeshi migrants.

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Lobit, Marc, Teheran, refuge des Juifs: etude des migrations juives en Iran de 1890 a 1979. (Iran en transition) 274 p. 2023:4 (L'Harmattan, FR) <704-887>
ISBN 978-2-14-034778-8 paper ¥7,049.- (税込) EUR 29.00



Adeleke, Tunde / Sonderegger, Arno (eds.), Africa and its Historical and Contemporary Diasporas. 234 pp. 2023:7 (Lexington Books, US) <704-902>
ISBN 978-1-66694-019-0 hard ¥22,440.- (税込) US$ 100.00 *

Africa and its Historical and Contemporary Diasporas edited by Tunde Adeleke and Arno Sonderegger is an interdisciplinary study of the changing and complex nature of the Africa-Black Diaspora relationship. The contributors highlight the problems and challenges of this relationship and provide strategies for developing a more functional and mutually beneficial engagement in a radically changing global environment. This book presents new methodological approaches and research to study the many dimensions and complexities of Africa and its Diasporas. Collectively, this book addresses three vital themes. First, it foregrounds new and emerging forces reshaping the Africa-Black Diaspora nexus. Second, it highlights new and interdisciplinary approaches to "Diaspora" and Pan-Africanism" (culture, religion, ideology, literature, philosophy, and epistemology). Third, it examines factors infusing the transformation in, and challenges of, African Diaspora and Pan-Africanist collaborations, and possible strategies of strengthening the relationship.

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Falola, Toyin, Citizenship and the Diaspora in the Digital Age: Farooq Kperogi and the Virtual Community. (Africa: Past, Present & Prospects) 384 pp. 2023:5 (Lexington Books, US) <704-912>
ISBN 978-1-66693-341-3 hard ¥28,050.- (税込) US$ 125.00 *

In Citizenship and the Diaspora in the Digital Age: Farooq Kperogi and the Virtual Community, Toyin Falola examines how the members of the Nigerian diaspora create a virtual community and instrumentalize the digital age to speak about the nation and its failures, possibilities, and promises. This book depicts individuals' relationships with society and how the world's progressive shift toward technology and globalization does not disregard the concept of society and its members. As a result of this shift, people have been migrating to new places without giving up their citizenship in their home countries. This book explores how migrants are focused on the idea of a virtual community, examines how citizens' roles have evolved through time, and displays society's essential principles in this light.Furthermore, it evaluates social commentaries enhanced by the dynamics of the digital age, such as societal issues like education in Nigeria, the question of democracy, challenges facing the country, and the development of a national language. Many of these societal challenges are examined in this book from the perspective of Farooq Kperogi, who has conducted extensive studies and published on the above themes. This is balanced against emerging facts, Nigerians' positions, and disregarded realities. Kperogi's relentless writings on Nigeria make him a preeminent figure whose positions are valuable to the understanding of modern Nigeria.

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Collins, Armondo R., The Black God Trope and Rhetorical Resistance: A Tradition of Race and Religion. (Rhetoric, Race, and Religion) 152 pp. 2023:5 (Lexington Books, US) <704-95>
ISBN 978-1-66692-156-4 hard ¥20,196.- (税込) US$ 90.00 *

In The Black God Trope and Rhetorical Resistance: A Tradition of Race and Religion, Armondo R. Collins theorizes Black Nationalist rhetorical strategies as an avenue to better understanding African American communication practices. The author demonstrates how black rhetors using writing about God to create a language that reflects African Americans' shifting subjectivity within the American experience. This book highlights how the Black God trope and Black Nationalist religious rhetoric function as an embodied rhetoric. Collins also addresses how the Black God trope functions as a gendered critique of white western patriarchy, to demonstrate how an ideological position like womanism is voiced by authors using the Black God trope as a means of public address. Scholars of rhetoric, African American literature, and religious studies will find this book of particular interest.

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McPherson, Lionel K., The Afterlife of Race: An Informed Philosophical Search. 296 pp. 2023:9 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <704-44>
ISBN 978-0-19-762684-9 hard ¥8,963.- (税込) US$ 39.95 *

The ideology that underlies the concept of race has a long history. For centuries that ideology has spun supernaturalist and scientistic stories about ostensibly natural differences between different groups. The concept of "race" is in scientific decline, but the intertwined ideology and rhetoric behind it live on, and indeed prosper. In this groundbreaking fusion of philosophy and color-conscious politics, philosopher Lionel K. McPherson enlists sweeping historical and empirical evidence to challenge fascination with the race concept. His lively, incisive analysis illuminates why social lineage matters far more than any "race" thing ever could, and why race ideology-rhetoric is more a distraction from gross injustice than a primary source. The Western label "black" was merely a figurative description for African peoples and African ancestry. The idea of continental races came later--with philosophers, theologians, and eventually scientists adding some important but elusive racial factor to visible continental ancestry. McPherson argues that the race concept's main business was to sponsor absurd pretexts for Western slavery and colonialism, and their active legacies of nonrepair. Rejecting endless debate about the possible nature of race, he unpacks how color categories in America are a caste device that marked Europe-identified (white) freedom versus Africa-identified (black) enslavement. This caste reframing paves the way for a de-raced account of Black American national specificity and political solidarity, distinct from flat blackness. The Afterlife of Race concludes with a vision of tangible justice and social equality for descendants of American slavery: color aside, Americans of conscience would finally prioritize dismantling their country's foundational caste division, with its entrenched wealth and well-being chasm between White and Black America.

