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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Lim, Jamus Jerome, Asian Economies: History, Institutions and Structure. 368 pp. 2024:2 (Wiley, US) <715-201>
ISBN 978-1-119-91316-0 hard ¥10,759.- (税込) US$ 47.95 *

An insightful and thorough exploration of the economies of Asia In Asian Economies: History, Institutions and Structure, seasoned economist and professor Jamus Jerome Lim provides a comprehensive discussion and incisive analysis of the economies of Asia. In addition to discussing the sharp contrasts between the region's three major economies-China, India, and Japan-Lim also provides an overview of the rise of the Dragon economies of the East, to the resource-rich economies of the West. The book adopts a unique approach to the treatment of these economies, weaving in aspects of these countries' economic geography and history, their idiosyncratic institutions and structures, along with providing a comparative and international perspective. The book offers: Careful emphasis on the geographic preconditions and enduring legacy of economic history on the contemporary and future prospects of each of the countries and regions discussed withinExaminations of the importance of the political and economic institutions, as well as market and industrial structures, in shaping the trajectories of the economies considered in the bookDiscussions of the dramatic differences and similarities between the Asian economies, as well as how these differences shape these economies' interactions with the rest of the worldPerfect for undergraduate and graduate students of economics, Asian Economies will also earn a place on the bookshelves of business and finance professionals seeking to understand the economies of the world's most diverse and dynamic region.

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Eddens, Aaron, Seeding Empire: American Philanthrocapital and the Roots of the Green Revolution in Africa. 208 pp. 2024:4 (U. California Pr., US) <715-233>
ISBN 978-0-520-39529-9 hard ¥19,074.- (税込) US$ 85.00 *
ISBN 978-0-520-39530-5 paper ¥6,719.- (税込) US$ 29.95 *

In Seeding Empire, Aaron Eddens rewrites an enduring story about the past-and future-of global agriculture. Eddens connects today's efforts to cultivate a "Green Revolution in Africa" to a history of American projects that introduced capitalist agriculture across the Global South. Expansive in scope, this book draws on archival records of the earliest Green Revolution projects in Mexico in the 1940s and 1950s, as well as interviews at development institutions and agribusinesses working to deliver genetically modified crops to millions of small-scale farmers across Africa. From the offices of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to the halls of the world's largest agricultural biotechnology companies to field trials of hybrid maize in Kenya, Eddens shows how the Green Revolution fails to address global inequalities. Seeding Empire insists that eradicating hunger in a world of climate crisis demands thinking beyond the Green Revolution.

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Chaffetz, David, Raiders, Rulers, and Traders: The Horse and the Rise of Empires. 384 pp. 2024:9 (Norton, US) <715-284>
ISBN 978-1-324-05146-6 hard ¥7,293.- (税込) US$ 32.50

No animal is so entangled in human history as the horse. The thread starts in prehistory, with a small, shy animal, hunted for food. Over time, the domestication of horses, followed by the advent of riding, powered mighty empires: Persian, Mongol, Mughal. For more than two millennia, from Iran and Afghanistan to China, India, and, later, Russia, the deep and ancient bond between humans and their horses connected a vast continent, forged trade routes, linked cultures, and fueled war machines. Scholar of Asian history David Chaffetz tells the story of the steppe raiders, rulers, and traders who amassed power and wealth on horseback from the Bronze Age through the twentieth century. Drawing on a wealth of primary sources-in Persian, Turkish, Russian, and Chinese-Chaffetz presents a groundbreaking new view of what has been known as the "Silk Road," and a lively history of the great horse empires that shaped civilization.

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Dauser, Regina / Ferber, Magnus Ulrich (Hrsg.), Jenseits von Handel und Hochfinanz: Investitionen fruehneuzeitlicher Kaufmannsdynastien im Vergleich. (Colloquia Augustana 38) 260 S. 2023 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <715-285>
ISBN 978-3-11-105989-1 hard ¥17,003.- (税込) EUR 69.95 *

