2025/03/06 update!
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掲載点数 全7件
Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.),
Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00
Campbell, Isabel (ed.),
Cold War Workers: Labour, Family, and Community in a Nuclear State. 336 pp. 2025:4 (McGill-Queen's U. Pr., CN) <739-883>
ISBN 978-0-228-02440-8 paper ¥9,007.- (税込) US$ 39.95
When Canada sought to protect its borders and aid its allies during the Cold War, many people were recruited to build the emerging security state: as construction and maintenance workers, engineers, members of the armed forces, medical researchers, and research subjects. Security work transformed the lives of individuals, families, and communities in ways that were both predictable and surprising, and both beneficial and harmful; the militarization and colonization of Indigenous lives and lands was especially disruptive.The opening essays of Cold War Workers intimately portray the complicated effects of Cold War labour upon Indigenous lives. Elmer Sinclair, a residential school survivor and member of the Canadian Armed Forces, achieved equality with white men through his militarized masculinity. His more positive professional experience contrasts with those of Indigenous workers on northern radar lines, many of whom lost languages, connections to the land, and other elements of traditional cultures as they sought new skills and better employment. Diverse Indigenous experiences of Cold War security work set the scene for the second set of essays, which explore the impact of security preoccupations on marginalized groups - the study of extreme isolation through scientific experimentation on human subjects; the targeting of gay men with psychiatric labelling to enforce an idealized masculinity; and the restriction of gender mobility in the Canadian military, and the pushback from servicewomen.Cold War Workers raises questions about the influence of settler-colonial masculine institutional values on those who laboured for the Cold War state and society. By comparing the experiences of different types of workers, families, and communities, this volume reveals how race, gender, and privilege affected people in varied and sometimes unexpected ways.
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Goings, Aaron,
Red Harbor: Radical Workers and Community Struggle in the Pacific Northwest. (Emil and Kathleen Sick Book Western History and Biography) 360 pp. 2025:7 (U. Washington Pr., US) <739-885>
ISBN 978-0-295-75400-0 hard ¥6,752.- (税込) US$ 29.95
Quinlan, Elizabeth,
Standing Up to Big Nickel: The Story of the Mine, Mill, and Smelter Workers Strike, 1958. 248 pp. 2025:5 (McGill-Queen's U. Pr., CN) <739-886>
ISBN 978-0-228-02480-4 paper ¥7,880.- (税込) US$ 34.95
All miners and smelter workers know the folly of going on strike when their employer holds a stockpile. In 1958 the International Nickel Company had enough nickel on hand to guarantee sales for at least six months. Despite this, fourteen thousand miners and smeltermen in Sudbury, Ontario, downed their tools and struck against the corporate titan of the mining industry.Standing Up to Big Nickel is a comprehensive portrait of a pivotal strike by the International Union of Mine, Mill, and Smelter Workers, a union that has inspired exceptional levels of solidarity among its members. The Cold War and the resulting instabilities in the Canadian labour movement form the backdrop to Elizabeth Quinlan's engrossing analysis. The union straddled the line, she shows, between its historical commitment to working-class struggle and the newly restrictive legal landscape of the postwar era. Retrospective accounts by surviving union members, leaders, family, and community members bring to life the history of a distinctive group of workers who sweated over smelter furnaces and toiled underground in perilous conditions.Quinlan traces the events before, during, and after one of Canada's greatest strikes in both magnitude and duration. Featuring biographical sketches and scenes based on archival and documentary data, Standing Up to Big Nickel captures an intensely dramatic juncture in Canadian labour history.
