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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Ambrosius, Gerold, Infrastrukturelle Marktordnungen im sektoralen und epochalen Vergleich: Energie und Telekommunikation vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg und heute. (Historische Dimensionen Europaeischer Integration 36) 252 S. 2024:5 (Nomos, GW) <729-389>
ISBN 978-3-7560-1691-4 paper ¥14,713.- (税込) EUR 64.00 *

Mit der Liberalisierung der Maerkte fuer Elektrizitaet und Telekommunikation im ausgehenden 20. Jahrhundert haben sich Marktordnungen fuer diese Infrastrukturen herausgebildet, die in einigen Auspraegungen an die des ausgehenden 19. Jahrhunderts erinnern, in anderen aber grundsaetzlich unterschiedlich angelegt sind. Anhand der Ordnungselemente Eigentum, Koordinierung und Lenkung werden Elektrizitaet und Telekommunikation sektoral und epochal fuer die Jahrzehnte vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg und fuer die der juengsten Vergangenheit miteinander verglichen. Einerseits wird deutlich, wie sehr institutionelle und organisatorische Pfadabhaengigkeiten die heutigen Marktordnungen praegen, andererseits aber auch, wie stark der ordnungspolitische Bruch in der juengsten Vergangenheit war.

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Engel, Alexander / Brugger, Eva (Hrsg.), Handbuch Koloniales Wirtschaften: 15. bis 21 Jahrhundert. (Handbuecher zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte) 800 S. 2024:11 (de Gruyter, GW) <729-391>
ISBN 978-3-11-079625-4 hard ¥50,578.- (税込) EUR 220.00



Gentilini, Ugo, Timely Cash: Lessons From 2,500 Years of Giving People Money. 368 pp. 2024:12 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <729-392>
ISBN 978-0-19-888811-6 hard ¥32,986.- (税込) GB£ 119.00



Langford, Thomas, The Lights on the Tipple Are Going Out: Fighting Economic Ruin in a Canadian Coalfield Community. 358 pp. 2024:9 (U. British Columbia Pr., CN) <729-393>
ISBN 978-0-7748-6928-7 hard ¥23,782.- (税込) US$ 115.00 *

The Canadian postwar economic boom did not include one western coal-mining region. When the Canadian Pacific Railway switched to diesel power, over 2,000 coal-production jobs were lost in the Crowsnest Pass and Elk Valley. The Lights on the Tipple Are Going Out tells the story of its fight for survival.Underground mine closures began in 1950, prompting attempts by unions, leftist parties, municipal governments, and business groups to save the local economy. Efforts to reindustrialize in the mid-1960s brought unregulated growth, unsafe working conditions, and pollution. Starting in 1968, new strip mines were built to produce metallurgical coal for Asia-Pacific steelmakers.Not only is this an interesting regional history, but the consideration of the role of labour unions, local communists, and grassroots environmentalists makes it especially compelling. Today, with technological change in steel manufacturing on the horizon, propelled by the climate crisis, Langford argues that the Crowsnest Pass and Elk Valley must look toward ecosystem restoration, sustainable economic activities, and the inclusion of First Nations in decision making in order to embrace a future beyond coal.

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McClure, Julia, Empire of Poverty: The Moral-Political Economy of the Spanish Empire. 224 pp. 2024:12 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <729-394>
ISBN 978-0-19-893387-8 hard ¥23,284.- (税込) GB£ 84.00

Empire of Poverty examines how changing concepts of poverty in the long-sixteenth century helped shape the deep structures of states and empires and the contours of imperial inequalities. While poverty is often understood to have become a political subject with the birth of political economy in the eighteenth century, this book points to the longer history of poverty as a political subject and a more complicated relationship between moral and political economies. It focuses upon the critical transformations taking place in the long-sixteenth century, with the emergence of the world?s first global empire and the development of colonial capitalism. The book explores how the 'moral-political economy of poverty' - defined as a new and changing conceptualisation of and approach to poverty, across laws, institutions, and acts of resistance - played a critical role in the development and governance of the Spanish Empire. In so doing it offers insights into the negotiated nature of sovereignty, the construction of inequalities, and strategies of resistance. Empire of Poverty explains how the combined processes of the transition to global capitalism and imperialism in the long-sixteenth century wrought a moral crisis which led to the transformation of poverty and reconceptualization of the poor and how the newly emerging beliefs, laws, and institutions of poverty helped structure the inequalities of the new global order.