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Ucar, Buelent, Die Rolle der Religion im Integrationsprozess: Die deutsche Islamdebatte. 626 S. 2023:4 (P. Lang, SZ) <704-159>
ISBN 978-3-631-90291-2 hard ¥29,321.- (税込) SFR 119.00



West, C. S'thembile, Nation Women Negotiating Islam: Moving Beyond Boundaries in the Twentieth Century. (The Africana Experience and Critical Leadership Studies) 234 pp. 2023:5 (Lexington Books, US) <704-164>
ISBN 978-1-79364-237-0 hard ¥22,440.- (税込) US$ 100.00 *

Nation Women Negotiating Islam: Moving Beyond Boundaries in the Twentieth Century highlights that Black women modeled diverse ways of agency and executing their roles in the nation-building project of the Nation of Islam. Informants candidly discussed their roles as women who were members of the Nation family between 1955 and 2000. In their personal and collective struggles to maintain a revolutionary consciousness in their homes and community, Nation women demonstrated that women need not be and were not totally submissive to Black men, as they assumed respectable status as wife or mother. C. S'thembile West highlights that activism need not exclude motherhood or marriage and that the home constituted a "house of resistance," as described in Angela Davis' seminal article, "Reflections on the Black Woman's Role in the Community of Slaves" (1971). In sum, the role of Black women as mothers, teachers, and custodians of freedom consciousness had and has a significant impact on individual households and communities. Nation Women Negotiating Islam seeks to illuminate the intricate threads that connect Nation women as a critical component of the continuum of Black women's activism, despite disparate strategies.

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Ball, Jared A., The Myth and Propaganda of Black Buying Power: Media, Race, Economics. 2nd ed. (Palgrave Pivot) 133 pp. 2023 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <704-169>
ISBN 978-3-031-26548-8 hard ¥10,936.- (税込) EUR 44.99 *

The second edition of this Palgrave Pivot offers a history of and proof against claims of "buying power" and the impact this myth has had on understanding media, race, class and economics in the United States. For generations Black people have been told they have what is now said to be more than one trillion dollars of "buying power," and this book argues that commentators have misused this claim largely to blame Black communities for their own poverty based on squandered economic opportunity. This book exposes the claim as both a marketing strategy and myth, while also showing how that myth functions simultaneously as a case study for propaganda and commercial media coverage of economics. In sum, while "buying power" is indeed an economic and marketing phrase applied to any number of racial, ethnic, religious, gender, age or group of consumers, it has a specific application to Black America. A new foreword by Dr. Darrick Hamilton, Henry Cohen Professor of Economics and Urban Policy at the New School (in New York, USA), and a new chapter on cryptocurrencies are included in this new edition.

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Dennie, Nneka D. (ed.), Mary Ann Shadd Cary: Essential Writings of a Nineteenth Century Black Radical Feminist. (Oxford New Histories of Philosophy) 232 pp. 2023:10 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <704-18>
ISBN 978-0-19-760946-0 hard ¥26,928.- (税込) US$ 120.00
ISBN 978-0-19-760947-7 paper ¥6,719.- (税込) US$ 29.95 *

This volume compiles writings by and about Mary Ann Shadd Cary, a nineteenth-century Black radical feminist, an abolitionist, suffragist, and one of the first Black woman newspaper editors in North America. Mary Ann Shadd Cary includes letters, newspaper articles, organizational records, and never-before-published handwritten notes and essay drafts that illustrate how Shadd Cary participated in major Africana philosophical debates during the nineteenth century. Racial uplift, women's rights, and emigration first emerged as central themes in Shadd Cary's intellectual thought during the 1850s as she grappled with slavery's effects on African Americans. She was frequently mired in controversy during this era, both for her ideas and for outspokenness as a woman. Shadd Cary's support for emigration dissipated in the 1860s. During and after Reconstruction, she advocated for citizenship and economic self-determination for Black people in general and Black women in particular. By the 1880s, Shadd Cary's writings and activism prioritized Black women's needs. Shadd Cary shaped Black radical theory and praxis throughout her lifetime. She is one of many nineteenth-century Black women theorists whose intellectual contributions are often overlooked. By interrogating Shadd Cary's Black radical ethic of care, this book reveals the philosophies that have shaped Black women's centuries-long struggle for rights and freedom.

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Shmuel, Naomi Anne, Children's Wellbeing in Immigrant Families: Ethiopian Jews in Israel. (Children's Well-Being: Indicators and Research 26) 262 pp. 2023:8 (Springer, GW) <704-253>
ISBN 978-3-031-31916-7 hard ¥34,030.- (税込) EUR 139.99

This book studies children's wellbeing from the perspective of Ethiopian immigrant families in Israel. It examines how the meeting of cultures within families affects relationships, language acquisition and the transmission of cultural heritage across generations after immigration. The younger generation, born in Israel or having arrived as infants, are faced with a reality very different from their parent's childhood in Ethiopia. The book therefore addresses these key questions: What are the differences between families that enable some children to adopt a hybrid identity while others feel detached? How are the children affected by their experiences in Israeli society and specifically the educational system? What factors in their childhoods foster resilience and how do these children relate to their Ethiopian heritage? The book presents unique insights into the realities experienced by immigrant families using their own narratives, as it is based oninterviews by the author with 50 members of immigrant families from different generations. It is of special interest to academic courses on wellbeing, family studies, immigrants, diaspora studies, ethnic and religious studies, anthropology, folklore, sociology, gender studies, social work, child psychology and more.

