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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Roscoe, Philip, How to Build a Stock Exchange: The Past, Present and Future of Finance. 224 pp. 2023:3 (Bristol U. Pr., UK) <687-147>
ISBN 978-1-5292-2431-3 hard ¥24,781.- (税込) GB£ 85.99 *
ISBN 978-1-5292-2432-0 paper ¥5,760.- (税込) GB£ 19.99 *

Why is finance so important? How do stock markets work and what do they really do? Most importantly, what might finance be and what could we expect from it? Exploring contemporary finance via the development of stock exchanges, markets and the links with states, Roscoe mingles historical and technical detail with humorous anecdotes and lively portraits of market participants. Deftly combining research and autobiographical vignettes, he offers a cautionary tale about the drive of financial markets towards expropriation, capture and exclusion. Positioning financial markets as central devices in the organization of the global economy, he includes contemporary concerns over inequality, climate emergency and (de)colonialism and concludes by wondering, in the market's own angst-filled voice, what the future for finance might be, and how we might get there.

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Bellavitis, Anna / Sapienza, Valentina (eds.), Apprenticeship, Work, Society in Early Modern Venice. (Routledge Research in Early Modern History) 320 pp. 2023:2 (Routledge, UK) <687-221>
ISBN 978-1-03-205351-6 hard ¥36,025.- (税込) GB£ 125.00 *

Apprenticeship in early modern Europe has been the subject of important research in the last decades, mostly by economic historians; but the majority of the research has dealt with cities or countries in Northern Europe. The organization, evolution and purpose of apprenticeship in Southern Europe are much less studied, especially for the early modern period. The research in this volume is based on a unique documentary source: more than 54,000 apprenticeship contracts registered from 1575 to 1772 by the "Old Justice", a civil court of the Republic of Venice in charge of guilds and labour disputes. An archival source of such scale provides a unique opportunity to historians, and this is the first time that primary research on apprenticeship is leveraging such a large amount of data in one of the main economic centres of early modern Europe. This book brings together multiple perspectives, including social history, economic history and art history, and is the outcome of an interdisciplinary collaboration between historians and computer scientists.Apprenticeship, Work, Society in Early Modern Venice will appeal to students and researchers alike interested in the nature of work and employment in Venice and Italy, as well as society in early modern Europe more generally.

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Bernhardt, Christoph / Butter, Andreas et al. (eds.), Between Solidarity and Economic Constraints: Global Entanglements of Socialist Architecture and Planning in the Cold War Period. (Rethinking the Cold War) 250 S. 2023:4 (de Gruyter, GW) <687-222>
ISBN 978-3-11-065406-6 hard ¥24,296.- (税込) EUR 99.95 *

Until the end of the Cold War in 1990, building projects and architectural icons played an important role in the self-portrayal of the competing systems. However, as the current research shows, we also find a large variety of forms of cooperation between the East, the South, and the West, not to forget the manifold cross-border entanglements within the South or the East. This book explores the intersection of two strands of research. On the one hand, interaction in the field of architecture and construction between actors from socialist countries and from countries of the Global South have increasingly won interest amongst historians of architecture and planning. On the other hand, in the context of the strongly emerging Cold War Studies, scholars have explored cooperation and circulation across the Iron Curtain with a focus on economic and research planning. This book connects perspectives of planning, construction and architectural design with those on economic interests and conflicts in projects and networks. Furthermore, it opens the view to the hubs of communication and exchange, and on patterns of longterm transformation and appropriation of architecture.

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Cardoso, Jose Luis, Money, Debt and Politics: The Bank of Lisbon and the Portuguese Liberal Revolution of 1820. (Routledge International Studies in Money and Banking) 144 pp. 2023:1 (Routledge, UK) <687-223>
ISBN 978-1-03-240972-6 hard ¥36,025.- (税込) GB£ 125.00 *

