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掲載点数 全7件




Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



J.M.ピルチャー著 いかに旅行、貿易、味覚がビールをグローバルな日用品にしたか
Pilcher, Jeffrey M., Hopped Up: How Travel, Trade, and Taste Made Beer a Global Commodity. 352 pp. 2024:8 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <696-260>
ISBN 978-0-19-767604-2 hard ¥7,850.- (税込) US$ 34.99

A lively history of beer and brewing traditions as globally connected commodities created through borrowing and exchange from precapitalist times to the present. Virtually every country has a bestselling or iconic national beer brand: from Budweiser in the United States and Corona in Mexico, to Tsingtao in China and Heineken in Holland. Yet, with the sole exception of Ireland's Guinness, every label represents the same style: light, crisp, clear, Pilsner lager. The global spread of lager can be told as a story of Western cultural imperialism: a European product travels through merchants, migrants, and imperialists to upend local patterns and transform faraway consumers' tastes. But this modern beer is just as much a product of globalization, invented and reinvented around the world. While distinctive craft beers such as London Porter, India Pale Ale, and Belgian sour ales have been revived by aficionados over the past half-century, they too have globalized through the same circuits of trade, migration, and knowledge that carried lager. Here eminent food historian Jeffrey M. Pilcher narrates the brewing traditions and contemporary production of beer across Europe, North America, Africa, Asia, and Latin America-from the fermented beverages of precapitalist societies to the present. Over the centuries, he shows, the exchange of technological advances in brewing contributed to regional divergences and convergences in beer varieties, but always in tandem with other social and cultural developments. Unique local products, often homebrewed by women, were transformed into homogenous global commodities as giant brewing factories exported their beers using new refrigeration technology, railroads, and steamships. Industrial food processing helped to recast strong flavors as a source of potential contamination, turning lager, with its clean, fresh taste, into a symbol of hygiene and civilization. Local elites demonstrated their modernity and sophistication by opting for chilled lagers over traditional beverages. These beers became so standardized that most consumers could not tell the difference between them, leading to cutthroat competition that bankrupted countless firms. Over the past half-century, the global concentration of the brewing industry has spawned a reaction among those seeking to return brewing to the local, artisanal, and communitarian roots of the premodern alehouse, but microbrewers have often been driven by the same capitalist quest for profit and expansion. Based on a wealth of multinational archives and industry publications, Hopped Up explores not only how humans have made beer but also how consumers--from nobility and clergy in the past to those raising a pint today--have used beer to make meaning in their lives.

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H.キーゼヴェッター著 近代資本主義とその生存の可能性
Kiesewetter, Hubert, Der moderne Kapitalismus und seine Ueberlebenschance. (Wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen und Reden zur Philosophie, Politik und Geistesgeschichte 108) 238 S. 2023:1 (Duncker, GW) <696-259>
ISBN 978-3-428-18794-2 paper ¥14,560.- (税込) EUR 59.90 *

In diesem Buch werden unterschiedliche Wirtschaftsformen der griechischen und roemischen Antike, des Mittelalters, des Feudalismus, des Merkantilismus sowie des Industriekapitalismus dahingehend miteinander verglichen und ueberprueft, welche kapitalistischen Auspraegungen in ihnen aufgetreten sind und ob sie mit einem modernen Kapitalismus ueberhaupt verglichen werden koennen. Aus Sicht des Autors beginnt der moderne Kapitalismus mit der englischen Industrialisierung seit der zweiten Haelfte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Wenn es zutrifft, dass der europaeische Kapitalismus des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts vollstaendig neue Wirtschaftsformen entwickelt hat, dann muessen die vielfaeltigen Interpretationsversuche von bekannten Kapitalismusforschern wie Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Rudolf Hilferding, Werner Sombart, Max Weber u. a. auf ihre empirische Korrektheit hinterfragt werden. Darueber hinaus geht der Autor der Frage nach, welche Vor- und Nachteile mit einem modernen Kapitalismus fuer die arbeitende Bevoelkerung verbunden waren und sind, und ob es gerechtfertigt ist, den heutigen Kapitalismus gruendlich zu veraendern, abzuschaffen oder durch ein alternatives System zu ersetzen, trotz der grossen Gefahren fuer Freiheit und Wohlstand, wie wir sie in kommunistischen Staaten kennengelernt und miterlebt haben.

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Jenkins, Jeffrey A. / Rubin, Jared (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Historical Political Economy. (Oxford Handbooks) 968 pp. 2023:10 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <696-181>
ISBN 978-0-19-761860-8 hard ¥42,636.- (税込) US$ 190.00 *

The Oxford Handbook of Historical Political Economy brings together scholars who are working on essential and field-shaping topics in this burgeoning area. Historical Political Economy (HPE) is the study of how political and economic actors and institutions have interacted over time. It differs from much of economic history in that it focuses on the causes and consequences of politics. It departs from much of conventional political economy in that its context is strictly historical, even if/when it has implications for contemporary political economy. It also departs from much of history in its use of social-scientific theory and methods. Thus, while HPE involves elements of the traditional fields of economics, political economy, and history, it is separate from-and integrative of-them. The Handbook includes contributions from leading scholars in political science, economics, sociology, and history. The first section summarizes the state of the field and provides an overview of the data and techniques typically used by HPE scholars. Subsequent chapters survey major HPE research areas in political economy, political science, and economics, as well as the long-run economic, political, and social consequences of historical political economy. Various chapters in the Handbook will be of interest to economists, political scientists, sociologists, historians, legal scholars, and public policy scholars who study political-economy issues and topics from a historical perspective. There are currently not many forums for scholars in these fields to interact and share ideas. The Oxford Handbook of Historical Political Economy ameliorates this issue, cutting across disciplinary lines and reducing the barriers to interdisciplinary discussions.