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Acquaviva, Kimberly D., The Handbook of LGBTQIA-Inclusive Hospice and Palliative Care. 360 pp. 2023:10 (Columbia U. Pr., US) <704-258>
ISBN 978-0-231-20642-6 hard ¥31,416.- (税込) US$ 140.00 *
ISBN 978-0-231-20643-3 paper ¥7,854.- (税込) US$ 35.00 *

Hospice and palliative care professionals are experts at caring for individuals and families experiencing serious or life-limiting illnesses. Not everyone feels safe seeking out their expertise, however: LGBTQIA+ people may be deterred from seeking support because of barriers-both overt and subtle-that hospice and palliative care programs and professionals erect through their policies and practices. This book is an accessible, expert guide to incorporating LGBTQIA-inclusive practices into end-of-life care. It equips both new and experienced hospice and palliative care professionals with the knowledge they need to ensure that all people receive high-quality care.Kimberly D. Acquaviva surveys fundamental concepts and the latest clinical developments, integrating relatable anecdotes and poignant personal reflections. She discusses her own experience caring for her wife, Kathy, who was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2019. Unable to find a local hospice with an LGBTQIA-inclusive nondiscrimination statement, let alone one whose staff had been trained to provide nondiscriminatory care to LGBTQIA+ people, Kathy died at home six months later without hospice care.Acquaviva offers clear, actionable strategies for palliative care and hospice physicians, physician associates, advanced-practice registered nurses, registered nurses, social workers, counselors, chaplains, and others. She also emphasizes how incorporating LGBTQIA-inclusive practices can transform work with every person receiving care. Anchored in the evidence and written in plain language, this book is the definitive guide for hospice and palliative care professionals seeking to deliver exceptional care to all the patients and families they serve.

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Zaman, Muhammad H., We Wait for a Miracle: Health Care and the Forcibly Displaced. 248 pp. 2023:11 (Johns Hopkins U. Pr., US) <704-281>
ISBN 978-1-4214-4730-8 hard ¥6,495.- (税込) US$ 28.95



Foppiani, Oreste / Scarlatescu, Oana (eds.), Family, Separation and Migration: An Evolution-Involution of the Global Refugee Crisis. 294 pp. 2023:5 (P. Lang, SZ) <704-1018>
ISBN 978-3-0343-4731-0 paper ¥19,465.- (税込) SFR 79.00 *

Families are actors and drivers in migration and refugee crises. However, the current protection frameworks privilege the individual over the family unit. Consequently, the stories of families in migration have remained under-researched and their challenges under-addressed. This volume explores the interplay between family, separation, and migration in the Middle East, West Africa, Southeast Asia, Europe, and Latin America, and in the context of the 2015 global refugee crisis. Guiding it are two questions: How do family, migration, and separation play out across geographical, political, and historical contexts? And what are the gaps in the protection of migrants and their families? Thirteen authors ? academics and practitioners ? discuss the international protection for refugees, migration governance, child mobility, disability and immigration, human trafficking, and dilemmas in refugee reporting. The book proposes a paradigm shift in the way we cater to the needs and aspirations of families on the move. Its authors offer evidence-based solutions that cut across polarized discussions on migration and refugees. As such, the volume is aimed at researchers, students, policymakers, and experts working in international relations, migration, human rights, and refugee protection.

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Delmas, Michel, La lutte contre le separatisme islamiste sous la presidence d'Emmanuel Macron. 319 p. 2023:4 (L'Harmattan, FR) <704-102>
ISBN 978-2-14-033937-0 paper ¥7,293.- (税込) EUR 30.00



Carpio, Glenda R., Migrant Aesthetics: Contemporary Fiction, Global Migration, and the Limits of Empathy. (Literature Now) 304 pp. 2023:9 (Columbia U. Pr., US) <704-1034>
ISBN 978-0-231-20756-0 hard ¥31,416.- (税込) US$ 140.00 *
ISBN 978-0-231-20757-7 paper ¥7,854.- (税込) US$ 35.00 *

By most accounts, immigrant literature deals primarily with how immigrants struggle to adapt to their adopted countries. Its readers have come to expect stories of identity formation, of how immigrants create ethnic communities and maintain ties to countries of origin. Yet such narratives can center exceptional stories of individual success or obscure the political forces that uproot millions of people the world over.Glenda R. Carpio argues that we need a new paradigm for migrant fiction. Migrant Aesthetics shows how contemporary authors-Teju Cole, Dinaw Mengestu, Aleksandar Hemon, Valeria Luiselli, Julie Otsuka, and Junot Diaz-expose the historical legacies and political injustices that produce forced migration through artistic innovation. Their fiction rejects the generic features of immigrant literature-especially the acculturation plot and the use of migrant narrators as cultural guides who must appeal to readerly empathy. They emphasize the limits of empathy, insisting instead that readers recognize their own roles in the realities of migration, which, like climate change, is driven by global inequalities. Carpio traces how these authors create literary echoes of the past, showing how the history of (neo)colonialism links distinct immigrant experiences and can lay the foundation for cross-ethnic migrant solidarity. Revealing how migration shapes and is shaped by language and narrative, Migrant Aesthetics casts fiction as vital testimony to past and present colonial, imperial, and structural displacement and violence.

