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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Bialystok, Lauren / Andersen, Lisa M. F., Touchy Subject: The History and Philosophy of Sex Education. (History and Philosophy of Education Series) 232 pp. 2022:12 (U. Chicago Pr., US) <692-818>
ISBN 978-0-226-82216-7 hard ¥21,318.- (税込) US$ 95.00 *
ISBN 978-0-226-82218-1 paper ¥5,610.- (税込) US$ 25.00 *

A case for sex education that puts it in historical and philosophical context. In the United States, sex education is more than just an uncomfortable rite of passage: it's a political hobby horse that is increasingly out of touch with young people's needs. In Touchy Subject, philosopher Lauren Bialystok and historian Lisa M. F. Andersen unpack debates over sex education, explaining why it's worth fighting for, what points of consensus we can build upon, and what sort of sex education schools should pursue in the future. Andersen surveys the history of school-based sex education in the United States, describing the key question driving reform in each era. In turn, Bialystok analyzes the controversies over sex education to make sense of the arguments and offer advice about how to make educational choices today. Together, Bialystok and Andersen argue for a novel framework, Democratic Humanistic Sexuality Education, which exceeds the current conception of "comprehensive sex education" while making room for contextual variation. More than giving an honest run-down of the birds and the bees, sex education should respond to the features of young people's evolving worlds, especially the digital world, and the inequities that put some students at much higher risk of sexual harm than others. Throughout the book, the authors show how sex education has progressed and how the very concept of "progress" remains contestable.

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Groezinger, Karl Erich, Die erste juedische Universitaet in Berlin: Das Ringen um juedische Bildung vom 18.-20. Jahrhundert. 336 S. 2023:3 (Campus, GW) <692-819>
ISBN 978-3-593-51700-1 hard ¥13,127.- (税込) EUR 54.00 *

Die erste saekulare juedische Universitaet wurde 1856 unter dem Namen ihres Stifters, Veitel Heine Ephraimsche Lehranstalt, in Berlin gegruendet. Die Veitelsche Hochschule stand in dezidierter Kontroverse zu den rabbinischen Schulen wie auch zu der 1872 gegruendeten Berliner Hochschule fuer die Wissenschaft des Judentums. Um 1900 war sie der Hort eines von den Studenten in die Oeffentlichkeit getragenen innerjuedischen Kulturkampfes ums Umgehen befugter Institutionen, dem sukzessiven Einschleichen neuer Bildungsinhalte und Reformschritte, dem Verfechten von Recht, Politik und saekularer Ideen. Karl Erich Groezinger zeichnet in seinem neuen Buch das Bild eines lebendigen, streitbaren Judentums vom 18. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert, das selbst mit Koenig und Behoerden ringt.

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Hochschullehrerbund hlb (Hrsg.), 50 Jahre hlb: Festschrift. 330 S. 2022:10 (Nomos, GW) <692-820>
ISBN 978-3-7560-0005-0 hard ¥20,420.- (税込) EUR 84.00 *

50 Jahre Hochschullehrerbund hlb geben Anlass zu einem Rueck- und Ausblick auf die erfolgreiche Verbandsarbeit. Die Festschrift bringt Reflexionen aus dem Kreis der Aktiven mit Perspektiven von Weggefaehrten und Stimmen aus der Politik zusammen. Sie zeigt, dass die Professorinnen und Professoren der Hochschulen fuer angewandte Wissenschaften eine Schluesselrolle im Wissenschafts- und Innovationssystem und an der Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft einnehmen. In Zukunft brauchen sie mehr Zeit fuer Forschung und Transfer, einen Ausbau des eigenstaendigen Promotionsrechts sowie eine konsequente Fokussierung auf ihre typenbildende Doppelqualifikation aus Berufspraxis und wissenschaftlicher Expertise. Mit Beitraegen von Prof. Dr. Peter-Andre Alt; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Artinger; Prof. Dr. Franz-Xaver Boos; Dr. Thomas Brunotte, MBA; Prof. Dr. Uta Gaidys; Kai Gehring, MdB; Dennis Hillemann; Thomas Jarzombek, MdB; Joe Kaeser; Prof. Dr. Bernhard Kempen; Prof. Dr. Karim Khakzar; Prof. Dr. Anne Lequy; Prof. Ursula Maennle; Prof. Dr. Nicolai Mueller-Bromley; Prof. Michael Murphy; Dr. Karla Neschke; Prof. Dr. Peter Riegler; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Ritzenhoff; Dr. Isabell Roessler; Christian Schaft, MdL; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joern Schlingensiepen; Tobias Schulze, MdA; Bettina Stark-Watzinger; Prof. Dr. Thomas Stelzer-Rothe; Prof. Dr. Jochen Struwe; Prof. Dr. Ute von Lojewski; Prof. Dr. Armin Willingmann; Prof. Dr. Andreas Zaby und Prof. Dr. Frank Ziegele.

