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  • 労働史・労働運動史・社会主義史

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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



欧州海運業における古い仕事と新しい仕事 1850~2000年
Davids, Karel / Schokkenbroek, Joost (eds.), The Transformation of Maritime Professions: Old and New Jobs in European Shipping Industries, 1850-2000. (Palgrave Studies in Economic History) 288 pp. 2023:5 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <700-640>
ISBN 978-3-031-27211-0 hard ¥41,323.- (税込) EUR 169.99

This book deals with the economic impact of technological changes and the rise of passenger shipping on social relations on board and ashore in European shipping industries between c.1850 and 2000. The changes in motive power, communication techniques and positioning technologies and the rise of passenger shipping went together with the creation of new tasks and functions and the marginalization or disappearance of traditional jobs and skills. This book presents case-studies on changes in different maritime professions between the middle of the nineteenth century and the end of the twentieth century, covering the shipping industries of a variety of seafaring countries in Europe. The subjects include changes in maritime labour at large, changes in specific groups of deck, catering or engine room personnel, such as captains, cooks, catering personnel, engineers, or radio-operators. A number of chapters employ a prosopographical or micro-historical approach, while others applya spatial perspective, analyze business records, materials from professional associations or distil information from large sets of quantitative data. This book will be of interest to academics and students of economic history, maritime and labour history.

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de Vito, Christian / Fagbore, A. / Vanhaute, E. (eds.), Punishing Workers, Managing Labour. (International Review of Social History Supplements 31) 2023:4 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <700-556>
ISBN 978-1-00-942134-8 paper ¥5,760.- (税込) GB£ 19.99 *

Contributors to this volume examine the historical role of punishment in the management of labour, looking into the histories of blinded slaves in ancient Mesopotamia, flogged peasant farmers in Pharaonic Egypt, convict officers in the prisons of colonial India, and blacklisted factory workers in the nineteenth-century US, as well as rural workers in the medieval Frankish kingdoms, soldiers and domestic servants in early modern Scandinavia, working children in colonial Bolivia, textile workers in Lombardy, enslaved Africans in Brazil and the US, and household workers in Late Imperial China. The introduction suggests ways to compare the role of punishment in the management of labour across space and time. The editors claim that the effective management of labour required the systematic differentiation of the workforce; to that end, the imposition of diversified forms of punishment did not merely reflect existing labour distinctions but also contributed to their creation.

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Clark, Andy, Fighting Deindustrialisation: Scottish Women's Factory Occupations, 1981-1982. (Studies in Labour History) 264 pp. 2023:1 (Liverpool U. Pr., UK) <700-2075>
ISBN 978-1-80207-711-7 hard ¥27,379.- (税込) GB£ 95.00 *
ISBN 978-1-80207-712-4 paper ¥7,201.- (税込) GB£ 24.99 *

In Fighting Deindustrialisation, Andy Clark outlines and examines one of the most significant and under-researched periods in modern Scottish labour history. Over a fourteen month period in 1981 and 1982, as Scotland suffered the effects of the accelerated deindustrialisation of its economy, three workforces refused to accept the loss of their jobs. The predominantly women assembly workers at Lee Jeans (Greenock), Lovable Bra (Cumbernauld), and Plessey Capacitors (Bathgate) were informed that their multinational employers had taken the decisions to close their plants. At each site, a battle was fought against capital movement, corporate greed, and unfair jobloss. The workers occupied their factories and refused to vacate until their demands were met and closure avoided. At all sites this objective was achieved; none of the factories completely closed following the women's occupations. In this book, these occupations are analysed together for the first time, through a range of analytical frameworks from oral history, memory studies, industrial relations scholarship, and deindustrialisation studies. In his extensive examination, Clark argues that the actions of 1981-82 should be considered as one of the most significant periods in Scotland's history of deindustrialisation. However, the public memory of 1981-82 is precarious; Fighting Deindustrialisation begins the process of incorporating women's militant resistance within academic and popular understandings of working-class activism in later 20th century-Scotland.