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Naimou, Angela (ed.), Diaspora and Literary Studies. (Cambridge Critical Concepts) 350 pp. 2023:7 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <704-1051>
ISBN 978-1-108-84093-4 hard ¥25,938.- (税込) GB£ 90.00 *

Diaspora is an ancient term that gained broad new significance in the twentieth century. At its simplest, diaspora refers to the geographic dispersion of a people from a common originary space to other sites. It pulls together ideas of people, movement, memory, and home, but also troubles them. In this volume, established and newer scholars provide fresh explorations of diaspora for twenty-first century literary studies. The volume re-examines major diaspora origin stories, theorizes diaspora through its conceptual intimacies and entanglements, and analyzes literary and visual-cultural texts to reimagine the genres, genders, and genealogies of diaspora. Literary mappings move across Africa, the Americas, Middle East, Asia, Europe, and Pacific Islands, and through Atlantic, Pacific, Mediterranean, Gulf, and Indian waters. Chapters reflect on diaspora as a key concept for migration, postcolonial, global comparative race, environmental, gender, and queer studies. The volume is thus an accessible and provocative account of diaspora as a vital resource for literary studies in a bordered world.

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Scarabicchi, Caterina, The Migrant's Corner: Paradoxes of Representing Mediterranean Crossings in Italian and French Contemporary Culture. (New Comparative Criticism 12) 238 pp. 2023:4 (P. Lang, SZ) <704-1054>
ISBN 978-1-80079-882-3 paper ¥18,233.- (税込) SFR 74.00

The stories of migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe have made the headlines in the news over the last twenty years. How have these human itineraries been represented in contemporary culture? This book considers the migrant's story as portrayed in literature, cinema, museums and festivals in Italy and France, in order to explore the widespread ethical complexities related to agency and advocacy. While typically produced in support of migrant communities, these narratives often confine the experience of displaced individuals within a Eurocentric, humanitarian discourse that is difficult to overcome. Through an interdisciplinary and postcolonial approach, the book analyses, among others, recent works by Laurent Gaude and Emanuele Crialese, the Musee National de l'Histoire de l'Immigration in Paris and a community festival in Lampedusa, to highlight the complexity of advocating for migrants from a European perspective.

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Wimbush, Vincent L. (ed.), Masquerade: Scripturalizing Modernities through Black Flesh. (Scripturalization: Discourse, Formation, Power) 208 pp. 2023:7 (Fortress Academic, US) <704-1065>
ISBN 978-1-9787-1512-7 hard ¥21,318.- (税込) US$ 95.00 *

Continuing his project of critical analysis of the scriptural formation of culture, Vincent L. Wimbush has gathered in this book essays by scholars of various backgrounds and orientations that focus in different registers on the theme of masquerade as the "play-element" in modern culture. Masquerade functions as window onto the mimetic performances, dynamics, arrangements, psycho-logics, and politics ("scripturalizing") by which the "made-up" becomes fixed or realities or ("scripturalization"). Modern-world racialization (and its attendant explosions into racialisms and racisms) as the hyper-scripturalization of difference in human flesh (registered in psycho-social relations as a type of "scripture") is argued in this book to be one of the most consequential examples and reflections of masquerade and thereby one of the primary impetuses behind and determinants of the shape of the realities of modernities. The open window onto these realities is facilitated by touchstone references to-not exhaustive treatment of-a now famous eighteenth-century life story, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa, the African, Written by Himself (1789). This story told by a complexly positioned Black-fleshed self-acknowledged ex-slave/"stranger" is itself a "mask-ing" that throws light on the predominantly white Anglophone world as masking (as scriptural formation). Equiano/Vassa's story as masking helps makes a compelling case for analyzing through Black flesh the ongoing shaping of the modern and the perduring mixed when not also devastating consequences.

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Black Lives Matterと報道
Hallock, Steve, Black Lives Matter and the Press: How Major U.S. Newspapers Covered Police Brutality Against African Americans, from Rodney King to George Floyd. 2023:4 (P. Lang, SZ) <704-1074>
ISBN 978-1-4331-9684-3 paper ¥12,320.- (税込) SFR 50.00 *

Do African-American lives matter to the nation’s press? And if they do, how does the press demonstrate this? These are the driving questions of this book, for which the author employed content analysis of eight U.S. newspapers with national or state-wide readership to explore their coverage of the Black Lives Matter movement. More specifically the research examines how these newspapers covered police beatings and slayings of unarmed African Americans, beginning with the brutal beating of Rodney King by Los Angeles police in 1991, through the killings of these citizens after that, taking in victims that include the 1995 beating and ensuing death of Jonny Gammage at the hands of police in suburban Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the 2014 slaying of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and ending with the 2020 slaying of George Floyd in Minneapolis, Minnesota. These narratives took in far more than the fatal incidents. They included local and national protests, some of them violent; political fallout from presidents and senators to governors and mayors; funeral services that drew local and national civil-rights leaders and religions figures; and neighborhoods impacted and residents’ lives upended ? all reported in varying degrees of depth and focus by the local and national newspapers.