Unter ?Investition" wird im oekonomischen Kontext gemeinhin der Einsatz von Kapital fuer wirtschaftliche Projekte verstanden. Dieser Definition folgend lag der Schwerpunkt des wirtschaftshistorischen Interesses an der Entwicklung des kaufmaennischen Fernhandels und Kreditwesens in Spaetmittelalter und Frueher Neuzeit lange Zeit auf Fragen der Funktionsweise des Handels und des Finanzsektors. Das Agieren im oekonomischen Feld bildet jedoch das Handlungsspektrum oekonomischer Eliten nur unvollstaendig ab. In erheblichem Umfang wurden Gewinne nicht nur in kaufmaennische Projekte reinvestiert oder fuer Kredite zur Verfuegung gestellt, sondern auch anderen Zielsetzungen zugefuehrt: Hier ist neben dem Erwerb von Grundbesitz und Grundherrschaften etwa an die Etablierung frommer und wohltaetiger Stiftungen zu denken, an den Kapitaleinsatz fuer Architektur und bildende Kunst oder die finanzielle Foerderung von Musikern, Literaten oder Historiographen. Der finanzielle Einsatz im sozialen und kulturellen Bereich gehoert demnach elementar zur Beschreibung der Investitionspraxis kaufmaennischer Eliten in der Fruehen Neuzeit. Diesem bisher nur punktuell erforschten Aspekt geht der Band fuer Kaufmannsdynastien der Fruehen Neuzeit systematisch und vergleichend nach.

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Feldman, Alex, Orthodox Mercantilism: Political Economy in the Byzantine Commonwealth. (Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman Studies) 344 pp. 2024:4 (Routledge, UK) <715-287>
ISBN 978-1-03-237669-1 hard ¥38,907.- (税込) GB£ 135.00 *

This book demonstrates how the political economy of mercantilism was not simply a Western invention by various cities and kingdoms during the Renaissance, but was the natural by-product of perpetually limited growth rates and rulers' relentless pursuits of bullion. It contributes to discussions of the economic history surrounding the so-called "Great Divergence" between East and West, which would consequently lend context and credence to differences of economic thought in the world today. Additionally, it seeks to explain present economic thought as tacitly derived from implicit antique paradigms. This book advances fields of research from numismatics and sigillography to historical materialism and historical political economy.Divided into three parts, Orthodox Mercantilism first examines the political theology (the sovereignty) of the oecumene from the early 11th century. Second, it analyzes its peripheral legislation from the customary laws of newly Christianized dynasties up to the Kormcaja Kniga's adoption (the Nomokanon) by 13th-century Orthodox dynasties across Eastern Europe. Third, it explores how these dynasties (and their own satellite dynasties) hoarded finite bullion to pay for defense, resulting in the 11-14th-century coinless period across Eastern Europe and Western Eurasia.Appealing to students and scholars alike, this book will be of interest to those studying and researching economic and mercantile history, particularly in the context of Byzantine and Eastern European societies.

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A.G.ホプキンズ著 植民地における資本主義-ラゴスにおけるアフリカ人商人 1851~1931年
Hopkins, A. G., Capitalism in the Colonies: African Merchants in Lagos, 1851-1931. 520 pp. 2024:9 (Princeton U. Pr., US) <715-288>
ISBN 978-0-691-25884-3 hard ¥11,207.- (税込) US$ 49.95

An account that challenges the conventional views of African merchants under colonialism, examining the emergence and changing fortunes of indigenous entrepreneurs in Lagos, NigeriaIn Capitalism in the Colonies, A. G. Hopkins provides the first substantial assessment of the fortunes of African entrepreneurs under colonial rule. Examining the lives and careers of 100 merchants in Lagos, Nigeria, between 1850 and 1931, Hopkins challenges conventional views of the contribution made by indigenous entrepreneurs to the long-run economic development of Nigeria. He argues that African merchants in Lagos not only survived, but were also responsible for key innovations in trade, construction, farming and finance that are essential for understanding the development of Nigeria's economy.The book is based on a large, representative sample and covers a time span that traces mercantile fortunes over two and three generations. Drawing on a wide range of sources, Hopkins shows that indigenous entrepreneurs were far more adventurous than expatriate firms. African merchants in Lagos pioneered motor vehicles, sewing machines, publishing, tanneries and new types of internal trade. They founded the construction industry that built Lagos into a major port city, moved inland to start the cocoa-farming industry and developed the finance sector that is still vital to Nigeria's economy. They also took the lead in changing single-owned businesses into limited liability companies, creating freehold property rights and promoting wage labour. In short, Hopkins argues, they were the capitalists who introduced the institutions of capitalism into Nigeria. The story of African merchants in Nigeria reminds us, he writes, that economic structures have no life of their own until they are animated by the actions of creative individuals.

