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掲載点数 全15件




Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



M.ワイト著 歴史と国際関係
Wight, Martin, History and International Relations. Ed. by D. Yost. 352 pp. 2023:8 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <697-764>
ISBN 978-0-19-286747-6 hard ¥23,920.- (税込) GB£ 83.00 *

History and International Relations collects works by the late Professor Martin Wight (1913-1972), an historian and scholar of international relations. Wight conducted research on many topics, including British colonial history, European studies, international institutions, and the history of states-systems, and is nonetheless best known for his lectures about the political philosophy of international relations at the London School of Economics (1949-1961) and the University of Sussex (1961-1972). He is widely regarded as an intellectual ancestor and pathbreaker of the

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Anceau, Eric / Bordron, Jean-Luc, Histoire mondiale des impots: de l'Antiquite a nos jours. 446 p. 2023 (Passes Composes, FR) <697-318>
ISBN 978-2-37933-737-6 paper ¥6,077.- (税込) EUR 25.00 *



Eming, Jutta / Traulsen, Johannes (Hrsg.), Asynchronien: Formen verschraenkter Zeit in der Vormoderne. (Berliner Mittelalter- und Fruehneuzeitforschung 27) 339 S. 2022:10 (V & R unipress, GW) <697-1300>
ISBN 978-3-8471-1489-5 hard ¥13,370.- (税込) EUR 55.00



Faitini, Tiziana, Shaping the Profession: Towards a Genealogy of Professional Ethics. (Law and Religion in the Early Modern Period / Recht und Religion in der Fruehen Neuzeit 4) XX, 284 S. 2023:4 (Schoeningh, GW) <697-1301>
ISBN 978-3-506-79019-4 hard ¥28,685.- (税込) EUR 118.00

The figure of the “professional” looms large in our contemporary society as an ideal for economic activity and socio-political inclusion, and even as a model for individual self-development. But how and when did this figure arise? And what has led professional activity to become such an essential part of our personal, social, moral, economic, and political life? While Max Weber and others have famously addressed these questions, this book reveals a more nuanced history of the concept of “profession” and “professional duty,” and offers the first comprehensive study of the discourse of professional ethics from a historical perspective. Italy, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom provide most of the rich corpus of philosophical, juridical, and theological sources discussed throughout the book in its longue duree journey from Ancient Rome to the present.

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Jung, Willi / Scheid, John / Wernert, Nicolas (Hrsg.), Hochkultur und Gewalt / Haute culture et violence. (Deutschland und Frankreich im wissenschaftlichen Dialog / Le dialogue scientifique franco-allemand 12) 230 S. 2022:9 (Bonn U. Pr., GW) <697-1303>
ISBN 978-3-8471-1492-5 hard ¥9,724.- (税込) EUR 40.00

Die Gewaltfrage ist eine der grossen Fragen der Menschheitsgeschichte. Die Urszene der Gewalt ist die biblische Geschichte von Kain und Abel und dem Brudermord. Der ≫homo violens≪ steht im Zentrum der Beitraege dieses Bandes, der den Zusammenhang von Hochkultur und Gewalt behandelt und im Rahmen der Kooperation der Universitaet Bonn mit dem College de France (Ernst-Robert-Curtius-Gastprofessur) entstanden ist. Im ersten Teil widmen sich sieben Beitraege der Theorie und Geschichte der Gewalt in Theologie, Medizin, Politischer Theorie, Philosophie, Psychologie und Geschichte; im zweiten Teil befassen sich sechs Beitraege speziell mit dem Zusammenhang von Literatur und Gewalt im Zeitraum vom 18. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. Die multidisziplinaeren Beitraege verstehen sich als Elemente einer Diskursgeschichte der Gewalt. The question of violence is one of the great questions of human history. The primal scene of violence is the biblical story of Cain and Abel and fratricide. This anthology deals with the connection between high culture and violence and was produced as part of the cooperation between the University of Bonn and the College de France (Ernst-Robert-Curtius Visiting Professorship). In the first part, seven contributions are devoted to the theory and history of violence in theology , medicine, political theory, philosophy, psychology and history; in the second part, six contributions deal specifically with the connection between literature and violence in the period from the 18th to the 20th century. The multidisciplinary contributions are understood as elements of a discourse history of violence.

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Lamy, Jerome / Vabre, Sylvie (dir.), Les savoirs ruraux du Moyen Age a nos jours. (Histoire) 419 p. 2023:1 (Pr. U. de Rennes, FR) <697-1304>
ISBN 978-2-7535-8779-3 paper ¥7,293.- (税込) EUR 30.00



Sandkuehler, Thomas / Epple, Angelika / Zimmerer, J. (eds.), Historical Culture by Restitution?: A Debate on Art, Museum, and Justice. 2023:5 (Boehlau, GW) <697-1305>
ISBN 978-3-412-52781-5 hard ¥14,342.- (税込) EUR 59.00 *