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McMillan, Sally J., Digital Immigrants and Media Integration: The Smartphone Is the Synthesizer. 158 pp. 2023:7 (Lexington Books, US) <704-1080>
ISBN 978-1-66691-933-2 hard ¥20,196.- (税込) US$ 90.00 *

In this book, Sally J. McMillan draws insights from the lived experience of digital immigrants, or Baby Boomers who grew up without digital mobile technologies and have transitioned to become smartphone users. McMillan traces key points in media evolution that shaped the communication tools that digital immigrants use today, demonstrating that continued incremental change has led to a shift in focus from media types to media interfaces, with smartphones becoming ubiquitous and indispensable - the smartphone, she posits, is now firmly tied to identity. Although the telegraph was the first medium to allow the message to arrive before the messenger and initiated the transition from "cool" to "hot" media, it is the smartphone that has fully synthesized communication forms and functions into a single digital and mobile device. Through collecting and analyzing these personal and public histories, McMillan finds that digital immigrants continue to seek a balance between value and ease, and between breadth and depth of communication. Scholars of communication, media ecology, and technology will find this book of particular interest.

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Merskin, Debra L., Media, Minorities, and Meaning: A Critical Introduction. 450 pp. 2023:5 (P. Lang, SZ) <704-1081>
ISBN 978-1-63667-515-2 hard ¥46,076.- (税込) SFR 187.00

This book is an examination of how American mass media, including advertising, presents Otherness - anyone or anything constructed as different from an established norm - in terms of gender, race, sex, disabilities, and other markers of difference. Using a mythological lens, the book looks below the surface of media content to explore the psychological, social, and economic underpinnings of a system of beliefs that result in prejudice, discrimination, and oppression. Designed to raise awareness of the foundations of historically-based inequities in the American social, cultural, and economic milieu, the author shows how inequalities are maintained, at least in part, by mass media, popular culture, and advertising representations of Otherness. The book aims to increase awareness of stereotyping in the media, and expose how the construction of people as Others contributes to their marginalization. Written in an accessible and engaging style, with student-friendly discussion questions and resources, this book is suitable for upper-level undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

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Wenzel, Andrea, Antiracist Journalism: The Challenge of Creating Equitable Local News. 288 pp. 2023:11 (Columbia U. Pr., US) <704-1087>
ISBN 978-0-231-20968-7 hard ¥31,416.- (税込) US$ 140.00 *
ISBN 978-0-231-20969-4 paper ¥7,854.- (税込) US$ 35.00 *

Across the United States, newsrooms are grappling with systemic racism in their organizations and the media industry. Many have implemented diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives or made other attempts to confront past and present biases in pursuit of greater equity. Are such efforts merely performative, or are any transforming norms and power structures? What would it take to hold newsrooms truly accountable?Andrea Wenzel provides a critical look at how local media organizations in the Philadelphia area are attempting to address structural racism. She focuses on two established, majority-white newsrooms, the Philadelphia Inquirer and the public radio station WHYY, and two start-ups where at least half the staff identify as Black, Indigenous, or people of color (BIPOC), Resolve Philly and Kensington Voice. Drawing on more than five years of field research, Wenzel charts how these outlets have pursued a range of interventions-such as tracking the diversity of sources, examining reporting and editing practices, and working with community members to gain input-to varying degrees of success. Wenzel argues that institutional and systemic transformation will be possible only through the establishment of structures that facilitate holding those with more power responsible for listening to and addressing the needs and concerns of those with less. Offering recommendations for building infrastructure that enables sustainable accountability, Antiracist Journalism is an important book for everyone interested in making local journalism more equitable.

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Fritz, Timothy / Posey, Trisha (eds.), Lament and Justice in African American History: By the Rivers of Babylon. 154 pp. 2023:6 (Lexington Books, US) <704-109>
ISBN 978-1-66692-312-4 hard ¥20,196.- (税込) US$ 90.00 *

For African Americans who have experienced the trauma of colonization, displacement, enslavement, and race-based violence, lament has long been a form of cultural expression that creates space to process these experiences. Lament and Justice in African American History: By the Rivers of Babylon explores the theme of lament in African American history from a theological perspective. In part one of this edited volume, scholars examine historical examples of African Americans' use of lament as a framework for engaging both historical memory and social action. Part two offers examples of the incorporation of lament as a pedagogical tool in classrooms and other educational settings. Readers of this book will appreciate the importance of lament in the African American Christian tradition and will come away challenged to connect their own lament with the pursuit of justice.