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Maaser, Michael, Universitaet und Studierende: Die studentische Beteiligung an der Universitaet Frankfurt von ihrer Gruendung bis in die 1930er Jahre. (Schriftenreihe des Frankfurter Universitaetsarchivs 8) 304 S. 2023:5 (Wallstein Vlg., GW) <692-822>
ISBN 978-3-8353-5433-3 paper ¥7,779.- (税込) EUR 32.00

Die Geschichte der Frankfurter Studierenden, erstmals anhand von Quellen dargestellt und erzaehlt. Universitaeten heben die Akten auf, die fuer ihre Verfassung und Rechtsgeschaefte ueberzeitlichen Wert versprechen. Dabei geht es ihnen um Quellen fuer eine Meistererzaehlung, die ueber Generationen weitergegeben und bewahrt wird, oder um ihren Gruendungsmythos. Lernende kommen in solchen Geschichten seltener vor als Lehrende. Gerade weil es in den offiziellen universitaeren Akten nicht in der Hauptsache um Studierende geht, besitzen sie fuer die Geschichte der Studentinnen und Studenten einen hohen Quellenwert. Pointiert gesagt, geht es in diesem Buch um die Frankfurter Studierenden aus der Sicht der Verwaltung. Von daher ist das Buch nicht nur das Wagnis, die Studierenden einer bestimmten Universitaet als solche zu identifizieren und die Art ihrer Teilhabe an der akademischen Korporation auszumachen, sondern auch ein Beitrag zur Verwaltungsgeschichte und zum Innenleben einer Universitaet.

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Pietsch, Tamson, The Floating University: Experience, Empire, and the Politics of Knowledge. 320 pp. 2023:4 (U. Chicago Pr., US) <692-823>
ISBN 978-0-226-82516-8 hard ¥8,976.- (税込) US$ 40.00 *

The Floating University sheds light on a story of optimism and imperialist ambition in the 1920s. In 1926, New York University professor James E. Lough-an educational reformer with big dreams-embarked on a bold experiment he called the Floating University. Lough believed that taking five hundred American college students around the globe by ship would not only make them better citizens of the world but would demonstrate a model for responsible and productive education amid the unprecedented dangers, new technologies, and social upheavals of the post-World War I world. But the Floating University's maiden voyage was also its last: when the ship and its passengers returned home, the project was branded a failure-the antics of students in hotel bars and port city back alleys that received worldwide press coverage were judged incompatible with educational attainment, and Lough was fired and even put under investigation by the State Department. In her new book, Tamson Pietsch excavates a rich and meaningful picture of Lough's grand ambition, its origins, and how it reveals an early-twentieth-century America increasingly defined both by its imperialism and the professionalization of its higher education system. As Pietsch argues, this voyage-powered by an internationalist worldview-traced the expanding tentacles of US power, even as it tried to model a new kind of experiential education. She shows that this apparent educational failure actually exposes a much larger contest over what kind of knowledge should underpin university authority, one in which direct personal experience came into conflict with academic expertise. After a journey that included stops at nearly fifty international ports and visits with figures ranging from Mussolini to Gandhi, what the students aboard the Floating University brought home was not so much knowledge of the greater world as a demonstration of their nation's rapidly growing imperial power.

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Kimball, Bruce A., Wealth, Cost, and Price in American Higher Education: A Brief History. 336 pp. 2023:3 (Johns Hopkins U. Pr., US) <692-219>
ISBN 978-1-4214-4500-7 hard ¥11,207.- (税込) US$ 49.95

Colleges and universities are richer than ever-so why has the price of attending them risen so much?As endowments and fundraising campaigns have skyrocketed in recent decades, critics have attacked higher education for steeply increasing its production cost and price and the snowballing debt of students. In Wealth, Cost, and Price in American Higher Education, Bruce A. Kimball and Sarah M. Iler reveal how these trends began 150 years ago and why they have intensified in recent decades.In the late nineteenth century, American colleges and universities began fiercely competing to expand their revenue, wealth, and production cost in order to increase their quality and prestige and serve the soaring number of students. From that era through today, the rising wealth and cost of higher education have continued to reinforce each other and spiral upward, increasing the heavily subsidized price paid by students. Kimball and Iler explain the strategy and reasoning that drove this wealth-cost double helix, the new tactics in fundraising and endowment investing that fueled it, and economists' efforts to understand it.Using extensive archival, documentary, and quantitative research, Kimball and Iler trace the shifting public perception of higher education and its correlation with rising costs, stagnating wages, and explosive student debt. They show how stratification of wealth in higher education became tightly interwoven with wealth inequality in American society. This relationship raises fundamental questions about equity in US higher education and its contribution to social mobility and democracy.

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