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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00




Tichy, Christiane, Emmy Beckmann (1880-1967): Beruf, Politik, Frauenbewegung. Eine Biografie. (Hamburgische Lebensbilder 28) 192 S. 2025:4 (Wallstein Vlg., GW) <739-808>
ISBN 978-3-8353-5787-7 hard ¥3,713.- (税込) EUR 16.00

Emmy Beckmann ? eine Frau, die entschlossen alle Moeglichkeiten ihrer Zeit nutzte, um?politisch Einfluss zu nehmen und damit wesentlich zur Gleichstellung von Frauen in?der?Gesellschaft beitrug. Mit den Frauenrechtlerinnen Helene Lange und Gertrud Baeumer arbeitete Emmy Beckmann in der Buergerlichen Frauenbewegung daran, in Deutschland die juristische und gesellschaftliche Gleichstellung von Maedchen und Frauen in Ausbildung, Beruf und Politik zu schaffen. Ihr Engagement fuehrte zu gesellschaftlichen Veraenderungen, die Frauen in Deutschland ein selbstbestimmtes Leben ermoeglichten und bis heute nachwirken. Die Studienraetin Beckmann war seit 1914 bzw. 1918 als Lehrerin, Schulleiterin, Buergerschaftsabgeordnete und Vertreterin der Buergerlichen Frauenbewegung eine bekannte Persoenlichkeit im oeffentlichen Leben der Stadt Hamburg. 1927 wurde sie zur ersten Oberschulraetin in der Hansestadt ernannt und eroeffnete damit fuer Frauen Karrierewege zu einflussreichen gesellschaftlichen Positionen. Sie wirkte dabei gemeinsam mit ihrer Zwillingsschwester Hanna Beckmann, ebenfalls Lehrerin und Schulleiterin, und ihrem Bruder Heinz Beckmann, Hauptpastor zu St. Nikolai. Mit der Machtuebernahme der Nationalsozialisten verlor sie Beruf und Mandat und die Organisationen der Frauenbewegung loesten sich auf. Alle drei Einflusssphaeren gewann sie nach 1945 in Hamburg als wieder eingesetzte Oberschulraetin, liberale Abgeordnete und fuehrendes Mitglied der Frauenbewegung erneut zurueck. Sie starb 1967 hochgeehrt.

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Trasciatti, Mary Anne, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn: The Rebel Girl, Democracy, and Revolution. (CERES: Rutgers Studies in History) 352 pp. 2025:6 (Rutgers U. Pr., US) <739-809>
ISBN 978-1-9788-1757-9 hard ¥7,726.- (税込) US$ 34.95

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn is one of the most important figures in the history of the US left. Her participation in "the working-class movement," as she called it, spanned nearly six decades, from 1906 to 1964. Inspired by the Irish freedom struggle and appalled by the exploitation and grinding poverty she witnessed around her, Flynn dedicated herself to the abolition of capitalism and the liberation of workers everywhere first as a Socialist, then a Wobbly syndicalist, and finally a Communist. She organized workers into unions; led strikes in a variety of industries; supported anti-imperialist movements around the globe; galvanized resistance to fascism; protested deportation of immigrants; advocated for prison reform; championed labor and political rights for women; fought for civil rights for Black Americans; and defended civil liberties for labor activists of all ideological stripes. It is no exaggeration to claim that Flynn was involved in just about every major campaign of the left in the first two thirds of the twentieth century. Flynn's commitment to civil liberties was a characteristic and enduring element of her activism and a force that shaped her life. From her Wobbly years to her leadership of the Communist Party of the United States, Flynn was a trailblazer in the American civil liberties movement, an ardent and active defender of the right to hold and express one's own political views and to associate with like-minded people in peaceful pursuit of economic, social, and political change. Rather than surrender responsibility for civil liberties to the courts, she championed "popular constitutionalism," the idea that ordinary people are capable of defining and protecting their rights through vigorous debate of the Constitution and active supervision of the legal system. Although Flynn's commitment to civil liberties never wavered, the movement to which she contributed so much abandoned her. In 1940, the ACLU, an organization that she helped found, expelled her from its executive board solely because of her membership in the Communist Party. An examination of the historical record shows that Flynn's commitment to civil liberties matched or even exceeded that of others in the movement, including those on the ACLU board who judged her and found her wanting. It was her politics, not her commitment to the Constitution, which bothered her critics and relegated her to the margins of civil liberties history. The end of the Cold War has made it possible finally to write her into the center of civil liberties history where she belongs.

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White, Katharine / Harrison, Scott / Hayton, Jeff (eds.), Socialist Subjectivities: Queering East Germany under Honecker. (Social History, Popular Culture, and Politics in Germany) 336 pp. 2025:4 (U. Michigan Pr., US) <739-811>
ISBN 978-0-472-07736-6 hard ¥25,426.- (税込) US$ 115.00

Socialist Subjectivities works within the logics of queer time to reanimate East German subjectivities in the 1970s and 1980s beyond the narrative of the German Democratic Republic's long march towards demise. While East Germany certainly ended in dissolution, not all East Germans experienced late socialism in a singular manner. Rather, even after a generation of building socialism, East Germans under Honecker continued to pursue a range of socialist presents and a multiplicity of socialist futures up to and beyond 1989. This edited volume utilizes queer temporalities to interrogate how individuals lived non-normative possibilities in a highly normative world. Whether one was an apparatchik, artist, or alcoholic, the everyday interactions, experiences, and rituals of late socialism proved crucial to establishing the conditions around which subjecthood was constructed. Despite stereotypes of apathy and inertia, East Germans lent a considerable dynamism to their society, and by generating a cacophony of opinions and a heterogeneity of ideas, they constantly transformed state socialism. By foregrounding socialist subjects and the iterative nature of socialism during these decades, this volume paints a richer portrait of East Germany-one that illuminates how East Germans imagined their futures in a society whose collapse they could not foresee.