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Murray, Tim, The Effects of Inuit Drum Dancing on Psychosocial Well-Being and Resilience: Productivity and Cultural Competence in an Inuit Settlement. 128 pp. 2023:7 (Lexington Books, US) <704-1096>
ISBN 978-1-79360-977-9 hard ¥20,196.- (税込) US$ 90.00 *

Since time immemorial, Inuit drum dancing songs have been used throughout the Arctic to reaffirm kinship ties, decompress from the rigors of hunting and gathering, and redirect competitive behavior. The Effects of Inuit Drum Dancing on Psychosocial Well-Being and Resilience: Productivity and Cultural Competence in an Inuit Settlement explores the sociocultural context surrounding two forms of traditional Inuit drum dancing in Ulukhaktok, an Inuit settlement in the Canadian Northwest Territories. Tim Murray uses case studies and social script analysis to argue that drum dance participation has emerged in this community as a way of supporting the psychosocial well-being of the settlement's younger population and to explore how in the wake of colonization, drum dancing has resolidified in Ulukhaktok. Specifically, chapters examine the impacts of generational isolation and its downstream effects on the lives of settlement youth and young adults, the deployment of drum dancing as a tactical resource for modulating emotional access with elders, and its reemergence within the Ulukhaktok taskscape as a platform for reinterpreting local understandings of productivity and cultural competence.

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Arrocha, William / Xeni, Elena (eds.), Migrations and Diasporas: Struggling Between Inclusion and Exclusion. (Emerald Interdisciplinary Connexions) 392 pp. 2023:11 (Emerald, UK) <704-1101>
ISBN 978-1-83797-147-3 hard ¥25,806.- (税込) US$ 115.00 *

Engaging with the complex natures of space and belonging, Migrations and Diasporas provides a means for understanding the plight of migrants and diasporas as they move through a world divided between those committed to welcoming them into their communities and those who perceive them as a problem or threat. Split into two parts, chapters address a range of critical issues, including the inclusive practices of both state and non-state actors, practices of exclusion expressing xenophobia and nativist policies that can jeopardize migrant safety, and the geographies and spaces that can restore lost histories, as well as help migrants negotiate new boundaries. Capturing institutional and organized civil society practices, the authors build an understanding of the struggles and challenges migrants and diasporas face, including climate change, assimilation, and complex legal systems. Grounded in a rich interdisciplinarity, contributors bring together perspectives from international relations, political science, law, philosophy, development economics, peace and conflict studies, forest and food sciences, linguistics, pedagogy, and human geography, as well as contexts across the United States, Australia, Europe, Honduras, Canada, New Zealand, Lebanon, Ukraine, Syria, and Armenia, from the Trump era to the Rwandan genocide. Advocating for a more welcoming world involves respecting the human dignity and fundamental rights of all individuals, regardless of their place of origin or immigration status. This perspective offers a powerful insight into the dynamics of social justice across borders.

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Campbell-Montalvo, Rebecca A., The Latinization of Indigenous Students: Erasing Identity and Restricting Opportunity at School. 264 pp. 2023:5 (Lexington Books, US) <704-1104>
ISBN 978-1-79364-099-4 hard ¥23,562.- (税込) US$ 105.00 *

Based upon research in rural central Florida, The Latinization of Indigenous Students examines how schools perceive and process demographic information, including how those perceptions may erase Indigeneity and help or hinder resource access.Based on multiyear fieldwork, Campbell-Montalvo argues that languages and racial identities of Indigenous Latinx students and families may be re-formed by schools, erasing Indigeneity. However, programs such as the Federally-funded Migrant Education Program can foster equitable access by encouraging pedagogies that position teachers as cultural insiders or learners. Anchored by pertinent anthropological theories, this work advances our ability to name and explain pedagogical phenomena and their role in rectifying or reproducing colonialism among marginalized and minoritized groups.

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DiAngelo, Robin, What Does It Mean to Be White?: Developing White Racial Literacy. 368 pp. 2023:4 (P. Lang, SZ) <704-1109>
ISBN 978-1-63667-427-8 paper ¥11,334.- (税込) SFR 46.00

What does it mean to be white in a society that proclaims race meaningless, yet is deeply divided by race? In the face of pervasive racial inequality and segregation, most white people cannot answer that question. In the second edition of this seminal text, Robin DiAngelo reveals the factors that make this question so difficult: mis-education about what racism is; ideologies such as individualism and colorblindness; segregation; and the belief that to be complicit in racism is to be an immoral person. These factors contribute to what she terms white racial illiteracy. Speaking as a white person to other white people, DiAngelo clearly and compellingly takes readers through an analysis of white socialization. Weaving research, analysis, stories, images, and familiar examples, she provides the framework needed to develop white racial literacy. She describes how race shapes the lives of white people, explains what makes racism so hard to see, identifies common white racial patterns, and speaks back to popular narratives that work to deny racism. Written as an accessible overview on white identity from an anti-racist framework, What Does It Mean to Be White? is an invaluable resource for members of diversity and anti-racism programs and study groups, and students of sociology, psychology, education, and other disciplines. This revised edition features two new chapters, including one on DiAngelo's influential concept of white fragility. Written to be accessible both within and without academia, this revised edition also features discussion questions, an index, and a glossary.

