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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Badowska, Katarzyna / Cieslak, T. / Pietrych, K. (eds.), City of Modernity. Lodz. (Studien zur Multikulturalitaet 6) 624 S. 2023:4 (O. Harrassowitz, GW) <700-634>
ISBN 978-3-447-12026-5 hard ¥30,387.- (税込) EUR 125.00

City of Modernity consists of 33 essays about ?od?, a city that started out as an agricultural settlement and became a metropolis within a single generation, all thanks to technological progress. Its population of 767 in 1820, it had grown to 767,000 by 1939. At the turn of the century, it emblematized modernization and industrialization, and was a symbol of industrial-era modernity. It was often compared to Manchester and its truly American pace of development was admired. The city’s rapid economic career was impressive, but it also exacted a high social cost. The authors, representing a variety of fields (history, sociology, literary, theatre and film studies, cultural anthropology) analyze many aspects of ?od?’s economic, social and cultural life before the outbreak of World War II. In reference to ?od? modernism, they explore notions like modernity, metropolitanism and peripherality, multi-culturalism and multi-ethnicity (?od? was a labor destination for German settlers, Polish peasants, Jews, as well as newcomers from the Russian interior), the phenomenon of workers’ movements which peaked during the revolution of 1905, and the expansion of mass entertainment. The publication also looks at issues linked to urban infrastructure, animators of cultural life, and the emergence of new religious, political, and emancipation movements.

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Bastasin, Carlo / Toniolo, Gianni, The Rise and Fall of the Italian Economy. (New Approaches to Economic and Social History) 211 pp. 2023:10 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <700-635>
ISBN 978-1-00-923534-1 hard ¥20,174.- (税込) GB£ 70.00 *
ISBN 978-1-00-923531-0 paper ¥6,625.- (税込) GB£ 22.99 *

Carlo Bastasin and Gianni Toniolo provide a much-needed, up-to-date economic history of Italy from unification in 1861 to the present day. They show how, thirty years after unification, Italy began a long phase of convergence with more advanced economies so that by the late twentieth century Italy's per capita income reached the levels of Germany, France and the UK. From the mid-1990s, however, the Italian economy declined first in relative and then absolute terms. The authors describe the intertwined financial and institutional crises that eroded trust in the political system and in the economy at the exact juncture when new technologies and markets transformed the global economy. Longstanding problems of uneven levels of education and obsolete bureaucratic and judicial practices deepened the division between economically vibrant regions and the rest, causing polarization, political instability and rising public debt. Italy's contemporary malaise makes the country a test-case for understanding the implications of protracted declines in productivity and the flattening of GDP growth for the stability of western democracies, resulting in populism, mistrust and political instability.

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Blanke, Louise / Cromwell, Jennifer (eds.), Monastic Economies in Late Antique Egypt and Palestine. 400 pp. 2023:4 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <700-636>
ISBN 978-1-00-927897-3 hard ¥28,820.- (税込) GB£ 100.00 *

This book situates discussions of Christian monasticism in Egypt and Palestine within the socio-economic world of the long Late Antiquity, from the golden age of monasticism into and well beyond the Arab conquest (fifth to tenth century). Its thirteen chapters present new research into the rich corpus of textual sources and archaeological remains and move beyond traditional studies that have treated monastic communities as religious entities in physical seclusion from society. The volume brings together scholars working across traditional boundaries of subject and geography and explores a diverse range of topics from the production of food and wine to networks of scribes, patronage, and monastic visitation. As such, it paints a vivid picture of busy monastic lives dependent on and led in tandem with the non-monastic world.

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Brather, Sebastian (Hrsg.), Die Dukate des Merowingerreiches: Archaeologie und Geschichte in vergleichender Perspektive. (Ergaenzungsbaende zum Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde 139) 852 pp. 2023:5 (de Gruyter, GW) <700-637>
ISBN 978-3-11-109554-7 hard ¥34,020.- (税込) EUR 139.95 *

