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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Boschert, Sherry, 37 Words: Title IX and Fifty Years of Fighting Sex Discrimination. 352 pp. 2022:5 (The New Pr., US) <676-396>
ISBN 978-1-62097-583-1 hard ¥6,465.- (税込) US$ 29.99 *

A sweeping history of the federal legislation that prohibits sex discrimination in education, published on the fiftieth anniversary of Title IX "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance." -Title IX's first thirty-seven words By prohibiting sex discrimination in federally funded education, the 1972 legislation popularly known as Title IX profoundly changed the lives of women and girls in the United States, accelerating a movement for equal education in classrooms, on sports fields, and in all of campus life. 37 Words is the story of Title IX. Filled with rich characters-from Bernice Resnick Sandler, an early organizer for the law, to her trans grandchild-the story of Title IX is a legislative and legal drama with conflicts over regulations and challenges to the law. It's also a human story about women denied opportunities, students struggling for an education free from sexual harassment, and activists defying sexist discrimination. These intersecting narratives of women seeking an education, playing sports, and wanting protection from sexual harassment and assault map gains and setbacks for feminism in the last fifty years and show how some women benefit more than others. Award-winning journalist Sherry Boschert beautifully explores the gripping history of Title IX through the gutsy people behind it. In the tradition of the acclaimed documentary She's Beautiful When She's Angry, 37 Words offers a crucial playbook for anyone who wants to understand how we got here and who is horrified by current attacks on women's rights.

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Fries, Helmut, 500 Jahre evangelisches Leben und Schule in Wuerzburg und Unterfranken. 500 S. 2022:6 (Koenigshausen & Neumann, GW) <676-124>
ISBN 978-3-8260-7602-2 paper ¥11,722.- (税込) EUR 49.80

Vor 500 Jahren erfasste die Reformation auch Wuerzburg. Auf dem Hintergrund des Zeitgeschehens erlebt der Leser die wechselvolle Geschichte der Protestanten bis heute: Von den Anfaengen im 16. Jahrhundert bis zum Toleranzedikt 1803, das den Evangelischen gleiche Rechte wie den katholischen Glaubensgenossen in Bayern zugestand. Nun war der Weg frei fuer den Aufbau der Evangelischen Landeskirche wie auch fuer die Profilbildung des Ev.-Luth. Dekanats in Wuerzburg. Im Jahr 1809 wurde der erste evangelische Lehrer angestellt. Als Hoffnungstraeger uebernahmen die Lehrkraefte Verantwortung fuer Gesellschaft und Staat bis zum heutigen Tag. Sie mussten Rueckschlaege in Kauf nehmen, erlebten aber auch den Siegeszug eigenstaendiger Paedagogik und Anerkennung ihrer besonderen Leistungen. Thematisiert wird schliesslich die notwendige Neuorganisation von Schule und Kirche mit Blick auf die Herausforderungen der Zukunft: Worauf muessen wir unsere Bildung ausrichten, damit wir gegenueber Maschinen mit schier unendlichem Wissensspeicher wettbewerbsfaehig bleiben? Wir Menschen brauchen in der digitalisierten Welt einen Ort, wo wir uns verstanden fuehlen. Dieser Ort kann Kirche sein, wenn sie zeitgemaesse Formen fuer ihre Botschaft findet.

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Morgan-Guy, John (ed.), An Unfolding Vision: The University of Wales Trinity Saint David 1822-2022. 152 pp. 2022:7 (U. Wales Pr., UK) <676-1170>
ISBN 978-1-78683-904-6 hard ¥4,840.- (税込) GB£ 16.99 *

In 2007 a collection of short essays was published as A Bold Imagining to mark the 175th anniversary of the opening of St David's College, Lampeter to students in 1827. Now the Lampeter campus of University of Wales Trinity St David, to commemorate the 200th anniversary of its foundation, An Unfolding Vision is a substantially updated and enlarged edition of that book, containing many of the original essays but also several new contributions, all lavishly illustrated. Each one of the contributors was and is in one way or another closely associated with this historic institution, and an expert in their respective fields. The volume is not intended to be a narrative history, but rather fascinating glimpses into 200 years of collegiate life, and those who formed and shaped it.

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Richarz, Monika, German Jews and the University, 1678-1848. Tr. by J. Bagchee. (Dialogue and Disjunction: Studies in Jewish German Literature, Culture & Thought) 304 pp. 2022:6 (Camden House, UK) <676-1171>
ISBN 978-1-64014-115-5 hard ¥27,065.- (税込) GB£ 95.00 *

Traces the gradual opening of university education in Germany to Jews, its significance for assimilation to the bourgeoisie, and the legal restrictions that nonetheless barred Jewish graduates from most professional careers. For centuries Jews in Germany were denied full rights and excluded from gentile society. At the same time, Jewish law restricted scholarship to exegesis of the Talmud. But from the late seventeenth century onward, as German universities progressively opened their doors to them, many Jews turned toward university studies. This process accelerated around 1800 once education (Bildung) assumed a central role for social ascent among the so-called Bildungsbuergertum (cultural bourgeoisie). Many Jews sought to benefit from the professional and social opportunities that university attendance enabled, but they soon discovered that while the state encouraged education as a means of the "moral improvement" of the Jews, it was unwilling to concede them the right to professional careers. Alienated from their ancestral religion and unwilling or unable to return to trading occupations, academized Jews often found themselves leading precarious existences. Many joined the struggle for emancipation or took up the reform of Judaism. Now available in English translation for the first time, Monika Richarz's classic study addresses the far-reaching transformation of German Jewry under the impact of university education. It traces the secularization of Jewish education, the significance of academic education for social assimilation, and the loss of Jewish solidarity with increasing acculturation and emancipation.

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Ryan, Ann Marie, American Catholic Schools in the Twentieth Century: Encounters with Public Education Policies, Practices, and Reforms. 194 pp. 2022:3 (Rowman & Littlefield, US) <676-1172>
ISBN 978-1-4758-6660-5 hard ¥15,954.- (税込) US$ 74.00 *
ISBN 978-1-4758-6661-2 paper ¥6,899.- (税込) US$ 32.00 *

This book focuses on the intersections between Catholic schools and public education reforms.

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Viertel, Gabriele, Schule und Verfassung: Die Reform des Chemnitzer Schulwesens bis zur Eroeffnung der Buergerschule 1831 im Kontext der Reform der Stadtverfassung. 402 S. 2021:7 (Leipziger U.-V., GW) <676-1173>
ISBN 978-3-96023-398-5 hard ¥10,357.- (税込) EUR 44.00
ISBN 978-3-96023-399-2 paper ¥6,826.- (税込) EUR 29.00

Der Beginn des Industriezeitalters veraenderte auch das Profil der Stadt Chemnitz nachhaltig. Diese Entwicklung verlief selten konfliktfrei, auf vielen Gebieten trugen Befuerworter und Gegner von Reformen teilweise heftige Kaempfe aus. Wie traditionelle Strukturen im kommunalen Ratsregiment und insbesondere im Bildungswesen dabei aufgebrochen und gewandelt wurden, ist Gegenstand dieser Untersuchung. Gestuetzt auf viele bislang unberuecksichtigte Quellen und Dokumente zeichnet die Autorin ein lebendiges Bild jener Zeit nach, in der innovationsfreudige Unternehmer Ideen entwickelten und Ansprueche geltend machten, die darauf zielten, das staedtische Leben namentlich im Bildungsbereich zu modernisieren. Ein zentrales Element des Wandels der Stadt mit Ausstrahlung auf Reformprozesse in ganz Sachsen wird so in voellig neuer Qualitaet praesentiert.

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