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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Salzer, Dorothea M. (Hrsg.), Juedische religioese Erziehung im Zeitalter der Emanzipation: Konzepte und Praxis. (Europaeisch-juedische Studien - Beitraege 56) 280 S. 2021:12 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <666-398>
ISBN 978-3-11-074289-3 hard ¥36,451.- (税込) EUR 149.95 *

Aufklaerung und Emanzipation stellten das deutschsprachige Judentum vor die Aufgabe, ein modernes juedisches Selbstverstaendnis zu entwickeln, das den neuen gesellschaftlichen Anforderungen entsprach. Dabei war das Gebiet der Erziehung einer jener Bereiche, in denen die juedische Modernisierung zuerst zum Tragen kam. Durch die Neukonzeption des juedischen Lernens, die stark von transkulturellen Diskursen gepraegt war, entstanden neue paedagogische Konzepte und neue Lehrbuecher. Als Erziehungsmittel trugen diese einen wichtigen Teil zum Sozialisierungsprozess des sich transformierenden Judentums bei und sind somit zentrale Quellen fuer die in jener Zeit stattfindende Aushandlung eines neuen juedischen Selbstverstaendnisses. Der Sammelband beleuchtet in Ueberblicksdarstellungen und Einzelstudien die vielfaeltigen Wechselbeziehungen zwischen paedagogischen, religioesen und gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen dieser Zeit und konturiert damit die im Hintergrund der juedischen Modernisierung stehenden Prozesse des Kulturtransfers genauer.

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Morrison, Hugh, Protestant Children, Missions and Education in the British World. (Brill Research Perspectives in Humanities and Social Sciences / Brill Research Perspectives in Religion and Education) 122 pp. 2021:9 (Brill, NE) <666-374>
ISBN 978-90-04-47103-0 paper ¥17,017.- (税込) EUR 70.00 *

At Christmas 1936, Presbyterian children in New Zealand raised over GBP400 for an x-ray machine in a south Chinese missionary hospital. From the early 1800s, thousands of children in the British world had engaged in similar activities, raising significant amounts of money to support missionary projects world-wide. But was money the most important thing? Hugh Morrison argues that children's education was a more important motive and outcome. This is the first book-length attempt to bring together evidence from across a range of British contexts. In particular it focuses on children's literature, the impact of imperialism and nationalism, and the role of emotions.

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Markschies, Christoph, Berolinensia: Beitraege zur Geschichte der Berliner Universitaet und ihrer Theologischen Fakultaet. (Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte 145) 600 S. 2021:5 (de Gruyter, GW) <666-363>
ISBN 978-3-11-071459-3 hard ¥34,020.- (税込) EUR 139.95 *

Eine neuere Gesamtdarstellung der Berliner Theologischen Fakultaet vor 1945, die wissenschaftlichen Anspruechen genuegt, fehlt. Bausteine fuer eine solche Geschichte liefert anhand von Beitraegen zu zentralen Theologen wie Schleiermacher, Harnack und Lietzmann der vorliegende Band. Die Geschichte der Berliner Theologie wird durchgaengig im Kontext der Entwicklungen an der Universitaet und in der Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften praesentiert, so dass beispielsweise auch die Brueder Humboldt oder klassische Altertumswissenschaftler wie Werner Jaeger in den Blick kommen. Dazu werden unbekannte Bilder und Texte aus privaten Nachlaessen erstmals veroeffentlicht. Auf diese Weise faellt neues Licht auf theologische und (kirchen-)politische Orientierungen, das Verhalten in den unterschiedlichen gesellschaftlichen Systemen und organisatorische Weichenstellungen, die teilweise bis heute fortwirken.

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Allender, Tim / Dussel, Ines / Grosvenor, Ian et al. (eds.), Appearances Matter: The Visual in Educational History. (Appearances - Studies in Visual Research 2) 300 S. 2021:9 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <666-2876>
ISBN 978-3-11-063125-8 hard ¥25,512.- (税込) EUR 104.95 *

The visual turn recovers new pasts. With education as its theme, this book seeks to present a body of reflections that questions a certain historicism and renovates historiographical debate about how to conceptualize and use images and artifacts in educational history, in the process presenting new themes and methods for researchers. Images are interrogated as part of regimes of the visible, of a history of visual technologies and visual practices. Considering the socio-material quality of the image, the analysis moves away from the use of images as mere illustrations of written arguments, and takes seriously the question of the life and death of artifacts ? that is, their particular historicity. Questioning the visual and material evidence in this way means considering how, when, and in which regime of the visible it has come to be considered as a source, and what this means for the questions contemporary researchers might ask.