Der Band analysiert in enger interdisziplinaerer Debatte von Archaeologen und Historikern die Dukate des Merowingerreiches einschliesslich ihrer moeglichen spaetantiken Vorlaeufer. Ziel ist ein systematischer Vergleich von duces und Dukaten innerhalb des Frankenreiches des 6. bis 8. Jahrhunderts sowie weiterer ausgewaehlter Beispiele. Dabei wird jeweils nach Zeitpunkt, Voraussetzungen und Umstaenden ihrer Entstehung sowie nach der politischen Struktur und ihrer Entwicklung waehrend der juengeren Merowingerzeit gefragt. Besonderes Interesse beanspruchen einerseits Aufgaben der duces in Militaer und Administration, Gesetzgebung und Rechtsprechung sowie andererseits Folgewirkungen in den Bereichen Kultur und Religion. Mit dem althistorischen bzw. mediaevistischen Ausgangspunkt eroeffnen sich vielfaeltige archaeologische Perspektiven. Denn die zu rekonstruierenden politik- und verwaltungsgeschichtlichen Kontexte bieten Ansatzpunkte fuer neue Interpretationen jenseits des ?ethnischen Paradigmas‘ bei der Interpretation archaeologischer Befunde, und sie wirken mit ihren Raumanalysen zurueck auf das geschichtswissenschaftliche Verstaendnis von duces und Dukaten.

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Burgin, James M., Studies in Hittite Economic Administration: A New Edition of the Hittite Palace-Temple Administrative Corpus and Research on Allied Texts Found at Hattusa. Volume I: Background, Corpus Overview, Case Studies, Lexical Commentary, and Glossary. (Studien zu den Bogazkoey-Texten 70) 666 S. 2022:11 (O. Harrassowitz, GW) <700-638>
ISBN 978-3-447-11929-0 hard ¥29,172.- (税込) EUR 120.00

The Hittite Palace-Temple Administrative Corpus constitutes the bulk of the living economic-administrative documents found at the Hittite capital of ?attua. Since the last edition of the corpus, the number of available texts and text fragments has nearly doubled, from 138 to 252. Nevertheless, the corpus remains exceptionally small compared to those of contemporary Bronze Age kingdoms. The texts are furthermore distinguished by an unexpected level of detail, length, and focus on durable goods, such as textiles, metals, and religious objects. Staple products, such as foodstuffs, grain, and livestock, are nearly absent. Volumes 1 + 2 of Studies in Hittite Economic Administration address the unusual features of the preserved Hittite economic-administrative corpus while providing a comprehensive new edition. Based on current archeological and anthropological research, it is suggested that the scope and contents of the corpus are appropriate for an economic administration that was primarily designed to bind together a system of local, defensive agricultural programs through the influence of elites and communities with luxuries and religious endowments. The texts are fully edited with analysis and commentary. An analytical glossary and lexical commentary on the numerous technical terms, rare words, and realia found in the texts are also provided. A case study comparing the wealth of one of the most important texts in corpus to other sources of wealth in the Hittite kingdom is conducted. Finally, the Hittite votive corpus is evaluated from an economic perspective to demonstrate that a significant portion of Hittite religious expenditure was financed by diplomatic income.

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Burgin, James M., Studies in Hittite Economic Administration: A New Edition of the Hittite Palace-Temple Administrative Corpus and Research on Allied Texts Found at Hattusa. Volume II: Text Editions and Philological Commentary. (Studien zu den Bogazkoey-Texten 71) XXI, 650 S. 2022:12 (O. Harrassowitz, GW) <700-639>
ISBN 978-3-447-11930-6 hard ¥29,172.- (税込) EUR 120.00

The Hittite Palace-Temple Administrative Corpus constitutes the bulk of the living economic-administrative documents found at the Hittite capital of ?attua. Since the last edition of the corpus, the number of available texts and text fragments has nearly doubled, from 138 to 252. Nevertheless, the corpus remains exceptionally small compared to those of contemporary Bronze Age kingdoms. The texts are furthermore distinguished by an unexpected level of detail, length, and focus on durable goods, such as textiles, metals, and religious objects. Staple products, such as foodstuffs, grain, and livestock, are nearly absent. Volumes 1 + 2 of Studies in Hittite Economic Administration address the unusual features of the preserved Hittite economic-administrative corpus while providing a comprehensive new edition. Based on current archeological and anthropological research, it is suggested that the scope and contents of the corpus are appropriate for an economic administration that was primarily designed to bind together a system of local, defensive agricultural programs through the influence of elites and communities with luxuries and religious endowments. The texts are fully edited with analysis and commentary. An analytical glossary and lexical commentary on the numerous technical terms, rare words, and realia found in the texts are also provided. A case study comparing the wealth of one of the most important texts in corpus to other sources of wealth in the Hittite kingdom is conducted. Finally, the Hittite votive corpus is evaluated from an economic perspective to demonstrate that a significant portion of Hittite religious expenditure was financed by diplomatic income.