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M.A.Denzel他編 グローバルな交易空間及び交易ルート・ハンドブック-古代から現代まで
Haeberlein, Mark / Denzel, Markus A. (Hrsg.), Handbuch globale Handelsraeume und Handelsrouten: Von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. (De Gruyter Reference) 700 S. 2023:12 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <715-289>
ISBN 978-3-11-043757-7 hard ¥51,051.- (税込) EUR 210.00 *

Zu den wesentlichen Charakteristika der Geschichte des Fernhandels gehoert die Tatsache, dass sich Warenstroeme haeufig auf bestimmte (maritime und kontinentale) Handelswege bzw. Wegenetze konzentrierten. Klimatische und geographische Gegebenheiten - Windverhaeltnisse, Meeresstroemungen, Passstrassen usw. - trugen dazu ebenso bei wie das Vorhandensein von Infrastrukturen (Haefen, Kaufmannsniederlassungen, Transportmoeglichkeiten, Karawansereien etc.). Trotz einer enormen Zunahme des globalen Gueterverkehrs in den letzten beiden Jahrhunderten hat sich daran bis heute grundsaetzlich nichts geaendert: Auch in der Gegenwart laeuft ein grosser Teil des Warentransports ueber mehr oder minder feste Routen, und neuralgische Punkte wie der Panamakanal, der Suezkanal oder die Strasse von Malakka haben fuer die reibungslose Abwicklung des Welthandels enorme Bedeutung. Das Handbuch gibt vor diesem Hintergrund erstmals in deutscher Sprache einen Gesamtueberblick. Damit bietet es zugleich eine Synthese der selbst fuer Fachleute kaum noch ueberschaubaren internationalen Spezialforschung zu Grossraeumen wie dem Mittelmeer, dem Atlantik und dem Indischen Ozean.

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Murphy, Olya, History, Politics and Theory in the Great Divergence Debate: A Comparative Analysis of the California School, World Systems Analysis and Marxism. 260 pp. 2023:12 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <715-291>
ISBN 978-3-11-124625-3 hard ¥24,296.- (税込) EUR 99.95 *

World history suffers from a paucity of clearly articulated, convincing explanations. While the rise of postmodernism and challenges to Eurocentrism did lead to some important correctives, the pendulum has swung too far the other direction, with a corresponding danger of ‘throwing out the baby with the bathwater’. We need careful, theoretically informed debates about ways of organizing world history. What constitutes a good historical explanation? What should guide historians to choose relevant facts? Which theoretical schools could be made useful, and to what ends? These questions are especially relevant to the main topic of this book: the ‘great divergence’ between the west and the rest of the world, and how this historical rupture is to be explained. The book provides extensive critical analyses of some of the key claims in world history, analyzing their strengths as well as their major weaknesses?too often rooted in insufficient familiarity of historians with theories they discard. It also historicizes the field and the debates to partly account for what caused some theories to become more influential and others to fall into oblivion?despite the fact that the more influential frameworks are seriously flawed and some of the more marginalized ideas are more coherent and plausible. The book offers insights regarding the theoretical and political relevance of older debates about the transition to capitalism and historical materialism. Three major schools of thought in world history are critically examined through an in-depth theoretical and comparative analysis that has not been undertaken elsewhere: the so-called ‘California School’, World Systems Analysis, and Marxist theories of history, capitalism, and the transition from feudalism to capitalism. Murphy argues that, despite some of the more recent criticisms of older approaches to world history, the older theories remain indispensable for the writing of world history and for coming to terms with issues of global poverty, inequality and eco-catastrophe.

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Reden, Sitta (ed.), Handbook of Ancient Afro-Eurasian Economies. Volume 3: Frontier-Zone Processes and Transimperial Exchange. 600 pp. 2023:11 (de Gruyter, GW) <715-293>
ISBN 978-3-11-060464-1 hard ¥44,960.- (税込) EUR 184.95 *

The Handbook of Ancient Afro-Eurasian Economies offers in three volumes the first comprehensive discussion of economic development in the empires of the Afro-Eurasian world region to elucidate the conditions under which large quantities of goods and people moved across continents and between empires. Volume 3: Frontier-Zone Processes and Transimperial Exchange analyzes frontier zones as particular landscapes of encounter, economic development, and transimperial network formation. The chapters offer problematizing approaches to frontier zone processes as part of and in between empires, with the goal of better understanding how and why goods and resources moved across the Afro-Eurasian region. Key frontiers in mountains and steppes, along coasts, rivers, and deserts are investigated in depth, demonstrating how local landscapes, politics, and pathways explain network practices and participation in long-distance trade. The chapters seek to retrieve local knowledge ignored in popular Silk Road models and to show the potential of frontier-zone research for understanding the Afro-Eurasian region as a connected space.

