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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Abreu-Torres, Dania / Blanco-Cano, Rosana et al., Latinidad and Film: Queer and Feminist Cinema in the Americas. 143 pp. 2024:6 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <730-843>
ISBN 978-3-031-56117-7 hard ¥9,192.- (税込) EUR 39.99

This book provides an analysis of Latinidad in Latin American and U.S. Latinx films by women and/or LGBTQ directors from 1991 to 2016. Challenging traditional notions of gender roles, family, and national identities, it discusses how film directors are broadening the canon and producing provocative work that challenges the boundaries of identity. Utilizing a feminist and queer lens, this book is intended to demonstrate the dynamic interactions between individual agency, choices, and freedom from the communities represented. The book's organization in three parts reflects a common core of the Latin American and U.S. Latinx experiences, unifying all these films in the hope of creating a better understanding of these geographical regions and their people.

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De Martini Ugolotti, Nicola, Music, Forced Migration and Emplacement: Sounds of Asylum Bristol. (Leisure Studies in a Global Era) 160 pp. 2024:7 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <730-852>
ISBN 978-3-031-55197-0 hard ¥25,285.- (税込) EUR 109.99

This book analyses the negotiation of place, belonging and uncertainty enacted by a group of 60 men and women seeking asylum who gathered weekly in a community space in Bristol, UK, to share songs, memories, laughter, and precariousness with other established and new city-dwellers. Building on a rich corpus of ethnographic data, this book explores music-making to address "what goes unnoticed" in existing ways of thinking about forced migration. By looking at the junctures where leisure, forced migration and urban analyses intersect with grassroot solidarity with and by people seeking asylum, it offers an interdisciplinary reading of music, forced migration and emplacement for scholars across leisure, anthropology, sociology, and geography. This book contributes and provokes novel discussions regarding refugees' everyday experiences and negotiations of precariousness, suspension, and marginality in Britain.

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Englund, Lena, Storying Contemporary Migration: Representation, Aspirations, Advocacy. 242 pp. 2024:9 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <730-853>
ISBN 978-3-031-62002-7 hard ¥27,584.- (税込) EUR 119.99

This book examines contemporary stories of migration belonging to multiple literary genres such as nonfiction, memoir, novel, and essay, and explores the futures they envision for migrants and their surrounding societies. The primary material ranges from personal experiences of migration for professional purposes and of being undocumented without access to citizenship, to novels that provide fictional representations of migrants and their complex lives. This study asks how migration, as portrayed in contemporary writing, addresses personal, social, and political consequences of being on the move. The book is organised around central themes such as the status of being undocumented, or aspirations and expectations of both migrants themselves as well as their new environs. The material examined has been published from 2016 onwards, addressing the aftermath of the migrant crisis 2015-2016 as well as the Trump administration 2017-2021.

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Marini, Anna Marta, Latinx Representation in Contemporary Popular Culture and New Media. (European Perspectives on the United States 11) 336 pp. 2024:10 (Brill, NE) <730-860>
ISBN 978-90-04-70644-6 hard ¥35,634.- (税込) EUR 155.00

This volume provides a partial mapping of the ambivalent representational forms and cultural politics that have characterized Latinx identity since the 1990s, looking at literary and popular culture texts, as well as new media expressions. The chapters tackle themes related to the diversity of Latinx culture and experience, as represented in different media the borderland context, issues related to gender and sexuality, the US-Mexico borderland context, and the connections between spatiality and Latinx self-representation-sketching the "now" of Latinx representation and considering that "Latinx" is an unstable signifier, and the present, as well as culture and media, are always in motion.

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Ali, Farah, Policy, Media, and the Shaping of Spain-Morocco Relations: Discursive Representations of Migration to Ceuta and Melilla. 182 pp. 2024:7 (Springer, GW) <730-870>
ISBN 978-3-031-64016-2 hard ¥9,192.- (税込) EUR 39.99

This book uses sociolinguistic approaches to explore how media discourse on undocumented migration informs Morocco-Spain political relations. Historically, much of the contact between these two nations has been through conquest - first through the Umayyad Caliphate taking control of the Iberian Peninsula (then called Hispania) in the 8th century, and then through Spain's occupation of northern Morocco in the 20th century. Though these historical roots have undoubtedly played a role in shaping present-day Morocco-Spain relations, migration has also become another critical element, as the majority of legally authorized migration to Spain comes from Morocco. Additionally, Morocco serves as a sojourn for much of the undocumented migration to the Spanish autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla, both of which are enclaves in Morocco and common entry points for North African and Sub-Saharan African immigrants. Migration to Ceuta and Melilla has therefore become a flashpoint for anti-immigration attitudes that are frequently perpetuated in political and media discourse. The author uses these cities as a case study, situating them within the wider context of both immigration-related policies and news articles in order to examine how migration is represented in Spain and Morocco. The book connects media discourse with policy discourse, and addresses how these mediums (1) co-construct anti-immigration and xenophobic ideologies, and (2) shape and are shaped by the somewhat strained relations between Spain and Morocco. This book will be of interest to students and scholars of Discourse Analysis, Sociolinguistics, Migration Studies and Migration Policy, Media Studies and Political Communication.