Looted art, art theft, colonial collections of cultural objects - not only since the controversy over the Nigerian Benin bronzes at the Humboldt Forum in the German capital Berlin and other European museums a dispute over how to deal with exhibits from colonial contexts erupted. The debate, which has been ongoing among experts for some time, gained new political momentum in 2018 when France’s President Macron announced that objects of colonial provenance in French museums would be returned to their societies of origin, and initiated concrete steps. The demand for restitution of art treasures of colonial provenance raises fundamental and extremely complex questions about the presence of the past in ethical, scientific, political, legal and aesthetic dimensions. They concern art historians and museum professionals, cultural historians, historians of science, lawyers and history teachers as well as visitors to museums with colonial collections, who are made aware of the provenance of objects there. This volume, published in Germany in 2021, was a first attempt at illuminating the historio-cultural dimensions of the debate and bringing them to the attention of a broader public. German and international authors contributed essays making clear, how important it is to take a differentiated look at a central part of the current social debate on the legacy of colonialism. This volume was well received. As colonialism is by definition an international phenomenon, the current debate in Germany is presented here in an English language version now.

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Sieberkrob, Matthias, Sprachbildung und historisches Lernen - aber wie?: Ziele, Professionalisierung, Umsetzung. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fuer Geschichtsdidaktik 29) 411 S. 2023:2 (V & R unipress, GW) <697-1306>
ISBN 978-3-8471-1539-7 hard ¥15,801.- (税込) EUR 65.00

Sprachbildung hat einen emanzipatorischen Charakter. Dieser wird als Ziel des Geschichtsunterrichts im Sinne des historischen Erzaehlens mit agency ausgearbeitet. Zudem wird die Professionalisierung von Geschichtslehrer*innen in diesem Bereich fokussiert, wobei studentische Planungsgespraeche sprachbildenden Geschichtsunterrichts mit einer qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse untersucht werden. Die Ergebnisse offenbaren grundsaetzliche Schwierigkeiten der Student*innen mit dieser Aufgabe. Daher wird ein Rahmenmodell sprachbildenden Geschichtsunterrichts entwickelt, das auf die Foerderung von agency ausgerichtet und sowohl fuer die Professionalisierung von Geschichtslehrer*innen als auch fuer die Praxis des Geschichtsunterrichts relevant ist. Using an emancipatory approach to historical learning, agency is emphasized as a goal for academic language learning in history classes. Furthermore, the professionalization of history teachers for academic language learning is examined. Planning conversations of history lessons that include academic language learning are analyzed empirically. The results show that students find it discernibly difficult to think of academic language and historical learning together. For this reason, a framework model of academic language learning with an emancipatory approach is developed. It is of importance for the professionalization of history teachers since it answers the fundamental question of how to implement academic language learning in history classes.

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Stix, Andi / Hrbek, Frank, Walking Through History: European Exploration, Medieval Times, and the Renaissance. (Walking Through History) 416 pp. 2023:7 (Routledge, UK) <697-1307>
ISBN 978-1-03-219415-8 hard ¥37,466.- (税込) GB£ 130.00
ISBN 978-1-03-219414-1 paper ¥6,625.- (税込) GB£ 22.99

With this volume, Dr. Andi Stix and Frank Hrbek thoughtfully guide teachers through three distinct topics: European Exploration, Medieval Times, and the Renaissance. It features expansive, multi-dimensional learning tools to support classroom teaching, including the chance to design a page of an illuminated manuscript, a reenactment of Joan of Arc's story, a play that focuses on the spice trade, a quiz show simulation around European migration, and a vision test of the illusionary arts as students learn about famous Renaissance artists.The volume brings materials from across this period of history to life by stimulating and cultivating students' imaginations.The series Walking Through History presents student-centered, hands-on activities, active simulations, debates, and discussions, which provide an unparalleled engaging learning experience. Its objective is for students to walk in another's shoes through lessons based on a particular historical period. Field-tested and proven teaching strategies for virtual and in-person classrooms are highlighted across the series. These books are specifically designed to be used with whiteboard and other interactive tools.

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Stix, Andi / Hrbek, Frank, Walking Through History: Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. (Walking Through History) 296 pp. 2023:7 (Routledge, UK) <697-1308>
ISBN 978-1-03-219419-6 hard ¥37,466.- (税込) GB£ 130.00
ISBN 978-1-03-219417-2 paper ¥6,625.- (税込) GB£ 22.99

With this volume, Andi Stix and Frank Hrbek thoughtfully guide teachers through two distinct topics: Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. It features expansive, multi-dimensional learning tools to support classroom teaching, including a mock archaeological dig, an Egyptomania scavenger hunt, the chance to decipher hieroglyphics in the classroom and learn about the mummification process, and more! The volume brings materials from across this period of history to life by stimulating and cultivating students' imaginations.The Walking Through History series presents student-centered, hands-on activities, active simulations, debates, and discussions, which provide an unparalleled engaging learning experience. Its objective is for students to walk in another's shoes through lessons based on a particular historical period. Field-tested and proven teaching strategies for virtual and in-person classrooms are highlighted across the series. These books are specifically designed to be used with whiteboard and other interactive tools.