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Sasson, Tehila, The Solidarity Economy: Nonprofits and the Making of Neoliberalism after Empire. 296 pp. 2024:4 (Princeton U. Pr., US) <715-294>
ISBN 978-0-691-25038-0 hard ¥8,963.- (税込) US$ 39.95

The untold story of the role of humanitarian NGOs in building the neoliberal order after empireAfter India gained independence in 1947, Britain reinvented its role in the global economy through nongovernmental aid organizations. Utilizing existing imperial networks and colonial bureaucracy, the nonprofit sector sought an ethical capitalism, one that would equalize relationships between British consumers and Third World producers as the age of empire was ending. The Solidarity Economy examines the role of nonstate actors in the major transformations of the world economy in the postwar era, showing how British NGOs charted a path to neoliberalism in their pursuit of ethical markets.Between the 1950s and 1990s, nonprofits sought to establish an alternative to Keynesianism through their welfare and development programs. Encouraging the fair trade of commodities and goods through microfinance, consumer boycotts, and corporate social responsibility, these programs emphasized decentralization, privatization, and entrepreneurship. Tehila Sasson tells the stories of the activists, economists, politicians, and businessmen who reimagined the marketplace as a workshop for global reform. She reveals how their ideas, though commonly associated with conservative neoliberal policies, were part of a nonprofit-driven endeavor by the liberal left to envision markets as autonomous and humanizing spaces, facilitating ethical relationships beyond the impersonal realm of the state.Drawing on dozens of newly available repositories from nongovernmental, international, national, and business archives, The Solidarity Economy reconstructs the political economy of these markets-from handicrafts and sugar to tea and coffee-shedding critical light on the postimperial origins of neoliberalism.

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Schulte Beerbuehl, Margrit, Auf dem Weg in die Moderne: Spekulation und Finanzkrisen im 18. Jahrhundert. 420 S. 2023:8 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <715-295>
ISBN 978-3-11-111456-9 hard ¥17,003.- (税込) EUR 69.95 *

Die Spekulationskrisen des 18. Jahrhunderts werden von der Forschung als vormodern ohne realwirtschaftliche Auswirkungen eingestuft. Ein zentrales Anliegen war es, diese These anhand von sieben Spekulationskrisen (1710, 1720, 1763,1772, 1788, 1793, 1799), die abgesehen von 1720 kaum oder nicht bekannt und erforscht sind, zu ueberpruefen. Vom Kindleberger’schen Phasenkonzept von modernen Spekulationskrisen ausgehend wurden die Krisen aus einer internationalen und interdisziplinaeren Perspektive untersucht. In allen Kapiteln konnte aufgezeigt werden, dass Innovationen spekulative Boom und Bust-Phasen ausloesten und neue, u.a. transnationale Praktiken (LOLR- und Insolvenzpraktiken) zur Eindaemmung der realwirtschaftlichen und sozialen Folgen entwickelten. Die Arbeit kommt zu dem Fazit, dass die Krisen im Laufe des Jahrhunderts nicht nur alle zentralen Erscheinungsmerkmale moderner Spekulationskrisen, sondern sogar eine globale Reichweite annahmen mit erheblichen realwirtschaftlichen und sozialen Folgen.

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Syrjaemaa, Taina / Jalava, Marja u. a. (Hrsg.), Animal industries: Nordic perspectives on the exploitation of animals since 1860. 270 pp. 2024:6 (de Gruyter, GW) <715-296>
ISBN 978-3-11-078729-0 hard ¥20,650.- (税込) EUR 84.95 *

This book examines an extremely topical phenomenon, the massive industrial exploitation of animals, from a previously neglected perspective. It explores the history and development of animal industries in Nordic countries from their establishment in the late nineteenth century to the present day. These countries are often considered to be progressive and advanced in animal protection, but consumption practices in this area are actually excessive in relation to planetary resources and are among the most unsustainable on a global scale. If we want to understand current problems, it is essential to be aware of long-term changes and continuities, as well as the diversity of animals that have been exploited. The purpose of this book is to explain these changes and provide new knowledge for scholars in human-animal studies, decisionmakers and the general public.