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Espinoza Garrido, Lea / Gebauer, C. / Wewior, J. (eds.), Mobility, Agency, Kinship: Representations of Migration Beyond Victimhood. (Palgrave Studies in Mediating Kinship, Representation, and Difference) 271 pp. 2024:9 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <730-878>
ISBN 978-3-031-60753-0 hard ¥32,182.- (税込) EUR 139.99

This volume offers new perspectives on the ways in which migrants use storytelling practices and kinship formations in order to navigate and modify spaces of sovereignty, and thus to re-write narratives portraying them as helpless and passive victims. It provides one of the first investigations that assembles multidisciplinary contributions to look beyond individual acts of migrant agency and toward the entanglements of individual and collective agency, formations of kinship structures, and feelings, expressions, and representations of community and (multiple) belonging(s). The contributions explore the interplay between agency, kinship, and migration from various fields, including sociology, psychology, philosophy, border studies, gender and queer studies, postcolonial studies, ecocriticism, film and media studies, and literary and cultural studies - with a special focus on interdisciplinary narrative theory. They address real and imagined assertions of migrant agency and kinship formations; draw on empirical research, interviews, and accounts of lived experiences; and analyze the role of narrative, media, and technologies in artistic, literary, and cinematic representations of migrant agency and kinship. By probing migrant identity discourses in different cultural and medial contexts, the contributions examine how narratives negotiate and challenge the unequal distribution of mobility, resources, and vulnerability that preconfigures many migrant lives; they also discuss narrative devices, storytelling techniques, and other representational strategies that migrants employ, as well as technologies that they draw on, to lay powerful claims on space and citizenship and to eschew established scripts of victimhood. As such, the volume addresses and embraces the tensions between vulnerability and agency that come to the fore when we try to understand the different ways in which migrants shape, and are shaped by, their (trans)local, material, economic, affective, social, cultural, and political realities.

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Uddin, Nasir / Arif, Delaware (eds.), Refugees and the Media: Local and Global Perspectives. 354 pp. 2024:7 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <730-890>
ISBN 978-3-031-46513-0 hard ¥27,584.- (税込) EUR 119.99

Media and refugees rhetorically live together and practically complement each other. Yet, it involves plenty of hidden political agendas and ethical issues in the (re)presentation of refugees in media. This collection raises questions: Should the media stand by refugees or maintain deliberate 'neutrality'? Should the media dehumanize the refugees further in their humanitarian conditions? Are the media entitled to publish photographs of refugees without informed consent? Should the media stand by the state being responsible for generating refugee crisis or should the state be accountable for rendering its people refugees? What effective roles can media play in redressing the refugee 'crisis' in the world? The book brings together scholars across disciplines and continents who reflect on the nexus between media and refugees in contexts around the world. It engages in cutting-edge methodological and theoretical discussions and challenges regarding the reciprocal engagement between media and refugees from both local and global perspectives.

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Alexopoulou, Maria, Rassistisches Wissen in der Transformation der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in eine Einwanderungsgesellschaft 1940-1990. (Studien zu Ressentiments in Geschichte und Gegenwart 9) 464 S. 2024:8 (Wallstein Vlg., GW) <730-908>
ISBN 978-3-8353-5761-7 hard ¥11,035.- (税込) EUR 48.00