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R.ボワイエ著 マクロ経済学と歴史
Boyer, Robert, Macroeconomie et histoire: du grand ecart a une nouvelle alliance. (Bibliotheque de l'economiste 52) 2022 (Classiques Garnier, FR) <696-179>
ISBN 978-2-406-13779-5 hard ¥19,204.- (税込) EUR 79.00 *
ISBN 978-2-406-13778-8 paper ¥9,237.- (税込) EUR 38.00 *



E.E.コーエン著 ローマの不平等
Cohen, Edward E., Roman Inequality: Affluent Slaves, Businesswomen, Legal Fictions. 208 pp. 2023 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <696-257>
ISBN 978-0-19-768734-5 hard ¥18,625.- (税込) US$ 83.00 *

Roman Inequality explores how in Rome in the first and second centuries CE a number of male and female slaves, and some free women, prospered in business amidst a population of generally impoverished free inhabitants and of impecunious enslaved residents. Edward E. Cohen focuses on two anomalies to which only minimal academic attention has been previously directed: (1) the paradox of a Roman economy dependent on enslaved entrepreneurs who functioned, and often achieved considerable personal affluence, within a legal system that supposedly deprived unfree persons of all legal capacity and human rights; (2) the incongruity of the importance and accomplishments of Roman businesswomen, both free and slave, successfully operating under legal rules that in many aspects discriminated against women, but in commercial matters were in principle gender-blind and in practice generated egalitarian juridical conditions that often trumped gender-discriminatory customs. This book also examines the casuistry through which Roman jurists created "legal fictions" facilitating a commercial reality utterly incompatible with the fundamental precepts--inherently discriminatory against women and slaves---that Roman legal experts ("jurisprudents") continued explicitly to insist upon. Moreover, slaves' acquisition of wealth was actually aided by a surprising preferential orientation of the legal system: Roman law--to modern Western eyes counter-intuitively--in reality privileged servile enterprise, to the detriment of free enterprise. Beyond its anticipated audience of economic historians and students and scholars of classical antiquity, especially of Roman history and law, Roman Inequality will appeal to all persons working on or interested in gender and liberation issues.

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Athukorala, Prema-Chandra / Athukorala, Chaturica, The 1918-20 Influenza Pandemic: A Retrospective in the Time of COVID-19. (Elements in Development Economics) 75 pp. 2022:11 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <696-237>
ISBN 978-1-00-933608-6 paper ¥4,899.- (税込) GB£ 17.00 *

The pandemic of 1918-20-commonly known as the Spanish flu-infected over a quarter of the world's population and killed over fifty million people. It is by far the greatest humanitarian disaster caused by an infectious disease in modern history. Epidemiologists and health scientists often draw on this experience to set the plausible upper bound (the 'worst case scenario') on future pandemic mortality. The purpose of this study is to piece together and analyse the scattered multi-disciplinary literature on the pandemic in order to place debates on the evolving course of the current COVID-19 crisis in historical perspective. The analysis focuses on the changing characteristics of pathogens and disease over time, the institutional factors that shaped the global spread, the demographic and socio-economic consequences, and pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical responses to the pandemic. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.

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Barry, Frank, Industry and Policy in Independent Ireland, 1922-1972. 224 pp. 2023:7 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <696-255>
ISBN 978-0-19-887823-0 hard ¥20,174.- (税込) GB£ 70.00 *

This book revisits the history of industry and industrial and economic policy in independent Ireland from the birth of the state to the eve of EEC accession. Though there were several manufacturing employers of significance, and smaller firms in operation in almost every major branch of industry, the Irish Free State was predominantly agricultural at its establishment in 1922. Industrial development was high on the nationalist agenda, as would be the case across the entire developing world in the later post-colonial era. Despite decades of protection, and a substantial increase in the size of the manufacturing sector, Ireland remained under-industrialised when it joined the European Economic Community in 1973. Over the previous decade and a half however the foundations of later convergence had been laid. Ireland was an early adopter of what would come to be known as dual-track reform. The policy of attracting outward-oriented foreign direct investment was initiated before substantial trade liberalisation began. By 1972 there had been a significant diversification in export categories and export destinations, and in the nationality of ownership of the leading manufacturing firms. Some of the most successful indigenous companies of the future were also beginning to emerge. In these and other respects the foundations of the economic progress that would be made over the course of EEC membership were already discernible, notwithstanding the post-accession collapse of most protectionist-era businesses. The analysis is supplemented by a unique firm-level database that allows for the identification of the leading manufacturing firms in operation at any stage from the early 1900s through to 1972. The database extends by more than 50 years the period for which estimates of the significance of foreign-owned industry can be provided.

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