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  • 経済史・経営史

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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Fagnani, Martino Lorenzo, The Development of Agricultural Science in Northern Italy in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century. (Italian and Italian American Studies) 277 pp. 2023:4 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <702-97>
ISBN 978-3-031-20656-6 hard ¥31,599.- (税込) EUR 129.99 *

The late eighteenth century and subsequent Napoleonic Era witnessed a turning point in the establishment of agricultural science as a well-defined discipline in northern Italy. In this book, Martino Lorenzo Fagnani traces these developments by reviewing the correspondence of naturalists and agriculturists as well as the research plans of universities, academies, societies, institutes, and governments. He explores the establishment of a broad knowledge network encompassing all of Europe while also investigating the reasons behind the exchange of seeds, the establishment of spaces for experimentation such as scientific gardens and experimental fields, and the organization of specialized journals and monographs. This work represents an important contribution to the historiography of Italian agricultural science, filling a significant gap in our knowledge of related developments.

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Gregorini, Giovanni / Maffi, Luciano / Rochini, M. (eds.), Social Support Systems in Rural Italy: The Modern Age Regional States of the Northern Peninsula. (Palgrave Studies in Economic History) 308 pp. 2023:5 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <702-384>
ISBN 978-3-031-24302-8 hard ¥38,892.- (税込) EUR 159.99

This book examines the development of social support systems in the Modern age in the rural areas of the city-states of Northern Italy. This investigation achieves two main purposes: first, it allows researchers to understand the role occupied concretely by welfare and micro-credit activities in the political and socio-economic panorama of rural Northern Italy; secondly, it verifies to what extent the formation of a more or less structured support system influenced the establishment of local identity and the rooting of individuals. The book brings together perspectives from different fields of research ranging from economic and political history to the study of the history of ecclesiastical institutions, as well as integrating recent research on the anthropological value of welfare actions and the use of multiple historical sources. It considers how the retreat of the welfare activity of the State, associated with a depopulation of the rural areas of the peninsula and a steady increase of poverty into social fringes that were previously not affected by economic problems, pushes us to investigate more carefully the dynamics that in the Ancien Regime gave shape to the support activities against indigence and poverty. This book will be of interest to academics and students working in economic history and social history.

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Berdan, Frances F., The Aztec Economy. (Elements in Ancient and Pre-modern Economies) 75 pp. 2023:5 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <702-425>
ISBN 978-1-00-936809-4 paper ¥4,899.- (税込) GB£ 17.00 *

The Aztec Economy provides a synthesis and updated examination of the Aztec economy (1325-1521 AD). It is organized around seven components that recur with other Elements in this series: historic and geographic background, domestic economy, institutional economy, specialization, forms of distribution and commercialization, economic development, and future directions. The Aztec world was complex, hierarchical, and multifaceted, and was in a constant state of demographic growth, recoveries from natural disasters, political alignments and realignments, and aggressive military engagements. The economy was likewise complex and dynamic, and characterized by intensive agriculture, exploitation of non-agricultural resources, utilitarian and luxury manufacturing, wide-scale specialization, merchants, markets, commodity monies, and tribute systems.

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Dungy, Madeleine Lynch, Order and Rivalry: Rewriting the Rules of International Trade after the First World War. 328 pp. 2023:6 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <702-427>
ISBN 978-1-00-930890-8 hard ¥24,497.- (税込) GB£ 85.00 *

The First World War transformed the legal and geopolitical framework for international trade by decentring Europe in global markets. Order and Rivalry traces the formation and development of multilateral trade structures in the aftermath of the First World War in response to the marginalization of Europe in the world economy, the use of private commerce as a tool of military power and the collapse of empires across Central and Eastern Europe. In this accessible study, Madeleine Lynch Dungy highlights the 1920s as a pivotal transition phase between the network of bilateral trade treaties that underpinned the first globalization of the late nineteenth century and the institutionalised regime of international governance after 1945. Focusing on the League of Nations, she shows that this institution's legacy was not to initiate a linear forward march towards today's World Trade Organization, but rather to frame an open-ended and conflictual process of experimentation that is still ongoing.