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欧州海運業における古い仕事と新しい仕事 1850~2000年
Davids, Karel / Schokkenbroek, Joost (eds.), The Transformation of Maritime Professions: Old and New Jobs in European Shipping Industries, 1850-2000. (Palgrave Studies in Economic History) 288 pp. 2023:5 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <700-640>
ISBN 978-3-031-27211-0 hard ¥41,323.- (税込) EUR 169.99

This book deals with the economic impact of technological changes and the rise of passenger shipping on social relations on board and ashore in European shipping industries between c.1850 and 2000. The changes in motive power, communication techniques and positioning technologies and the rise of passenger shipping went together with the creation of new tasks and functions and the marginalization or disappearance of traditional jobs and skills. This book presents case-studies on changes in different maritime professions between the middle of the nineteenth century and the end of the twentieth century, covering the shipping industries of a variety of seafaring countries in Europe. The subjects include changes in maritime labour at large, changes in specific groups of deck, catering or engine room personnel, such as captains, cooks, catering personnel, engineers, or radio-operators. A number of chapters employ a prosopographical or micro-historical approach, while others applya spatial perspective, analyze business records, materials from professional associations or distil information from large sets of quantitative data. This book will be of interest to academics and students of economic history, maritime and labour history.

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B.アイケングリーン他編 現代中央銀行の普及とグローバルな協力 1919~39年
Eichengreen, Barry / Kakridis, Andreas (eds.), The Spread of the Modern Central Bank and Global Cooperation: 1919-1939. (Studies in Macroeconomic History) 350 pp. 2023:9 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <700-642>
ISBN 978-1-00-936754-7 hard ¥23,056.- (税込) GB£ 80.00 *
ISBN 978-1-00-936755-4 paper ¥7,778.- (税込) GB£ 26.99 *

Central banks were not always as ubiquitous as they are today. Their functions were circumscribed, their mandates ambiguous, and their allegiances once divided. The inter-war period saw the establishment of twenty-eight new central banks - most in what are now called emerging markets and developing economies. The Emergence of the Modern Central Bank and Global Cooperation provides a new account of their experience, explaining how these new institutions were established and how doctrinal knowledge was transferred. Combining synthetic analysis with national case studies, this book shows how institutional design and monetary practice were shaped by international organizations and leading central banks, which attached conditions to stabilization loans and dispatched 'money doctors.' It highlights how many of these arrangements fell through when central bank independence and the gold standard collapsed.

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Fenlon, Jane / Maguire, Sarah (eds.), Magnates and Merchants in Early Modern Kilkenny. 192 pp. 2023:9 (Four Courts Pr., IE) <700-643>
ISBN 978-1-80151-089-9 hard ¥12,969.- (税込) GB£ 45.00



Guex, Sebastien / Buclin, Hadrien (eds.), Tax Evasion and Tax Havens since the Nineteenth Century. 353 pp. 2023:5 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <700-646>
ISBN 978-3-031-18118-4 hard ¥34,030.- (税込) EUR 139.99 *

This collective book offers a panorama of the history of tax evasion, tax avoidance and tax havens from the nineteenth century to the present day, based on the latest research in contemporary history. It aims to show that this phenomenon is at the heart of global capitalism, partly as a response of the ruling classes to the rise of progressive taxation, but for other reasons too: notably the development of a powerful tax evasion and avoidance industry in different countries. The book argues that tax competition between states has stimulated the development of tax havens. It discusses the notion of the'tax haven' and proposes a more rigorous concept - that of the'tax predator'. Finally, the book sheds light on the socio-political conflicts that have developed around tax evasion and the way in which states have fought against or tolerated the phenomenon.