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Teixeira, Melissa, A Third Path: Corporatism in Brazil and Portugal. (Histories of Economic Life) 384 pp. 2024:3 (Princeton U. Pr., US) <715-297>
ISBN 978-0-691-19102-7 hard ¥8,963.- (税込) US$ 39.95 *

How Brazil and Portugal experimented with corporatism as a "third path" between laissez-faire capitalism and communism Following the Great Depression, as the world searched for new economic models, Brazil and Portugal experimented with corporatism as a "third path" between laissez-faire capitalism and communism. In a corporatist society, the government vertically integrates economic and social groups into the state so that it can manage labor and economic production. In the 1930s, the dictatorships of Getulio Vargas in Brazil and Antonio de Oliveira Salazar in the Portuguese Empire seized upon corporatist ideas to jump-start state-led economic development. In A Third Path, Melissa Teixeira examines these pivotal but still understudied initiatives.What distinguished Portuguese and Brazilian corporatism from other countries' experiments with the mixed economy was how Vargas and Salazar dismantled liberal democratic institutions, celebrating their efforts to limit individual freedoms and property in pursuit of economic recovery and social peace. By tracing the movement of people and ideas across the South Atlantic, Teixeira vividly shows how two countries not often studied for their economic creativity became major centers for policy experimentation. Portuguese and Brazilian officials created laws and agencies to control pricing and production, which in turn generated new social frictions and economic problems, as individuals and firms tried to evade the rules. And yet, Teixeira argues, despite the failings and frustrations of Brazil's and Portugal's corporatist experiments, the ideas and institutions tested in the 1930s and 1940s constituted a new legal and technical tool kit for the rise of economic planning, shaping how governments regulate labor and market relations to the present day.

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Ward, Evan R., Hubbing for Tourists: Airports, Hotels and Tourism Development in the Indo-Pacific, 1934-2019. 250 S. 2023:10 (de Gruyter Oldenbourg, GW) <715-298>
ISBN 978-3-11-132486-9 hard ¥21,865.- (税込) EUR 89.95 *

Dubai International Airport (DXB), Emirates Airlines, and the Burj al-Arab. Changi International Airport (SIN), Singapore Airlines, and Marina Bay Sands. Chek Lap Kok (HGK), Cathay Pacific, and The Peninsula Hotel. Kingsford Smith (SYD), Qantas Airlines, and the Wentworth Hotel. What do these collective entities have in common? Not only do they link global air hubs with city-centric long-haul airlines and destination-worthy hotels, but they are the product of a distinct strategy to boost tourism development through the synergies created by aviation development. This volume explores the evolution of tourism development through synergies created by airline, airport, and hotel development in the Persian Gulf (namely Dubai); Southeast Asia (primarily Singapore); and East Asia (mainly Hong Kong) during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. These "hubs" included, but went beyond traditional models of hotel development as models for economically viable tourism programs, particularly after World War II. The book also examines how such systems integrated travelers, airlines, and airports in Australasia and Europe, while at the same time competing with imperial systems of airport and airline development. This book illuminates the strategies behind and competition between cities during the current century for air traffic, tourists, and airlines transiting between Europe, Southeast Asia, and Australasia.

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Watteyne, Simon, Lever l'impot en Belgique: une histoire de combats politiques (1830-1962). 422 p. 2023:10 (CRISP, BE) <715-299>
ISBN 978-2-87075-312-5 paper ¥11,165.- (税込) EUR 35.00



Palen, Marc-William, Pax Economica: Left-Wing Visions of a Free Trade World. 328 pp. 2024:4 (Princeton U. Pr., US) <715-168>
ISBN 978-0-691-19932-0 hard ¥7,854.- (税込) US$ 35.00 *

The forgotten history of the liberal radicals, socialist internationalists, feminists, and Christians who envisioned free trade as the necessary prerequisite for anti-imperialism and peaceToday, free trade is often associated with right-wing free marketeers. In Pax Economica, historian Marc-William Palen shows that free trade and globalisation in fact have roots in nineteenth-century left-wing politics. In this counterhistory of an idea, Palen explores how, beginning in the 1840s, left-wing globalists became the leaders of the peace and anti-imperialist movements of their age. By the early twentieth century, an unlikely alliance of liberal radicals, socialist internationalists, feminists, and Christians envisioned free trade as essential for a prosperous and peaceful world order. Of course, this vision was at odds with the era's strong predilections for nationalism, protectionism, geopolitical conflict, and colonial expansion. Palen reveals how, for some of its most radical left-wing adherents, free trade represented a hard-nosed critique of imperialism, militarism, and war.Palen shows that the anti-imperial component of free trade was a phenomenon that came to encompass the political left wing within the British, American, Spanish, German, Dutch, Belgian, Italian, Russian, French, and Japanese empires. The left-wing vision of a "pax economica" evolved to include supranational regulation to maintain a peaceful free-trading system-which paved the way for a more liberal economic order after World War II and such institutions as the United Nations, the European Union, and the World Trade Organization. Palen's findings upend how we think about globalisation, free trade, anti-imperialism, and peace. Rediscovering the left-wing history of globalism offers timely lessons for our own era of economic nationalism and geopolitical conflict.

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