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Wilke, Jim, Frontier Comrades: From the Fur Trade to the Ford Car. (Bison Books) 304 pp. 2025:8 (U. Nebraska Pr., US) <739-812>
ISBN 978-1-4962-4222-8 paper ¥6,178.- (税込) US$ 27.95

Frontier Comrades examines six accounts of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender lives on the frontier of the American West. Each account interprets this history through experiences that take place in different parts of the West, moving chronologically from the fur trade era to the dawn of the automobile age. Jim Wilke provides the first comprehensive accounts of figures such as transgender stage driver Charley Parkhurst; transgender Seventh Cavalry laundress Mrs. Noonan (also known as Mrs. Nash); and the extraordinary Clara Dietrich and Ora Chatfield, known by the contemporary press as "lady lovers." Frontier Comrades also offers glimpses of individual personalities: the cool and detached grandeur of William Stewart as he traversed the West during the fur trade era; the stubborn determination of Charley Parkhurst after California's gold rush; the careful, giddy energy of Mrs. Noonan; the hidden passions of Tombstone sheriff William Breakenridge for a Vanderbilt and a local rustler; the desperate bravery of Dietrich and Chatfield as they sought to elope from Victorian Aspen; and the masculine, matter-of-fact comradeship of loggers and miners as they worked the distant Sierras. The maelstrom of opportunities and conflicts that made up the West affected lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender westerners in intrinsically personal ways. The accounts in Frontier Comrades provide an intimate yet expansive view of the American West.

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Zinn, Alexander, Maintoechter: Schwule, Lesben, Trans- und Intersexuelle in Frankfurt am Main 1933-1994. (Studien zur Geschichte und Wirkung des Holocaust 12) 496 S. 2025:1 (Wallstein Vlg., GW) <739-815>
ISBN 978-3-8353-5719-8 hard ¥9,748.- (税込) EUR 42.00

Zwischen Verfolgung, Liberalisierung und Aufbruch: Am Beispiel Frankfurt am Mains wird?die Geschichte sexueller Minderheiten im 20. Jahrhundert erzaehlt. Nicht ohne Hintersinn werden die Frankfurter Homo, Trans- und Intersexuellen in diesem Buch als ≫Maintoechter≪ tituliert, waren sie doch stets Toechter und Soehne dieser Stadt. Toechter und Soehne freilich, die recht stiefmuetterlich behandelt wurden. Soziale Aechtung und staatliche Repression praegten ihren Alltag, viele reagierten aber auch mit beachtlichem Eigensinn und Widerstandswillen. Somit erzaehlt Alexander Zinn am Beispiel Frankfurts die Geschichte sexueller Minderheiten im 20. Jahrhundert: Er beleuchtet die massive Verfolgung homosexueller Maenner in der NS-Zeit, die allmaehliche Liberalisierung des gesellschaftlichen Klimas in der Nachkriegszeit und der Aufbruch der neuen Lesben- und Schwulenbewegung nach der Strafrechtsreform von 1969. Dabei wird deutlich, dass es trotz staatlicher Repression immer wieder gelang, Freiraeume zu erkaempfen. So gab es selbst in der NS-Zeit einschlaegige Treffpunkte, seit den 1950er Jahren wurde die Mainmetropole sogar als ein Eldorado der Homo- und Transsexuellenszene wahrgenommen. Die staedtischen Behoerden reagierten mit Kontrollen und Auflagen, duldeten die subkulturellen Nischen ansonsten aber. Fuer die ≫Betroffenen≪ erwies sich die Situation als ambivalent: Viele genossen die kleinen Freiheiten, nicht wenige zerbrachen aber auch an gesellschaftlicher Ablehnung und Isolation.

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Shalaby, Marwa, Varieties of Power: Women's Political Representation in Arab Parliaments. (Columbia Studies in Middle East Politics) 336 pp. 2025:6 (Columbia U. Pr., US) <739-559>
ISBN 978-0-231-21865-8 hard ¥30,954.- (税込) US$ 140.00
ISBN 978-0-231-21866-5 paper ¥7,738.- (税込) US$ 35.00

The introduction of gender quotas has significantly increased women's representation in national legislatures-not only in democracies but also in many autocracies. To what extent has the growing number of women in authoritarian legislatures granted them more power and influence? What conditions help or hinder women's political participation under autocratic regimes? And what does the role of women tell us about the politics of authoritarianism today?Drawing on a decade of fieldwork and a vast data set collected across the Middle East and North Africa, Marwa Shalaby develops a new theory of women's political representation in authoritarian regimes. She examines the dynamics of women's political inclusion in three Arab monarchies, Morocco, Jordan, and Kuwait, with varying levels of quota implementation and where the strength and capacity of political parties differ widely. Shalaby demonstrates that the degree to which individual parties have been institutionalized plays a significant role in women's legislative behavior and political power. Parties play integral roles in recruiting, cultivating, supporting, and elevating female candidates in contexts where women have been excluded from existing networks of power, in nondemocratic systems as well as democracies. Although the introduction of quota systems has expanded women's numerical presence, the absence of institutionalized parties has limited their ability to gain influence. Nuanced and incisive, Varieties of Power offers grounded, comparative insights into the study of gender and politics, political representation, and authoritarianism in the Middle East and North Africa.

