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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Petrov, Nick, Robert College of Constantinople: Crossroads of Faiths, Cultures, and Empires 1863-1913. 270 pp. 2023:7 (Lexington Books, US) <704-145>
ISBN 978-1-66692-174-8 hard ¥23,562.- (税込) US$ 105.00 *

In 1863, Protestant missionaries established Robert College in Constantinople, the capital of the Ottoman Empire, holding the distinction of being the pioneer American college abroad. In many cases, the American educators at Robert College understood the field of education as a superior tool for mission. The book brings into conversation the convergence of the Protestant mission movement in the Ottoman Empire with the diverse tones of American efforts for providing education and assisting of the economic and social progress. The author argues that despite being established as a religious institution with common goals and aspirations, Robert College did not fully progress and reach its ambitions until the school switched to what the founding fathers called a non-religious curriculum. Robert College exclusively abandoned its Christian theological curriculum by minimizing its explicitly Christian dimensions and became a school with greater financial and structural autonomy, which eventually gave the school the freedom to become crossroads of cultures, faiths and nationalities. The story of Robert College in Constantinople is a fascinating account for examining the influence of United States foreign affairs and culture on various aspects of society in the nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Ottoman Empire.

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Tolley, Kim, Vaccine Wars: The Two-Hundred-Year Fight for School Vaccinations. 384 pp. 2024:1 (Johns Hopkins U. Pr., US) <704-279>
ISBN 978-1-4214-4761-2 hard ¥7,393.- (税込) US$ 32.95 *

The first comprehensive history of efforts to vaccinate children from contagious disease in US schools.As protests over vaccine mandates increase in the twenty-first century, many people have raised concerns about a growing opposition to school vaccination requirements. What triggered anti-vaccine activism in the past, and why does it continue today? Americans have struggled with questions like this since the passage of the first school vaccination laws in 1827. In Vaccine Wars, Kim Tolley lays out the first comprehensive history of the nearly two-hundred-year struggle to protect schoolchildren from infectious diseases. Drawing from extensive archival sources-including state and federal reports, court records, congressional hearings, oral interviews, correspondence, journals, school textbooks, and newspapers-Tolley analyzes resistance to vaccines in the context of evolving views about immunization among doctors, families, anti-vaccination groups, and school authorities. The resulting story reveals the historic nature of the ongoing struggle to reach a national consensus about the importance of vaccination, from the smallpox era to the COVID-19 pandemic. This well-researched and engaging book illustrates how the history of vaccination is deeply intertwined with the history of education. As stopping the spread of communicable diseases in classrooms became key to protection, vaccination became mandatory at the time of admission to school, and the decision to vaccinate was no longer a private, personal decision without consequence to others.Tolley's focus on schools reveals longstanding challenges and tensions in implementing vaccination policies. Vaccine Wars underscores recurring themes that have long roiled political debates over vaccination, including the proper reach of state power; the intersection of science, politics, and public policy; and the nature of individual liberty in a modern democracy.

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Palmer, Robert T. / Flowers, Alonzo M. / Jones, Sosanya (eds.), Black Scholarship in a White Academy: Perseverance in the Face of Injustice. 280 pp. 2024:1 (Johns Hopkins U. Pr., US) <704-1130>
ISBN 978-1-4214-4746-9 hard ¥7,393.- (税込) US$ 32.95 *

Examines the experience of Black scholarship and faculty in predominantly White academic spaces.While research has emphasized the importance of a diverse faculty, higher education has done little to bring this goal to fruition. The hidden politics at play during the traditional tenure and promotion process represent a significant obstacle to the advancement of Black faculty. While research productivity is the cornerstone of a successful tenure and promotion case at most universities and colleges, Black faculty are more likely to be tasked with extra service activities, which constrains time for research. Many Black faculty are also community-conscious scholars dedicated to conducting research to help uplift their communities, which may not be seen as credible or as valuable in the tenure and promotion process.Edited by Robert T. Palmer, Alonzo M. Flowers III, and Sosanya Jones, Black Scholarship in a White Academy offers important perspectives on how Black faculty and their scholarship have been historically devalued within the academy, particularly in predominantly White academic spaces. Using anti-Blackness theory as a framework, contributors discuss how White hegemony operates to undervalue and obstruct Black scholarship and faculty. Covering such diverse topics as navigating the tenure process, building Black spaces for inclusion, and exploring the intersection of Blackness and disability in higher education, this book presents ways Black faculty can navigate and challenge systemic racism and racist toxicity within their institutions.Contributors: Fred A. Bonner II, NiCole T. Buchanan, Sheron Fraser-Burgess, Beverly-Jean M. Daniel, Kristie Dotson, Antonio L. Ellis, Edward C. Fletcher Jr., Alonzo M. Flowers III, Donna Y. Ford, H. Bernard Hall, Erik M. Hines, Martinque K. Jones, Sosanya Jones, Nicole Johnson, Chad E. Kee, aretha f. marbley, James L. Moore III, Robert T. Palmer, Stella L. Smith, Isis H. Settles, Terrell L. Strayhorn, Katrina Struloeff, Blanca Elizabeth Vega, Larry J. Walker, Brian L. Wright

