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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Lee, Jeongmin / Chu, Wujin / Baumann, Chris, The Psychology Behind Design: A Marketing Perspective. 258 pp. 2024:7 (Springer, GW) <730-401>
ISBN 978-981-9734-25-2 hard ¥29,883.- (税込) EUR 129.99

This book explains the psychology theory behind design using plain language. The inspiration came from the "democratic design" philosophy of IKEA. This book attempts to help people enjoy designs more, by explaining consumer psychology that lurks behind designs of everyday things. Another purpose of the book is to aid designers and marketers in understanding consumer behavior and to help them leverage this knowledge in their respective fields. Marketers and designers often find it hard to communicate effectively due to their disparate fields. However, this book aims to bridge this gap by showing that activities in both design and marketing can be better understood through the lens of design psychology, promoting better communication and collaboration. Although the book contains more than a hundred psychology theories that can affect design, it is structured in a reader-friendly manner, and chapters are segmented such that each chapter contains about 7~15 theories. Despite the large amount of academic research behind the theories, the application of these theories comes from commonplace consumer behaviors and daily design examples, promising an easy, relatable read.

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Beer, Paulo, Truth and Suffering: Psychoanalysis, Science and the Production of Symptoms. Tr. by R. Takaku. (Figures of the Unconscious) 250 pp. 2024:3 (Leuven U. Pr., BE) <730-1022>
ISBN 978-94-6270-406-0 paper ¥14,864.- (税込) EUR 49.50

The question of truth within the construction of knowledge on suffering.Although truth occupies a central position in philosophy and the philosophy of science, there is much debate about its actual role in scientific practice. Truth and Suffering explores different conceptions of truth and their profound influence on our understanding and approach to suffering. By discussing how different definitions of truth shape distinct ways of producing knowledge, the analysis prompts reflection on the impact of knowledge production on people's lives.Drawing on the work of authors from psychoanalysis and the philosophy of science, this book challenges dominant mental health paradigms, particularly the hegemony of biologic psychiatry. It resists attempts to naturalise symptoms and emphasises the need for ethical and political factors to be consistently taken into account when addressing suffering.Offering a clear and original approach to an important and complex debate, Truth and Suffering is of interest not only to specialist readers in a variety of fields, ranging from philosophy of science to psychoanalysis, but also provides an introduction to newcomers interested in these discussions.This publication is GPRC-labeled (Guaranteed Peer-Reviewed Content).This book will be made open access within three years of publication thanks to Path to Open, a program developed in partnership between JSTOR, the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), University of Michigan Press, and The University of North Carolina Press to bring about equitable access and impact for the entire scholarly community, including authors, researchers, libraries, and university presses around the world. Learn more at https://about.jstor.org/path-to-open/

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Donaldson, Stewart I., Flow 2.0: The Psychology of Optimal Experience ina More Complex World. (Positive Psychology and Well-Being) 144 pp. 2024:10 (Wiley, US) <730-1023>
ISBN 978-1-394-26299-1 paper ¥13,442.- (税込) US$ 65.00

Thought-provoking resource on how the late Professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's ideas can help us navigate our increasingly complex lives and world Flow 2.0 honors the legacy of the late Professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, showing how some of his major contributions can be extended to improve our lives in 2024 and beyond. Csikszentmihalyi is best known for his work on the concept of "Flow," which describes a state of optimal experience in which one's skills match the challenges of a situation, and for his role as a founder of positive psychology. Underlying much of this work was his innovative and groundbreaking use of pagers and questionnaires to produce a database based on people's self-reports of their ordinary experiences. His first book, Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience became a bestseller in 1990, which presented his conclusions based on that database in a warm, humanistic prose style. His other books, The Evolving Self (1993), Creativity (1996), and Good Business (2003), expanded on his theories in a variety of directions. Written by two of his former students, Flow 2.0 includes discussion on: PERMA+4, a framework for work-related wellbeing, performance, and positive organizational psychologyWhat Mihaly taught us about flow, including the basics of flow and optimal experience as well as flowing together as a collectiveFlow 2.0 across life contexts, such as in the new hybrid world of work, sports, leisure, and the future of digital societyWhat Mihaly's insights mean for our lives, human flourishing, wellbeing, and positive functioning in the years ahead Flow 2.0 is an essential read for all individuals who followed Professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and wish to continue building on his work to improve their own lives and the lives of those closest to them.