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Eckerlein, Marco, Die jaehrliche Arbeitswanderung zur Hopfenernte in Spalt (1825-1965): Migrationssteuerung bei landwirtschaftlicher Saisonarbeit im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert am Beispiel einer Sonderkultur. (Schriften zur Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte 37) 342 S. 2023:4 (Kovac, GW) <702-428>
ISBN 978-3-339-13502-5 paper ¥24,260.- (税込) EUR 99.80 *

Von der ersten Haelfte des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zur Mitte der 1960er Jahre kamen jaehrlich Ende August Tausende Wanderarbeiter aus verschiedenen Regionen Bayerns, Deutschlands und aus dem Ausland zur Hopfenernte nach Spalt und versetzten damit das Anbaugebiet im suedlichen Mittelfranken fuer zwei bis drei Wochen in eine Art Ausnahmezustand. Das Buch thematisiert diese jaehrliche Arbeitswanderung zur Hopfenernte. Dabei wird zunaechst die Zielregion der Wandermigranten und die Umstaende ihres dortigen Arbeitsaufenthalts dargestellt. Das Hopfenanbaugebiet wird definiert, die Technik des Hopfenanbaus kurz vorgestellt, der Ablauf der Ernte sowie die Arbeits- und Lebensumstaende waehrend dieser Wochen nachgezeichnet und die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung des Hopfenanbaus sowie der des Hopfenhandels dargelegt. Das darauffolgende Kapitel beschaeftigt sich mit der Entwicklung des Angebots und der Nachfrage an Erntehelfern. Dabei werden auch die Massnahmen gegen Arbeitskraeftemangel sowie die unterschiedlichen Formen der Arbeitsvermittlung vorgestellt. Anschliessend stehen die Wandermigranten selbst im Blickpunkt der Betrachtung. Sie werden hinsichtlich ihrer demografischen Merkmale wie Beruf, Alter, Familienstand, Geschlecht und Konfession genauer beleuchtet sowie ihre Herkunftsregionen herausgearbeitet. Dabei werden auch Wanderungssysteme zwischen Herkunftsorten und Hopfenproduktionsorten aufgezeigt. Ferner werden die Migranten hinsichtlich des Grades an jaehrlicher Mobilitaet klassifiziert. Der naechste Hauptpunkt nimmt die oeffentliche Sicherheit und Ordnung waehrend der Erntezeit in den Fokus. Hierzu werden die massgeblichen staatlichen und kommunalen Akteure zu deren Aufrechterhaltung vorgestellt und das fuer die Zeit der Ernte erlassene Regelungssystem analysiert. Darueber hinaus werden die Verstoesse gegen dieses Regelsystem, die Taeter und die Gegenreaktion der Sicherheitsbehoerden thematisiert. Im letzten Hauptpunkt werden schliesslich anhand der in den vorausgegangenen Kapiteln gewonnenen Erkenntnisse zusammenfassend das Migrationssystem und das Wirken der institutionellen Akteure sowie das Handeln bzw. die Reaktion der Erntehelfer auf das System dargestellt.

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英語圏における専門職階級の盛衰 1870~2008年
Forsyth, Hannah, Virtue Capitalists: The Rise and Fall of the Professional Class in the Anglophone World, 1870-2008. 317 pp. 2023:9 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <702-430>
ISBN 978-1-00-920648-8 hard ¥24,497.- (税込) GB£ 85.00 *

Virtue Capitalists explores the rise of the professional middle class across the Anglophone world from c. 1870 to 2008. With a focus on British settler colonies - Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United States - Hannah Forsyth argues that the British middle class structured old forms of virtue into rapidly expanding white-collar professional work, needed to drive both economic and civilizational expansion across their settler colonies. They invested that virtue to produce social and economic profit. This virtue became embedded in the networked Anglophone economy so that, by the mid twentieth century, the professional class ruled the world in alliance with managers whose resources enabled the implementation of virtuous strategies. Since morality and capital had become materially entangled, the 1970s economic crisis also presented a moral crisis for all professions, beginning a process whereby the interests of expert and managerial workers separated and began to actively compete.

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イベリア半島の経済史 700~2000年
Freire Costa, Leonor / Grafe, Regina et al. (eds.), An Economic History of the Iberian Peninsula, 700-2000. 806 pp. 2023:11 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <702-431>
ISBN 978-1-108-48832-7 hard ¥43,230.- (税込) GB£ 150.00 *

This is a comprehensive long-run history of economic and political change in the Iberian Peninsula. Beginning with the development of the old medieval kingdoms, it goes on to explore two countries, Portugal and Spain, which during the early modern period possessed vast empires and played an essential role in the global economic and political developments. It traces how and why both countries began to fall behind during the first stages of industrialization and modern economic growth only to achieve remarkable economic development during the second half of the twentieth century. Written by a team of leading historians, the book sheds new light on all aspects of economic history from population, agriculture, manufacturing and international trade to government, finance and welfare. The book includes extensive new data and will be an essential work of reference for scholars of Portugal and Spain and also of comparative European economic development.