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Mertelsmann, Olaf, Stalinist Restructuring in Estonia: From Market to Command Economy. (Tartu Historical Studies 7) 268 pp. 2024:6 (P. Lang, SZ) <729-395>
ISBN 978-3-631-91916-3 hard ¥14,099.- (税込) SFR 58.00

In 1940, Estonia was first occupied and then annexed by the Soviet Union. The process of Sovietization started immediately and was accompanied by a thorough reconstruction of the economy. This monograph looks in detail at the different stages of economic restructuring of a country to be remodeled according to the Soviet example. Exploitation, violence, and declining living standards formed part of the process under Stalinist rule. Different sectors of the economy, but also the demographic development, are analyzed. By the end of Stalinism, the outcome indicated a disaster.

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Unkovski-Korica, Vladimir / Vejzagic, Sasa (eds.), Socialist Entrepreneurs?: Business Histories of the GDR and Yugoslavia. 156 pp. 2024:11 (Routledge, UK) <729-397>
ISBN 978-1-03-284522-7 hard ¥37,422.- (税込) GB£ 135.00

This book breaks new ground, taking business history where it has only reluctantly gone in the past. The introduction reviews the small, but growing, literature, based on fresh archival materials, which investigates the history of business organisation in the Global East, or the Second World in the Cold War. It argues that there is already a great variety of approaches that go beyond the view of the Soviet-style firm as primarily a production function. Focusing on East Germany and Yugoslavia, seven chapters showcase new directions in the field, and demonstrate that the combination of business history with other historical and disciplinary approaches can help unpack the diversity of historical experiences, explain geographical variances, and offer new avenues for synthesis. The volume's exploration of different historical eras, including those of postwar reconstruction, through globalisation, to transformation, also shows that the Global East should not be treated as disconnected from the rest of the world, but as part of wider, global trends. As such, the volume makes a plea for the utility of studying the Global East to business history and the utility of business history to the study of the Global East.The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of Business History.

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Bresser-Pereira, Luiz Carlos, The Rise and Fall of Neoliberal Rentier Capitalism: The Political Economy of the 20th and 21st Centuries. (Critical Frontiers of Theory, Research, and Policy in International Development Studies) 512 pp. 2024:12 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <729-233>
ISBN 978-0-19-889814-6 hard ¥8,316.- (税込) GB£ 30.00

The Rise and Fall of Neoliberal Rentier Capitalism is an account of the political economy of capitalism in the 20th and 21st centuries. Capitalism is an unjust form of economic organisation; it is a culture of exacerbated individualism justified by the glorification of individual competition. Today, after 40 years of neoliberalism, capitalism faces again a legitimation crisis. The book discusses capitalism after two revolutions - the Organisational Revolution and the Democratic Revolution. It views capitalism since the New Deal in the US and the post-war as a progressive and developmental era and the Neoliberal Turn as the change from social democracy to radical and regressive global neoliberalism, which was a regressive time for almost forty years. In the Neoliberal Years, rentiers replaced entrepreneurs in the command of the economy and called on the financiers to manage their wealth and serve as organic intellectuals, and both mounted an attack to the state, which is the main capitalist institution. The global crisis and, in 2020, the Covid pandemic showed that the state remains the nations' resource of last instance. The transition of China from statism to an active developmentalism resulted in an extraordinary growth. Given such realities, in 2021 we saw the collapse of neoliberalism, and in the United States, a Developmental Turn - the state is back in the economy. The transition phase we live in is characterised by three main forces - economic liberalism, managerialism, and democracy. Economic liberalism is the great defeated, managerialism became powerful and is developmental, and democracy is the stronger force. It was attacked by neoliberalism and is now being attacked by right-wing populism, but resisted and resists brilliantly, proving that it was a conquest of the popular classes that became a universal value counting on the support of all social classes.

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Stunden Bower, Shannon, Transforming the Prairies: Agricultural Rehabilitation and Modern Canada. (Nature / History / Society) 272 pp. 2024:9 (U. British Columbia Pr., CN) <729-316>
ISBN 978-0-7748-7039-9 hard ¥20,473.- (税込) US$ 99.00

Transforming the Prairies proposes a new understanding of Canada's Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA), complicating common views of the agency as a model of effective government environmental management. Between 1935 and 2009, the PFRA promoted agricultural rehabilitation in and beyond the Canadian Prairies with mixed and equivocal results. The promotion of strip farming as a soil conservation technique, for example, left crops susceptible to sawfly infestations. The PFRA's involvement in irrigation development in Ghana increased the local population's vulnerability to various illnesses. And PFRA infrastructure construction intended to serve the public good failed to account for the interests of affected Indigenous Peoples. The PFRA is revealed as being a high modernist state agency that produced varied environmental outcomes and that contributed to consolidating colonialism and racism. This investigation affirms the importance of engaging historical perspectives to help ensure that contemporary environmental management efforts support more just and sustainable futures.

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