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Moreau, Julie, After Equality: LGBT Activism in Argentina and South Africa. (Cambridge Studies in Gender and Politics) 248 pp. 2025:6 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <739-569>
ISBN 978-1-009-59300-7 hard ¥25,542.- (税込) GB£ 90.00
ISBN 978-1-009-59301-4 paper ¥8,794.- (税込) GB£ 30.99




DiPietro, PJ, Sideways Selves: Travesti and Joteria Struggles Across the Americas. (Latinx: The Future Is Now) 344 pp. 2025:7 (U. Texas Pr., US) <739-578>
ISBN 978-1-4773-3176-7 hard ¥23,215.- (税込) US$ 105.00
ISBN 978-1-4773-3177-4 paper ¥7,726.- (税込) US$ 34.95

How trans and non-binary networks engage in decoloniality across hemispheres.

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Steiner, Linda / Eckert, Stine (eds.), We Can Do Better: Feminist Manifestos for Media and Communication. 214 pp. 2025:4 (Rutgers U. Pr., US) <739-648>
ISBN 978-1-9788-3818-5 hard ¥26,532.- (税込) US$ 120.00
ISBN 978-1-9788-3817-8 paper ¥6,620.- (税込) US$ 29.95

Feminist Manifestos for Media and Communication brings together evidence-based manifestos for media and communication that take a feminist perspective and add up to a provocative vision of feminist media practices and of feminist communication. The book discusses critical problems and complaints in ways that identify and make the case for actionable, concrete solutions to media problems and deficiencies; it shows how feminist thinking can be usefully and effectively applied to a wide range of journalism, media, and communication practices. The manifestos are not "only" about women but rather offer specific, feasible blueprints for restructuring media in ways that make them fairer and more equitable along many vectors of identity, so that media can better serve democracy. These manifestos give concrete solutions to specific problems that can and should be implemented by journalists, media practitioners, students, faculty, and scholars. Our manifestos are organized around three sets of demands: for better media practices, for more participatory online spaces, and more precise and appropriate language.

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Simpson, Anika Maaza, Single Black Mother: Queer Reflections on Marriage and Racial Justice. (Philosophy of Race) 200 pp. 2025:4 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <739-655>
ISBN 978-0-19-755592-7 hard ¥21,888.- (税込) US$ 99.00
ISBN 978-0-19-755593-4 paper ¥6,620.- (税込) US$ 29.95




Stambolis-Ruhstorfer, Michael, By the Power Vested in Me: How Experts Shape Same-Sex Marriage Debates. 344 pp. 2025:7 (Columbia U. Pr., US) <739-656>
ISBN 978-0-231-20222-0 hard ¥30,954.- (税込) US$ 140.00
ISBN 978-0-231-20223-7 paper ¥7,738.- (税込) US$ 35.00

In both the United States and France, each side of the legal battle over same-sex marriage and parenthood relied heavily on experts. Despite the similarity of issues, however, lawmakers in each country turned to different sets of authorities: from economists and psychoanalysts to priests and ordinary people. They even prized different types of expertise-empirical research in the United States versus abstract theory in France.Exploring the legalization of same-sex marriage in the United States and France, this book sheds new light on the power of experts to influence high-stakes democratic debates. Drawing on extensive interviews and ethnographic observation, Michael Stambolis-Ruhstorfer traces the divergences between the two countries, showing why some experts are ubiquitous in one but absent in the other. He argues that lawmakers, judges, lawyers, journalists, and activists covet something only experts can provide: the credibility and aura of authority, or "expert capital," which they deploy to advance their agendas. Expert capital is not derived from scientific or technical merit alone but is produced through cultural norms, material resources, and social relationships, which vary greatly across national contexts.Through the story of the fight over gay rights, By the Power Vested in Me reveals how and why certain experts-but not others-obtain the authority to shape public opinion and policy. At a time of soaring public distrust in experts, this book offers new ways to understand the contested political role of expertise and its consequences.

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Brown, Letisha Engracia Cardoso, Say Her Name: Centering Black Feminism and Black Women in Sport. (Critical Issues in Sport and Society) 160 pp. 2025:3 (Rutgers U. Pr., US) <739-659>
ISBN 978-1-9788-3180-3 hard ¥26,532.- (税込) US$ 120.00
ISBN 978-1-9788-3179-7 paper ¥6,399.- (税込) US$ 28.95

Say Her Name: Centering Black Feminism and Black Women in Sports offers an in-depth look into the lived experiences of Blackgirlwomen as athletes, activists, and everyday people through a Black feminist lens. With so much research on race centered on Black men and gender research focusing on white women, Say Her Name offers a necessary conversation that places Blackgirlwomen at the center of discussion.Say Her Name delves deeply into issues of gender, the politics of punishment, athlete activism, the politics of Black hair, fingernails and fashion, and the representation and commodification of Blackgirlwomen in sport and society. An entry point into the growing research in sport studies and beyond from a Black feminist lens, Say Her Name offers a clear window into the power and potential of nuanced examinations of sport. As a reflection of the larger social world, sport provides a framework for understanding larger social issues, including racism, sexism, and misogynoir. Blackgirlwomen have varied experiences in sport, and Say Her Name provides a window into those experiences. The book discusses Black women in sports including the South African runner Caster Semenya, American runners Florence Griffith Joyner and Sha'Carri Richardson, as well as Venus and Serena Williams, Gabby Douglas, and Simone Biles. The women in this book have lived experiences that speak to the larger experiences of Black women and girls in sport and society, while also leaning into a larger discussion of the importance of the social movement #SayHerName.

