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掲載点数 全28件




Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Denzel, Markus A. / Bonoldi, Andrea et al. (eds.), Oeconomia Alpium II: Economic History of the Alps in Preindustrial Times: Methods and Perspectives of Research. 300 S. 2021:12 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <666-788>
ISBN 978-3-11-051923-5 hard ¥25,026.- (税込) EUR 102.95 *



Farrenkopf, Michael / Siemer, Stefan (Hrsg.), Materielle Kulturen des Bergbaus / Material Cultures of Mining: Zugaenge, Aspekte und Beispiele / Approaches, Aspects and Examples. (Veroeffentlichungen aus dem Deutschen Bergbau-Museum Bochum 243) VIII, 651 S. 2021:11 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <666-789>
ISBN 978-3-11-073475-1 hard ¥21,865.- (税込) EUR 89.95 *

Die neuere Montangeschichte beschaeftigt sich nach wie vor ueberwiegend mit archivalischen und schriftlich basierten Quellen. Das Potential der in musealen Sammlungen verfuegbaren Objekte fuer die historische Forschung ist dennoch bislang kaum ausgelotet. Die Beitraege des vorliegenden Bandes stellen einzelne Objekte oder Objektgruppen in den Mittelpunkt der Diskussion. Dabei geht es um technische Modelle als Wissensobjekte ebenso wie um Bergbaukleidung als Alltagsobjekt oder Fahnen als Gedaechtnisobjekte. Hinzu kommt die Reflexion ueber archaeologische Funde und ihre Relevanz fuer eine Kontextualisierung von Bergbauobjekten jenseits ueberlieferter Schriftquellen. Das Buch richtet sich im engeren Sinne an Forschende auf dem Gebiet der Montan- und Technikgeschichte sowie allgemein an diejenigen, die sich mit einer materiell basierten Erinnerungskultur beschaeftigen.

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Felten, Sebastian, Money in the Dutch Republic: Everyday Practice and Circuits of Exchange. 290 pp. 2022:4 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <666-790>
ISBN 978-1-00-909884-7 hard ¥21,615.- (税込) GB£ 75.00 *

The Dutch Republic was an important hub in the early modern world-economy, a place where hundreds of monies were used alongside each other. Sebastian Felten explores regional, European and global circuits of exchange by analysing everyday practices in Dutch cities and villages in the period 1600-1850. He reveals how for peasants and craftsmen, stewards and churchmen, merchants and metallurgists, money was an everyday social technology that helped them to carve out a livelihood. With vivid examples of accounting and assaying practices, Felten offers a key to understanding the internal logic of early modern money. This book uses new archival evidence and an approach informed by the history of technology to show how plural currencies gave early modern users considerable agency. It explores how the move to uniform national currency limited this agency in the nineteenth century and thus helps us make sense of the new plurality of payments systems today.

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Huttenlocher, Kristina, Menschen in der Fabrik: Industriefotografie in Konsumgueterfirmen 1895-1970. 184 S. 2021:11 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <666-794>
ISBN 978-3-11-075823-8 hard ¥7,279.- (税込) EUR 29.95 *

Die Industriefotografie, wie man sie kennt, praesentiert Maschinen und gewaltige Anlagen der Grossindustrie, den arbeitenden Menschen aber meist nur in Gruppen oder fuer einen Groessenvergleich der beeindruckenden Produktionsmaschinerie. Der Alltag industrieller Auftragsfotografie in mittelstaendischen produzierenden Unternehmen sah anders aus. Am Beispiel hannoverscher Konsumgueterfirmen zeigt die Autorin, welche Bedeutung die Fotos der Beschaeftigten - ungelernte Arbeiterinnen und selbstbewusste Fachkraefte - fuer das Selbstverstaendnis der Unternehmen und fuer ihre Aussendarstellung hatte. Sie stellt die Fotografien aus sieben Jahrzehnten in den jeweiligen historischen Kontext. Diese folgten den Moden und den wirtschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen ihrer Zeit und unterschieden sich untereinander je nach Fuehrungsstil, Unternehmenskultur und der Rolle, die Industriefotografie in der Kommunikationsstrategie des Unternehmens jeweils spielte. Die Mitarbeiter waren dabei keine Randfiguren. Die Arbeit fuellt mit dem Blick auf die Auftragsfotografie mittelstaendischer Konsumgueterfabrikanten eine Leerstelle in der Literatur zur Industriefotografie.