Rassistisches Wissen ueber ≫Auslaender≪ verschwand nicht in der ≫Stunde Null≪ 1945, sondern praegte die sich formierende Einwanderungsgesellschaft grundlegend. Rassistische Wissensbestaende ueber ≫Auslaender≪, die als ≫fremdvoelkisch≪, minderwertig, kulturell-biologisch unerwuenscht oder gar gefaehrlich, aber gleichzeitig als oekonomisch brauchbar galten, zirkulierten seit dem Kaiserreich und bekamen in der Phase der Zwangsarbeit waehrend des Zweiten Weltkrieges weite Verbreitung. Hier setzt Maria Alexopoulou mit ihrer Studie ein und fragt, was mit dem akkumulierten rassistischen Wissen ueber ≫Auslaender≪ in der sogenannten Stunde Null 1945 geschah. Migrant*innen waren in dieser Zeit durchgaengig praesent und praegten mit der sogenannten Gastarbeiter- und spaeteren Asylmigration immer mehr das Bild vor allem der Industriestaedte. Ausgehend von der Stadt Mannheim und von dort die Landes- und Bundesebene einbeziehend, zeigt die Autorin, inwiefern Bereiche der Lebensrealitaet von Migrant*innen auf institutioneller und struktureller Ebene, in Diskursen und im Alltag von rassistischem Wissen durchzogen waren: im Aufenthaltsrecht, dem Wohnungsmarkt, der politischen Partizipation sowie der Einbuergerung. Dabei wurde die Binaritaet ≫Deutsche und Auslaender≪ in immer neuen Othering-Schleifen verfestigt und neue Hierarchien zwischen ≫Auslaendern≪ produziert, waehrend sich die alte BRD gleichzeitig auch durch die widerstaendigen und eigensinnigen Praktiken von Migrant*innen transformierte und demokratisierte.

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Bellieni Zimmermann, Flavia, Honour Consciousness, Religion and Gender: Brazilian and Pakistani Lived Experiences in Australia. (International Comparative Social Studies 60) 276 pp. 2024:11 (Brill, NE) <730-91>
ISBN 978-90-04-71123-5 hard ¥29,657.- (税込) EUR 129.00

The book explains how honour consciousness shapes the lives of Brazilian and Pakistani women in their countries of origin, and the relationship between honour, religion and gender highlighting the question: is honour consciousness experienced differently by men and women? In this book, I explore how lived experiences of honour consciousness and religion in Brazil and Pakistan are hybridised and operate on a spectrum and are manifested through gender power relations and demonstrated through "moderate" and "extreme" notions of honour consciousness, and how these are transmitted to Australia. These concepts give a new epistemological perspective to the use of Hegel and Foucault within gender studies.

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Bruentrup, Marcel, Zwischen Arbeitseinsatz und Rassenpolitik: Die Kinder osteuropaeischer Zwangsarbeiterinnen und die Praxis der Zwangsabtreibungen im Nationalsozialismus. 523 S. 2024:9 (Wallstein Vlg., GW) <730-911>
ISBN 978-3-8353-3140-2 hard ¥10,575.- (税込) EUR 46.00 *

Marcel Bruentrup untersucht die Entstehung der nationalsozialistischen ≫Auslaenderkinder-Pflegestaetten≪ im Kontext von Zwangsarbeit und Rassenpolitik. In den letzten Jahren der nationalsozialistischen Herrschaft entstand im Deutschen Reich ein flaechendeckendes Netz improvisierter Betreuungseinrichtungen fuer die Kinder auslaendischer Zwangsarbeiterinnen. In diesen euphemistisch als ≫Auslaenderkinder-Pflegestaetten≪ bezeichneten Heimen verloren zehntausende Kinder aufgrund unzureichender Versorgung, Hygiene und Pflege ihr Leben ? das gewollte Ergebnis einer menschenfeindlichen Politik, die auf die restlose Ausbeutung der Arbeiterinnen und die gewaltsame rassische Homogenisierung des deutschen Volkes abzielte. Parallel dazu sollten erzwungene Abtreibungen an osteuropaeischen Zwangsarbeiterinnen die Geburt ≫rassisch unerwuenschter≪ Kinder von vornherein verhindern. Marcel Bruentrup beleuchtet die Entstehungsgeschichte der ≫Auslaenderkinder-Pflegestaetten≪ sowie der damit zusammenhaengenden Massnahmen und liefert Einblicke in die Lebenswirklichkeiten betroffener Zwangsarbeiterinnen und ihrer Kinder.

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de Graauw, Els / Gleeson, Shannon, Advancing Immigrant Rights in Houston. (PLAC: Political Lessons from American Cities) 120 pp. 2024:10 (Temple U. Pr., US) <730-913>
ISBN 978-1-4399-2439-6 hard ¥12,304.- (税込) US$ 59.50 *
ISBN 978-1-4399-2440-2 paper ¥3,091.- (税込) US$ 14.95 *

Houston is one of the most diverse cities in the United States and has long been a prime destination for international migrants from Latin America, Asia, and more recently, Africa. However, the city is politically mixed, organizationally underserved, and situated in a relatively anti-immigrant state. This makes Houston a challenging context for immigrant rights despite its rapidly diversifying population. In Advancing Immigrant Rights in Houston, Els de Graauw and Shannon Gleeson recount how local and multi-level contexts shape the creation, contestation, and implementation of immigrant rights policies and practices in the city. They examine the development of a city immigrant affairs office, interactions between local law enforcement and federal immigration enforcement officials, local public-private partnerships around federal immigration benefits, and collaborations between labor, immigrant rights, faith, and business leaders to combat wage theft. The case study of Houston provides a bellwether for how other U.S. cities will deal with their growing immigrant populations and underscores the importance of public-private collaborations to advance immigrant rights.