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Genschow, Oliver / Cracco, Emiel (eds.), Automatic Imitation. 353 pp. 2024:9 (Springer, GW) <730-1024>
ISBN 978-3-031-62633-3 hard ¥11,491.- (税込) EUR 49.99

People spontaneously imitate a wide range of different behaviors. The interest in this phenomenon dates back to at least the 18th century when Adam Smith (1759) argued that imitation can be seen as a primitive form of sympathy. Despite the longstanding interest, it was not until the 20th century that different research fields within psychology and neuroscience started empirically investigating this social phenomenon. This book brings together leading researchers from various domains to provide readers with a recent overview of developments in automatic imitation research. This is an open access book.

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Karandashev, Victor, The Varieties of Love as Interpersonal Attraction. 450 pp. 2024:10 (Springer, GW) <730-1025>
ISBN 978-3-031-63576-2 hard ¥34,481.- (税込) EUR 149.99



Lacan, Jacques, First Writings. Tr. by R. Grigg. 140 pp. 2024:10 (Polity Pr., UK) <730-1026>
ISBN 978-1-5095-6130-8 hard ¥5,170.- (税込) US$ 25.00

Before he became an analyst, Lacan was a psychiatrist. The articles in the present volume would not be being republished if they didn't invite us to read them retroactively. What can they teach us about the formation of this future analyst? Lacan's clinical approach is rooted in the uniqueness of each case, which is only ever chosen for its "singularity". Each one must necessarily present an "original character" or be "atypical". One might recognise from the outset an orientation towards the "one-by-one" required by the practice of psychoanalysis. The singularity of each case re-occurs at the level of the clinical details, studied with a concern for precision that extends down to the smallest detail, to the point where the observation may seem labyrinthine to the reader. Lacan will later declare his taste for "fidelity to the symptom's formal envelope". Three other features carry traces of the future. There is the use of the word "structure" to refer to the organisation of an entity that forms a whole, separate from other entities, and detached from the concept of development. There is the importance given to the analysis of the writings of patients. And then there is the related connection established between symptoms and literary creations.

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Lacan, Jacques, On a Discourse that Might not Be a Semblance: The Seminar of Jacques Lacan, Book XVIII. Ed. by F. Bruce. 210 pp. 2024:10 (Polity Pr., UK) <730-1027>
ISBN 978-1-5095-1010-8 hard ¥7,238.- (税込) US$ 35.00

The title is, at first glance, enigmatic. Clue: it concerns men and women-their most concrete, amorous, and sexual relations in everyday life, as well as in their dreams and fantasies. It has nothing to do with what biology studies under the heading of sexuality, of course. Must we leave this field to poetry, novels, and ideologies? Lacan attempts to provide a logic for it here-one that is quite cunning.In the sexual realm, it is not enough to be; one must also exhibit. That is true of animals. Ethology has detailed the display behavior that precedes and conditions mating: it is, as a rule, the male who signals his intentions to a potential partner by exhibiting shapes, colors, and postures. These imaginary signifiers constitute what we call semblance. Similar exhibitions have been noted in human beings, and have served as grist for satire. In order to serve as grist for science, we must clearly distinguish them from the real that they veil and manifest at the same time-that of jouissance.The latter is not the same for both sexes. Difficult to locate in women-and in fact, diffuse and unsituable-the real at stake for men is coordinated with a major semblance: the phallus. The upshot being that, as opposed to what commonsense would have us believe, men are slaves of the semblance they prop up, whereas, women are freer in this regard, and are also closer to the real; and that if a man is to sexually encounter a woman, he must put semblance to the test of the real, which is tantamount for him to the "moment of truth"; and that, if the phallus is suitable for signifying man as such-"every man"-feminine jouissance, because it is "not wholly" taken up in semblance, constitutes an objection to the universal.A logic is, therefore, possible, if one has the audacity to write the phallic function as follows, F(x), and to formalize the two distinct ways in which a subject can be sexualized by inscribing himself in that function as a variable. This approach requires us to go beyond the myths invented by Freud, those of the Oedipus complex and of the father of the primal horde (Totem and Taboo); to mobilize Aristotle, Peirce, and the theory of quantification; and to elucidate the true nature of writing, including both Chinese and Japanese.At the end of this trajectory, the reader will know how to elucidate Lacan's aphorism, "There's no such thing as a sexual relationship." Jacques-Alain Miller

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Luks, Gregor, Vom annaehernden Verstehen: Die psychischen Folgen des Krieges und das Trauma des Holocaust im intergenerationellen Diskurs von Juden und Nichtjuden in Deutschland nach 1945 - Drei Generationen im Vergleich. 592 S. 2024:6 (Wallstein Vlg., GW) <730-1029>
ISBN 978-3-8353-5654-2 hard ¥10,115.- (税込) EUR 44.00