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Barclay, Katie, Academic Emotions: Feeling the Institution. (Elements in Histories of Emotions and the Senses) 75 pp. 2021:12 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <666-2877>
ISBN 978-1-108-96494-4 paper ¥4,899.- (税込) GB£ 17.00 *

The University is an institution that disciplines the academic self. As such it produces both a particular emotional culture and, at times, the emotional suffering of those who find such disciplinary practices discomforting. Drawing on a rich array of writing about the modern academy by contemporary academics, this Element explores the emotional dynamics of the academy as a disciplining institution, the production of the academic self, and the role of emotion in negotiating power in the ivory tower. Using methodologies from the History of Emotion, it seeks to further our understanding of the relationship between the institution, emotion and the self.

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Carden, Clarissa, Secularisation in Australian Education since 1910. (Brill Research Perspectives in Humanities and Social Sciences / Brill Research Perspectives in Religion and Education) 98 pp. 2021:9 (Brill, NE) <666-2878>
ISBN 978-90-04-50347-2 paper ¥17,017.- (税込) EUR 70.00

The phrase "free, compulsory, and secular" is central to Australia's understanding of its own education system. Yet the extent to which education in Australia, or anywhere else for that matter, can be described as "secular" is never clear or settled. This work examines the history of education in Australia, from 1910 through to the present, through an interdisciplinary survey of key scholarship and a series of six original case studies. It seeks to uncover the extent to which the education system has undergone a process of secularisation and argues that the very meaning of the term "secular" is always contingent and changeable.

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Herman, Frederik / Braster, Sjaak et al. (eds.), Exhibiting the Past: Public Histories of Education. (Public History from European Perspectives 2) 300 S. 2022:9 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <666-2879>
ISBN 978-3-11-071958-1 hard ¥12,141.- (税込) EUR 49.95 *

With respect to public issues, history matters. With the worldwide interest for historical issues related with gender, religion, race, nation, and identity, public history is becoming the strongest branch of academic history. This volume brings together the contributions from historians of education about their engagement with public history, ranging from musealisation and alternative ways of exhibiting to new ways of storytelling.

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Larsen, Jesper Eckhardt / Schulte, B. et al. (eds.), Schoolteachers and the Nordic Model: Comparative and Historical Perspectives. (Oxford Studies in Comparative Education) 280 pp. 2021:12 (Routledge, UK) * paper 2023 <666-2880>
ISBN 978-0-367-53585-8 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-0-367-53589-6 paper ¥11,236.- (税込) GB£ 38.99 *

Schoolteachers and the Nordic Model examines the cultural distinctiveness of the Nordic teaching profession and teacher training compared to examples from Europe and North America.The book explores the concept of these 'teacher cultures' as various dimensions of professional identities, recruitment patterns, teachers' social status, values and knowledge. It considers how Nordic teachers? socio-cultural backgrounds and their shifting societal roles compare with continental European examples, analysing the societal consequences of teacher cultures for the current Nordic welfare states. Offering a unique focus on teachers, the book uses a shared comparative and historical approach to add new knowledge to the analysis of global convergence and divergence in educational systems. The book will be of great interest to researchers, scholars and post-graduate students in the fields of comparative education, educational policy, the sociology of education and the history of education. It will also be of interest to policy makers, teacher educators and school leaders.The Open Access version of this book, available at www.taylorfrancis.com, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.

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Lehmann, Lars, "Das Europa der Universitaeten": Die Europaeische Rektorenkonferenz und die internationale Politik 1955-1975. (Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte 127) 288 S. 2021:3 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <666-2881>
ISBN 978-3-11-071968-0 hard ¥9,710.- (税込) EUR 39.95 *