This book presents an innovative history of the first Portuguese public bank, by exploring the relationship between banking activities and the political context. It provides an overview of the origins of the banking system in Portugal, and also in Brazil, and explores new archive materials related to the first years of activity of the Bank of Lisbon and to the public debates on monetary and public finance topics.It discusses the main features of the Bank of Lisbon: a private bank with a mandate to issue banknotes for the purposes of regulating monetary circulation, and with the function of financing the State for current payments, as well as for the amortisation of public debt and the creation of new debt. The aim of contributing to the re-establishment of public trust and credit conferred upon the Bank of Lisbon the status of a quasi-central bank with the obligations of lending and issuing money. This historical case study offers new insights for a better understanding of the role of banks on the regulation of monetary circulation and on the management of sovereign debt. By stressing the relevance of the political context, it also illustrates the key issues of trust, independence and rules associated to decision-making processes in the study of European banking history. The main focus is the link between banking practices and the political environment. However, the reader will also engage in discussions on theoretical and economic policy issues on the main economic topics under survey: money, paper money, public debt and credit system.

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Gehler, Michael / Ziethen, Sanne (Hrsg.), Waehrungsidentitaeten und -kulturen im Kontext europaeischer und globaler Krisen: Hildesheimer Europagespraeche VI. (Historische Europa-Studien - Geschichte in Erfahrung, Gegenwart und Zukunft 27) 500 S. 2022 (Olms, GW) <687-224>
ISBN 978-3-487-16209-6 hard ¥16,530.- (税込) EUR 68.00 *

The experience of crises with a nation’s own currency leaves traces: banking, financial, economic and currency crises shape political and economic systems, the handling of money at both societal and private levels, the structure and organisation of institutions and, not least, national identities and political cultures and systems. As obvious as this may sound, it is worth questioning and investigating the influence of national economic cultures as a part of national identities on the ‘European construct’. It was not only in the early phases of the foundation of the European Communities that different experiences and approaches clashed controversially ? even today the Euro as a common currency is consistently in crisis mode in the ‘battle of economic cultures’. The aim of this volume is to investigate these historical and political connections, bringing together papers and transcriptions of conversations by figures from the worlds of monetary, financial and currency policy, expert in taxation and economic policy, and analysts of economic and currency crises who were invited to take part in the Hildesheim ‘European Debates’ between 2014 and 2018. In view of the various crises of the last decade, the papers and the interviews with Lars P. Feld, Werner Hoyer, Sebastian Huhnholz, Otmar Issing, Max Otte, Athanassios Pitsoulis, Hans Reckers and Klaus Regling have already become contemporary historical documents.

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Kreienbaum, Jonas, Das Oel und der Kampf um eine Neue Weltwirtschaftsordnung: Die Bedeutung der Oelkrisen der 1970er Jahre fuer die Nord-Sued-Beziehungen. (Studien zur Internationalen Geschichte 53) 380 S. 2022:5 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <687-225>
ISBN 978-3-11-076970-8 hard ¥14,572.- (税込) EUR 59.95 *

Die beiden ?Oelschocks" von 1973/74 und 1979/80 waren nicht nur zentrale wirtschaftliche Ereignisse, sondern uebten entscheidenden Einfluss auf die zeitgenoessischen Debatten um eine grundlegende Reform, wenn nicht gar Revolution, der Weltwirtschaftsordnung aus. Das vorliegende Buch untersucht die Oelkrisen erstmals nicht allein mit Blick auf die Industriestaaten der noerdlichen Hemisphaere, sondern fragt gleichberechtigt nach ihren Folgen fuer die Staaten des Globalen Suedens. Die Studie argumentiert, dass die Oelkrisen der OPEC die notwendigen Machtmittel in die Hand gaben, um die Forderung nach einer Neuen Weltwirtschaftsordnung 1974 erfolgreich auf einen Spitzenplatz der internationalen Agenda zu setzen. Gleichzeitig fuehrte die Belastung der Oekonomien zahlreicher ?Entwicklungslaender" durch die massiven Oelpreissteigerungen jedoch mittelfristig zum Auseinanderbrechen der Solidaritaet der Dritten Welt und damit zum faktischen Ende des Reformprogramms in den fruehen 1980er Jahren. Auf der Basis von Quellen aus Archiven in Afrika, Amerika, Asien und Europa ergaenzt das Buch die existierenden auf Europa zentrierten Studien zur Geschichte der Nord-Sued-Beziehungen, der Oelkrisen und der 1970er Jahre im Allgemeinen.