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Grimshaw, Adam, Anglo-Swedish Commercial Connections and Diplomatic Relations in the Seventeenth Century. (Northern World 96) 320 pp. 2023:8 (Brill, NE) <702-433>
ISBN 978-90-04-51233-7 hard ¥28,685.- (税込) EUR 118.00

This is the first study to analyse the relationship between England and Sweden across the entire seventeenth century. It emphasises the importance of commerce and diplomacy working in tandem. The book contains five chapters arranged chronologically, all based on original and innovative archival research, and traces the economic aspects of the relationship in both a qualitative and quantitative context. It draws upon a number of unique incidents to detail the variety and extent of commercial and diplomatic connections that became of primary importance for the welfare and success of both nations over the century.

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Hayward, Keith, Britain and the Political Economy of European Military Aerospace Collaboration, 1960-2023. (Elements in Defence Economics) 75 pp. 2023:7 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <702-435>
ISBN 978-1-00-929185-9 paper ¥4,899.- (税込) GB£ 17.00 *

The UK has been collaborating with international, primarily European partners in the design, development and production of advanced combat aircraft for over sisty years. Driven by a combination of rising costs and limited domestic markets, collaboration has also been a highly political act involving a combination of national, industrial and technological interests. Over the years, the form of collaboration has evolved, in some cases leading to the creation of transnational companies. The UK has been a pioneer of globalisation in the defence industry, establishing a strong presence inside the US defence market and has become a significant partner with American companies in key military aerospace programmes. This has contributed to divisions within the European military aerospace industry which are likely to continue into the next generation of combat aircraft.

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H.S.クライン他著 ブラジルー初期から21世紀までの経済・社会史
Klein, Herbert S. / Luna, Francisco Vidal, Brazil: An Economic and Social History from Early Man to the 21st Century. 392 pp. 2023:10 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <702-436>
ISBN 978-1-00-939192-4 hard ¥23,056.- (税込) GB£ 80.00 *
ISBN 978-1-00-939197-9 paper ¥7,489.- (税込) GB£ 25.99 *

This book is the first modern survey of the economic and social history of Brazil from early man to today. Drawing from a wide range of qualitative and quantitative data, it provides a comprehensive overview of the major developments that defined the evolution of Brazil. Beginning with the original human settlements in pre-Colombian society, it moves on to discuss the Portuguese Empire and colonization, specifically the importance of slave labor, sugar, coffee, and gold in shaping Brazil's economic and societal development. Finally, it analyzes the revolutionary changes that have occurred in the past half century, transforming Brazil from a primarily rural and illiterate society to an overwhelmingly urban, literate, and industrial one. Sweeping and influential, Herbert S. Klein and Francisco Vidal Luna's synthesis is the first of its kind on Brazil.

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Korsten, Frans-Willem / Leemans, Inger et al., Marketing Violence: The Affective Economy of Violent Imageries in the Dutch Republic. (Elements in Histories of Emotions and the Senses) 75 pp. 2023:8 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <702-437>
ISBN 978-1-00-924646-0 paper ¥4,899.- (税込) GB£ 17.00 *

This Element describes the development of an affective economy of violence in the early modern Dutch Republic through the circulation of images. The Element outlines that while violence became more controlled in the course of the 17th century, with fewer public executions for instance, the realm of cultural representation was filled with violent imagery: from prints, atlases and paintings, through theatres and public spectacles, to peep boxes. It shows how emotions were evoked, exploited, and controlled in this affective economy of violence based on desires, interests and exploitation. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.

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小山友介著 日本のビデオゲーム産業史
Koyama, Yuhsuke, History of the Japanese Video Game Industry. (Translational Systems Sciences 35) 429 pp. 2023:6 (Springer, GW) <702-438>
ISBN 978-981-9913-41-1 hard ¥36,461.- (税込) EUR 149.99 *



F.レンガー著 世界の価格-資本主義のグローバルヒストリー
Lenger, Friedrich, Der Preis der Welt: Eine Globalgeschichte des Kapitalismus. 656 S. 2023:9 (Beck, GW) <702-439>
ISBN 978-3-406-80834-0 hard ¥9,237.- (税込) EUR 38.00 *