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Jimenez-Montes, German, A Dissimulated Trade: Northern European Timber Merchants in Seville (1574-1598). (The Atlantic World 40) 260 pp. 2022:3 (Brill, NE) <666-795>
ISBN 978-90-04-46018-8 hard ¥26,254.- (税込) EUR 108.00 *

In A Dissimulated Trade, German Jimenez-Montes sheds light on the role of foreigners in the Spanish empire. Making use of the rich collection of notarial deeds available at the Archivo Historico Provincial de Sevilla, this book examines how a group of Dutch, Flemish and German merchants came to dominate the supply of timber in Seville. With this microhistory, German Jimenez-Montes offers a new account on the trade between Andalusia and northern Europe at the end of the sixteenth century, focusing on a resource that was essential for Seville's economy and Spain's imperial aspirations.

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Kleber, Kristin (ed.), Taxation in the Achaemenid Empire. (Classica et Orientalia 26) 430 S. 2021:6 (O. Harrassowitz, GW) <666-796>
ISBN 978-3-447-11597-1 hard ¥23,823.- (税込) EUR 98.00

Achaemenid Studies fall between the academic divisions of Ancient Near Eastern Studies and Archeology, Ancient History, Classical Philology, Egyptology and Semitic Languages. No single scholar can cover the many cultures that were united under the umbrella of this huge empire alone and in-depth. Interdisciplinary approaches are a necessity in order to tackle the challenges that the diverse textual records in Akkadian, Demotic Egyptian, Elamite, Aramaic and Greek present us with. This volume, the proceedings of a conference on taxation and fiscal administration in the Achaemenid Empire held in Amsterdam in 2018, contains contributions on Babylonia, Egypt, the Levant, Asia Minor and Arachosia, written by specialists in the respective languages and cultures. The question that lies at the basis of this volume is how the empire collected revenue from the satrapies, whether and how local institutions were harnessed to make imperial rule successful. The contributions investigate what kind of taxes were imposed in what area and how tax collection was organized and administered. Since we lack imperial state archives, local records are the more important, as they are our only reliable source that allows us to move beyond the famous but unverifiable statement on Achaemenid state finances in Herodotus, Histories 3, 89?97.

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Krauss, Clemens, Geldpolitik im Umbruch: Die Zentralbanken Frankreichs und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in den 1970er Jahren. (Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte 128) 392 S. 2021:10 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <666-797>
ISBN 978-3-11-072810-1 hard ¥14,572.- (税込) EUR 59.95 *

In den 1970er Jahren waren Zentralbanken weltweit mit neuen und fundamentalen Herausforderungen konfrontiert. Das Bretton Woods-System brach zusammen, der Dollar verlor seine Ankerfunktion und die festen Wechselkurse buessten ihre Legitimitaet ein. Die Oelpreiskrise heizte die Inflation an und vervielfachte globale Kapitalstroeme. Zugleich errichteten in Europa die Mitgliedsstaaten der EWG die Grundlagen einer gemeinsamen Waehrungsunion. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht die Reaktionen der Deutschen Bundesbank und der Banque de France auf diese Entwicklungen. Dabei wird besonders deutlich, wie die beiden Zentralbanken einerseits die Grundlagen ihrer bisherigen Geldpolitik auf den Pruefstand stellten und neue Handlungsstrategien entwickelten, sowie andererseits eigenstaendige Wirkkraft entfalteten, durch die sie den Wandel der internationalen Waehrungs- und Wirtschaftsbeziehungen nachhaltig praegten.