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Donaldson, Anthony M. / Cates, Madison W. (eds.), Futures of Black Power: Reimagining the Black Past. (Frontiers of the American South) 136 pp. 2025:2 (U. Pr. Florida, US) <730-915>
ISBN 978-0-8130-7929-5 hard ¥16,544.- (税込) US$ 80.00
ISBN 978-0-8130-8093-2 paper ¥5,790.- (税込) US$ 28.00



Gordon, Lesley J. / Huebner, Andrew (eds.), Race and Gender at War: Writing American Military History. 296 pp. 2024:10 (U. Alabama Pr., US) <730-919>
ISBN 978-0-8173-2211-3 hard ¥22,748.- (税込) US$ 110.00
ISBN 978-0-8173-6168-6 paper ¥7,227.- (税込) US$ 34.95

Fresh perspectives on the implications of gender and race in US military history from a diverse group of scholars in the field of war and society.

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Hammaren, Nils / Ivemark, Bioern / Stretmo, Live (eds.), Migrant Youth, Schooling and Identity: Perspectives and Experiences from Northern Europe. (Young People and Learning Processes in School and Everyday Life 8) 317 pp. 2024:7 (Springer, GW) <730-920>
ISBN 978-3-031-63344-7 hard ¥34,481.- (税込) EUR 149.99

This volume provides a broad outlook on migrant youth and schooling in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland and the United Kingdom. It explores empirically how these young people-who range from the first to the third generation-position themselves in relation to school, friendships, language-use, aspirations, and the expectations placed upon them. The book also examines the role of a variety of professionals, street-level bureaucrats, and other key actors in framing, representing, problematizing and ultimately contributing to shaping the experiences of these young people. Contemporary contextual challenges for educational advancement are particularly highlighted, as are key issues of cultural representation and recognition. Several contributions also focus on sub-groups within the immigrant-origin population that have so far only received a limited attention in the literature, such as youth in rural areas, LGBT youth, first-in-family college students, and youth who transition out of anti-school subcultures. The contributors stem from a variety of disciplines, ranging from Education and Youth Studies to Social Work and Sociology, and tackle many innovative themes, such as peer violence, special needs education, and artistic interventions, among many others. Through this original perspective and comparative outlook, the book makes an important contribution to the literature on youth, migration, identity, and education. It will interest undergraduate students in several areas of the social sciences, teachers and other professionals who work with children and young people.

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Harris, Leslie M. / Lang, C. / Williams, R. et al. (eds.), Black Urban History at the Crossroads: Race and Place in the American City. 320 pp. 2024:3 (U. Pittsburgh Pr., US) <730-921>
ISBN 978-0-8229-4816-2 hard ¥11,374.- (税込) US$ 55.00



Hill, Jane H., The Everyday Language of White Racism. Rev. ed. Ed. by C. Leza et al. (Wiley Blackwell Studies in Discourse and Culture) 272 pp. 2024:11 (Wiley-Blackwell, UK) <730-922>
ISBN 978-1-119-90699-5 paper ¥10,329.- (税込) US$ 49.95

A groundbreaking critical discourse analysis of everyday language, reveals the underlying racist stereotypes circulating in American culture In The Everyday Language of White Racism, prominent linguist Jane H. Hill provides an incisive analysis of the relationship between language, race, and culture. First published in 2008, this classic textbook employs an innovative framework to reveal the underlying racist stereotypes that continue to persist in White American culture and sustain structures of White Supremacy. Detailed yet accessible chapters integrate a broad range of literature from across disciplines, including sociology, social psychology, critical legal studies, anthropology, and sociolinguistics. Throughout the book, students are encouraged to engage with the linguistic data available through observation of racialized communication in their everyday lives. Edited by a team of leading scholars, the second edition of The Everyday Language of White Racism brings Hill's contributions to the study of racism into conversation with the most current literature on language and racism in the United States. Topics such as racial profiling, police violence, the Black Lives Matter movement, White nationalism, White fragility, and various forms of institutional racism are addressed within Hill's broader framework of White racial projects and the "White folk"theory of race and racism. New chapter-by-chapter annotations clarify and contextualize theoretical concepts, accompanied by new discussion questions that offer guidance for analytical conversations in classrooms. Provides resources for critical discussions on contemporary racial issues that continue to limit and endanger BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) individuals and communitiesDispels the common assumption that White racism is fading in the US and the Western worldIllustrates how racist effects can be produced in interaction without any single person intending discriminationContains an overview of the theory of race and racism, with definitions of terms and conceptsIncludes recent statistical data on U.S. racial gaps across a variety of categories and access to a companion website with additional resources The Everyday Language of White Racism, Second Edition remains an indispensable resource for undergraduate and graduate students in Critical Race Studies and Linguistic Anthropology courses across the Humanities and Social Sciences.