Der Kapitalismus hat in den letzten 500 Jahren eine Welt hervorgebracht, die oekonomisch hochgradig verflochten ist und zugleich hochgradig asymmetrisch. In seiner brillanten Globalgeschichte des Kapitalismus schildert Friedrich Lenger diese Entwicklungen, die von den Indigenen Amerikas bis zu den bengalischen Seidenwebern niemanden unberuehrt liessen. Diese Geschichte handelt von glaenzendem Reichtum und krasser Armut, von Unfreiheit und Gewalt und der Gefaehrdung unseres Planeten, fuer die wir heute den Preis zahlen. Denn zu den globalen Ungleichheiten, welche der Kapitalismus produziert hat, gehoeren auch der ungleiche Verbrauch fossiler Ressourcen und Umweltzerstoerungen, die in den Regionen dieser Welt sehr unterschiedlich zu spueren sind. Und so gleichgueltig sich Handels- und Industriekapitalisten gegenueber der Natur erwiesen, so gleichgueltig waren sie gegenueber menschlichem Leid. Millionen von Sklaven, die bis tief ins 19. Jahrhundert hinein auf den Plantagen Amerikas arbeiten mussten, sind nur ein Beispiel fuer die Vereinbarkeit von unfreier Arbeit und kapitalistischer Wirtschaft. Bestechend luzide und mit stupenden Kenntnissen erzaehlt Friedrich Lenger vom Siegeszug des Kapitalismus und erklaert dessen Dynamik, die immer nur von aussen begrenzt wurde. Dieses Buch muss lesen, wer die Welt von heute und die Probleme verstehen will, von deren Loesung unsere Existenz abhaengt.

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信仰と利益のネットワーク-僧侶、商人、中国と日本の間の交流 839~1403年
Li, Yiwen, Networks of Faith and Profit: Monks, Merchants, and Exchanges between China and Japan, 839-1403 CE. (Asian Connections) 245 pp. 2023:6 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <702-440>
ISBN 978-1-00-930310-1 hard ¥24,497.- (税込) GB£ 85.00 *

Between 839 and 1403 CE, there was a six-century lapse in diplomatic relations between present-day China and Japan. This hiatus in what is known as the tribute system has led to an assumption that there was little contact between the two countries in this period. Yiwen Li debunks this assumption, arguing instead that a vibrant Sino-Japanese trade network flourished in this period as Buddhist monks and merchants fostered connections across maritime East Asia. Based on a close examination of sources in multiple languages, including poems and letters, transmitted images and objects, and archaeological discoveries, Li presents a vivid and dynamic picture of the East Asian maritime world. She shows how this Buddhist trade network operated outside of the framework of the tribute system and, through novel interpretations of Buddhist records, provides a new understanding of the relationship between Buddhism and commerce.

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Loy, Michael, Connecting Communities in Archaic Greece: Exploring Economic and Political Networks through Data Modelling. (British School at Athens Studies in Greek Antiquity) 300 pp. 2023:7 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <702-441>
ISBN 978-1-00-934381-7 hard ¥28,820.- (税込) GB£ 100.00 *

This is a new history of Greece in the seventh and sixth centuries BC written for the twenty-first century. It brings together archaeological data from over 100 years of 'Big Dig' excavation in Greece, employing experimental data analysis techniques from the digital humanities to identify new patterns about Archaic Greece. By modelling trade routes, political alliances, and the formation of personal- and state-networks, the book sheds new light on how exactly the early communities of the Aegean basin were plugged into one another. Returning to the long-debated question of 'what is a polis?', this study also challenges Classical Archaeology more generally: that the discipline has at its fingertips significant datasets that can contribute to substantive historical debate -and that what can be done for the next generation of scholarship is to re-engage with old material in a new way.

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Macleod, Catriona / Shepard, Alexandra / Agren, M. (eds.), The Whole Economy: Work and Gender in Early Modern Europe. 259 pp. 2023:6 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <702-442>
ISBN 978-1-00-935935-1 hard ¥23,056.- (税込) GB£ 80.00 *
ISBN 978-1-00-935936-8 paper ¥7,778.- (税込) GB£ 26.99 *

Advocating a gender-inclusive approach to the history of work, this book both counts and accounts for women's as well as men's economic activity. Showcasing novel conceptual, methodological and empirical perspectives, it highlights the transformative potential of including women's work in wider assessments of continuity and change in economic performance. Focusing on the period of European history (1500-1800) that generated unprecedented growth in the northwest - which, in turn, was linked to the global redistribution of resources and upon which industrialisation depended - the book spans key arenas in which women produced change: households, care, agriculture, rural manufacture, urban markets, migration, and war. The analysis refutes the stubborn contention of mainstream economic history that we can generalise about economic performance by focusing solely on the work of adult men and demonstrates that women were active agents in the early modern economy rather than passively affected by changes wrought upon them.