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イングランドとウェールズにおける高等教育と空間のジェンダー化 1869~1909年
Oman, Georgia, Higher Education and the Gendering of Space in England and Wales, 1869-1909. (Genders and Sexualities in History) 264 pp. 2023:6 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <704-1170>
ISBN 978-3-031-29986-5 hard ¥29,168.- (税込) EUR 119.99

This book offers a spatial history of the decades in which women entered the universities as students for the first time. Through focusing on several different types of spaces - such as learning spaces, leisure spaces, and commuting spaces - it argues that the nuances and realities of everyday life for both men and women students during this period can be found in the physical environments in which this education took place, as declaring women eligible for admittance and degrees did not automatically usher in coeducation on equal terms. It posits that the intersection of gender and space played an integral role in shaping the physical and social landscape of higher education in England and Wales in the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries, whether explicitly - as epitomised by the building of single-sex colleges - or implicitly, through assumed behavioural norms and practices.

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ドイツの学校の歴史 第1巻:始まりから1939年まで 第3版
Geissler, Gert, Schulgeschichte in Deutschland. Teilband I: Von den Anfaengen bis 1939. 3., erneut aktual. u. erweiterte Aufl. 754 S. 2023:4 (P. Lang, SZ) <704-1186>
ISBN 978-3-631-90156-4 hard ¥17,001.- (税込) SFR 69.00 *

Der Autor legt eine Gesamtdarstellung zur deutschen Schulgeschichte vor. Mit der Behandlung wichtiger gesellschaftlicher Bezugsfelder der Schule rueckt er jeweilige Erziehungs- und Sozialisationsverhaeltnisse in den Blick. In der institutionsgeschichtlichen Dimension macht er vor allem Entwicklungen in Recht und Verwaltung der Schule, in der Schulerziehung, in den Bildungsinhalten und den einzelnen Unterrichtsfaechern sichtbar. Gleichermassen dargestellt finden Schulalltag, Schulbau und die Schulstrukturverhaeltnisse Beachtung. In die Betrachtung einbezogen sind ausser den allgemeinbildenden auch die beruflichen Schulen, ebenso die Einrichtungen im Bereich der fruehkindlichen Erziehung, der Sozialerziehung und der Lehrerbildung. Die Schulpolitik wird mit Blick auf das Agieren des Gesamtstaates, der einzelnen Laender, der Kirchen, von Parteien und Verbaenden verdeutlicht. Es werden Bezuege zur internationalen Schulentwicklung hergestellt. Mehr als 1250 kommentierte Bilddokumente veranschaulichen die einzelnen Sachverhalte.

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ドイツの学校の歴史 第2巻:1939年から2021年まで 第3版
Geissler, Gert, Schulgeschichte in Deutschland. Teilband II: Von 1939 bis 2021. 3., erneut aktual. u. erweiterte Aufl. 746 S. 2023 (P. Lang, SZ) <704-1187>
ISBN 978-3-631-90157-1 hard ¥17,001.- (税込) SFR 69.00 *

Der Autor legt eine Gesamtdarstellung zur deutschen Schulgeschichte vor. Mit der Behandlung wichtiger gesellschaftlicher Bezugsfelder der Schule rueckt er jeweilige Erziehungs- und Sozialisationsverhaeltnisse in den Blick. In der institutionsgeschichtlichen Dimension macht er vor allem Entwicklungen in Recht und Verwaltung der Schule, in der Schulerziehung, in den Bildungsinhalten und den einzelnen Unterrichtsfaechern sichtbar. Gleichermassen dargestellt finden Schulalltag, Schulbau und die Schulstrukturverhaeltnisse Beachtung. In die Betrachtung einbezogen sind ausser den allgemeinbildenden auch die beruflichen Schulen, ebenso die Einrichtungen im Bereich der fruehkindlichen Erziehung, der Sozialerziehung und der Lehrerbildung. Die Schulpolitik wird mit Blick auf das Agieren des Gesamtstaates, der einzelnen Laender, der Kirchen, von Parteien und Verbaenden verdeutlicht. Es werden Bezuege zur internationalen Schulentwicklung hergestellt. Mehr als 1250 kommentierte Bilddokumente veranschaulichen die einzelnen Sachverhalte.