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Knapp, John Morris, A Carpetbagger in Reverse: Arthur W. Mitchell, America's First Black Democratic Congressman. (The Modern South) 320 pp. 2024:12 (U. Alabama Pr., US) <730-926>
ISBN 978-0-8173-2215-1 hard ¥22,748.- (税込) US$ 110.00
ISBN 978-0-8173-6175-4 paper ¥7,227.- (税込) US$ 34.95

A long overdue reexamination of Mitchell and his accomplishments highlights his controversial personality, politics, and beliefs and calls for a reinterpretation of his importance to American history.

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Mendivil, Eleonora Roldan / Sarbo, Bafta (eds.), The Diversity of Exploitation: On the Critique of Dominant Antiracism. (Studies in Critical Social Sciences 309) 182 pp. 2024:12 (Brill, NE) <730-929>
ISBN 978-90-04-71555-4 hard ¥25,289.- (税込) EUR 110.00

In Germany, a liberal concept of racism is advocated by anti-discrimination agencies and the radical left alike. This approach is primarily concerned with representation, inclusion, and diversity. The connection between class and race is rarely addressed. Nevertheless, there exists a critical Marxist tradition of racism research. The Diversity of Exploitation seeks to draw upon this tradition. At the same time, the book offers a political intervention in the current debate on structural and institutional racism, whether in the labor market or in the police force. It presents alternatives to liberal antiracism by introducing a Marxist concept of racism in theory and practice. Contributors are: Celia Bouali, Sebastian Friedrich, Christian Frings, Fabian Georgi, Lea Pilone, Daniele Puccio, Eleonora Roldan Mendivil, Bafta Sarbo, and Hannah Vo?gele.

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Rubel, Alexander, Migration in der Antike: Von der Odyssee bis Mohammed. 160 S. 2024:9 (Wissenschaftliche Buch., GW) <730-932>
ISBN 978-3-534-61013-6 paper ¥5,057.- (税込) EUR 22.00



Smythe, Fiona, Young Migrants and Plurilingualism in Schools: A Comparative Study of Language Diversity within Education Systems in France and Aotearoa New Zealand. (Comparative and International Education: Francophonies 2) 366 pp. 2024:9 (Brill, NE) <730-934>
ISBN 978-90-04-70765-8 hard ¥41,382.- (税込) EUR 180.00
ISBN 978-90-04-70764-1 paper ¥16,552.- (税込) EUR 72.00

Young Migrants and Plurilingualism in Schools: A Comparative Study of Language Diversity within Education Systems in France and Aotearoa New Zealand explores the political implications of language policies in two education systems, as a backdrop for a study of plurilingual learning approaches among newly-arrived immigrant students in schools.

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Torres, Rose Ann / Tian, I. L. / Chau, C. (eds.), Asian Canada Is Burning: Theories, Methods, Pedagogies, and Praxes. (Studies in Critical Social Sciences 299) 270 pp. 2024:11 (Brill, NE) <730-936>
ISBN 978-90-04-71178-5 hard ¥29,197.- (税込) EUR 127.00

This book offers interdisciplinary approaches within and outside the institution and hopes to support the creation and establishment of Asian Canadian Studies as a discipline and as a community-based research creation. But ultimately, Asian Canada is Burning brings forth potentials to address the crucial need to be transdisciplinary, moving beyond disciplines, as both pedagogies and praxes. As pedagogies, this book shows how to learn and study Asian Canadian experiences as process in relation to other racialized groups, together structured by settler colonialism. As praxes, this book demonstrates how to build community, practice solidarity and honor different forms of knowledge production. We explicitly present Asian Canadian studies that channels the possibility of doing something else other than assimilating into the Canadian nation state.

