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  • 経済史・経営史

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掲載点数 全8件




Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



髙橋昭雄著 体制変化とミャンマー農村部の社会経済史 1986~2019年
Takahashi, Akio, Regime Changes and Socio-economic History of Rural Myanmar, 1986-2019. (Studies in Economic History) 287 pp. 2023:9 (Springer, GW) <706-267>
ISBN 978-981-9932-71-9 hard ¥31,599.- (税込) EUR 129.99 *

This is the first book to depict the transformation and steadiness of Myanmar's rural socio-economy from within the villages based on my own detailed research, in relation with the regime changes from Burmese Way to Socialism to military junta and to democratization from 1986 to 2019.The main subject of the transformation is "de-agrarianisation" including land use and holdings, household incomes, non-, migrations, power structure, village landscape, etc. And the principal theme of the steadiness is the "absence of village collective" which is the core of rural Myanmar, in contrast to village communities like Japan. This is the reason why Myanmar villagers have lived surprisingly bright, free and independent despite the oppressive political economy under the socialism and the military junta, and have not collectively participated in so-called community development.This book is the result of research conducted by visiting more than200 villages and interviewing more than 10,000 people by myself in Myanmar language.

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ソ連の大飢饉の声 1928~34年
Gibson, James R., Hungry and Starving: Voices of the Great Soviet Famine, 1928-1934. 512 pp. 2024:2 (McGill-Queen's U. Pr., CN) <706-327>
ISBN 978-0-228-01999-2 hard ¥11,207.- (税込) US$ 49.95 *

In the wake of Vladimir Lenin's death in 1924, various protagonists grappled to become his successor, but it was not until 1928 that Joseph Stalin emerged as leader of the Russian Marxists' Bolshevik wing. Surrounded by an increasingly hostile capitalist world, Stalin reasoned that Soviet Russia had to industrialize in order to survive and prosper. But domestic capital was scarce, so the country's minerals, timber, and grain were sold abroad for hard currency for funding the development of heavy industry.Claiming total control of agricultural management and production, Stalin implemented the collectivization of farming, consolidating small peasant holdings into large collective farms and controlling their output. The program was economically successful, but it came at a high social cost as the state encountered intense resistance, and between 1928 and 1934 collectivization led to the deaths of at least ten million people from starvation and associated diseases. Hungry and Starving elicits the voices of both the culprits and the victims at the centre of this horrific process. Through primary accounts of collectivization as well as the eyewitness observations of ambassadors, reporters, tourists, fellow travellers, Russian emigres, tsarist officials, aristocrats, scientists, and technical specialists, James Gibson engages the crucial notions and actors in the academic discourse of the period. He finds that the famine lasted longer than is commonly supposed, that it took place on a national rather than a regional scale, and that while the famine was entirely man-made - the result of the ruthless manner in which collectivization was executed and enforced - it was neither deliberate nor ethnically motivated, given that it was not in the Soviet state's economic or political interest to engage in genocide.Highlighting the experiences of life and death under Stalin's ruthless regime, Hungry and Starving offers a broader understanding of the Great Soviet Famine.

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秋田茂編 1970年代の石油危機と国際秩序の変容-アジア・アフリカにおける経済、開発、援助
Akita, Shigeru (ed.), Oil Crises of the 1970s and the Transformation of International Order: Economy, Development and Aid in Asia and Africa. 288 pp. 2023:11 (Bloomsbury Academic, UK) <706-409>
ISBN 978-1-350-41380-1 hard ¥24,497.- (税込) GB£ 85.00 *

The 1970s are widely seen as a turning point for the world economy and a transformative decade for the international order. This volume explores the role played by the oil crises in this transformation, focusing particularly on their impact in previously little-studied regions such as Asia and Africa. Examining the intersection between the oil crises and the Third World project, their impact on Asian economic development and the contrasting responses of two African countries, this collection covers new ground on the global and regional effects of the crises, and ties them into the key transformations of the international economy and the Cold War order. Arguing that they were instrumental in reshaping the Asian economies, helping to instigate the boom known as the 'East Asian Miracle', it also demonstrates how the individual responses of countries reflected their own specific circumstances. With chapters from leading scholars such as David Painter and Dane Kennedy, this book shows how the origins, course and consequences of the oil crises of the 1970s are crucial to understanding the transformation of the international order in the late twentieth century.

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Catalan Vidal, Jordi (ed.), Crises and Transformation in the Mediterranean World: Lessons from Catalonia. (Palgrave Studies in Economic History) 487 pp. 2023:8 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <706-410>
ISBN 978-3-031-24501-5 hard ¥38,892.- (税込) EUR 159.99 *

This edited collection presents an economic history of Catalonia and its economic crises, from Roman times to the political difficulties of the present day. It considers how the strong identity of the Catalan people has been reinforced in critical episodes such as the commercial revolution of the Late Medieval Age, the 1640 rebellion, the Succession War of 1705-1714, the industrial revolution of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and the strong repression during early Francoism. The book also explores how historical parallels from Catalonia's past might shed light on the long-term consequences of the Great Recession of 2007-9 and recovery in the EU, showing how the typical Mediterranean approach of adjusting to crises by depreciating currencies and expanding public deficits has been less straightforward during the most recent financial crisis. A particularly deep slump has contributed to fostering the claim for independence of Catalonia in recent times, echoing larger dissatisfaction with EU monetary policy. With a comprehensive overview of major events in Catalonian economic history and their broader implications to European political economy and development, this book will be of interest to students and academics in economic history, social history, and monetary economics.