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Kuehschelm, Oliver, Einkaufen als nationale Verpflichtung: Zur Genealogie nationaler Oekonomien in Oesterreich und der Schweiz, 1920-1980. (Werbung - Konsum - Geschichte) 640 S. 2021:4 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <666-798>
ISBN 978-3-11-070103-6 hard ¥29,158.- (税込) EUR 119.95 *

Buy-National-Kampagnen in Oesterreich seit den 1920er Jahren und der Schweiz seit den 1910er Jahren bis ca. 1980 werden vorgestellt und analysiert. Dabei wird die national formatierte und patriotisch aufgeladene Wahrnehmung von Massenkonsumguetern nicht einfach auf eine oekonomische Absatzstrategie verkuerzt, sondern als Versuch, das Soziale im 20. Jahrhundert zur Gesellschaft des Nationalstaats zusammenzufuegen verstanden.

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Larsson, Mats / Lilja, Kristina / Petersson, Tom, Risk Management in Early Banking: An International Perspective of Swedish Savings Banks, 1820-1910. (Palgrave Studies in the History of Finance) 120 pp. 2021:8 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <666-799>
ISBN 978-3-030-80774-0 hard ¥14,582.- (税込) EUR 59.99

This book deals with risk management and the organisation of banking in Swedish savings banks alongside the development in other European countries. The period of analysis begins with the establishment of the first savings banks in 1820 and ends in 1910. During this period, banking developed as a well-functioning system for deposits and credits. The book focuses on this development from a theoretical perspective connected to risk management and the role of trust and legitimacy in credits and savings. The analysis deals with the overall development of the Swedish banking system and the role of savings banks as well as bank connections with different groups of customers. Of interest to financial historians, academics, and researchers, it also analyses the role of insider lending and the practical aspects of granting credits, such as the use of collaterals and the level of interest rates to compensate higher risks.

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労働と失業 1834~1911年 全4巻
Levine-Clark, Marjorie (ed.), Work and Unemployment, 1834-1911. 4 vols. 1741 pp. 2022:6 (Routledge, UK) <666-801>
ISBN 978-0-367-33510-6 hard ¥129,690.- (税込) GB£ 450.00 *

This four-volume collection explores the idea that, for Victorians and Edwardians, the meanings attached to work and the meanings attached to being without work were always dependent upon each other, knotted together by the imperative for a man to desire employment and be willing to work. Mechanization and the decline of old trades, the creation of single-industry cities and towns, the migration of agricultural labourers from the countryside to these cities and to London, the intensification of the sweated industries, and the displacement of the labour of adult men by the labour of women and adolescent boys all contributed to urgent conversations about the relationships between work and unemployment and are examined through primary sources. Accompanied by extensive editorial commentary, this collection will be of great interest to students of British History.

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O'Brien, Patrick Karl (ed.), The Crucible of Revolutionary and Napoleonic Warfare and European Transitions to Modern Economic Growth. (Library of Economic History 15) 2021:11 (Brill, NE) <666-802>
ISBN 978-90-04-47273-0 hard ¥29,901.- (税込) EUR 123.00 *

Historiographically this book rests on the fact that European transitions to modern economic growth were obstructed and promoted by the Revolution in France and 15 years of geopolitical conflict sustained by Napoleon in order to establish French Hegemony over the states and economies of Britain, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Portugal and overseas commerce. The chapters reveal that their authors concerns to analyse both the nature and significance of connections between geopolitical and economic forces lend coherence to a collaborative endeavour utilising comparative methods to address a mega question. What might be plausibly concluded about the economic costs and the benefits of this protracted conjuncture of Revolutionary and Napoleonic Warfare? Contributors are: Patrick Karl O'Brien, Loic Charles, Guillaume Daudin, Silvia Marzagalli, Marjolein 't Hart, Johan Joor, Mark Dincecco, Giovanni Federico, Leandro Prados de la Escosura, Carlos Santiago-Caballero, Cristina Moreira, Jaime Reis, Rita Martins de Sousa, and Peter M.Solar.