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Ho, Jennifer (ed.), Global Anti-Asian Racism. (Asia Shorts) 220 pp. 2023:10 (Columbia U. Pr., US) <704-1117>
ISBN 978-1-952636-40-0 paper ¥4,039.- (税込) US$ 18.00 *



Jaworsky, Bernadette Nadya / Klvanova, Radka et al., A Critical Cultural Sociological Exploration of Attitudes toward Migration in Czechia: What Lies Beneath the Fear of the Thirteenth Migrant. (Challenging Migration Studies) 228 pp. 2023:7 (Lexington Books, US) <704-1119>
ISBN 978-1-66692-741-2 hard ¥22,440.- (税込) US$ 100.00 *

A Critical Cultural Sociological Exploration of Attitudes toward Migration in Czechia: What Lies Beneath the Fear of the Thirteenth Migrant examines a highly controversial question that has been dividing Czech society and influencing the results of elections, especially since the mid-2010s migration "crisis": would Czechia relocate more than 12 refugees from the 2,691 required by the European Union Relocation Scheme? The authors of this book qualitatively decipher what lies beneath the fears about the imaginary "thirteenth migrant" and explore how individuals make sense of migration in nontraditional destination countries, utilizing critical, cultural sociological methods to explore the deep meaning-making processes that inform migration attitudes. The authors show that studying attitudes and perceptions about people who cross borders is crucial; levels of international migration (both forced and voluntary) increase considerably each year, and the issue has become highly politicized. In the Czech context, an additional analytical puzzle emerges. Levels of migration are rather low, yet public opinion about it is quite unfavorable, especially when it comes to border crossers from Africa and the Middle East. The purpose of this book is to unpack how the Czech public draws symbolic boundaries between "us" and "them," calling upon available cultural repertoires and often engaging in Othering and racialization.

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Johnson, Hayley / Simms, Sarah, Beneath Heavy Pines in World War II Louisiana: The Japanese American Internment Experience at Camp Livingston. 330 pp. 2023:6 (Lexington Books, US) <704-1120>
ISBN 978-1-66692-336-0 hard ¥26,928.- (税込) US$ 120.00 *

December 7, 1941 changed the lives of thousands of Japanese Americans who became "enemy" in the eyes of the United States government within hours. With Pearl Harbor still smoldering, these men would be arrested and put into the enemy alien internment system. As the study of internment has steadily grown, the information about the confinement sites and ability to piece together the experiences of the men within has remained a challenging task. Camp Livingston, famous as a site for the Louisiana Maneuvers, holds a darker and less well-known history. From 1942-1943, over 1,000 men of Japanese ancestry were held in this internment camp in the pine forests of central Louisiana. The authors approach this camp's history via the experiences and linkages to and through two families, the Miyamotos and Koharas, who are the beating heart at the center of this saga. Through them, the authors have laid out a historical counter narrative that is part biography and part critical exploration of a forgotten chapter of American history.This manuscript is the first of its kind to focus primarily on exploring Camp Livingston, arguably one of the lesser-known enemy alien internment camps, in depth including its layout, operations, and the daily life and experiences of the internees within.

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Ling, Peter J. / Deverick, David, Martin Luther King Jr.: A Reference Guide to His Life and Works. (Significant Figures in World History) 222 pp. 2023:6 (Rowman & Littlefield, US) <704-1121>
ISBN 978-1-5381-1358-5 hard ¥28,050.- (税込) US$ 125.00 *

Martin Luther King Jr.: A Reference Guide to His Life and Works allows the reader to explore not just the facets of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s career but the network of associates across the Civil Rights Movement that enabled him to move forward with his campaigns for racial justice. Drawing on wide-ranging scholarship, the volume allows the reader to understand King in the context of his times. It features a chronology, an introduction offers a brief account of his life, a comprehensive bibliography, and a dictionary section lists entries on people, places, and events related to him.

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Mbodj-Pouye, Aissatou, An Address in Paris: Emplacement, Bureaucracy, and Belonging in Hostels for West African Migrants. (Black Lives in the Diaspora: Past / Present / Future) 400 pp. 2023:11 (Columbia U. Pr., US) <704-1123>
ISBN 978-0-231-21142-0 hard ¥31,416.- (税込) US$ 140.00 *
ISBN 978-0-231-21143-7 paper ¥7,854.- (税込) US$ 35.00 *

After West African migrants arrived in France in the 1960s, the authorities opened residences for them known as "foyers." Initially intended to contain the West African population, these hostels for single men fostered the emergence of Black communities in the heart of Paris and other cities. More recently, however, a nationwide renovation program sought to replace the collective living arrangements of foyers with more individualized spaces by constructing new buildings or drastically reshaping existing ones-and casting the West African presence as a threat to French identity.Aissatou Mbodj-Pouye examines the changing roles that foyers have played in the lives of generations of West African migrants, weaving together rich ethnographic description with a critical historical account. She shows how migrants settled in foyers through kinship ties, making these buildings key parts of diasporic networks. Migrants also forged a sense of place in foyers, in an intricate relationship with bureaucratic requirements such as having an address. Mbodj-Pouye scrutinizes the physical and social evolution of foyers and the administrative dynamics that governed them. She argues that even though these buildings originated in state attempts to manage migrants along racial lines, the shared way of life that they encouraged helped spark a sense of political agency and belonging whose significance extends far beyond their walls.Combining close attention to the social and cultural meanings of the foyers and keenly observed portraits of Black experiences in France across decades, An Address in Paris offers a new lens on the global African diaspora.