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Lauwers, Michel / Schneider, Laurent (dir.), Mises en reserve: production, accumulation et redistribution des cereales dans l'Occident medieval et moderne. (Flaran) 300 p. 2022:8 (Pr. U. du Midi, FR) <687-226>
ISBN 978-2-8107-0790-4 paper ¥6,320.- (税込) EUR 26.00 *



Rougier, Marcelo / Odisio, Juan, Industry and Development in Argentina: An Intellectual History, 1914-1980. (Routledge Explorations in Economic History) 432 pp. 2023:2 (Routledge, UK) <687-228>
ISBN 978-1-03-239836-5 hard ¥44,671.- (税込) GB£ 155.00 *

This book explores the twists and turns in Argentina's modern economic history and the debates that raged there around a problem common to all former colonies: how to achieve a level of economic growth for its population in a world characterized by unequal economic relations between the industrialized nations of the north and the commodity producers of the south.This new perspective examines the history of ideas surrounding industrialization and economic development in Argentina, drawing on a rigorous investigation of multiple sources. It demonstrates Argentina's role as a laboratory for and disseminator of ideas that would eventually become the common property of all the developing world. Influential thinkers such as Raul Prebisch and Aldo Ferrer, leading figures in twentieth century Latin American economic thought, developed important ideas such as unequal international trade relations, the promise and limits of Import Substitution Industrialization, the role of the state in the development of a national capitalism. These were the forerunners of similar concerns in other countries in Latin America and elsewhere in the world.The book will be of interest to historians, economists, sociologists of economic development, and related disciplines concerned with questions of global economic inequality.

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Strath, Bo, The Brandt Commission and the Multinationals: Planetary Perspectives. (Routledge Studies in Modern European History) 448 pp. 2023:1 (Routledge, UK) <687-229>
ISBN 978-1-03-233233-8 hard ¥36,025.- (税込) GB£ 125.00 *

Set against the backdrop of dramatic world order transformations across the 1970s and 1980s, this book examines the competing planetary perspectives of the Brandt Commission and the multinationals, arguing that the missed opportunities of these decades created a path for contemporary political and economic crises.At the Global South's request for a New International Economic Order, the Brandt Commission, chaired by Willy Brandt, was appointed in 1977. The commission, with a goal to formulate arguments on how to close the gap between the North and South, developed a planetary perspective grounded in economic redistribution, ecological considerations, and disarmament. The multinationals, at that time, a new kind of business corporation, repressed Brandt's vision by seeking freedom from political monitoring. This book discusses the ways that global corporations created facts that changed the world and the preconditions of politics. It moves beyond existing research that considers the competition merely a theoretical clash between Keynesianism and neoliberalism.Featuring a thorough analysis of the decades' trends and a new interview with Shridath Ramphal, the Commission's unofficial vice chair, this is a timely volume for students and researchers of international relations, political science, and contemporary history.

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von Reden, Sitta (ed.), Handbook of Ancient Afro-Eurasian Economies. Volume 2: Local, Regional, and Imperial Economies. 600 S. 2021:12 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <687-230>
ISBN 978-3-11-060452-8 hard ¥47,391.- (税込) EUR 194.95 *

The second volume of the Handbook describes different extractive economies in the world regions that have been outlined in the first volume. A wide range of economic actors - from kings and armies to cities and producers - are discussed within different imperial settings as well as the tools which enabled and constrained economic outcomes. A central focus are nodes of consumption that are visible in the archaeological and textual records of royal capitals, cities, religious centers, and armies that were stationed, in some cases permanently, in imperial frontier zones. Complementary to the multipolar concentrations of consumption are the fiscal-tributary structures of the empires vis-a-vis other institutions that had the capacity to extract, mobilize, and concentrate resources and wealth. Larger volumes of state-issued coinage in various metals show the new role of coinage in taxation, local economic activities, and social practices, even where textual evidence is absent. Given the overwhelming importance of agriculture, the volume also analyses forms of agrarian development, especially around cities and in imperial frontier zones. Special consideration is given to road- and water-management systems for which there is now sufficient archaeological and documentary evidence to enable cross-disciplinary comparative research.

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