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Pallaver, Karin (ed.), Monetary Transitions: Currencies, Colonialism and African Societies. (Palgrave Studies in Economic History) 276 pp. 2022 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <666-803>
ISBN 978-3-030-83460-9 hard ¥38,892.- (税込) EUR 159.99 *

This book uses money as a lens through which to analyze the social and economic impact of colonialism on African societies and institutions. It is the first book to address the monetary history of the entire colonial period in a comprehensive way, covering different areas of the continent, with the ultimate aim of understanding the long-term impact of colonial monetary policies on African societies. While grounding an understanding of money in terms of its circulation, acceptance and impact, this book shows first and foremost how the monetary systems that resulted from the imposition of colonial rule on African societies were not a replacement of the old currency systems with entirely new ones, but were rather the result of the convergence of different systems of value and monetary practices. By putting histories of people using money at the heart of the story, and connecting them to larger imperial policies, it provides a new and fresh perspective on the history of the establishment of colonial rule in Africa. This book is the result of a collaborative and interdisciplinary research project that has received funding by the Gerda Henkel Foundation. The contributors are both junior and senior scholars, based at universities in Europe, Africa, Asia and the US, who are all specialists on the history of money in Africa. It will appeal to an international audience of scholars and educators interested in African Studies and History, Economic History, Imperial and Colonial History, Development Studies, Monetary Studies.

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von Reden, Sitta / Ruffing, K. (Hrsg.), Handbuch Antike Wirtschaft. (Handbuecher zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte) 600 S. 2023 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <666-804>
ISBN 978-3-11-056757-1 hard ¥51,051.- (税込) EUR 210.00 *

Der Band bildet die Forschungsgeschichte, Quellen und theoretische Forschungsansaetze sowie die Bandbreite der wirtschaftshistorischen Sachgebiete der Alten Geschichte ab. Der Rahmen reicht dabei von ca. 1000 v. Chr. bis ca. 400 n. Chr., den Mittelpunkt bildet die ?Kernzeit" der griechisch-roemischen Antike von 700 v. Chr. bis 300 n. Chr. Dabei stehen althistorisch-kulturwissenschaftliche Analyse- und Darstellungsmethoden im Vordergrund.

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Roy, Tirthankar / Swamy, Anand V., Law and the Economy in a Young Democracy: India 1947 and Beyond. (Markets and Governments in Economic History) 272 pp. 2021:12 (U. Chicago Pr., US) <666-805>
ISBN 978-0-226-79900-1 hard ¥10,995.- (税込) US$ 49.00 *

An essential history of India's economic growth since 1947, including the legal reforms that have shaped the country in the shadow of colonial rule. Economists have long lamented how the inefficiency of India's legal system undermines the country's economic capacity. How has this come to be? The prevailing explanation is that the postcolonial legal system is understaffed and under-resourced, making adjudication and contract enforcement slow and costly. Taking this as given, Law and the Economy in a Young Democracy examines the contents and historical antecedents of these laws, including how they have stifled economic development. Economists Roy and Swamy argue that legal evolution in independent India has been shaped by three factors: the desire to reduce inequality and poverty; the suspicion that market activity, both domestic and international, can be detrimental to these goals; and the strengthening of Indian democracy over time, giving voice to a growing fraction of society, including the poor. Weaving the story of India's heralded economic transformation with its social and political history, Roy and Swamy show how inadequate legal infrastructure has been a key impediment to the country's economic growth during the last century. A stirring and authoritative history of a nation rife with contradictions, Law and the Economy in a Young Democracy is essential reading for anyone seeking to understand India's current crossroads-and the factors that may keep its dreams unrealized.

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Roessner, Philipp R., Einfuehrung in die Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Band 4: Fruehe Neuzeit. 250 S. 2024:12 (Kohlhammer, GW) <666-806>
ISBN 978-3-17-036720-3 paper ¥6,077.- (税込) EUR 25.00

Viele entscheidende Weichenstellungen fuer die weitere oekonomische Entwicklung Europas und der Welt erfolgten in der Fruehen Neuzeit. Hier liegen die Wurzeln des Kapitalismus und des modernen Wirtschaftswachstums, aber auch die Gruende, warum einige Laender arm blieben. Wie hat man in der Fruehen Neuzeit gearbeitet und gewirtschaftet? Welche Unterschiede gab es dabei zwischen sozialen Schichten und Geschlechtern? Was verstand man ueberhaupt unter "Wirtschaft", und wie hat sich das Denken ueber Maerkte und Wirtschaft, Freiheit und Kapitalismus, Unternehmergeist und Staat im Laufe der Zeit veraendert und entwickelt? Praegnant und informativ fuehrt Philipp Roessner in die Wirtschaftsgeschichte der europaeischen Fruehen Neuzeit ein und gibt eine grundlegende Uebersicht ueber die wichtigsten Debatten und Tendenzen der modernen Forschung.