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Hinrichsen, Simon, When Nations Can't Default: A History of War Reparations and Sovereign Debt. (Studies in Macroeconomic History) 200 pp. 2023:12 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <700-648>
ISBN 978-1-00-934392-3 hard ¥24,497.- (税込) GB£ 85.00 *

War reparations have been large and small, repaid and defaulted on, but the consequences have almost always been significant. Ever since Keynes made his case against German reparations in The Economic Consequences of the Peace, the effects of transfer payments have been hotly debated. When Nations Can't Default tells the history of war reparations and their consequences by combining history, political economy, and open economy macroeconomics. It visits often forgotten episodes and tells the story of how reparations were mostly repaid - and when they were not. Analysing fifteen episodes of war reparations, this book argues that reparations are unlike other sovereign debt because repayment is enforced by military and political force, making it a senior liability of the state.

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ノルウェーにおける地主階級の女性の経済的主体的行為 1400~1550年
Pedersen, Susann Anett, Propertied Women's Economic Agency in Norway c.1400-1550. (Northern World 95) 240 pp. 2023:7 (Brill, NE) <700-649>
ISBN 978-90-04-54741-4 hard ¥25,282.- (税込) EUR 104.00

In this first comprehensive study of women as economic actors in medieval Norway, Susann Anett Pedersen analyses the economic agency of unmarried heiresses, wives and widows c.1400-1550. Drawing on sources such as sales contracts and private letter correspondence, the book investigates elite women's formal and informal roles in decision making processes and their ability to make independent economic choices. In particular, the book stresses the importance of looking beyond the legal regulation of women's economic activities and rather analyses women's own actions, in order to better grasp the complexity of their economic agency.

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Rains, Stephanie, Advertising and Consumer Culture in Ireland, 1922-1962: Buy Irish. (Reappraisals in Irish History) 252 pp. 2022:9 (Liverpool U. Pr., UK) <700-650>
ISBN 978-1-80207-058-3 hard ¥27,379.- (税込) GB£ 95.00 *

This book explores advertising and consumer culture as key aspects of everyday life and national culture in twentieth-century Ireland. It makes a particular argument that the presence of anti-materialist rhetoric in some parts of Irish public life after Independence has obscured the existence of a lively consumer culture throughout the period, as evident in the many advertisements which supported Irish newspapers and magazines, the jingles broadcast on Irish radio, and the neon advertising signs and billboards on Irish streets. The book focuses on the development of the advertising industry itself, and the sophisticated ways in which it worked to associate consumption with national pride. It also considers the advertising of Irish homes and home appliances as an important focus of consumption, and the targeting of Irish women as the principal consumers in those homes, as well as publicity stunts and advertising in public space, and the form and style of commercial broadcasting and sponsored programming from the earliest days of Irish radio. It finishes with an examination of the opposite extremes of consumer abundance displayed in the annual Christmas advertising, as opposed to the consumer culture response to shortages during World War Two.

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De, Rahul, A History of Economic Policy in India: Crisis, Coalitions, and Contingency. 220 pp. 2023:8 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <700-432>
ISBN 978-1-00-936267-2 hard ¥23,056.- (税込) GB£ 80.00 *
ISBN 978-1-00-936268-9 paper ¥7,489.- (税込) GB£ 25.99 *

Economic Policy in Independent India provides an immersive, accessible yet rigorous understanding of the Indian economy through a political economy analysis of economic policies. It provides a birds-eye view of the politics, context, and ideas that shaped major economic policies in independent India and argues that they are the product of crisis, coalitions, and contingency - not necessarily choice. Each chapter focuses on specific political regimes: Colonial Rule, Jawahar Lal Nehru, Indira Gandhi, liberalisation under coalition governments, the UPA Government, and the NDA Government. The book evaluates how well a government executed its policies based on the economic and political constraints it faced, rather than economic outcomes. Using theories to make sense of the economy, political ideology, historical conditions, and international context, the book's framework provides multiple perspectives and analyses economic policies as an outcome of interactions between dynamics in the economy.