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Pepiak, Ewelina, Mixed Feelings in France: White Femininity and Metissage in French Multicultural Comedy. (Film Studies) 330 S. 2025:1 (Transcript, GW) <739-701>
ISBN 978-3-8376-7393-7 paper ¥10,444.- (税込) EUR 45.00

While multicultural comedies criticise hegemonic whiteness and outdated stances on race relations, they simultaneously perpetuate the colonial aesthetic register by deploying a ≫republican gaze≪ - an ironic meta-narrative perspective on ethnic minorities. Ewelina Pepiak analyses how gender and ethnicity are represented in seven contemporary French comedies (2008-2018) including mixed-race couples, focusing on a trope of metissage (biological and cultural mixing) and white femininity. As analyses of ethnic and gender representations remain scarce due to the slow emergence of postcolonial studies in France, this study adds significant insights to the postcolonial debate.

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Diaz Martin, Esther, Radiophonic Feminisms: Latina Voices in the Digital Age of Broadcasting. 272 pp. 2025:8 (U. Texas Pr., US) <739-715>
ISBN 978-1-4773-3172-9 hard ¥23,215.- (税込) US$ 105.00
ISBN 978-1-4773-3173-6 paper ¥7,726.- (税込) US$ 34.95

How Latina voices in commercial radio and podcasting subvert cultural norms and bring feminism to the fore of their work.

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Steiner, Linda (ed.), Junctures in Women's Leadership: Media and Journalism. (Junctures: Case Studies in Women's Leadership) 226 pp. 2025:6 (Rutgers U. Pr., US) <739-728>
ISBN 978-1-9788-3425-5 hard ¥26,532.- (税込) US$ 120.00
ISBN 978-1-9788-3424-8 paper ¥6,620.- (税込) US$ 29.95

Junctures in Women's Leadership: Media and Journalism offers an account of women's leadership in journalism and media by looking at what has motivated and enabled women to navigate the intersecting impacts of gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and age to become leaders in media. The volume looks at executive leadership as well as moral leadership, and encompasses print, broadcast, PR, film, and digital media, as well as commercial, large-scale non-commercial, and small-scale alternative media. Women leaders profiled in this volume include Mary Ann Shadd Cary, publisher of The Provincial Freeman in Canada; Ida B. Wells, famous for her Memphis Free Speech; Mary Margaret McBride, who pioneered the unscripted, unrehearsed radio show; publisher Katharine Graham, who steered the Washington Post through a contentious strike; Joan Ganz Cooney, who led the early educational television show Sesame Street; public relations executive Ann Barkelew; syndicated talk show host Oprah Winfrey; Frances Stevens, founder of a much beloved lesbian magazine; Lisa Williams, the first Black woman to head the Associated Press Sports Editors; S. Mitra Kalita, a senior executive at both major commercial as well as smaller digital organizations; and Iman Zawahry, a Muslim hijabi filmmaker.

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Darnell, Regna / Leeds-Hurwitz, Wendy (eds.), Invisible Contrarian: Essays in Honor of Stephen O. Murray. (Critical Studies in the History of Anthropology) 330 pp. 2025:6 (U. Nebraska Pr., US) <739-735>
ISBN 978-1-4962-4300-3 hard ¥15,477.- (税込) US$ 70.00

In Invisible Contrarian Regna Darnell and Wendy Leeds-Hurwitz have assembled scholars to memorialize and celebrate the prescient vision and interdisciplinary contributions of the late Stephen O. Murray (1950-2019), who did pioneering research in ethnolinguistics and anthropology of gender and homosexuality. His socially relevant work continues to provide a cogent example of an emergent, forward-looking anthropology for the twenty-first century. Murray's wide-ranging work included linguistics, regional ethnography in Latin America and Asia, activism, history of anthropology in relation to social sciences, and migration studies. Along with a complete list of his publications, Invisible Contrarian highlights Murray's methodological innovations and includes key writings that remain little known, since he never pursued a tenured research position. ?Murray's significant, prolific contributions deserve not only to be reexamined but to be shared with contemporary and future audiences. Ideal both as a primer for those who have not yet read Murray's work and as an in-depth resource for those already familiar with him, this volume demonstrates the wide-ranging accomplishments of a man who modeled how to be an independent scholar outside an academic position.