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鎮目雅人著 大恐慌期の日本経済
Shizume, Masato, The Japanese Economy During the Great Depression: The Emergence of Macroeconomic Policy in A Small and Open Economy, 1931-1936. (Studies in Economic History) 111 pp. 2021:9 (Springer, GW) <666-808>
ISBN 978-981-13-7356-5 hard ¥26,737.- (税込) EUR 109.99 *

This book provides a systematic explanation of a remarkable policy innovation in an emerging economy in the modern world. In doing so, it highlights the nature of the Japanese economy during the interwar period. It offers a canonical case study for international macroeconomic policy of a small and open economy. Readers can draw lessons from the Japanese experience in the 1930s, recalling what kinds of challenges policymakers faced in a crisis situation, what they can do, and what they should not do. As a whole, it is a novel reference both for scholars in economic history and international economics, and for policymakers all over the world. A comprehensive and clear-cut picture of the Japanese economy during the Great Depression in the 1930s is presented, including the policy innovations brought about by an iconoclastic finance minister, Korekiyo Takahashi, at that time. To this end, the book integrates the narrative analysis based on newly available archival documents and the quantitative analysis based on newly constructed macroeconomic data and contemporary econometric methodologies. This work shows how Japan escaped from the depression in its early stage. It illustrates a transmission mechanism of the macroeconomic stimulus package of currency depreciation, easy money, and fiscal expansion. As well, it argues that the key for economic recovery was currency depreciation, and that expectations played a pivotal role in ending deflation and kick-starting economic recovery. Also contained here is an exploration of politico-economic interaction in the shaping of economic policy and the long-term consequences of policy actions such as departure from the gold standard and initiation of the government debt finance by the central bank. It is shown that the collapse of the international gold standard and debt finance by the central bank resulted in a loss of fiscal discipline in the long run.

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von Brescius, Meike, Private Enterprise and the China Trade: Merchants and Markets in Europe, 1700-1750. (Library of Economic History 16) 280 pp. 2022:1 (Brill, NE) <666-809>
ISBN 978-90-04-36914-6 hard ¥26,741.- (税込) EUR 110.00

The open access publication of this book has been published with the support of the Swiss National Science Foundation. This book examines the European commercial landscape of the early China trade, c.1700-1750. It looks at the foundational period of Sino-European commerce and explores a world of private enterprise beneath the surface of the official East India Company structures. Using rich private trade records, it analyses the making of pan-European markets, distribution networks and patterns of investment that together reveal a new geography of a trading system previously studied mostly at Canton. By considering the interloping activities of British-born merchants working for the smaller East India Companies, the book uncovers the commercial practices and cross-Company collaborations, both legal and illicit, that sustained the growth of the China trade: smuggling, wholesale trading, private commissions and the manipulation of Company auctions.

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Wegenschimmel, Peter, Zombiewerften oder Hungerkuenstler?: Staatlicher Schiffbau in Ostmitteleuropa nach 1970. (Schriftenreihe zur Zeitschrift fuer Unternehmensgeschichte 33) 280 S. 2021:6 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <666-810>
ISBN 978-3-11-073937-4 paper ¥14,572.- (税込) EUR 59.95 *

Die Werften Gdynia (Polen) und Uljanik (Kroatien), einst Flaggschiffprojekte des Rats fuer Gegenseitige Wirtschaftshilfe, haben den Beitritt zur EU nicht ueberlebt. Diese seit den 1970er Jahren unrentablen Unternehmen haben unpraetentioese staatliche Eigentuemer, vielschichtige Legitimationsstrategien sowie Verflechtungen auf kommunaler und nationaler Ebene trotz institutioneller Umbrueche und neoliberaler Reformen nach 1989 ueber Wasser gehalten.