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Palmer, Robert T. / Flowers, Alonzo M. / Jones, Sosanya (eds.), Black Scholarship in a White Academy: Perseverance in the Face of Injustice. 280 pp. 2024:1 (Johns Hopkins U. Pr., US) <704-1130>
ISBN 978-1-4214-4746-9 hard ¥7,393.- (税込) US$ 32.95 *

Examines the experience of Black scholarship and faculty in predominantly White academic spaces.While research has emphasized the importance of a diverse faculty, higher education has done little to bring this goal to fruition. The hidden politics at play during the traditional tenure and promotion process represent a significant obstacle to the advancement of Black faculty. While research productivity is the cornerstone of a successful tenure and promotion case at most universities and colleges, Black faculty are more likely to be tasked with extra service activities, which constrains time for research. Many Black faculty are also community-conscious scholars dedicated to conducting research to help uplift their communities, which may not be seen as credible or as valuable in the tenure and promotion process.Edited by Robert T. Palmer, Alonzo M. Flowers III, and Sosanya Jones, Black Scholarship in a White Academy offers important perspectives on how Black faculty and their scholarship have been historically devalued within the academy, particularly in predominantly White academic spaces. Using anti-Blackness theory as a framework, contributors discuss how White hegemony operates to undervalue and obstruct Black scholarship and faculty. Covering such diverse topics as navigating the tenure process, building Black spaces for inclusion, and exploring the intersection of Blackness and disability in higher education, this book presents ways Black faculty can navigate and challenge systemic racism and racist toxicity within their institutions.Contributors: Fred A. Bonner II, NiCole T. Buchanan, Sheron Fraser-Burgess, Beverly-Jean M. Daniel, Kristie Dotson, Antonio L. Ellis, Edward C. Fletcher Jr., Alonzo M. Flowers III, Donna Y. Ford, H. Bernard Hall, Erik M. Hines, Martinque K. Jones, Sosanya Jones, Nicole Johnson, Chad E. Kee, aretha f. marbley, James L. Moore III, Robert T. Palmer, Stella L. Smith, Isis H. Settles, Terrell L. Strayhorn, Katrina Struloeff, Blanca Elizabeth Vega, Larry J. Walker, Brian L. Wright

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Shaw-Taylor, Yoku (ed.), Immigration, the Borderlands, and the Resilient Homeland. 270 pp. 2023:5 (Bernan Pr., US) <704-1132>
ISBN 978-1-63671-384-7 paper ¥16,830.- (税込) US$ 75.00 *

This title combines original research, case studies, and synoptic analysis to cover highly charged topics in America today. The volume is divided into two sections; the first section combines immigration and the borderlands, which covers immigration enforcement, border security and trade, illegal crossings at the border, gaps in securing the borderlands, globalization and transnational crime, and reassessment of border theory. Under the second section, 'Resilient Homeland,' the reader can find information on topics such as: a profile of the resilient citizen, lessons learned from the response to the pandemic, disaster recovery and preparedness, mistrust of public health as a threat to resilience, community disaster recovery, and top cybersecurity concerns.

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Sithole, Tendayi, The Letter in Black Radical Thought. 304 pp. 2023:5 (Lexington Books, US) <704-1134>
ISBN 978-1-66692-297-4 hard ¥26,928.- (税込) US$ 120.00 *

In The Letter in Black Radical Thought, Tendayi Sithole unmasks the logics of dehumanization in the terrain of black radical thought by looking at the letter as the site of examination and political intervention. Through his expansive demonstration and original argument, he analyzes the letters of Sylvia Wynter, Assata Shakur, George Jackson, Aime Cesaire, and Frantz Fanon. Through a close reading, and thus illuminating critical takes by these black radical thinkers, Sithole orchestrates a thematic approach, revealing the challenges to dehumanization which emerge in these letters. All the afore-mentioned figures are read anew through the typology of the letters they have penned. This typology consists of epistemic, fugitive, intramural, and resignation letters. The Letter in Black Radical Thought shows how these letters confront and combat dehumanization in novel ways.

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Tochluk, Shelly / Saxman, Christine, Being White Today: A Roadmap for a Positive Antiracist Life. 272 pp. 2023:6 (Rowman & Littlefield, US) <704-1136>
ISBN 978-1-4758-7055-8 hard ¥7,854.- (税込) US$ 35.00 *

The idea that White people are under attack has permeated political discourse in recent elections. The election of 2024 will be no different. Being White Today: A Roadmap for a Positive Antiracist Life helps White people navigate the myriad messages they encounter about race. The book applies the White racial identity framework developed by psychologist Dr. Janet Helms to take a strong stance against racism. Using fictionalized scenarios and case studies, it offers a way to resist extremist messaging and recruitment. A helpful resource for White people who care about US society, in particular, White parents, educators, activists, and racial/social justice practitioners, this book also helps people understand antiracist messaging and how to use it strategically to create a larger community of White antiracists.

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Ohidy, Andrea / Forray, Katalin R. (eds.), Lifelong Learning and the Roma Minority in the Western Balkans. 268 pp. 2023:10 (Emerald, UK) <704-1144>
ISBN 978-1-80382-522-9 hard ¥24,684.- (税込) US$ 110.00 *

Access, attainment and success of Roma people in education and lifelong learning is one of the most urgent public policy issues in Europe. According to empirical data Roma people are the most underrepresented group in schools and other educational institutions. Lifelong Learning and the Roma Minority in the Western Balkans examines the education situation of Roma in the Western Balkans, providing an overview of the education policies for Roma in 5 EU-candidate and potential candidate countries: Albania, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia. The book is an important contribution to the field of comparative education and informs educational leaders and practitioners in the Western Balkans and beyond.

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