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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Burkard, Dominik (Hrsg.), Zwischen Bomben und Besatzung: Stadt und Universitaet Tuebingen (1943-1946). (BriefGeschichten) 160 S. 2024:12 (Kohlhammer, GW) <671-2131>
ISBN 978-3-17-041018-3 paper ¥7,293.- (税込) EUR 30.00

Ueber 75 Jahre nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, in dessen Namen an der Front unsagbare Graeuel geschahen und der auch im Hinterland schreckliche Wunden schlug, verblassen in unserer Gesellschaft die Erinnerungen daran zusehends. Von der Historiographie vermittelte Geschichtsbilder wirken demgegenueber schablonenhaft und glatt, beruehren uns kaum noch. Individuelle Erfahrung ist jedoch anders - persoenlich konnotiert, urspruenglich, milieugepraegt. Die privaten, von Dominik Burkard sorgfaeltig kommentierten Briefe gestatten einen intimen Einblick in die damaligen buergerlichen Alltaeglichkeiten im Schatten politisch-militaerischer Bedrueckung. Sie zeugen von dem Versuch, in einer Zeit der Exzentrik "Normalitaet" zu leben und beantworten so die Frage, wie das akademisch-buergerliche Milieu der Universitaetsstadt Tuebingen das Ende des Kriegs, den Einmarsch sowie die Besatzungsmacht, Entnazifizierung und den Neubeginn erlebte.

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Ewert, Cody Dodge, Making Schools American: Nationalism and the Origin of Modern Educational Politics. 232 pp. 2022 (Johns Hopkins U. Pr., US) <671-2133>
ISBN 978-1-4214-4279-2 hard ¥8,963.- (税込) US$ 39.95 *

How school reformers in the Progressive Era-who envisioned the public school as the quintessential American institution-laid the groundwork for contemporary battles over the structure and curriculum of public schools.Around the turn of the twentieth century, a generation of school reformers began touting public education's unique capacity to unite a diverse and diffuse citizenry while curing a broad swath of social and political ills. They claimed that investing in education would equalize social and economic relations, strengthen democracy, and create high-caliber citizens equipped for the twentieth century, all while preserving the nation's sacred traditions. More than anything, they pitched the public school as a quintessentially American institution, a patriotic symbol in its own right-and the key to perfecting the American experiment.In Making Schools American, Cody Dodge Ewert makes clear that nationalism was the leading argument for schooling during the Progressive Era. Bringing together case studies of school reform crusades in New York, Utah, and Texas, he explores what was gained-and lost-as efforts to transform American schools evolved across space and time. Offering fresh insight into the development and politicization of public schooling in America, Ewert also reveals how reformers' utopian visions and lofty promises laid the groundwork for contemporary battles over the mission and methods of American public schools. Despite their divergent political visions and the unique conditions of the states, cities, and individual districts they served, school reformers wielded nationalistic rhetoric that made education a rallying point for Americans across lines of race, class, religion, and region. But ultimately, Making Schools American argues, upholding education as a potential solution to virtually every societal problem has hamstrung broader attempts at social reform while overburdening schools.

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Gebhardt, Werner, Die Hohe Karlsschule, ein Lehr- und Gewerbebetrieb in Stuttgart von 1770 bis 1794: Biographisches Lexikon und historische Beitraege. 397 S. 2021:7 (Kohlhammer, GW) <671-2134>
ISBN 978-3-17-040100-6 paper ¥19,204.- (税込) EUR 79.00 *

Im 18. Jahrhundert galt das Herzogtum Wuerttemberg unter den Staaten des Heiligen Roemischen Reichs Deutscher Nation als arm: Es verfuegte ueber keine Bodenschaetze. Dafuer hatte es in den Augen seines Herzogs, Karl Eugen von Wuerttemberg (reg. 1737-1793), eine aufgeschlossene, ja bildungshungrige Bevoelkerung. Dies veranlasste die Gruendung der Hohen Karlsschule, die Zeit ihres Bestehens viele beruehmte Persoenlichkeiten hervorbrachte - nicht zuletzt Friedrich Schiller. Im Anschluss an das biographische Lexikon "Die Schueler der Hohen Karlsschule" (2011) legt Werner Gebhardt mit diesem Band das Lexikon ueber ihre Lehrer und Betreuer vor. Damit wird ein wichtiges Hilfsmittel verfuegbar, die Lebenswege des Karlschulpersonals nachzuschlagen, zu erkunden oder neu zu entdecken. Ergaenzt wird der Band durch ausgewaehlte Nachdrucke schwer zugaenglicher Erinnerungen an die Karlsschulzeit.