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Alimento, Antonella / Della Fontana, Aris (eds.), Histories of Trade as Histories of Civilisation. 359 pp. 2021:11 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <666-783>
ISBN 978-3-030-80086-4 hard ¥36,461.- (税込) EUR 149.99 *

This edited collection explores the histories of trade, a peculiar literary genre that emerged in the context of the historiographical and cultural changes promoted by the histoire philosophique movement. It marked a discontinuity with erudition and antiquarianism, and interacted critically with universal history. By comparing and linking the histories of individual peoples within a common historical process, this genre enriched the reflection on civilisation that emerged during the long eighteenth century. Those who looked to the past wanted to understand the political constitutions and manners most appropriate to commerce, and grasp the recurring mechanisms underlying economic development. In this sense, histories of trade constituted a declination of eighteenth-century political economy, and thus became an invaluable analytical and practical tool for a galaxy of academic scholars, journalists, lawyers, administrators, diplomats and government ministers whose ambition was to reform the political, social and economic structure of their nations. Moreover, thanks to these investigations, a lucid awareness of historical temporality and, more particularly, the irrepressible precariousness of economic hegemonies, developed. However, as a field of tension in which multiple and even divergent intellectual sensibilities met, this literary genre also found space for critical assessments that focused on the ambivalence and dangers of commercial civilisation. Examining the complex relationship between the production of wealth and civilisation, this book provides unique insights for scholars of political economy, intellectual history and economic history.

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Antunes, Catia A. P. / Bethencourt, Francisco (eds.), Merchant Cultures: A Global Approach to Spaces, Representations and Worlds of Trade, 1500-1800. (European Expansion and Indigenous Response 37) 360 pp. 2022:2 (Brill, NE) <666-784>
ISBN 978-90-04-50655-8 hard ¥28,685.- (税込) EUR 118.00 *

The way merchants trade, think about business and represent commerce in art forms define merchant culture. The world between 1500 and 1800 encompassed different merchant cultures that stood alone and in contact with others. Culture, power relations and institutions framed similarities and differences and outlined the global outcome of these exchanges.

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Bluma, Lars / Farrenkopf, Michael / Meyer, Torsten (eds.), Boom - Crisis - Heritage: King Coal and the Energy Revolutions after 1945. (Veroeffentlichungen aus dem Deutschen Bergbau-Museum Bochum 242) 305 S. 2021:10 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <666-785>
ISBN 978-3-11-073476-8 hard ¥17,003.- (税込) EUR 69.95 *

Boom ? Crisis ? Heritage, these terms aptly outline the history of global coal mining after 1945. The essays collected in this volume explore this history with different emphases and questions. The range of topics also reflects this broad approach. The first section contains contributions on political, social and economic history. They address the European energy system in the globalised world of the 20th and 21st centuries as well as specific social policies in mining regions. The second section then focuses on the medialisation of mining and its legacies, also paying attention to the environmental history of mining. The anthology, which goes back to a conference of the same name at the Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum, thus offers a multi-faceted insight into the research field of modern mining history.

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Chow, Peter C. Y. (ed.), A Century of Development in Taiwan: From Colony to Modern State. 400 pp. 2022:1 (E. Elgar, UK) <666-787>
ISBN 978-1-80088-015-3 hard ¥36,025.- (税込) GB£ 125.00 *

Most colonies became independent countries after the end of World War II, while few of them became modernized even after decades of their independence. Taiwan is one of the few to become a modern state with remarkable achievements in its economic, socio-cultural, and political development.In 1921, Taiwanese intellectuals initiated a Petition Movement for the Establishment of a Taiwanese Parliament under the colonial government. Leaders of the enlightenment also established the Taiwan Cultural Association (TCA) on October 17, 1921. These two movements led to a series of socio-cultural, political, and economic developments during the past century. This book addresses the path and trajectory of the emergence of Taiwan from a colony to a modern state in the past century. It contains four major sections on identity and political developments and explores international relations, economic development. educational and societal development, and culture and literature development.This thorough exploration will prove invaluable to graduate and undergraduate students in Taiwan history, literature, and the cultural and political economy of development as well as students studying East Asia. It offers the same wealth of information to researchers and practitioners in Taiwan-China-US trilateral relations and in cultural anthropology and practices in East Asia politics and business.