In juengster Zeit werden Forderungen nach einer Staerkung von Forschung und Bildung auf europaeischer Ebene laut. Die Studie legt offen, dass viele der heute diskutierten Ideen und Konzepte fuer eine vertiefte hochschulpolitische Kooperation in Europa bereits seit den 1950er Jahren existierten. Der Autor schildert eine spannungsreiche Geschichte voller Kontroversen ueber Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen der tertiaeren Bildung auf europaeischer Ebene. Europas Hochschulleiter organisierten sich und stritten mit Regierungen sowie hohen Beamten ueber das Fuer und Wider europaeischer Hochschulpolitiken. Der Gruendung der Europaeischen Rektorenkonferenz lag dabei ein Paradoxon zugrunde: Rektoren und Vizekanzler begannen ihre Zusammenarbeit zu europaeisieren, um eine Europaeisierung im Hochschulwesen zu verhindern. Erst in den 1970er Jahren aenderte sich ihre Einstellung, was in entscheidender Weise zur Herausbildung der europaeischen hochschulpolitischen Gegenwart beitrug.

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Lepri, Valentina / Facca, Danilo / Roick, M. et al. (eds.), History of Universities XXXIV/2: Teaching Ethics in Early Modern Europe. (History of Universities Series) 224 pp. 2021:12 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <666-2882>
ISBN 978-0-19-285754-5 hard ¥18,444.- (税込) GB£ 64.00 *

History of Universities XXXIV/2 contains the customary mix of learned articles which makes this publication an indispensable tool for the historian of higher education. This volume offers a history of the teaching of ethics in early modern Europe.

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Li, Kaiyi, Transnational Education between The League of Nations and China: The Interwar Period. (Global Histories of Education) 239 pp. 2021:11 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <666-2883>
ISBN 978-3-030-82441-9 hard ¥29,168.- (税込) EUR 119.99

This volume examines transnational educational transfer between China and the League of Nations during the interwar period. By analysing the educational activities of the League of Nations with China, he book enriches the study of the history of the League of Nations by turning the focus to affairs that exceed the scope of traditional international relation and focusing on ways in which international organizations engaged in international educational endeavors. Adopting a transnational perspective, the book moves beyond conventional national-centered historiography, thus contributing to the understanding of how educational ideas, media, and policies circulate between different nations.

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Maitrarat, Penpisoot Kwan / Openshaw, Roger / Walshaw, M., The History of Higher Education in Thailand: Confronting Challenges. (Palgrave Studies in Excellence and Equity in Global Education) 217 pp. 2021:11 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <666-2884>
ISBN 978-3-030-79075-2 hard ¥29,168.- (税込) EUR 119.99

This book explores the history of higher education in Thailand, and the ways in which excellence and equity have played out over time. Classed as a developing country, Thailand has implemented wide-reaching legislative and regulatory responses relating to the purpose, character of and access to higher education. The authors investigate these changes by interrogating the mechanisms and reciprocities that have operated at the international level to trigger this decision making, and acknowledge that these changes have often run up against long-standing cultural norms and ideologies. Thailand has a highly stratified society, and maintains a strong commitment to the preservation of Thai identity and traditional values: tensions and pressures are likely to arise when history, culture and ideology are not aligned with political decree. Importantly, the push and pull between equity and excellence within the education system are likely to lie at the heart of those tensions.

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Patzuk-Russell, Ryder, The Development of Education in Medieval Iceland. (The Northern Medieval World) 326 S. 2021:2 (Medieval Institute Pub., NE) <666-2887>
ISBN 978-1-5015-1855-3 hard ¥25,512.- (税込) EUR 104.95 *

Medieval Iceland is known for the fascinating body of literary works it produced, from ornate court poetry to mythological treatises to sagas of warrior-poets and feud culture. This book investigates the institutions and practices of education which lay behind not only this literary corpus, but the whole of medieval Icelandic culture, religion, and society. By bringing together a broad spectrum of sources, including sagas, law codes, and grammatical treatises, it addresses the history of education in medieval Iceland from multiple perspectives. It shows how the slowly developing institutions of the church shaped educational practices within an entirely rural society with its own distinct vernacular culture. It emphasizes the importance of Latin, despite the lack of surviving manuscripts, and teaching and learning in a highly decentralized environment. Within this context, it explores how medieval grammatical education was adapted for bilingual clerical education, which in turn helped create a separate and fully vernacularized grammatical discourse.

