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掲載点数 全11件




Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Roos, Merethe / Westberg, Johannes / Edgren, Henrik (eds.), Secular Schooling in the Long Twentieth Century?: Christianity and Education in Norway, Sweden, and the Netherlands. (Studies in the History of Education and Culture 5) 290 pp. 2024:10 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <733-192>
ISBN 978-3-11-108243-1 hard ¥22,977.- (税込) EUR 99.95 *

The twentieth-century process of secularization does not mean that institutional church and Christian ideas were irrelevant for twentieth-century societal projects ? such as the introduction of democracy, the improvement of school and education, the framing of national identities ? or in the establishment of welfare-states. On the contrary, this publication is built on the presupposition that secularization runs parallell with the sacralization of the state. It can be argued that Christianity has been decisive for how the modern European society evolved in the twentieth century, e.g. concerning how Christian history and Christian values were a part of the new national and social imaginary where re-enchantment and re-sacralization of the state were central elements. In this publication, the aim is to highlight the role of Christianity in the twentieth- and twentyfirst-century welfare-state modernization process with the focus on schooling and education. A central perspective is the impact of cultural Protestantism during the twentieth century. The publication is comparative and will investigate education in Norway, Sweden, and the Netherlands via chapters on curriculums, textbooks, politicians, and political debates.

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オックスフォード大学で女性教育に革命を起こす-男女別学の大学とアイデンティティ理論 1870~2022年-
Ahlburg, Dennis A., Revolutionizing Women's Education at the University of Oxford: Single-Sex Colleges and Identity Theory, 1870-2022. (Routledge Research in Higher Education) 280 pp. 2024:11 (Routledge, UK) <733-1440>
ISBN 978-1-03-282641-7 hard ¥37,422.- (税込) GB£ 135.00

This book delves into the impacts and consequences of the policy of co-residence at the University of Oxford, investigating why and how women were kept at the periphery of the university and how Oxford responded to the growing demand for higher education.The book further examines how the admittance of women into men's colleges and vice versa ultimately shaped the identities of both the university and the student population. The author draws upon identity theory to explain the existence and persistence of single-sex colleges at the University and the theory of social epidemics or cascades is used to explain the rapid embrace of co-residence by the remaining men's colleges after its adoption by the first five men's colleges. In addition, the author uses both quantitative and qualitative approaches to evaluate claims about the impact of co-residence on undergraduate women, women dons, and women's colleges.Unearthing and providing a sustained and in-depth analysis of a quiet, yet revolutionary, undertaking at one of the world's most renowned institutions, it will appeal to scholars, faculty, and upper level students with interests in gender in education, educational inclusion and diversity, history of education, international education, as well as sociology of education and social theory.

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ジェンダーを教える-イギリスの大学と異性愛の台頭 1860~1939年
Rutherford, Samuel, Teaching Gender: The British University and the Rise of Heterosexuality, 1860-1939. 272 pp. 2025:4 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <733-1485>
ISBN 978-0-19-893749-4 hard ¥27,442.- (税込) GB£ 99.00

In Britain in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, universities were one of many institutional state structures wherein gender difference, the male breadwinner ideal, and heterosexuality were central to a conception of citizenship. But while the state could enforce these norms through the parameters it set on the extension franchise or the distribution of welfare benefits, individual women and men also played active roles in creating and renegotiating them through the messy interactions of everyday life. Teaching Gender immerses the reader in lecture theatres, University Senate meetings, student unions, nightclubs, and halls of residence to show how individuals' efforts to find workable paradigms for relating to one another across gender lines took shape within specific institutional, political, and financial constraints, and in the context of a historical moment when anxiety accrued around non-normative genders and sexualities as symptomatic of wider social and political instability. Drawing on extensive research in the archives of ten colleges and universities across England and Scotland, Samuel Rutherford shows that the nationalization and centralization of higher education at the turn of the twentieth century resulted incidentally in coeducation, over the protest of feminist activists who supported gender segregation; that students' negotiation of cross-gender interaction in coeducational universities ultimately led them to identify heterosexuality as a seemingly less fraught paradigm than more gender-neutral conceptions of 'corporate life'; and that single-sex men's and women's colleges, though increasingly marginal, became important sites for the theorization of life paths and identities outside the heterosexual norm. Through detailed recovery both of political and financial decision-making and of the experiences and emotions of faculty, students, administrators, donors, and national politicians, Rutherford paints a vivid and resonant picture of the university campus as a key site for the transmission of norms around gender and sexuality.