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Yancey, George / Oh, Hayoung, Who Is Antiracist?: Beliefs, Motivations, and Politics. 222 pp. 2024:12 (Temple U. Pr., US) <730-939>
ISBN 978-1-4399-2568-3 hard ¥20,576.- (税込) US$ 99.50
ISBN 978-1-4399-2569-0 paper ¥6,193.- (税込) US$ 29.95

In the summer of 2020 when protests were mobilizing for social justice, the term "antiracist" started getting more traction. It demanded a more active civic orientation and a commitment to uprooting racism from institutions. In Who Is Antiracist? George Yancey and Hayoung David Oh use this flashpoint moment to ask, what are the characteristics of those who support antiracism? Who is most likely to be swayed toward this set of commitments, who is not, and how do they understand each other?Who Is Antiracist? provides a systematic approach to understanding the motivations and intentions of racial progressives as well as the impact of political ideology on antiracism. The authors discuss the theoretical origins of contemporary antiracism and review key works of antiracism to piece together the characteristics that define it. They also create the Antiracism Attitude Scale to explore the demographic makeup and social views of those who support the type of antiracism popularized in the United States. Acknowledging that antiracism faces powerful challenges in fully obtaining the goals articulated by its proponents, Who Is Antiracist? enlightens us about the continuing racial conflict in our society and warns against the risk of antiracism becoming just a proxy for ordinary party politics.

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Marquina, Antonio (ed.), Global Migration: Mafias, States and Hybrid Warfare. 200 pp. 2024:10 (World Scientific, SI) <730-626>
ISBN 978-1-80061-594-6 hard ¥18,198.- (税込) US$ 88.00

This book covers the issue of global migration flows, with a particular focus on irregular migration. It presents and evaluates the principal drivers of migration as well as recent policies implemented to handle these flows in East and South Asia, the European Union and the United States.Crucially, the chapters explore how different actors interact in using or promoting migratory flows from a humanitarian, political, criminal and security point of view, thereby highlighting the central role played by migrant-smuggling mafias. The book draws attention to the fundamental role of such mafias, their growing transformation and transnationalism, and the inadequate response and adaptation of state policies and police forces. It also highlights the increasing use of migration by various states in their policies of influence, if not aggression, towards third countries, in the absence of a clear deterrent response. Looking to the future, the book highlights the growing importance of the complex issue of environmentally-induced migration.

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Hoshino, Noriaki, Logics of Integration: Discourses on Multi-ethnic Empires and Transpacific Japanese Migration from the End of WWI to WWII. (East and West 19) 207 pp. 2024:10 (Brill, NE) <730-639>
ISBN 978-90-04-70744-3 hard ¥26,438.- (税込) EUR 115.00

Logics of Integration, by Noriaki Hoshino, recounts the history of the relationship between modern Japanese transpacific migration and the formation of two multi-ethnic empires (Japan and the United States), focusing on intellectual discourses about migrants and their descendants. This book adopts a transnational perspective, juxtaposing two multi-ethnic imperial formations, and develops a theoretical analysis of the discourses on mobility and national/territorial integration. Via this innovative approach, Dr. Hoshino reveals the unique role of Japanese migrants and their representation in the complicated power relationships between the two empires in the modern Pacific world.

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Worden, Robert / Larson, Jane, A Chinese Reformer in Exile: Kang Youwei and the Chinese Empire Reform Association in North America, 1899-1911. (Chinese Overseas 23) 868 pp. 2024:11 (Brill, NE) <730-660>
ISBN 978-90-04-71337-6 hard ¥34,255.- (税込) EUR 149.00

A Chinese Reformer in Exile is an encyclopaedic reference work documenting the exile years of imperial China's most famous reformer, Kang Youwei, and the political organization he mobilized in North America and worldwide to transform China's autocratic empire into a constitutional monarchy. Chinese in Canada, the United States, and Mexico formed at least 160 Chinese Empire Reform Association chapters, incorporating schools, newspapers, military academies, women's associations, businesses, and political pressure campaigns. Based on Robert Worden's 1972 Georgetown University Ph.D. dissertation, a multinational team of historians contribute new insights from 50 years of additional scholarship and previously unknown archival materials.