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Grift, Liesbeth van de / Mueller, Dietmar et al. (eds.), Living with the Land: Rural and Agricultural Actors in Twentieth-Century Europe - A Handbook. (Contemporary European History 3) 450 S. 2023 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <666-620>
ISBN 978-3-11-067856-7 hard ¥38,882.- (税込) EUR 159.95 *

For a long time agriculture and rural life were dismissed by many contemporaries as irrelevant or old-fashioned. Contrasted with cities as centers of intellectual debate and political decision-making, the countryside seemed to be becoming increasingly irrelevant. Today, politicians in many European countries are starting to understand that the neglect of the countryside has created grave problems. Similarly, historians are remembering that European history in the twentieth century was strongly influenced by problems connected to the production of food, access to natural resources, land rights, and the political representation and activism of rural populations. Hence, the handbook offers an overview of historical knowledge on a variety of topics related to the land. It does so through a distinctly activity-centric and genuinely European perspective. Rather than comparing different national approaches to managing the land, the different chapters focus on particular activities ? from measuring to settling the land, from producing and selling food to improving agronomic knowledge, from organizing rural life to challenging political structures in the countryside. Furthermore, the handbook overcomes the traditional division between East and West, North and South, by embracing a transregional approach that allows readers to gain an understanding of similarities and differences across national and ideological borders.

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Henderson, Rena R., Sustainable Family Farming and Yeoman Ideals: 1860 to 2000 in North-West Tasmania. 328 pp. 2021:12 (Routledge, UK) <666-621>
ISBN 978-1-03-213558-8 hard ¥44,671.- (税込) GB£ 155.00 *

Within the frame of family farming, this book offers a longitudinal study of the Castra district in North-West Tasmania from first European settlement to the end of the twentieth century. It draws upon historical sources for yeomanry characteristics from Britain, Canada, the USA, New Zealand and Australian mainland colonies to show how these characteristics were persistently supportive of family farming.Surveying farming communities over several generations, this book explores a range of topics including colonial surveying practices, settler families' motivation, attributes and demographics, the role of Methodism, the ways children were inculcated into yeoman farming enterprises, the role of women as companionate wives and the political participation of farmers in the public sphere. The book also offers a new perspective of three commonly held myths of settlement failure: the settlement of retired Anglo-Indian military and civil officers in the 1870s, the settlement of soldiers on small farms after the Great War and the claims that the ideal of yeoman family farming was anachronistic to capitalist commodity production. The book draws from a wide selection of previously underused primary source materials, including oral histories from current and past residents, to provide a comprehensive overview of an important aspect of rural Australian history.The book is a valuable contribution to Australian historiography, and will be a useful resource for students and scholars of rural history, social history, environmental history, colonialism and sustainable agriculture.

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A.J.H.レイサム著 アジアにおける米と工業化
Latham, A. J. H., Rice and Industrialisation in Asia. (Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia) 200 pp. 2021:12 (Routledge, UK) * paper 2023 <666-626>
ISBN 978-1-03-212462-9 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-1-03-212487-2 paper ¥11,524.- (税込) GB£ 39.99 *

This book is about the introduction of modern power-driven rice milling to the main rice exporting countries of Burma (Myanmar), Siam (Thailand) and French Indo-China (Vietnam) from 1869. Rich in historical and empirical sources, the book draws extensively from the London Rice Brokers' Association Circular archives, published monthly from 1869 to 2014, as well as numerical data gathered from historic trade and custom reports. It outlines how rice had been exported in the husk to be milled in Britain prior to 1869, after which mills were transferred to Asia and the rice shipped back having been milled. Rice processed in Asia is explained not only as a major saving in transport costs, but the marker of a crucial step in the industrialisation of Asia - namely through the introduction of modern mechanised value adding rice mills powered by steam engines. This is a reversal of the concept that the development of modern technology de-industrialised Asia, turning it into a supplier of raw materials. Later chapters address the inter-war years, when Chinese companies in particular took over the operation of mills and developed an Asia-wide market for rice milled in the great milling centers of Rangoon (Yangon), Bangkok and Saigon (Ho Chi Minh). Rice and Industrialisation in Asia will prove a valuable resource to students and scholars of economic history, postcolonial studies, and Asian studies more broadly.