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Buchardt, Mette (ed.), Educational Secularization within Europe and Beyond: The Political Projects of Modernizing Religion through Education Reform. (Studies in the History of Education and Culture 6) 340 pp. 2024:12 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <733-1500>
ISBN 978-3-11-133711-1 hard ¥16,080.- (税込) EUR 69.95

Did religion disappear with modernization and the secularization reforms that changed the relation between religion and state throughout the European empires and nation states from late nineteenth century onwards? Or was religion rather transformed becoming a part of the new social and national imaginaries on the road from European empires to African, Middle Eastern, European Union- and Post-Soviet nation states? What are the historical roots behind the divisions of state, church and education that characterized the late nineteenth and during the twentieth century? What has been the role of education in this context, both with regard to political reforms targeting the education systems and with regard to broader public enlightenment efforts and modernization of the state? Connecting scholars across the fields of history and historical sociology of education, church history and historical religion research and political history, and covering the time span from the early modern period and up until the present, this volume explores how education reform has functioned as an arena for the political project of secularization and in which way this contributed to transforming and revitalizing religion.

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Cipriano, Salvatore, The Universities of Scotland, Ireland, and New England during the British Civil Wars: Contested Seminaries. (Studies in Early Modern Cultural, Political and Social History) 304 pp. 2024:12 (Boydell, UK) <733-1501>
ISBN 978-1-78327-786-5 hard ¥26,334.- (税込) GB£ 95.00

Highlights the contested nature of higher education in the British Atlantic world between the Reformation and the Enlightenment Universities in the early modern period were powerful institutions in the formation of societies, utilised as both tools to legitimise and perpetuate the power of states and archetypes upon which to model an idealised society that might maintain social order. In an era of upheaval and civil war, rival authorities clashed in the universities, where the conflicts and complexities of early modern state formation were regularly laid bare. The encroachment of the Stuart monarchy beyond England into Scottish and Irish academe stimulated broader resistance from Scottish and Irish authorities, while prompting the founding of institutions of higher learning among expatriate communities beyond the British Isles, especially in New England. In these spaces, universities were viewed as institutional bulwarks against external intrusions that promoted localised, competing visions of the godly church and state amid the conflicts and complexities of early modern state formation. This book provides new insight into the contested nature of higher education in the British Atlantic world between the Reformation and the Enlightenment and corrects outmoded notions about the universities' purported insularity and intellectual poverty. Rather, the image that emerges of these universities is one of genuine academies of strategic importance, employed to serve the agendas of ruling powers in Scotland, Ireland, and New England. Trinity College, Dublin, Harvard College, and the Scottish universities existed on the frontiers of a deteriorating composite monarchy with a centralizing impulse, becoming battle grounds of the mid-seventeenth-century's intellectual, political, and religious conflicts. SALVATORE CIPRIANO is Associate Director of Career Coaching and Education, Stanford University. He holds a Ph.D. in Early Modern European History from Fordham University.

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Faessler, Peter E. / Kramps, D. / Poeppinghege, R. (Hrsg.), Junge Hochschulen: Institutionen im Spannungsfeld von Tradition, Reformanspruch und Pragmatismus. 164 S. 2024:10 (F. Steiner, GW) <733-1502>
ISBN 978-3-515-13764-5 hard ¥10,575.- (税込) EUR 46.00



Hirbodian, Sigrid / Joerg, Christian / Wegner, T. (Hrsg.), Gruendungsphasen zwischen Erfolg un Scheitern: Rahmenbedingungen von Universitaetsgruendungen des Spaetmittelalters und der Fruehen Neuzeit. (Contubernium 92) 328 S. 2024:12 (F. Steiner, GW) <733-1503>
ISBN 978-3-515-13813-0 hard ¥15,173.- (税込) EUR 66.00



Matasci, Damiano / Ruppen Coutaz, Raphaelle (eds.), Educational Internationalism in the Cold War: Plural Visions, Global Experiences. (Routledge Studies in Modern European History) 316 pp. 2024:11 (Routledge, UK) <733-1505>
ISBN 978-1-03-216269-0 hard ¥37,422.- (税込) GB£ 135.00

This edited volume delves into the intricate landscape of educational internationalism during the Cold War, providing an in-depth examination of its diverse forms, impulses, and global impacts.Through multilingual archival research, the chapters uncover a variety of experiences that have fostered cross-border exchanges and cooperation within, between, and beyond the Western and Eastern blocs. Promoted by a wide range of individual and collective actors, internationalism in education has extended across a broad spectrum of fields, including academic mobility schemes, cultural interchanges, youth science competitions, development programs, and training courses. This collection offers, for the first time, a comprehensive analysis of these initiatives, revealing their intersections with national educational policies and processes of decolonization, development, and Europeanization. It also challenges conventional historical narratives by both uncovering forms of collaboration and solidarity that transcended the Iron Curtain and emphasizing the pivotal role of the Global South as a central arena of encounters.Educational Internationalism in the Cold War presents a rich understanding of the Cold War as a laboratory of contemporary globalization and is a valuable addition to the scholarship on one of the most critical moments of the twentieth century.