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Salehin, Mohammad Musfequs, Gendered Vulnerabilities and Violence in Forced Migration: The Rohingya from Myanmar. 108 pp. 2024:7 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <730-676>
ISBN 978-3-031-62434-6 hard ¥11,491.- (税込) EUR 49.99

This open access book investigates the gendered violence and vulnerabilities experienced by Rohingya men and women, drawing on qualitative data from refugee camps in Bangladesh. It shows that in Myanmar, men suffered torture and sexual violence, while women experienced physical, mental and sexual violence, legitimized by patriarchal norms. Sexual violence was wielded as a weapon to coerce their exodus from Myanmar and to disrupt the essential facets of Rohingya femininity, motherhood, and reproductive capabilities. Structural, cultural and symbolic violence affected the Rohingya differently across gender lines. A gendered threat narrative and othering cast women as 'ugly' and reproductive threats while men are framed as potential threats to national security and Buddhist nationalism. In Bangladesh, gendered othering continued, with Rohingya men seen as security threats and women as vulnerable victims. This book contributes to peace and conflict studies, gender studies, and migration and refugee studies, by analysing gendered violence.

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Strobl, Philipp, A History of Displaced Knowledge: Austrian Refugees from National Socialism in Australia. (Studies in Global Social History 54) 392 pp. 2024:12 (Brill, NE) <730-687>
ISBN 978-90-04-71492-2 hard ¥33,335.- (税込) EUR 145.00



Idris, Amir, Race, Ethnicity, and Violence in South Sudan. (African Histories and Modernities) 169 pp. 2024:6 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <730-729>
ISBN 978-3-031-57040-7 hard ¥25,285.- (税込) EUR 109.99

The purpose of this book is to understand how and why "liberators" of South Sudan have become perpetrators of ethnically driven violence. How and why did violence happen immediately after independence in South Sudan?South Sudan slid into civil war in December 2013, just two years after winning its hard-won independence. A great deal has been written about the conflict and violence of this period, much of which emphasizes the notion that the root causes of the conflict can be traced to the ethnic division and hatred among the population or the lack of state capacity to manage ethnic diversity and hostilities. However, the existing literature exhibits important analytical gaps, focusing primarily on the state of the violence and the immediate political history of South Sudan dating back to its political independence in 2011, but lacking critical analysis of historical and anthropological interpretations of state and society. This book addresses these gaps in knowledge and understanding and in so doing seeks to explain how and why liberators become perpetrators of violence, and how the intersection of the legacies of slavery, colonialism, and national liberation struggle contributed to violence in South Sudan. Through a comprehensive exploration of identity and violence within the broader context of state formation, the book sheds light on why those who sought sovereignty may turn against their own, drawing parallels with colonial discourse. It aspires to provide nuanced frameworks and empirical insight for scholars, students, practitioners, and policymakers engaged in South Sudan, politics, development, and peacebuilding.

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Otheguy, Raquel Alicia, Black Freedom and Education in Nineteenth-Century Cuba. (Caribbean Crossroads: Race, Identity, and Freedom Struggles) 272 pp. 2025:1 (U. Pr. Florida, US) <730-747>
ISBN 978-1-68340-476-7 hard ¥22,748.- (税込) US$ 110.00
ISBN 978-1-68340-493-4 paper ¥7,238.- (税込) US$ 35.00

Examining the educational legacy of Afro-Cuban teachers and activists In this book, Raquel Otheguy argues that Afro-descended teachers and activists were central to the development of a national education system in Cuba. Tracing the emergence of a Black Cuban educational tradition whose hallmarks were at the forefront of transatlantic educational currents, Otheguy examines how this movement pushed the island's public school system to be more accessible to children and adults of all races, genders, and classes. Otheguy describes Afro-Cuban education before public schools were officially desegregated in 1894, from the maestras amigas-Black and mulatto women who taught in their homes-to teachers in the schools of mutual-aid societies for people of color. In the ways that African descendants interacted with the Spanish colonial school system and its authorities, and in the separate schools they created, they were resisting the hardening racial boundaries that characterized Cuban life and developing alternative visions of possible societies, nations, and futures. Otheguy demonstrates that Black Cubans pioneered the region's most progressive innovations in education and influenced the trajectory of public school systems in their nation and the broader Americas. A volume in the series Caribbean Crossroads: Race, Identity, and Freedom Struggles, edited by Lillian Guerra, Devyn Spence Benson, April Mayes, and Solsiree del Moral Publication of this work made possible by a Sustaining the Humanities through the American Rescue Plan grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities

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Moffett-Bateau, Alex J., Redefining the Political: Black Feminism and the Politics of Everyday Life. 318 pp. 2024:9 (Temple U. Pr., US) <730-549>
ISBN 978-1-4399-2117-3 hard ¥24,712.- (税込) US$ 119.50 *
ISBN 978-1-4399-2118-0 paper ¥8,261.- (税込) US$ 39.95 *

Redefining the Political documents the political life of a community of Black women living below the poverty line. Alex Moffett-Bateau spent a year interviewing residents of a public housing development on the far South Side of Chicago about their politics, political communities, and how they create collective power. Moffett-Bateau uses radical Black feminist political theory and develops a framework called the political possible-self, which argues that belonging to a community and developing political imagination foment change. These women employ grassroots efforts to subvert oppressive power structures by protesting institutions within their communities, addressing the benign neglect of their housing development, organizing community art shows and meals, volunteering at local public schools, and holding meetings to increase the political confidence of public-housing tenants by educating them on navigating government bureaucracies. Ultimately, Redefining the Political shows how political engagement at both the individual and community levels can be fruitful for nontraditional political contributions.