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Cummings, Edna W, A Soldier's Life: A Black Woman's Rise from Army Brat to Six Triple Eight Champion. (The Black Soldier in War and Society: New Narratives and Critical Perspectives) 192 pp. 2025:5 (U. Virginia Pr., US) <739-751>
ISBN 978-0-8139-5314-4 hard ¥6,620.- (税込) US$ 29.95




Wojczewski, Silvia, Afrodiasporic Identities in Germany: Life-Stories of Millennial Women. (Culture and Social Practice) 268 S. 2024:7 (Transcript, GW) <739-778>
ISBN 978-3-8376-7341-8 paper ¥13,926.- (税込) EUR 60.00

Aminata Camara, Maya K., Lafia T., Oxana Chi and Layla Zami are middle-class, highly educated women in Germany and come from families of mixed African European heritages. This ethnographic study traces the coming of age as person of African descent in Germany born in the 1980s with a focus on the city of Frankfurt. Silvia Wojczewski follows the paths of five women and shows how the practice of travelling is used as a way to connect to transnational families and to an Afrodiasporic heritage. Zooming in on five lives, she reveals the ways in which class, diaspora and kinship relations influence how the women understand themselves and their position in the world.

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#MeTooとフェミニズム-ワインスタイン他 第2版
Boyle, Karen, #MeToo and Feminism: Weinstein and Beyond. 2nd ed. 251 pp. 2025:2 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <739-780>
ISBN 978-3-031-67313-9 paper ¥6,959.- (税込) EUR 29.99

This book is a revised, updated and expanded edition of #MeToo, Weinstein and Feminism (2019). In this second edition, Boyle argues for the importance of understanding #MeToo in relation to an ongoing history of feminist activism and popular misogyny, which normalises and values men's abuse of women. She considers the consequences of #MeToo for accused men, notably with regards to cancellation practices and criminal justice, drawing on prominent examples such as Harvey Weinstein, R. Kelly, Johnny Depp and Woody Allen, among many others. Two new chapters-on the long #MeToo movement and on survivor testimony-consider #MeToo alongside debates on popular feminism and misogyny in a range of contexts and reflect on the implications of the continued emphasis on survivor testimony in media coverage of sexual harassment and assault. Written by one of the foremost experts in gender, media and violence in the UK, this new edition is essential reading for those interested in feminism and the media, scholars and students alike.

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Ford, Charles H. / Littlejohn, Jeffrey L. (eds.), Queer Virginia: New Stories in the Old Dominion. 252 pp. 2025:6 (U. Virginia Pr., US) <739-786>
ISBN 978-0-8139-5326-7 hard ¥25,426.- (税込) US$ 115.00
ISBN 978-0-8139-5327-4 paper ¥6,521.- (税込) US$ 29.50




Gerry, Gail B., Here to Stay: The Story of the Class of Women Who Coeducated the University of Virginia. 224 pp. 2025:3 (U. Virginia Pr., US) <739-787>
ISBN 978-0-8139-5281-9 hard ¥21,004.- (税込) US$ 95.00
ISBN 978-0-8139-5282-6 paper ¥6,521.- (税込) US$ 29.50




Goessl, Martin J., Great Queer Provocation: The Seriously Playful Recognition Game. Tr. by H. Holland. (Queer Studies 43) 154 S. 2024:6 (Transcript, GW) <739-788>
ISBN 978-3-8376-7385-2 paper ¥6,730.- (税込) EUR 29.00

Queer cultures are vibrant components of the constantly transforming societies of the 21st century. This is both socially and anthropologically recognizable, as well as individually readable. Categories such as wealth, success, amusement, but also sexuality and beauty have undergone major changes within queer subcultures and have influenced the reality of life for the general public. The entanglements in heteronormative systems and capitalist orders are increasingly putting a queer point of view under pressure, so that the question seems justified: What makes someone or something queer? Martin Goessl reflects on the possibilities of queer recognition in different social contexts.

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Kennedy, Catriona, Women, Politics, and the Irish Public Sphere in the Age of Revolution. 304 pp. 2025:5 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <739-789>
ISBN 978-0-19-889953-2 hard ¥28,096.- (税込) GB£ 99.00

The late-eighteenth-century 'age of revolutions' has long been identified as a key moment in the gendering of modern democratic politics, one which opened up new debates on the 'rights of women' while often re-affirming the masculinity of the political citizen. In Ireland, the revolutionary era saw the rise of the radical United Irish movement, mass popular mobilisation, and reached a violent denouement in the 1798 rebellion. But what did Ireland's age of revolution mean for women? Was radical republicanism able to imagine women as political actors? How did Irish women experience and navigate the intense ideological conflicts of the 1790s? Addressing these and related questions, this is the first book-length study of women and Irish politics in the late eighteenth century. Revising a stubborn tendency to present women's political engagements in this period as largely mediated through men, it stresses instead women's concerns, initiatives, and networks. It reconstructs the distinctively gendered political cultures of Ireland's principal communities-the dynastic politics of the Protestant elite; the dynamic oppositional culture of Belfast Presbyterianism; the urban and agrarian radicalism of unpropertied Catholics-and asks how these shaped the meanings of the 1790s for women. In looking beyond the homosocial spaces of the club, pub, lodge, and corps, it reveals a complexly gendered public sphere in which women were often active participants. As the subjects of United Irish addresses, religious sermons, state surveillance, and post-rebellion commemoration, women emerge as a clear, if overlooked, constituency in Ireland's age of revolution. And it suggests how our understanding of revolution might change when viewed from the perspective of women.

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Longfellow, Brenda, The Lives and Deaths of Women in Ancient Pompeii. 304 pp. 2025:7 (U. Texas Pr., US) <739-793>
ISBN 978-1-4773-3123-1 hard ¥12,160.- (税込) US$ 55.00

A study of women's lives in the public sphere of the ancient city of Pompeii.