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Crosby, Joanna, Apples and Orchards since the Eighteenth Century: Material Innovation and Cultural Tradition. (Food in Modern History: Traditions and Innovations) 256 pp. 2023:12 (Bloomsbury Academic, UK) <706-411>
ISBN 978-1-350-37848-3 hard ¥24,497.- (税込) GB£ 85.00 *

Showing how the history of the apple goes far beyond the orchard and into the social, cultural and technological developments of Britain and the USA, this book takes an interdisciplinary approach to reveal the importance of the apple as a symbol of both tradition and innovation. From the 18th century in Britain, technology innovation in fruit production and orchard management resulted in new varieties of apples being cultivated and consumed, while the orchard became a representation of stability. In America orchards were contested spaces, as planting seedling apple trees allowed settlers to lay a claim to land. In this book Joanna Crosby explores how apples and orchards have reflected the social, economic and cultural landscape of their times. From the association between English apples and 'English' virtues of plain speaking, hard work and resultant high-quality produce, to practices of wassailing highlighting the effects of urbanisation and the decline of country ways and customs, Apples and Orchards from the Eighteenth Century shows how this everyday fruit provides rich insights into a time of significant social change.

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Herger, Nils, Switzerland and its Banks: A Short History. (Frontiers in Economic History) 183 pp. 2023:9 (Springer, GW) <706-413>
ISBN 978-3-031-35903-3 hard ¥26,737.- (税込) EUR 109.99 *

This book provides a history of Swiss banking not confined to stereotypical opinions about secret numbered accounts. Instead, the presented history covers other intriguing events and developments beyond the famous issue of banking secrecy and the corresponding scandals. Topics covered in the book include the early financial innovations by banks in Geneva to handle the sovereign risk on bonds issued in pre-revolutionary France, the monetary chaos that led to the creation of the Swiss franc, the rather peculiar banknote competition and free-banking system in Switzerland during most of the nineteenth century, how the country and its currency became a financial safe haven after World War I, the golden age of Swiss banking when Zurich was briefly one of the largest financial centres in the world, and the exceptional shocks during and after the recent global financial crisis. In sum, a fascinating story emerges about an internationally important banking centre in oneof the most unlikely places in the world.This book is a must-read for students, scholars, and researchers of economics and finance, as well as practitioners interested in a better understanding of economic history in general, and Swiss banking in particular.

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Kelly, Paul V., The Financial Markets of Roman Egypt: Risk and Return. (Liverpool Studies in Ancient History) 232 pp. 2023:4 (Liverpool U. Pr., UK) <706-414>
ISBN 978-1-80207-833-6 hard ¥27,379.- (税込) GB£ 95.00 *

The Financial Markets of Roman Egypt analyses some 4,367 financial transactions, leases, sales and loans, recorded on papyri in Roman Egypt in the period AD 1 to 350. The analysis of this remarkable body of information, the ancient equivalent of modern-day 'Big Data', helps us understand how ordinary people thought about some of the most important decisions they would make in their life: buying a house, lending their savings or renting land. Using innovative theories and techniques inspired by classics, mathematics and the financial markets, it brings out the differences and similarities of behaviours with modern and historical comparators. The book looks at risk and return for both asset holders - the landlords and lenders - and those dependent on the use of those assets - the tenants and borrowers. In particular it quantifies the risks facing families, including climate variability. Issues such as wealth concentration, social mobility and the role of the aged and women in the financial markets are addressed. The analysis presented expands our knowledge of the nature of the financial markets, and from that examination a sharper insight into the nature of the economy of the Roman world is gained, making it clear that there was no single "market" economy, but different sectors, some of which were driven by reciprocity/redistribution and others by financially rational judgements.

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Caliyurt, Kiymet Tunca (ed.), History of Accounting, Management, Business & Economics. Volume I. (Accounting, Finance, Sustainability, Governance & Fraud: Theory and Application) 274 pp. 2023:9 (Springer, GW) <706-416>
ISBN 978-981-9933-45-7 hard ¥41,323.- (税込) EUR 169.99 *

This book brings together works written by academics from all over the world on all aspects of business history: accounting history, management history, economic history, audit history, tax history, financial history, and professional history. Writing, transferring and archiving historical knowledge allows future generations to take lessons from the past and make more informed decisions regardless of whether it is in politics, society, or business. "Historization" can also be seen as the first step of institutionalization for private and governmental companies, institutions, professionals, and states. Institutionally managed historical activities, decisions, and results are accepted as a very important reference about the company for decision-makers and stakeholders. Additionally, "historization" is used in the development and promotion of professions. Historization of professions such as certified public accountants, external auditors,internal auditors, economists, tax experts, certified fraud examiners, and managers nationally and internationally has the potential to educate and motivate new entrants to such roles. As such, this book is a valuable read for business historians, professionals in the field, academics, and students of business.

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