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Cremer, Douglas J., Antiracist Leadership: A Spiritual Approach to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. (Palgrave Studies in Workplace Spirituality and Fulfillment) 176 pp. 2024:7 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <730-332>
ISBN 978-3-031-61727-0 hard ¥34,481.- (税込) EUR 149.99

This book presents a new vision and strategy for a spiritual antiracism that values diversity, equity, and inclusion. Employing the practice of seeing, choosing, and acting as a framework, it examines the role of Christian spirituality, which includes religious values, interpretations of scripture and tradition, and general concerns with the human soul. Christian spirituality was integral to developing and justifying an ideology of "white" supremacy and Christian spirituality has the potential for resisting and rejecting this same racism. Responding to the very idea of "race," born from the ideology of racism and "white" supremacy, the author shows how to envision and implement a spiritual approach that respects both human dignity and individual distinctiveness. Understanding the fundamental value of human dignity as deeply rooted in the Christian tradition serves as one antidote for other readings of the tradition that can be used to justify oppression and segregation. This book addresses those interested in leadership in challenging times buffeted by issues of racism, privilege, and power in our communities, workplaces, and lives. It will appeal to those who are seeking how to lead within the tensions of these times with fresh approaches to questions of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

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Hyams-Ssekasi, Denis / Daskalaki, Eirini (eds.), Migration and Entrepreneurship in the Global Context: Case Studies, Processes and Practices. (Palgrave Studies in Entrepreneurship and Society) 400 pp. 2024:9 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <730-341>
ISBN 978-3-031-34066-6 hard ¥36,780.- (税込) EUR 159.99

Presenting a collection of case studies on immigrant and migrant entrepreneurship, this book offers an understanding of the phenomenon as a creation of a distinctive labor market that leads to innovation, productivity, and economic growth. As such, it contributes to SDG 8: 'Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.'Reflecting on the increasing interest in the subject, contributors provide new perspectives of migrants in diaspora, thus offering a better grasp of lived experiences. Chapters explore the common adversities that immigrant entrepreneurs face, such as the lack of knowledge in terms of operations of the host country market, dealing with unfair treatment, and the subsequent challenge of building long term relationships with locals. Focusing on individual migrant entrepreneurship cases and the recurrent challenges that such entrepreneurs encounter, many of the chapters are written by academics who are migrants with entrepreneurial experiences, which brings a unique insight into the topic. Exploring issues such as gender and enterprise, family business, and entrepreneurial activities, this distinctive collection provides a comprehensive overview of varied experiences of migrant entrepreneurs in both developed and developing countries.

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Filomeno, Felipe Amin, Christian Cosmopolitanism: Faith Communities Talk Immigration. (Religious Engagement in Democratic Politics) 216 pp. 2024:11 (Temple U. Pr., US) <730-106>
ISBN 978-1-4399-2598-0 hard ¥21,610.- (税込) US$ 104.50
ISBN 978-1-4399-2599-7 paper ¥6,193.- (税込) US$ 29.95

While religious institutions have been gateways for immigrants into local communities, religion has also coalesced with nationalism to discriminate against foreigners. Felipe Amin Filomeno asks, can "deliberative dialogues" about immigration in Christian congregations play a cosmopolitan role and bridge differences of nationality, race, and culture regarding immigration? To find the answer, he visited numerous Christian congregations in Baltimore with varying demographic makeups to discuss intergroup tensions and similarities in their communities. He developed dialogues to promote mutual understanding and collaboration between immigrants and U.S.-born people in religious spaces.Christian Cosmopolitanism shows that mutual understanding can result when people share their personal stories, feelings, and thoughts about immigration. They reflect and deliberate on collaborative action to advance common interests and shared values, which can unleash the cosmopolitan potential of the Christian community. Including practical tools for church leaders, Christian Cosmopolitanism promotes dialogue as a cultural practice that can help diverse communities overcome segregation and become socially cohesive.

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