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Roos, Merethe, The Quest for a New Education: Social Democracy, Educational Reforms, and Religion in Norway after the Second World War. (Studies in the History of Education and Culture 4) 200 pp. 2024:4 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <733-1507>
ISBN 978-3-11-120474-1 hard ¥20,678.- (税込) EUR 89.95 *

This book thematizes the tension between education, politics, and religion in Norway after the Second World War, with an emphasis on the years between 1945 and 1970, and throws a new light on Norwegian school and education in the post-war period. The Norwegian educational landscape in the years after the Second World War must be seen against the development of the welfare state, and it appears as a part of the social democracy project typical for Norway at that time. The Labour Party, which held a prominent position in the educational landscape in the post-war decades, is normally regarded to have been an important driving force behind secularization of schools in Norway, not least because the total number of weekly lessons in religious education gradually was reduced. This book problematizes this thesis and enlightens how how important politicians and policymakers within the Labour Party defended religious education. A central point is that this defense must be seen within the frames of a liberally oriented protestant theology. Thus, the study highlights the diversity of ideas in Norwegian politics in the post-war period and demonstrates how important impulses in Norwegian politics can be viewed against a wider international background.

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J.L.ルーリー他著 教育と社会変化-アメリカの学校教育の歴史の概観 第7版
Rury, John L. / Mendez, Sylvia L., Education and Social Change: Contours in the History of American Schooling. 7th ed. 272 pp. 2025:1 (Routledge, UK) <733-1508>
ISBN 978-1-03-275115-3 hard ¥37,422.- (税込) GB£ 135.00
ISBN 978-1-03-274594-7 paper ¥14,688.- (税込) GB£ 52.99

This concise, interpretive history of American schooling focuses on the evolving relationship between education and social change. Like its predecessors, this fully updated new edition investigates the impact of social forces such as industrialization, urbanization, immigration, globalization, and cultural conflict on the development of schools and other educational institutions. It also examines the various ways that schools have contributed to social change, particularly in enhancing the status and accomplishments of certain social groups and not others. Detailed accounts of the experiences of women and minority groups in American history consider how their lives have been affected by education at key points in the past. Updates to the seventh edition include: Enhanced coverage for understanding the experiences of Native Americans, students in poverty settings, and the LGBTQ+ community in the midst of social change. New topics include settler colonialism, indigeneity, culturally diverse education, gay and transgender educational policies, charter schools, voucher programs, and the rise of testing in schools. It has been edited throughout to update information and sources regarding the history of American education and related processes of social transformation in the nation's past. This bestselling introductory text is essential reading for Educational Foundations, History of Education, and Schools and Society, and similar courses for pre-service teachers, educational leaders, and others. New online material includes discussion questions and links to further reading and resources, and are available at www.routledge.com/9781032745947

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Khanh, Lai Quoc (ed.), Buddhist Education in Vietnam: History, Present and Future Directions. (Vietnam - Politics and Economics 5) 190 S. 2024:6 (Nomos, GW) <733-1043>
ISBN 978-3-7560-1596-2 paper ¥11,265.- (税込) EUR 49.00 *

Auch Vietnam ist vom religious turn erfasst worden. Das religioese Leben ist heute mit Buddhismus, Konfuzianismus, Ahnenverehrung und Christentum so vielfaeltig und aktiv wie lange nicht mehr. Als wichtigste Glaubensgemeinschaft stehen die Buddhisten des Landes vor zentralen Fragen: Was ist im Kontext Vietnams unter Buddhismus zu verstehen? Auf welche der vielfaeltigen Traditionen koennen sie sich berufen? Wie soll dies an die Glaeubigen vermittelt werden? Denn die buddhistische Lehre ist hochkomplex und setzt akademische Bildung voraus. Dieses Buch fragt daher nach dem Stand der buddhistischen Universitaetsausbildung in Vietnam, vergleicht diese mit der Lage in anderen Laendern und unterbreitet Reformvorschlaege. Mit Beitraegen von Thich Nguyen Dat Pham Thi Thuy Van

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