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Reuther, Alan,
Roy Reuther and the UAW: Fighting for Workers and Civil Rights. 340 pp. 2025:4 (Michigan State U. Pr., US) <739-887>
ISBN 978-1-61186-530-1 hard ¥20,282.- (税込) US$ 89.95
ISBN 978-1-61186-531-8 paper ¥9,007.- (税込) US$ 39.95
Tomczak, Richard H.,
Workers of War and Empire from New France to British America, 1688-1783. (McGill-Queen's Studies in Early Canada / Avant le Canada) 264 pp. 2025:2 (McGill-Queen's U. Pr., CN) <739-888>
ISBN 978-0-228-02361-6 hard ¥24,805.- (税込) US$ 110.00 *
ISBN 978-0-228-02362-3 paper ¥10,135.- (税込) US$ 44.95 *
During the eighteenth century, the French and British empires mobilized thousands of workers in what is now Canada through a system of mandatory labour known as corvee. Rooted in the feudal obligations of peasants to their landlords, corvee was introduced by the French, and later exploited by the British, becoming part of their arsenal during the American revolutionary wars.Richard Tomczak chronicles the transformation of the corvee system over a century. Under the French regime, corvee was mostly directed towards local public works projects, such as building roads and bridges. After the conquest of Quebec, the system assumed greater scope. The British realized their need for labour in an underpopulated region and co-opted corvee for their imperial ends, requiring the male inhabitants of New France to work in state enterprises such as iron mining and logging, and conscripting Canadians to support their military expeditions during the American Revolution. This surging demand for labour in the service of the state precipitated widespread protests in New France, forcing the governor to ratify a new provincial code regulating the use of corvee. Tomczak also sheds light on the rhythms of French Canadians' working lives, their understanding of corvee obligations, and the ways they expressed resistance when the system became burdensome.Exploring a lesser-known aspect of the labour arrangements that propped up the colonial state, Workers of War and Empire from New France to British America, 1688-1783 puts French Canadian workers front and centre in the history of early Canada.
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Zech, Christian,
Siegfried Aufhaeuser: Gewerkschafter, Politiker und juedischer Sozialist. 1884-1969. 560 S. 2025:5 (Wallstein Vlg., GW) <739-889>
ISBN 978-3-8353-5837-9 hard ¥13,823.- (税込) EUR 59.00
Eine beeindruckende Biografie im Zeichen des politischen Kampfes und der Verfolgung vom Kaiserreich bis in die Bundesrepublik. Siegfried Aufhaeuser gilt als prominentester Vertreter der freigewerkschaftlichen Angestelltenbewegung. An einschneidenden politischen Ereignissen der deutschen Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts war er unmittelbar, haeufig an exponierter Stelle, beteiligt. Etwa bei der Revolution 1918/19, als sich unter seiner Regie eine Zentrale der Angestelltenraete konstituierte, oder beim Aufruf zum Generalstreik gegen den Kapp-Putsch. Auch an den Debatten zu moeglichen Abwehrmassnahmen beim sogenannten Preussenschlag und bei der Ernennung Adolf Hitlers zum Reichskanzler beteiligte er sich als Reichstagsabgeordneter und fuehrender Gewerkschaftsvertreter leidenschaftlich. Im Mai 1933 sah sich Siegfried Aufhaeuser zur Flucht aus dem Deutschen Reich gezwungen. Ueber die Exilstationen Paris, Prag, London und New York kehrte er 1951 nach West-Berlin zurueck. Seine Perspektive als linker Sozialdemokrat, als politischer Exilant und als juedischer Remigrant zeugt von den vielfaeltigen Entwicklungslinien der deutschen Demokratie und der juedischen Geschichte der Arbeiter:innenbewegung. Christian Zech zeichnet das politische Leben Siegfried Aufhaeusers in seinen verschiedenen Facetten nach und eroeffnet damit neue Blickwinkel auf die gewerkschaftliche Organisierung der Angestellten, die Geschichte der Sozialdemokratie und auf Ansaetze zur Demokratisierung der Wirtschaft.
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Gherini, Claire E.,
Slavery's Medicine: Illness and Labor in the British Plantation Caribbean. 268 pp. 2025:6 (U. Virginia Pr., US) <739-55>
ISBN 978-0-8139-5274-1 hard ¥25,932.- (税込) US$ 115.00
ISBN 978-0-8139-5275-8 paper ¥7,892.- (税込) US$ 35.00