Wie praegte das transgenerationelle Erbe Juden und Nichtjuden nach dem Holocaust? Nach Auschwitz kam das grosse Schweigen. In vielen Familien von Ueberlebenden wurde geschwiegen, um sich gegenseitig zu schonen. In den Familien der Taeter, Mitlaeufer und Zeugen hatte das Schweigen andere Gruende: Scham, Schuldgefuehle, Verdraengung oder Verleugnung. Unmittelbar nach Kriegsende und auch viele Jahre spaeter bewegten sich Juden und Nichtjuden in Deutschland in getrennten Welten. Gregor Luks untersucht mithilfe des psychoanalytisch orientierten Konzepts des ≫annaehernden Verstehens≪ den juedischen und nichtjuedischen Diskurs. Ohne die Unterschiede zu nivellieren, fragt er nach den psychischen Folgen des Holocaust und der NS- und Kriegszeit bei drei Generationen von Juden und Nichtjuden in Deutschland nach 1945. Luks analysiert, welche Themen und Gefuehle sich dabei auf andere Generationen uebertragen haben und welche Unterschiede bzw. Parallelen es in der Aufarbeitungs- und Erinnerungskultur der beiden Gruppen gibt. Der Vergleich stuetzt sich auf selbst erhobene Interviews sowie auf publizierte Quellen u.a. aus Deutschland, Oesterreich, Israel und den USA.

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Minozzo, Ana C., Anxiety as Vibration: A Psychosocial Cartography. (Studies in the Psychosocial) 247 pp. 2024:6 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <730-1030>
ISBN 978-3-031-62855-9 hard ¥11,491.- (税込) EUR 49.99

This open access book draws on the work of Deleuze and Guattari alongside Lacan and Freud to offer a radical psychosocial survey of the status of anxiety. Taking a multidisciplinary approach, the book examines key issues in contemporary diagnosis and points towards possibilities for forging a more creative clinic. Departing from a feminist, non-Oedipal positioning towards psychoanalytic texts, the author invites art theory, medical humanities and philosophy into a conversation that seeks to answer the question: What can anxiety do? Here, Ana Minozzo explores the possibilities of an encounter with the Real as a sphere of excessive affect in psychoanalysis, and terms this meeting a 'vibration'. Situating this enquiry within the art practice of Lygia Clark, the book utilises vibration as a conceptual artifice when considering affects, their ethical horizons and a psychoanalytic possibility for creating new ways of living. This book offers exciting new perspective on anxiety for students, clinical trainees, art and humanities researchers and practitioners and those interested in psychoanalytic ideas in general.

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Sanderson, Catherine A. / Huffman, Karen R., Real World Psychology: Applications of Psychological Science. 4th ed. 784 pp. 2024:9 (Wiley, US) <730-1031>
ISBN 978-1-394-24141-5 hard ¥33,904.- (税込) US$ 163.95



Westerink, Herman / Willner, Jenny / Van Haute, P. (eds.), Towards the Limits of Freudian Thinking: Critical Edition and Readings of Beyond the Pleasure Principle. (Figures of the Unconscious) 320 pp. 2024:8 (Leuven U. Pr., BE) <730-1032>
ISBN 978-94-6270-409-1 paper ¥19,219.- (税込) EUR 64.00

A critical edition of one of the key texts in psychoanalysis.Sigmund Freud's Beyond the Pleasure Principle stands as a foundational text in psychoanalysis, delving into profound questions about life, death, pleasure and pain. Through a combination of contextualising and philosophical contributions, this critical edition and commentary sheds new light on Freud's text. In a series of contributions spanning approaches from historical exegesis to philosophical reflections on key concepts and ideas presented in Beyond the Pleasure Principle, the evolution and inconsistencies found in the various versions of the text are highlighted. Particular emphasis is placed on the conceptualisation of trauma and drive theory. These commentaries also provide context for the work, examining its position within the Freudian corpus, its role in the collaborative project with Sandor Ferenczi in speculative bioanalysis, and its clinical insights into war neuroses, trauma, bonding and aggression in post-World War I society.By critically examining diverse interpretations of Freud's work, Towards the Limits of Freudian Thinking re-actualises this classic text in contemporary philosophy and psychoanalysis, rendering it accessible to both specialised and broader audiences.Contributors: Ulrike May (Berlin), Herman Westerink (Radboud University Nijmegen), Philippe Van Haute (Radboud University Nijmegen), Ulrike Kistner (University of Pretoria), Jenny Willner (LMU Munich), Jakob Staberg (Soedertoern University Stockholm)This publication is GPRC-labeled (Guaranteed Peer-Reviewed Content).This book will be made open access within three years of publication thanks to Path to Open, a program developed in partnership between JSTOR, the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), University of Michigan Press, and The University of North Carolina Press to bring about equitable access and impact for the entire scholarly community, including authors, researchers, libraries, and university presses around the world. Learn more at https://about.jstor.org/path-to-open/

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