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Fouquin, Michel, Dettes publiques a long terme et souverainete nationale: enseignements des crises du XIIe au XXIe siecle. (L'esprit economique. L'economie formelle) 235 p. 2023:3 (L'Harmattan, FR) <700-456>
ISBN 978-2-14-031020-1 paper ¥6,077.- (税込) EUR 25.00 *



Sgard, Jerome, The Debt Crisis of the 1980s: Law and Political Economy. 416 pp. 2023:9 (E. Elgar, UK) <700-470>
ISBN 978-1-83910-362-9 hard ¥33,143.- (税込) GB£ 115.00 *

This book offers a novel account of the significant debt crisis which hit many developing countries during the 1980s. It starts with the flawed cycle of bank lending during the 1970s, and then moves from the opening act, in Mexico in 1982, until a solution was found with the 1989 Brady Initiative.The Debt Crisis of the 1980s also articulates closely the economic and financial dimensions alongside the political and multilateral ones. The key relation between debtor countries and the IMF is explored in detail, but the book also documents the tense and often coercive interactions with commercial banks as well as on the continuing resistance to the IMF-led strategy among G7 governments. How debt contracts were restructured during all those years helps understanding how the Brady Initiative worked in practice, and how it prepared the ground for the turn to global markets after 1990. This debt crisis was indeed one of the main incubators of globalisation. This underlines further its unique character in the long-run history of sovereign debts, before and after the 1980s.Remarkably, this book rests on in-depth interviews with the key players. Transcripts are included for the six most important players, including the former heads of the US Federal Reserve and the IMF. Archives from the IMF, the New York Federal Reserve, the Bank of England and commercial banks have also been systematically exploited, often for the first time ever. This narrative and analytical account of one of the biggest debt crises in history is addressed to students and researchers in economics, international history, political economy and socio-legal studies. It will additionally be of value for professional economists and lawyers working on sovereign debts.

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McKerracher, Mark / Hamerow, Helena (eds.), New Perspectives on the Medieval 'Agricultural Revolution': Crop, Stock and Furrow. 304 pp. 2022 (Liverpool U. Pr., UK) <700-522>
ISBN 978-1-80207-723-0 paper ¥10,083.- (税込) GB£ 34.99 *

An Open Access edition is available on the LUP and OAPEN websites.Across Europe, the early medieval period saw the advent of new ways of cereal farming which fed the growth of towns, markets and populations, but also fuelled wealth disparities and the rise of lordship. These developments have sometimes been referred to as marking an 'agricultural revolution', yet the nature and timing of these critical changes remain subject to intense debate, despite more than a century of research. The papers in this volume demonstrate how the combined application of cutting-edge scientific analyses, along with new theoretical models and challenges to conventional understandings, can reveal trajectories of agricultural development which, while complementary overall, do not indicate a single period of change involving the extension of arable, the introduction of the mouldboard plough, and regular crop rotation. Rather, these phenomena become evident at different times and in different places across England throughout the period, and rarely in an unambiguously 'progressive' fashion.Presenting innovative bioarchaeological research from the ground-breaking Feeding Anglo-Saxon England project, along with fresh insights into ploughing technology, brewing, the nature of agricultural revolutions, and farming practices in Roman Britain and Carolingian Europe, this volume is a critical new contribution to environmental archaeology and medieval studies in England and beyond. Contributors: Amy Bogaard; Hannah Caroe; Neil Faulkner; Emily Forster; Helena Hamerow; Matilda Holmes; Claus Kropp; Lisa Lodwick; Mark McKerracher; Nicolas Schroeder; Elizabeth Stroud; Tom Williamson.

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Gehbald, Agnes, A Colonial Book Market: Peruvian Print Culture in the Age of Enlightenment. (Cambridge Latin American Studies) 416 pp. 2023:7 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <700-24>
ISBN 978-1-00-936085-2 hard ¥28,820.- (税込) GB£ 100.00 *

This volume provides a wholly original social history of books in late colonial Peru. From the second half of the eighteenth century onward, workshops in Lima and transoceanic imports supplied the market with unprecedented quantities of print publications. By tracing the variety of printed commodities that were circulating in the urban sphere, as well as analysing the spatiality of the trade and the materiality of the books themselves, Agnes Gehbald assesses the meaning of print culture in the everyday lives of the viceroyalty. She reveals how books permeated late colonial society on a broad scale and how they figured as objects in the inventories of diverse individuals, both women and men, who, in previous centuries, had been far less likely to possess them. Deeply researched and profound, A Colonial Book Market uncovers how people in Peruvian cities gained access to reading material and participated in the global Enlightenment project.

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