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Stix, Andi / Hrbek, Frank, Walking Through History: Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. (Walking Through History) 336 pp. 2023:7 (Routledge, UK) <697-1309>
ISBN 978-1-03-219423-3 hard ¥37,466.- (税込) GB£ 130.00
ISBN 978-1-03-219420-2 paper ¥6,625.- (税込) GB£ 22.99

With this volume, Andi Stix and Frank Hrbek thoughtfully guide teachers through three distinct topics: Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. It features expansive, multi-dimensional learning tools to support classroom teaching: students can hunt for archaeological clues in a simulated museum, compete in a Spartan survival test, become acquainted with myths and legends, design Greek architecture and pottery, re-create Roman mosaic patterns, and more!The volume brings materials from across this period of history to life by stimulating and cultivating students' imaginations.The series Walking Through History presents student-centered, hands-on activities, active simulations, debates, and discussions, which provide an unparalleled engaging learning experience. Its objective is for students to walk in another's shoes through lessons based on a particular historical period. Field-tested and proven teaching strategies for virtual and in-person classrooms are highlighted across the series. These books are specifically designed to be used with whiteboard and other interactive tools.

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Voegele, Joerg / Rittershaus, Luise u. a. (Hrsg.), The Cruel Sea: Der Tod und das Meer - historische und kunsthistorische Perspektiven. 248 S. 2022:10 (Boehlau, GW) <697-1310>
ISBN 978-3-412-52640-5 hard ¥13,370.- (税込) EUR 55.00 *

Das Leben stammt aus dem Meer. Gleichzeitig aber war die See immer auch ein gefaehrlicher Ort, dem viele Leben zum Opfer fielen. Stuerme und Schiffbruch sind untrennbar mit der Schifffahrt verbunden und kosteten unzaehlige Menschen das Leben. Seekriege wurden mit aeusserster Brutalitaet gefuehrt. Die Arbeit an Bord der Schiffe zaehlte zu den gefaehrlichsten Berufen. Unfaelle, Meutereien und Ueberfaelle gingen einher mit Mangelernaehrung und fehlender Hygiene, was zu entsprechenden Krankheiten fuehrte. Aber auch an Land war man nicht in Sicherheit vor den Gefahren des Meeres. Sturmfluten bedrohten die Bevoelkerung der Kuestenregionen. Und heute ist der maritime Lebensraum durch Klimawandel und Verschmutzung selbst bedroht. Die Ambiguitaet zwischen Faszination und Schrecken, Abenteuer und Desaster im Verhaeltnis von Mensch und Meer fand und findet ihren Niederschlag auch in der Literatur und bildenden Kunst. Dieses Buch dokumentiert die Ergebnisse einer internationalen und interdisziplinaeren Tagung, die dieses Wechselverhaeltnis in kultur-, wirtschafts- und sozialhistorischer Perspektive diskutierte, und gewaehrt Einblicke in eine gleichnamige Ausstellung an der Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet Duesseldorf.

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Weber, Nadir (Hrsg.), Hege und Herrschaft: Hoefische Jagdtiere in der europaeischen Vormoderne. (Tiere in der Geschichte / Animals in History 3) 2023:5 (Boehlau, GW) <697-1311>
ISBN 978-3-412-52721-1 hard ¥14,586.- (税込) EUR 60.00 *

Die Jagd strukturierte das soziale Leben an europaeischen Fuerstenhoefen vom Spaetmittelalter bis ins 19. Jahrhundert massgeblich mit. Vom Fruehling bis in den Herbst verbrachten die Herrscher und ihre Angehoerigen einen Grossteil der Zeit auf Schloessern, die von weitlaeufigen Wildparks umgeben waren. Fuer den erwarteten Jagderfolg war die geregelte Interaktion mit Hunden, Falken und Pferden ebenso wichtig wie die zahlreiche Praesenz von Hirschen, Reihern und Fasanen. Die Beitraege des Bandes untersuchen die Lebensbedingungen dieser hoefischen Jagdtiere und gehen deren ambivalenten Beziehungen mit Menschen unterschiedlichen Standes nach. Sie fragen nach dem Zusammenhang zwischen den ?biopolitischen“ Praktiken der Abrichtung und Hege und neuen Konzepten des Regierens, die in der Sattelzeit vom Wildgehege auf das staatliche Territorium ausgeweitet wurden.

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Godlewicz-Adamiec, Joanna / Piszczatowski, Pawel (Hrsg.), Vagabunden - Fluechtlinge - Eroberer: Vormoderne Migrationsprozesse zwischen geschichtlichen Metanarrativen und Postkolonialismus. (Interkulturelle Rhizome 1) 220 S. 2022 (O. Harrassowitz, GW) <697-1141>
ISBN 978-3-447-11878-1 hard ¥14,099.- (税込) EUR 58.00 *



Dolinsek, Sonia / Saryusz-Wokska, Madalena (eds.), Histories of Prostitution in Central, East Central and South Eastern Europe. (FOKUS 11) 294 S. 2023:6 (Schoeningh, GW) <697-1170>
ISBN 978-3-506-79047-7 hard ¥26,497.- (税込) EUR 109.00



