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掲載点数 全5件




Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Brocker, Manfred (Hrsg.), Geschichte des politischen Denkens: Das 19. Jahrhundert. (stw 2341) 1000 S. 2021:9 (Suhrkamp, GW) <672-579>
ISBN 978-3-518-29941-8 paper ¥8,265.- (税込) EUR 34.00

Das politische Denken des 19. Jahrhunderts entfaltet sich in Auseinandersetzung mit der Franzoesischen und der Industriellen Revolution, der Entwicklung von Kapitalismus, Nationalismus, Imperialismus und Kolonialismus. Die bedeutendsten politischen Stroemungen unserer Gegenwart wie Konservatismus, Liberalismus und Sozialismus nehmen hier ihren Ausgang. Der vorliegende Band erschliesst dieses Denken durch die Analyse klassischer Texte der Philosophie, Jurisprudenz, Sozial- und Geschichtswissenschaft sowie der Oekonomie, aber auch der politischen Praxis: von Arbeiterfuehrer*innen, Unabhaengigkeitskaempfer*innen, befreiten Sklav*innen und Feminist*innen. Ein Lesebuch fuer alle politisch-historisch Interessierten.

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Namazi, Rasoul, Leo Strauss and Islamic Political Thought. 2022:6 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <672-581>
ISBN 978-1-00-909870-0 hard ¥21,615.- (税込) GB£ 75.00 *

In this book, Rasoul Namazi offers the first in-depth study of Leo Strauss' writings on Islamic political thought, a topic that interested Strauss over the course of his career. Namazi's volume focuses on several important studies by Strauss on Islamic thought. He critically analyzes Strauss's notes on Averroes' commentary on Plato's Republic and also proposes an interpretation of Strauss' theologico-political notes on the Arabian Nights. Namazi also interprets Strauss' essay on Alfarabi's enigmatic treatise, The Philosophy of Plato and provides a detailed commentary on his complex essay devoted to Alfarabi's summary of Plato's Laws. Based on previously unpublished material from Strauss' papers, Namazi's volume provides new insights into Strauss' reflections on religion, philosophy, and politics, and their relationship to wisdom, persecution, divine law, and unbelief in the works of key Muslim thinkers. His work presents Strauss as one of the most innovative historians and scholars of Islamic thought of all time.

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社会主義の歴史 第1巻
van der Linden, Marcel (ed.), The Cambridge History of Socialism. Volume 1. 685 pp. 2022:8 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <672-582>
ISBN 978-1-108-48134-2 hard ¥34,584.- (税込) GB£ 120.00 *

This volume describes the various movements and thinkers who wanted social change without state intervention. It covers cases in Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia. The first part discusses early egalitarian experiments and ideologies in Asia, Europe and the Islamic world, and then moves to early socialist thinkers in Britain, France, and Germany. The second part deals with the rise of the two main currents in socialist movements after 1848: anarchism in its multiple varieties, and Marxism. It also pays attention to organisational forms, including the International Working Men's Association (later called the First International); and it then follows the further development of anarchism and its 'proletarian' sibling, revolutionary syndicalism - its rise and decline from the 1870s until the 1940s on different continents. The volume concludes with critical essays on anarchist transnationalism and the recent revival of anarchism and syndicalism in several parts of the world.

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社会主義の歴史 第2巻
van der Linden, Marcel (ed.), The Cambridge History of Socialism. Volume 2. 685 pp. 2022:8 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <672-583>
ISBN 978-1-108-48135-9 hard ¥34,584.- (税込) GB£ 120.00 *

This volume describes the various movements and parties, across all six continents, that wanted social change through state transformation. It begins with a reconstruction of social democracy's trajectories from the 1870s until the present. The evolution of socialism on different continents is illustrated through a number of national case studies. Experiments at a subnational level (for example, municipal socialism) are also explored, as are the varying experiences of international umbrella organizations. The next part focuses on divergent socialist experiments and ideologies in several parts of the world, including South Asia, Africa, the Arab world, Brazil, Venezuela, and Israel/Palestine, followed by an overview of 'independent' socialist movements, including left-socialist parties of the 1930s and the post-war period, and the global New Left since its beginnings in the 1950s. The volume concludes with critical essays on socialism's long-term and global development.

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R.フォアスト著 カント以後の批判的構築主義
Forst, Rainer, Die noumenale Republik: Kritischer Konstruktivismus nach Kant. (stw 2362) 300 S. 2022:1 (Suhrkamp, GW) <672-33>
ISBN 978-3-518-29962-3 paper ¥5,348.- (税込) EUR 22.00

Alle Menschen werden mit gleicher Wuerde und gleichen Rechten geboren. Diese Aussage erscheint normativ ebenso unumstoesslich wie empirisch unzutreffend; die Realitaet widerlegt sie mit jedem Tag aufs Neue ? und bestaetigt damit ihre Bedeutung. Die Wahrheit dieses Prinzips ist philosophisch im Rueckgang auf Kants Idee einer ≫noumenalen Republik≪ aufzuklaeren, in der jede Person dem allgemeinen Gesetz unterworfen ist, das sie zugleich als Gesetzgeber mitkonstruiert. Inwiefern die Wirklichkeit dem Hohn spricht, muss eine kritische Analyse von Gesellschaft und Politik zeigen. Damit diese Perspektiven nicht auseinanderfallen in ein weltfernes Ideal und eine Diagnose der Ausweglosigkeit, bedarf es einer kritischen Theorie nach Kant, wie sie Rainer Forst in diesem Band entwirft.

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