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Pant, Naveen (ed.), Psychology of Sexuality & Mental Health. Vol. 2: Modern Approaches. 492 pp. 2025:2 (Springer, GW) <739-800>
ISBN 978-981-9789-70-2 hard ¥32,490.- (税込) EUR 139.99

This book is the second volume of Psychology of Sexuality & Mental Health. It is about modern approaches in the psychology of sexuality and mental health. This is a unique book which focuses mainly on current trends in Human Sexuality, its psychology and its relationship with mental health. In this book's sections and scientific chapters, effort is made to include common fields of modern sexuality thoughts which relates to Psychology and Mental Health. The first section of the book is "Modern Approaches on Psychology of Sexuality", which through its different chapters, discusses and scientifically explores modern aspects of sexuality including current trends, sexuality education, asexuality, sexual orientation, and the issues of the LGBT community and effects of menopause etc. The section is supported by both systematic reviews and empirical approach. The second section of the book is "Modern Psychology of Sexuality and Mental Health", which discusses modern correlates of combining sexuality and mental health including HIV, pornography, mental illness and sexuality, and mental health correlates for LGBT and transgender people. The section further looks at the attitude towards sexuality education and its impact on mental health among students. Both sections include genuine scientific studies, empirical research and systematic reviews. Thus this book, rich in content & text, is addressed to students, researchers, scientists, and readers of the field.

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Romesburg, Don, Contested Curriculum: LGBTQ History Goes to School. (Q+ Public) 250 pp. 2025:4 (Rutgers U. Pr., US) <739-802>
ISBN 978-1-9788-2410-2 hard ¥15,464.- (税込) US$ 69.95
ISBN 978-1-9788-2409-6 paper ¥6,399.- (税込) US$ 28.95

Today, many states have proposed so-called "Don't Say Gay" bills that prohibit public school teachers from mentioning LGBTQ topics in the classroom. But a few states, like California, have taken decisive steps in the other direction. They mandate inclusive education that treats LGBTQ history as essential to the curriculum. At once a history of an evolving movement and an activist handbook, Contested Curriculum navigates the rocky path to LGBTQ-inclusive K-12 history education in the United States and recounts the fight for a curriculum that recognizes the value of queer and trans lives. What began in fits and starts in activism and educational materials across the late twentieth century led to the passage of California's landmark FAIR Education Act in 2011, ensuring that LGBTQ history has a place in the K-12 classroom. Historian Don Romesburg, the lead scholar who worked with advocacy organizations to pass the act, recounts the decades-long struggle to integrate LGBTQ content into history education policy, textbooks, and classrooms. Looking at California and states that followed its lead, he assesses the challenges and opportunities presented by this new way of teaching history. Romesburg's powerful case for LGBTQ-inclusive education is all the more urgent in this era of anti-gay book bans, regressive legislation, and attempts to diminish the vital role that inclusive and honest history education should play in a democratic nation.

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米国における性的目的の人身売買 第2版
Nichols, Andrea J., Sex Trafficking in the United States: Theory, Research, Policy, and Practice. 2nd ed. 432 pp. 2024:11 (Columbia U. Pr., US) <739-331>
ISBN 978-0-231-20282-4 hard ¥35,376.- (税込) US$ 160.00
ISBN 978-0-231-20283-1 paper ¥8,844.- (税込) US$ 40.00

This book is a comprehensive and accessible overview of sex trafficking in the United States, examining its underlying dynamics and sharing key research findings. Andrea J. Nichols examines the backgrounds and experiences of survivors, traffickers, and buyers, showing how social and structural dynamics affect trafficking in the United States. She details common risk factors for victimization, emphasizing weak social institutions and safety nets. This book's intersectional approach foregrounds the ways social oppression and marginalization contribute to heightened vulnerability, accounting for the roles of race, ethnicity, citizenship status, sexuality, gender, age, and disability.Nichols introduces readers to the theoretical and political perspectives that shape research and policy on sex trafficking, considering abolitionist, neoliberal, feminist, criminological, and sociological viewpoints. She assesses the outcomes of policies relating to commercial sex and analyzes a variety of responses to sex trafficking, including in social services, health care, and the criminal legal system, as well as activism. Nichols reflects on how service providers, activists, and everyday people can effectively advocate for and with survivors of sex trafficking and offers recommendations for practice and policy.Sex Trafficking in the United States is essential for understanding the dynamics of sex trafficking and its underlying sources. This second edition is thoroughly revised and updated, integrating the most up-to-date research.

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Kreitler, Melanie / Olson, Greta (eds.), Diversity Issues in the USA: Transnational Perspectives on the 2024 Presidental Elections. 300 S. 2024:11 (Transcript, GW) <739-399>
ISBN 978-3-8376-7473-6 paper ¥8,123.- (税込) EUR 35.00

With bans on reproductive rights and access to health care, with censorship in schools and universities, and the instrumentalization of rights rhetoric itself, diversity issues stand at the heart of the primary and general elections in the United States. The contributors examine how the American elections will influence diversity issues in the United States and elsewhere, considering reproductive and immigration rights, planetary justice, epistemic and physical violence against LGBTQIA+ people as well as efforts to abet this violence. In this way they highlight the symbolic and political weight of the 2024 U.S. elections as a watershed moment for citizens of the world.

