2024/12/02 update!
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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.),
Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00
Bhide, Amar,
Uncertainty and Enterprise: Venturing Beyond the Known. 408 pp. 2024:12 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <731-117>
ISBN 978-0-19-768835-9 hard ¥7,535.- (税込) US$ 34.95
Uncertainty--doubt about what is or could be--fuels our ambitions and fears. Tantalizing possibilities spur us to innovate and explore. Yet, we also strive to reduce uncertainty. Mountain climbers and deep-sea divers plan carefully. Rules, routines, and research in business, the law, and medicine are designed to increase predictability and forestall unpleasant surprises. Mainstream economics, however, hides from uncertainty, banishing it to the mystical world of unknown unknowns or reducing it to mechanistic calculation. Its textbooks ignore everyday problems that lack demonstrably correct solutions. But resolute responses to such problems require confidence. Where does confidence come from, especially when we go beyond the known? How do we justify our fallible judgments to ourselves and others? Drawing on more than thirty years of teaching and research, Amar Bhide offers compelling answers. Inspired by--while modernizing--the forgotten ideas of the economist Frank Knight and other great twentieth-century thinkers, Bhide challenges both hyper-rational economic orthodoxy and claims of pervasive behavioral biases. He shows that while big bets require more justification, the facts alone don't persuade skeptics. Instead, narratives that combine reason, contextual evidence, and creative interpretations align our imaginations. Bhide's framework and rich examples explain neglected and surprising features of entrepreneurship. He shows how startups and giant corporations coexist; how seemingly bureaucratic procedures encourage the giants to undertake complex high-stakes initiatives; and, how vividly described possibilities help make the imagined real. Cutting through esoteric theories--but avoiding glib prescriptions--Uncertainty and Enterprise examines the foundations of bold yet reasonable action.
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Storr, Virgil Henry / Stein, Solomon M.,
Understanding Ludwig Lachmann's Economics. (Elements in Austrian Economics) 54 pp. 2024:2 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <731-118>
ISBN 978-1-009-47936-3 hard ¥14,241.- (税込) GB£ 49.99
ISBN 978-1-009-08766-7 paper ¥4,843.- (税込) GB£ 17.00 *
Ludwig Lachmann is a central but underappreciated figure within the Austrian school of economics. Although his understanding of institutions, his appreciation of the heterogeneity of capital, his emphasis on subjectivity, and his focus on the dynamism and uncertainty of the real world have become dominant positions amongst Austrian economists, he is still viewed as something of an outsider. As such, the contributions of Lachmann's economics are arguably misunderstood. This Element attempts to tease out and discuss the critical contributions of Lachmann's economics. Arguably, one way in which to understand Lachmann's economics is by seeing it as unified in considering, in various ways, a single conceptual 'problem' - the apparent tension between the dynamic nature of social reality and the intelligible nature of the social world. Approaching Lachmann with this theme in mind allows us to put things together more coherently than other exegetical strategies.
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Sturn, Richard (Hrsg.),
Joseph Schumpeter und der Staat. (Staatsverstaendnisse 179) 339 S. 2024:7 (Nomos, GW) <731-119>
ISBN 978-3-8487-7337-4 paper ¥18,596.- (税込) EUR 79.00 *
Joseph Schumpeter war kein Staatstheoretiker oder Staatsrechtler. Die Aufsaetze des vorliegenden Bandes zeigen aber, dass das Nachdenken ueber seine Einsichten und provokanten Zuspitzungen mehr als lohnend ist. Schumpeter nimmt die Koevolution von moderner Staatlichkeit und kapitalistischer Marktwirtschaft und ihre krisentraechtigen Schnittstellen in den Blick. Er entwickelt daraus keine geschlossene Staatstheorie, sondern Hypothesen und Theoreme, die historische Moeglichkeiten abstecken. Seine brillanten Einsichten und kontextbedingten Zuspitzungen wurden so zu unverzichtbaren Bezugspunkten fuer Staatstheorie und die Politische Oekonomie und Soziologie des oeffentlichen Sektors. Mit Beitraegen von Harald Bluhm Rudolf Dujmovits Tina Ehrke-Rabel Ulrich Hedtke Sebastian Huhnholz Heinz D. Kurz Walter Reese-Schaefer Andreas Resch Christian Seidl Richard Sturn Martin Sumper Reinhard Zintl
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