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Wechsler, Harold S. / Diner, Steven J., Unwelcome Guests: A History of Access to American Higher Education. 225 pp. 2022:2 (Johns Hopkins U. Pr., US) <671-2135>
ISBN 978-1-4214-4131-3 hard ¥13,451.- (税込) US$ 59.95 *

A comprehensive history of the barriers faced by students from marginalized racial, ethnic, and religious groups to gain access to predominantly white colleges and universities-and how these students responded to these barriers.Affirmative action in college admission is one of the most contested initiatives in contemporary federal policy, from its beginnings in the 1960s through the 2014 lawsuit alleging that Harvard discriminates against Asian American applicants. Supporters point out that using race and ethnicity as a criterion for admission helps remediate some of the effects of racist practices on minorities, including restrictions on college admissions. Opponents insist that the practice violates civil rights laws that prohibit racial discrimination and that it reenacts the historic racial bias of colleges. In Unwelcome Guests, Harold S. Wechsler and Steven J. Diner argue that discrimination in college admissions has a long and troubling history in the United States. Institutions of higher learning have vigorously sought to shape their mission and the experiences of their undergraduate students by paying careful attention to race and religion in admissions decisions. Post-World War I institutions devised exclusionary mechanisms that disadvantaged African Americans and other minority students for much of the century. Wechsler and Diner explore how American colleges and universities sought to restrict enrollment of students they considered undesirable. How, they ask, did these practices change over time? And how did underrepresented students cope with this discrimination-and with the indifference, bare tolerance, or outright hostility of some of their professors and peers? Tracing the efforts of people from underrepresented racial, ethnic, and religious groups to attend mainstream colleges, Wechsler and Diner also look at how these students fared after graduation, paying particular attention to Black women and men. Unwelcome Guests illuminates a critically important aspect of the history of American colleges and universities but also addresses policy debates about affirmative action and racial/ethnic diversity in colleges today. This profound history of the limits on college access over decades of discrimination will help readers recognize and understand the central role of race in the history of American higher education.

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White, Richard, Who Killed Jane Stanford?: A Gilded Age Tale of Murder, Deceit, Spirits and the Birth of a University. 384 pp. 2022:5 (Norton, US) <671-2136>
ISBN 978-1-324-00433-2 hard ¥7,854.- (税込) US$ 35.00 *

In 1885 Jane and Leland Stanford co-founded a university to honour their recently deceased young son. After her husband's death in 1893, Jane Stanford, a devoted spiritualist who expected the university to inculcate her values, steered Stanford into eccentricity and public controversy for more than a decade. In 1905 she was murdered in Hawaii, a victim, according to the Honolulu coroner's jury, of strychnine poisoning. With her vast fortune the university's lifeline, the Stanford president and his allies quickly sought to foreclose challenges to her bequests by constructing a story of death by natural causes. The cover-up gained traction in the murky labyrinths of power, wealth and corruption of Gilded Age San Francisco. The murderer walked. Deftly sifting the scattered evidence and conflicting stories of suspects and witnesses, Richard White gives us the first full account of Jane Stanford's murder and its cover-up. Against a backdrop of the city's machine politics, rogue policing, tong wars and heated newspaper rivalries, White's search for the murderer draws us into Jane Stanford's imperious household and the academic enmities of the university. Although Stanford officials claimed that no one could have wanted to murder Jane, we meet several people who had the motives and the opportunity to do so. One of these, we discover, also had the means...

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Cerulli, Anthony, The Practice of Texts: Education and Healing in South India. 240 pp. 2022:3 (U. California Pr., US) <671-1490>
ISBN 978-0-520-38354-8 paper ¥7,841.- (税込) US$ 34.95 *

A free open access ebook is available upon publication. Learn more at www.luminosoa.org.The Practice of Texts examines the uses of the Sanskrit medical classics in two educational institutions of India's classical life science, Ayurveda: the college and the gurukula. In this interdisciplinary study, Anthony Cerulli probes late- and postcolonial reforms in ayurvedic education, the development of the ayurvedic college, and the impacts of the college curriculum on ways that ayurvedic physicians understand and use the Sanskrit classics in their professional work today. His fieldwork in south India illuminates the nature of philology and ritual in the ayurvedic gurukula and showcases how knowledge is exchanged among students, teachers, and patients. The result, Cerulli shows, is that the Sanskrit classics are presented and applied differently in the college and gurukula, producing a variety of relationships with these texts among practitioners. By interrogating the politics surrounding the place of the Sanskrit classics in ayurvedic curricula, this book reveals a spectrum of views about the history and tradition of Ayurveda in modern India.

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