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Nikolayenko, Olena, Invisible Revolutionaries: Women's Participation in Ukraine's Euromaidan. (Cambridge Studies in Contentious Politics) 2025:4 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <739-427>
ISBN 978-1-009-60747-6 hard ¥24,123.- (税込) GB£ 85.00
ISBN 978-1-009-60743-8 paper ¥7,659.- (税込) GB£ 26.99




Wang, Xian, Gendered Memories: An Imaginary Museum for Ding Ling and Chinese Female Revolutionary Martyrs. (China Understandings Today) 280 pp. 2025:2 (U. Michigan Pr., US) <739-513>
ISBN 978-0-472-07719-9 hard ¥17,688.- (税込) US$ 80.00
ISBN 978-0-472-05719-1 paper ¥6,620.- (税込) US$ 29.95

Gendered Memories: An Imaginary Museum for Ding Ling and Chinese Female Revolutionary Martyrs takes readers on a journey through the lives and legacies of Chinese female revolutionary martyrs, revealing how their sacrifices have been remembered, commemorated, and manipulated throughout history. This innovative book blends historical narratives with personal narratives, creating an "imaginary museum" where the stories of these women are brought to life. Author Xian Wang employs this imaginary museum to create a conceptual space mirroring an actual museum that juxtaposes historical narratives with counter-memories of Chinese female revolutionaries, such as the prominent writer Ding Ling. Exploring Ding's experiences with martyrdom and the commemoration of female revolutionary martyrs associated with her, the book provides a compelling argument that female revolutionary martyrdom reinforces, rather than rejects, the traditional concept of female chastity martyrdom. Narratives that challenge established gender norms, particularly those surrounding female chastity, have often been silenced or overlooked in the collective memory of these female revolutionary martyrs. By delving into these counter-memories, Wang provides fresh insights into gendered violence, memories, and politics in modern Chinese literature and culture.

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Nayak, Bhabani Shankar / Tabassum, Naznin (eds.), Impact of Patriarchy and Gender Stereotypes on Working Women: Exploring its Past, Present and Future. (Diversity and Inclusion Research) 231 pp. 2025:2 (Springer, GW) <739-188>
ISBN 978-3-031-74405-1 hard ¥39,453.- (税込) EUR 169.99

This book explores the meaning, perceptions, historical and current cultural and psychological roots of gender stereotypes and patriarchy in the workplace. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the types of stereotypes, their origins, and theoretical underpinnings as well as a comparison of the different paradigms across cultures. As the narrative progresses, the book then provides a conceptual model of impact of gender stereotyping on female expatriates and provides evidence of women's experiences at work and in the society from across different countries. It also shows mindsets across different generations and examines the possible impact of generative AI tools. This all reveals how this phenomenon still exists despite the increased number of women in workforce and how these stereotypes perpetuate harmful norms that limit individual potential, reinforce inequality, and enhance discrimination. Relevant for scholars, researchers, students, practitioners, and policy makers, this book encourages readers to self-reflect on their own internalized beliefs and biases, paving the way for personal growth and societal transformation.

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Kolarova, Katerina, Rehabilitative Postsocialism: Disability, Sex, and Race in Eastern Europe. (Corporealities: Discourses of Disability) 288 pp. 2025:5 (U. Michigan Pr., US) <739-197>
ISBN 978-0-472-07743-4 hard ¥22,110.- (税込) US$ 100.00
ISBN 978-0-472-05743-6 paper ¥7,726.- (税込) US$ 34.95

Kolarova's Rehabilitative Postsocialism offers a timely interdisciplinary and intersectional analysis of how disability, race, class, and gender operate as ideological tools within the postsocialist Czech Republic (formerly Czechoslovakia). Kolarova presents postsocialism as an analytic that can and should be brought to bear to understand cultural politics, economic formations, and state politics through the present day. Rehabilitative Postsocialism names disability, sexuality, and race as central yet invisible to negotiations of the postsocialist consensus. Drawing from a rich and varied archive, Rehabilitative Postsocialism maps the formation of new structures of inequalities and social imaginaries of wellness, merit, and justice in order to understand current articulations of global disenchantment with democracy, social justice, and solidarity. The book also makes clear that disability, race, and ethnicity continue to circulate in depictions of Eastern Europe as suspended in a chronic developmental "delay." Rehabilitative Postsocialism both situates this positioning within its political and historical formation and offers the analytical tools to challenge its continued deployment.

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Leviathan, Raya / Corry, Leo, Pioneering Israeli Women in Electronic Computing (1953-1970). (SpringerBriefs in History of Science and Technology) 150 pp. 2025:2 (Springer, GW) <739-213>
ISBN 978-3-031-75837-9 paper ¥11,601.- (税込) EUR 49.99

This book offers a journey into the history of pioneering Israeli women in electronic computing and explores the impact these women had on the annals of Israeli computing history. With the primary setting being the Weizmann Institute of Science, where the genesis of computing in Israel took place, their stories come to life through the lens of personal narratives, and their personal stories provide a unique window into their experiences, challenges, and triumphs. It delves into a compelling narrative of women who defied societal norms and forged their path in a male-dominated field. Their accounts captivate individuals who are passionate about advocating for gender equality and empowerment, as well as those with an interest in the history of computing and the development of information technology in Israel.