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Perrillo, Jonna, Educating the Enemy: Teaching Nazis and Mexicans in the Cold War Borderlands. 216 pp. 2022:1 (U. Chicago Pr., US) <666-2888>
ISBN 978-0-226-81543-5 hard ¥23,113.- (税込) US$ 103.00 *
ISBN 978-0-226-81597-8 paper ¥6,732.- (税込) US$ 30.00 *

Compares the privileged educational experience offered to the children of relocated Nazi scientists in Texas with the educational disadvantages faced by Mexican American students living in the same city.Educating the Enemy begins with the 144 children of Nazi scientists who moved to El Paso, Texas, in 1946 as part of the military program called Operation Paperclip. These German children were bused daily from a military outpost to four El Paso public schools. Though born into a fascist enemy nation, the German children were quickly integrated into the schools and, by proxy, American society. Their rapid assimilation offered evidence that American public schools played a vital role in ensuring the victory of democracy over fascism. Jonna Perrillo not only tells this fascinating story of Cold War educational policy, but she draws an important contrast with another, much more numerous population of children in the El Paso public schools: Mexican Americans. Like everywhere else in the Southwest, Mexican American children in El Paso were segregated into "Mexican" schools, where the children received a vastly different educational experience. Not only were they penalized for speaking Spanish-the only language all but a few spoke due to segregation-they were tracked for low-wage and low-prestige careers, with limited opportunities for economic success. Educating the Enemy charts what two groups of children-one that might have been considered the enemy, the other that was treated as such-reveal about the ways political assimilation has been treated by schools as an easier, more viable project than racial or ethnic assimilation. Listen to an interview with the author here and read an interview in Time and a piece based on the book in the Boston Review.

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Tsvetkova, Natalia, The Cold War in Universities: U.S. and Soviet Cultural Diplomacy, 1945-1990. (New Perspectives on the Cold War 9) 254 pp. 2021:9 (Brill, NE) <666-2890>
ISBN 978-90-04-47177-1 hard ¥28,442.- (税込) EUR 117.00

In Cold War in Universities: U.S. and Soviet Cultural Diplomacy, 1945-1990 Natalia Tsvetkova recounts how the United States and the Soviet Union aspired to transform overseas academic institutions according to their political aims during the Cold War. The book depicts how U.S. and Soviet attempts to impose certain values, disciplines, teaching models, structures, statutes, and personnel at universities in divided Germany, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, both Vietnams, and Cuba as well as Guatemala were foiled by sabotage, ignorance, and resistance on the part of the local academic elite, particularly professors. Often at odds with local academic communities, U.S. and Soviet university policies endured unexpected frustrations as their efforts toward Americanization and Sovietization faced developmental setbacks, grassroots resistance, and even political fear.

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Van Ruyskensvelde, Sarah / Thyssen, Geert et al. (eds.), Folds of Past, Present and Future: Reconfiguring Contemporary Histories of Education. 500 S. 2021:9 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <666-2891>
ISBN 978-3-11-062250-8 hard ¥19,921.- (税込) EUR 81.95 *

This volume brings together important theoretical and methodological issues currently being debated in the field of history of education. The contributions shed insightful and critical light on the historiography of education, on issues of de-/colonization, on the historical development of the educational sciences and on the potentiality attached to the use of new and challenging source material.

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Zvanovec, Mikulas, Der nationale Schulkampf in Boehmen: Schulvereine als Akteure der nationalen Differenzierung (1880-1918). 290 S. 2021:7 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <666-2892>
ISBN 978-3-11-072334-2 hard ¥30,374.- (税込) EUR 124.95 *

Erst die liberale Gesetzgebung der spaeten 1860er Jahre ermoeglichte in Oesterreich-Ungarn nationale Auseinandersetzungen. Es konstituierten sich deutsche und tschechische Schulvereine, um durch die Schaffung von nationalen Minderheitenschulen die gemischtsprachigen Regionen Cisleithaniens zu beanspruchen. Lokale Vereine wurden im Jahre 1880 von zentralen Schulvereinen abgeloest, dem Deutschen Schulverein in Wien und dem Verein Ust?edni Matice kolska in Prag. Beide wurden bald zu einflussreichen gesellschaftlichen Akteuren mit enger Anbindung an die zentrale Politik. Diese Studie beschaeftigt sich mit der Dynamik der nationalen Auseinandersetzung um das Schulwesen und vergleicht deutsche und tschechische Vereinsaktivitaeten vor dem Hintergrund der politischen Demokratisierung, der Massenmobilisierung und der sozialen Frage der Jahrhundertwende.

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