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Pettigrew, William A., Global Trade and the Shaping of English Freedom. 224 pp. 2023:11 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <702-443>
ISBN 978-0-19-884671-0 hard ¥20,174.- (税込) GB£ 70.00 *

This book offers a new account of the connections between seventeenth century English history and the history of the rest of the world. Eschewing nationalist narratives, it demonstrates how greater engagement with the world beyond Europe shaped signature aspects of the English experience. Early modern trading corporations are the central actors in the story. Global Trade and the Shaping of English Freedom offers a profoundly altered reading of the practices of these entities. The companies were not monolithic entities pursuing narrow nationalist interests overseas. Nor were they inefficient monopolies doomed to commercial failure. In the seventeenth century, as this book shows, they were driven and transformed by the immediate and local interests of Company agents and their foreign networks. Because the trading companies were the most important bridge between international contexts and English legal and political debates, they connect non-European power and preference to those debates. These unappreciated actors within the corporate sphere play leading roles in this book as the shapers of English debate about the meaning of English freedom and the futures of the trades they participated in overseas. The book offers a new perspective on the foreign actors who shaped English commercial and legal ideas and practices in the seventeenth century, as well as the Ottoman, Bantenese, Huedan, Siamese, and Mughal contributions to the ideological, institutional, and procedural underpinnings that would develop, slowly but surely, into the British Empire.

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Popescu, Bogdan G., Imperial Borderlands: Institutions and Legacies of the Habsburg Military Frontier. (Cambridge Studies in Economic History - Second Series) 300 pp. 2023:11 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <702-444>
ISBN 978-1-00-936516-1 hard ¥24,497.- (税込) GB£ 85.00 *

What are the institutions which govern border spaces and how do they impact long-term economic and social development? This book focuses on the Habsburg military frontier zone which originated in the sixteenth century as an instrument for protecting the empire's southern border against the threat of the Ottoman Empire and which lasted until the 1880s. The book outlines the conditions under which this extractive institution affected development, showing how locals were forced to work as soldiers and exposed to rigid communal property rights, an inflexible labor market, and discrimination when it came to the provision of public infrastructure. While the formal institutions set up during the military colony disappeared, their legacy can be traced in political attitudes and social norms even today with the violence and abuses exercised by the imperial government transformed into distrust in public authorities, limited political involvement, and low social capital.

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Prentiss, Anna Marie, Ancient and Pre-modern Economies of the North American Pacific Northwest. (Elements in Ancient and Pre-modern Economies) 75 pp. 2023:4 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <702-445>
ISBN 978-1-00-934346-6 paper ¥4,899.- (税込) GB£ 17.00 *

This Element provides an overview of pre-modern and ancient economies of the Pacific Northwest region of North America. The region is widely known for its densely occupied semisedentary villages, intensive production economies, dramatic ritual life, and complex social relations. Scholars recognize significant diversity in the structure of subsistence and goods production in the service of domestic groups and institutional entities throughout the region. Here, domestic and institutional economies, specialization, distribution, economic development, and future directions are reviewed. The Element closes with thoughts on the processes of socio-economic change on the scales of houses, villages, and regional strategies.

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Sapelli, Giulio, States, Markets and Wars in Global History: Economic and Political Developments between the Advent of Globalization and the COVID-19 Pandemic. 340 pp. 2023:7 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <702-446>
ISBN 978-3-031-26715-4 hard ¥29,168.- (税込) EUR 119.99 *

This wide-ranging book focuses on the economic and political changes that have taken place between the advent of globalization and the COVID-19 pandemic and assesses how this may bring about a profound reconfiguration of the global political system. Sapelli considers a range of developments in different spheres, from international to national politics, military aggressions, and worldwide political trends such as the rise of populism, to illuminate the moment of neoliberal crisis in which we now live. He argues that Europe and its institutions in particular no longer demonstrate a model of diplomacy and statesmanship, with the rise of technocratic structures and elitism reflecting how an ideal of 'global convergence' towards liberalism and democracy no longer holds true. The book then considers how a new international order based on the reason of state can be brought about by global cooperation between the US, Russia and China, along with a return to properly regulated finance and a renewed focus on community in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. The book will be of interest to those working in international economics and international relations, as well as academics of economic history and political economy.

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Grossman, Henryk, Henryk Grossman Works. Volume 4: Writings on Economic and Social History. Ed. by R. Kuhn. (Historical Materialism Book Series 292) 516 pp. 2023:9 (Brill, NE) <702-115>
ISBN 978-90-04-67858-3 hard ¥40,354.- (税込) EUR 166.00 *

The pioneering and still relevant Marxist studies of the transition from feudalism to capitalism in this collection are, with one exception, published in English here for the first time. Before his better-known work on Marx's theories, Henryk Grossman wrote about the economic history of Galicia, the Polish province annexed by the Habsburgs, drawing on very extensive primary research. His later, devastating critique of Weber argument about Protestantism and the rise of capitalism is also included in this volume.

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