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Michals, Debra, She's the Boss: The Rise of Women's Entrepreneurship since World War II. 212 pp. 2025:4 (Rutgers U. Pr., US) <739-217>
ISBN 978-1-9788-1817-0 hard ¥30,954.- (税込) US$ 140.00
ISBN 978-1-9788-1816-3 paper ¥7,284.- (税込) US$ 32.95

In the years after World War II, as women were being pushed from wartime jobs for returning soldiers, government and business leaders - and women themselves - saw small business ownership as a viable economic solution. In just five years, US women owned nearly a million of the nation's businesses. In the decades since, women have moved increasingly into business ownership, often outpacing male start-ups so that today, they own more than 14 million businesses, 40% of all US companies. She's the Boss chronicles the forces that made entrepreneurship attractive to women. In rich detail, Debra Michals shares the stories of the countless women of all races, ethnicities, genders, and abilities who contributed to this important history. The book also explores the intersection of women's personal choices within changing social, political, and economic factors, such as the rising divorce rates of the 1960s and 1970s, ongoing workplace and credit discrimination; civil and women's rights activism and activist entrepreneurs, the 1970s recession and 1980s "Reagan Revolution," and more recently, the internet, crowd-funding, and social entrepreneurship.

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Manley, Elizabeth, Imagining the Tropics: Women, Romance, and the Making of Modern Tourism. (Critical Caribbean Studies) 218 pp. 2025:5 (Rutgers U. Pr., US) <739-266>
ISBN 978-1-9788-2690-8 hard ¥28,743.- (税込) US$ 130.00
ISBN 978-1-9788-2689-2 paper ¥7,726.- (税込) US$ 34.95

Imagining the Tropics is a history of the development of tourism in the Caribbean from the 1910s through the 1970s that focuses on the ways women's labors of hospitality, writing, and advocacy built the industry and its ubiquitous imagery of tropical island relaxation, escape, and romance. By examining a range of sources, engaging a wide array of women protagonists, and looking broadly across multiple Caribbean island-states including Jamaica, Cuba, the Bahamas, Barbados, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Trinidad and Tobago, and the US and British Virgin Islands, it seeks to understand how the region came to be sold as a romantic escape from the "troubles" of the modern world. By putting women at the center of Caribbean tourism history - as both its ambassadors and objects of desire - it seeks to explain some of the complicated contradictions that plague the business of pleasure but also to point toward ways of building alternative models to its present and past extractive realities.

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Abeyratne, Rehan, Courts and LGBTQ+ Rights in an Age of Judicial Retrenchment. (Oxford Comparative Constitutionalism) 288 pp. 2025:4 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <739-311>
ISBN 978-0-19-888827-7 hard ¥28,380.- (税込) GB£ 100.00

Over the past two decades, liberal constitutionalism has been in decline. Yet some courts - including the U.S. Supreme Court, the Supreme Court of India, and the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal - have continued to progressively realize the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) persons. How can the seeming paradox of LGBTQ+ rights advancement amid liberal constitutional regression be understood? And what, in turn, does that tell us about the state of liberal constitutionalism and rights adjudication? Courts and LGBTQ+ Rights in an Age of Judicial Retrenchment addresses these questions by exploring rights adjudication within the broader context of declining liberal constitutionalism within the U.S., India, and Hong Kong. By analysing landmark LGBTQ+ rights judgments and topical case studies in increasingly challenging political and institutional contexts, this book provides detailed, qualitative accounts of constitutionalism in these jurisdictions over the past two decades. Progressive and original, this book explores how courts often use LGBTQ+ rights to demonstrate their rhetorical commitment to liberal and global constitutionalism, even as their judgments may fall short of, or even undermine, those ideals.

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W.-B.チャン著 ジェンダーと人口変動の経済理論-新古典派と新しい経済成長理論の統合
Zhang, Wei-Bin, An Economic Theory of Gender and Population Change: Integrating Neoclassical and New Economic Growth Theory. 356 pp. 2025:2 (Springer, GW) <739-135>
ISBN 978-981-9796-04-5 hard ¥30,169.- (税込) EUR 129.99

This book proposes an economic theory of gender and population change by integrating neoclassical and new economic theories. Modern economies are characterized by complicated dynamic interdependence between many variables such as population growth, human capital accumulation, wealth accumulation, gender division of labor, children caring, environmental changes, various types of conflicts, wars, and so on. However modern dynamic economic theories deal with simplified interdependence between a few variables. Any genuine modeling of economic dynamics result in high-dimensional nonlinear dynamics. Nevertheless, it is only in recent years that it is possible to examine the behavior of highly dimensional dynamics. This partly explains why economic theory has been dominated by modeling dynamic economic systems with a few variables with linear (linearized) relations. Since Malthus published his An Essay on the Principle of Population in 1798, economists have made great efforts to reveal the dynamic complexity of population change. Modern economies have experienced unprecedented population dynamics. No one in human history could even have rationally predicted the natural declination of the national population in modern times. These failures in predicting family structural changes and life expectancy lead to many socioeconomic problems, such as health costs in association with aging and pension systems, that many societies fail to be prepared for. This book contributes to the literature on macroeconomics based on microeconomics, neoclassical growth theory, new growth theory, and family economics by integrating some important ideas in neoclassical growth theory and family economics. This book extensively applies the ideas in the literature to deal with the complexity of population change.

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