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Jakubowski, Casey Thomas, Rural Education History: State Policy Meets Local Implementation. (Studies in Urban-Rural Dynamics) 160 pp. 2023:6 (Lexington Books, US) <704-1188>
ISBN 978-1-66692-993-5 hard ¥21,318.- (税込) US$ 95.00 *

Using case studies and an auto-ethnographic study of rural education history in New York State, Casey Thomas Jakubowski provides an introduction to recent events in state-level educational policy implementation. Rural Education History: State Policy Meets Local Implementation argues that rural communities are subjected to urbanormative policy, especially in their schools, and provides voice to an understudied phenomena in an under researched region. The chapters combine sociology, policy, and rich case studies to demonstrate the realities, and nearby history, in rural America.

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Morris, Wade H., Report Cards: A Cultural History. 240 pp. 2023:11 (Johns Hopkins U. Pr., US) <704-1189>
ISBN 978-1-4214-4716-2 hard ¥7,841.- (税込) US$ 34.95 *

The definitive history of the report card.Report cards represent more than just an account of academic standing and attendance. The report card also serves as a tool of control and as a microcosm for the shifting power dynamics among teachers, parents, school administrators, and students. In Report Cards: A Cultural History, Wade H. Morris tells the story of American education by examining the history of this unique element of student life. In the nearly two hundred-year evolution of the report card, this relic of academic bookkeeping reflected broader trends in the United States: the republican zealotry and religious fervor of the antebellum period, the failed promises of postwar Reconstruction for the formerly enslaved, the changing gender roles in newly urbanized cities, the overreach of the Progressive child-saving movement in the early twentieth century, and-by the 1930s-the increasing faith in an academic meritocracy. The use of report cards expanded with the growth of school bureaucracies, becoming a tool through which administrators could surveil both student activity and teachers. And by the late twentieth century, even the most radical critics of numerical reporting of children have had to compromise their ideals.Morris traces the evolution of how teachers, students, parents, and administrators have historically responded to report cards. From a western New York classroom teacher in the 1830s and a Georgia student in the 1870s who was born enslaved, to a Colorado student incarcerated in the early 1900s and the son of Russian-Jewish immigrants applying to college in the 1930s, Report Cards describes how generations of people have struggled to maintain dignity within a system that reduces children to numbers on slips of paper.

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Muir, Scott, Protestant Privilege and Pluralism on Campus: Contrasting Cases from North Carolina's Research Triangle, c.1800-Present. (Histories of Religious Pluralism 2) XVI, 230 pp. 2023:5 (P. Lang, SZ) <704-137>
ISBN 978-1-78997-577-2 paper ¥15,276.- (税込) SFR 62.00

≪Muir offers a compelling take on the intricacies of religious pluralism in U.S. higher education. Rich portrayals of Protestant, secular, and pluralist dynamics at four unique campuses shed light on their distinctive histories and provide timely implications for leaders and educators seeking to cultivate campus environments where all can flourish.≫ (Alyssa Rockenbach, Professor & Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor, North Carolina State University) ≪In his astute analysis of religious life on four North Carolina campuses, Scott Muir finds that, aside from a general pattern of secularization and a gradual increase in religious diversity, Protestant privilege endures, even as campuses accommodate religious pluralism. More important, the author’s careful, exhaustive research and nuanced analyses of distinctive campus religious climates should make us wary of standard, one-size-fits-all narratives about the slippery slope toward secularism in the academy.≫ (Randall Balmer, John Phillips Professor of Religion, Dartmouth College) This book illustrates how the university campus has been and continues to be a crucial space where diverse actors who embody Protestant, secular and pluralist forces negotiate the role of religion in a pluralistic society. Through comparative analysis of four distinct institutions in North Carolina’s Research Triangle from the nineteenth century to the present day, we observe how campus religious climates have varied quite significantly within a single metropolitan area ? all the more across the vast system of American higher education. Institutional identity factors including race, gender, geographical reach, resource disparities, and denominational affiliations have powerfully shaped the way these universities relate to their Protestant roots amidst growing religious diversity. And these universities, in turn, have accelerated the religious transformation of a region of the American South that is emblematic of widening cultural divides. Protestant Privilege and Pluralism on Campus illuminates a range of challenges to achieving a substantive and inclusive dialogue about meaning and values on campus and beyond.

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