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国際社会主義青年同盟の政治史 1907~17年
Dogliani, Patrizia, A Political History of the International Union of Socialist Youth 1907-1917. (Marx, Engels, and Marxisms) 238 pp. 2023:5 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <700-2333>
ISBN 978-3-031-20693-1 hard ¥29,168.- (税込) EUR 119.99 *

This book represents a valuable contribution to the history of the Socialist Second International and, more generally, of European socialism between the Great Depression of the 1880s and WWI. It comes to fill a gap in the scholarship, insofar as it investigates the history of the Socialist Youth International. During the first phase of the making of socialist parties, this organization was in charge of the political and cultural education of the proletarian youth. Capitalizing on an approach based on social, quantitative and political history, and on an analysis of mentalities and languages, the book reconstructs the many-sidedness of the "school of recruits" of the social-democratic and revolutionary movements. The working conditions of youth in Europe, its unionization and economic struggles, the fight against militarism, the pedagogical work, the internationalism and the commitment to maintain peace, and the attitude of young militants towards Bolshevik revolution are some of thethemes investigated in the book. It also clarifies the role and the engagement with the issue of the new generation shown by prominent figures of Marxism such as Karl Liebknecht, Jean Jaures, Henri De Man, Willi Muenzenberg, Henriette Roland Holst, and Robert Danneberg. Finally, the book constitutes also a page of European social and political history, reconstructed through the history of the various youth socialisms and their relationship with the Marxist tradition.

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Ehms, Jule, Revolutionaerer Syndikalismus in der Praxis: Die Betriebsratsarbeit der Freien Arbeiter-Union Deutschlands von 1918 bis 1933. 400 S. 2023:1 (Westfaelisches Dampfboot, GW) <700-2334>
ISBN 978-3-89691-077-6 paper ¥9,724.- (税込) EUR 40.00 *

Mit der Freien Arbeiter-Union Deutschlands gruendete sich im Dezember 1919 die erste anarcho-syndikalistische Gewerkschaft im deutschen Raum. Der Syndikalismus zeichnet sich durch einen foederalen und explizit anti-parlamentarischen Organisationsansatz aus, favorisiert die Direkte Aktion im Arbeitskampf und propagiert die Ueberwindung von Staat und Kapital mithilfe des Generalstreiks. Jule Ehms untersucht, inwiefern es den Syndikalist:innen der Weimarer Republik gelang, dieses konfliktorientierte Programm in die Betriebe zu tragen, und geht so dem Verhaeltnis von politischer Radikalitaet und gewerkschaftlicher Praxis nach. Angesichts des von staatlicher Seite neu etablierten Betriebsrats-, Tarif- und Schlichtungswesens versuchte die FAUD ihre eigenen Antworten auf Sozialpartnerschaft und Korporatismus zu finden. Hierbei erwiesen sich die Syndikalist:innen - oft entgegen ihrer Rhetorik - als abwiegende und kompromissbereite Gewerkschafter:innen, die bereit waren, auf die sich veraendernden industriellen Beziehungen und Kraefteverhaeltnisse mit taktischen Aenderungen zu reagieren.

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Groen-Vallinga, Miriam J., Work and Labour in the Cities of Roman Italy. (Liverpool Studies in Ancient History) 368 pp. 2023:1 (Liverpool U. Pr., UK) <700-2335>
ISBN 978-1-80207-759-9 hard ¥28,820.- (税込) GB£ 100.00 *

Work and labour are fundamental to an understanding of Roman society. In a world where reliable information was scarce and economic insecurity loomed large, social structures and networks of trust were of paramount importance to the way work was provided and filled in. Taking its cue from New Institutional Economics, this book deals with the wide range of factors shaping work and labour in the cities of Roman Italy under the early empire, from families and familial structures, to labour collectives, slavery, education and apprenticeship. To illuminate the complexity of the market for labour, this monograph offers a new analysis of the occupational inscriptions and reliefs from Roman Italy, placing them in the wider context by means of documentary evidence like apprenticeship contracts, legal sources, and material remains. This synthesis therefore provides a comprehensive analysis of the ancient sources on work and labour in Roman urban society, leading to a novel interpretation of the market for work, and a fuller understanding of the daily lives of nonelite Romans. For some of them, work was indeed a source of pride, whereas for others it was merely a means to an end or a necessity of life.