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Flores Zendejas, Juan / Gaillard, Norbert et al. (eds.), Moral Hazard: A Financial, Legal, and Economic Perspective. (Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking) 240 pp. 2021:12 (Routledge, UK) * paper 2023 <666-555>
ISBN 978-0-367-68833-2 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *
ISBN 978-0-367-68834-9 paper ¥11,524.- (税込) GB£ 39.99 *

Moral Hazard is a core concept in economics. In a nutshell, moral hazard reflects the reduced incentive to protect against risk where an entity is (or believes it will be) protected from its consequences, whether through an insurance arrangement or an implicit or explicit guarantee system. It is fundamentally driven by information asymmetry, arises in all sectors of the economy, including banking, medical insurance, financial insurance, and governmental support, undermines the stability of our economic systems and has burdened taxpayers in all developed countries, resulting in significant costs to the community. Despite the seriousness and pervasiveness of moral hazard, policymakers and scholars have failed to address this issue. This book fills this gap. It covers 200 years of moral hazard: from its origins in the 19th century to the bailouts announced in the aftermath of the COVID-19 outbreak. The book is divided into three parts. Part I deals with the ethics and other fundamental issues connected to moral hazard. Part II provides historical and empirical evidence on moral hazard in international finance. It examines in turn the role of the export credit industry, the international lender of last resort, and the IMF. Finally, Part III examines specific sectors such as automobile, banking, and the US industry at large. This is the first book to provide an interdisciplinary analysis of moral hazard and explain why addressing this issue has become crucial today. As such, it will attract interest from scholars across different fields, including economists, political scientists and lawyers.

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Seow, Victor, Carbon Technocracy: Energy Regimes in Modern East Asia. (Studies of the Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University) 384 pp. 2022:2 (U. Chicago Pr., US) <666-609>
ISBN 978-0-226-72199-6 hard ¥8,976.- (税込) US$ 40.00 *

A forceful reckoning with the relationship between energy and power through the history of what was once East Asia's largest coal mine. The coal-mining town of Fushun in China's Northeast is home to a monstrous open pit. First excavated in the early twentieth century, this pit grew like a widening maw over the ensuing decades, as various Chinese and Japanese states endeavored to unearth Fushun's purportedly "inexhaustible" carbon resources. Today, the depleted mine that remains is a wondrous and terrifying monument to fantasies of a fossil-fueled future and the technologies mobilized in attempts to turn those developmentalist dreams into reality. In Carbon Technocracy, Victor Seow uses the remarkable story of the Fushun colliery to chart how the fossil fuel economy emerged in tandem with the rise of the modern technocratic state. Taking coal as an essential feedstock of national wealth and power, Chinese and Japanese bureaucrats, engineers, and industrialists deployed new technologies like open-pit mining and hydraulic stowage in pursuit of intensive energy extraction. But as much as these mine operators idealized the might of fossil fuel-driven machines, their extractive efforts nevertheless relied heavily on the human labor that those devices were expected to displace. Under the carbon energy regime, countless workers here and elsewhere would be subjected to invasive techniques of labor control, ever-escalating output targets, and the dangers of an increasingly exploited earth. Although Fushun is no longer the coal capital it once was, the pattern of aggressive fossil-fueled development that led to its ascent endures. As we confront a planetary crisis precipitated by our extravagant consumption of carbon, it holds urgent lessons. This is a groundbreaking exploration of how the mutual production of energy and power came to define industrial modernity and the wider world that carbon made.

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Unger, Corinna R. / Ferns, N. / Loveridge, J. et al. (eds.), Perspectives on the History of Global Development. (Yearbook for the History of Global Development 1) 200 S. 2022:2.Q. (de Gruyter, GW) <666-496>
ISBN 978-3-11-073516-1 hard ¥15,788.- (税込) EUR 64.95 *

What is development, what has it been in the past, and what can historians learn from studying the history of development? How has the field of the history of development evolved over time, and where should it be going in the future?

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