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独立したアイルランドにおける労働者、政治、労使関係 1922~46年
Hanley, Gerard, Workers, Politics Labour Relations in Independent Ireland, 1922-46. 240 pp. 2024 (Four Courts Pr., IE) <700-2336>
ISBN 978-1-80151-078-3 hard ¥11,528.- (税込) GB£ 40.00 *



Mansfield, Nick / Wright, Martin, Made by Labour: A Material and Visual History of British Labour, c. 1780-1924. 360 pp. 2023:6 (U. Wales Pr., UK) <700-2338>
ISBN 978-1-83772-006-4 hard ¥5,472.- (税込) GB£ 18.99 *

This is the first full-length study of the material and visual culture of the British labour movement in almost half a century. It draws together the fruits of recent research into a comprehensive material and visual analysis of the nineteenth-century labour movement's development. It analyses the meaning of 'labour things', the role they played in the lives of working people and the ways they have influenced the writing of labour history. Over ninety beautifully illustrated, expertly contextualised objects are used to narrate the history of British labour in its most crucial phase of development. Chapters on curation and preservation, a directory of museums where labour things may be seen, and a full bibliography complete the treatment of this important and rapidly developing field, making the book not just essential academic reading but a handbook for anyone who wishes to explore this vital part of our shared culture.

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Teixeira da Silva, Fernando / Fortes, A. et al. (eds.), The Entangled Labor Histories of Brazil and the United States. 260 pp. 2023:1 (Lexington Books, US) <700-1789>
ISBN 978-1-66691-750-5 hard ¥24,684.- (税込) US$ 110.00 *

Workers in Brazil and the United States have followed parallel and entangled histories for many centuries. Recent experiences with progressive, popular presidents and authoritarian, populist presidents in the two most populous countries in the hemisphere have underscored important similarities. The contributors in this volume focus on the comparative and transnational histories of labor between and across Brazil and the United States. The countries' histories bear the marks of slavery, racism, transoceanic immigration, and rapid urbanization, as well as strong regional differentiation and inequalities. These features decisively shaped the working classes. Brazilian and US labor history debates have erupted and subsided at different times. This collection synthesizes those debates while adding new topics and new sources from both countries. The international group of historians' methodologically innovative chapters explore links, resonances, and divergences between US and Brazilian labor history. They widen the scope of analysis for themes and problems that have long been familiar to historians of work and workers in the two countries, but have not provoked close dialogues between scholars in the respective places. Though the histories themselves were often entangled, the debates about them have too rarely intertwined.

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Kirkby, Diane, Maritime Men of the Asia-Pacific: True-Blue Internationals Navigating Labour Rights 1906-2006. (Studies in Labour History) 352 pp. 2023:1 (Liverpool U. Pr., UK) <700-1567>
ISBN 978-1-80207-719-3 hard ¥27,379.- (税込) GB£ 95.00 *
ISBN 978-1-80207-751-3 paper ¥8,642.- (税込) GB£ 29.99 *

Winner of the Australia and New Zealand Law and History Society (ANZLHS) Prize for 2023 Maritime workers occupy a central place in global labour history. This new and compelling account from Australia, shows seafaring and waterside unions engaged in a shared history of activism for legally regulated wages and safe liveable conditions for all who go to sea. Maritime Men of the Asia-Pacific provides a corrective to studies which overlook this region's significance as a provider of the world's maritime labour force and where unions have a rich history of reaching across their differences to forge connections in solidarity. From the 'militant young Australian' Harry Bridges whose progressive unionism transformed the San Francisco waterfront, to Australia's successful implementation of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006, this is a story of vision and leadership on the international stage. Unionists who saw themselves as internationalists were also operating within a national and imperial framework where conflicting interests and differences of race and ideology had to be overcome. Union activists in India, China and Japan struggled against indentured labour and 'coolie' standards. They linked with their fellow-unionists in pursuing an ideal of international labour rights against the power of shipowners and anti-union governments. This is a complex story of endurance, cooperation and conflict and its empowering legacy.

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