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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Marlow, Louise (ed. & tr.), Medieval Muslim Mirrors for Princes: An Anthology of Arabic, Persian and Turkish Political Advice. (Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought) 2023:1 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <682-744>
ISBN 978-1-108-42565-0 hard ¥20,170.- (税込) GB£ 69.99 *
ISBN 978-1-108-44292-3 paper ¥6,625.- (税込) GB£ 22.99 *

The 'mirror for princes' genre of literature offers advice to a ruler, or ruler-to-be, concerning the exercise of royal power and the wellbeing of the body politic. This anthology presents selections from the 'mirror literature' produced in the Islamic Early Middle Period (roughly the tenth to twelfth centuries CE), newly translated from the original Arabic and Persian, as well as a previously translated Turkish example. In these texts, authors advise on a host of political issues which remain compelling to our contemporary world: political legitimacy and the ruler's responsibilities, the limits of the ruler's power and the limits of the subjects' duty of obedience, the maintenance of social stability, causes of unrest, licit and illicit uses of force, the functions of governmental offices and the status and rights of diverse social groups. Medieval Muslim Mirrors for Princes is a unique introduction to this important body of literature, showing how these texts reflect and respond to the circumstances and conditions of their era, and of ours.

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Bonnell, Andrew G., Robert Michels, Socialism, and Modernity. (Oxford Studies in Modern European History) 288 pp. 2023 (Oxford U. Pr., UK) <682-741>
ISBN 978-0-19-287184-8 hard ¥25,938.- (税込) GB£ 90.00 *

Robert Michels (1876-1936) is best known for his 1911 book Political Parties, which is still a standard reference in political science debates. Michels' work sought to prove an "iron law of oligarchy" that governs the organisational evolution of democratic political parties. The work was closely informed by Michels' engagement with the German Social Democratic Party in the early 1900s, his involvement in radical politics in France and Italy in this period, and by his interest in a range of intellectual and social movements - including feminism, nationalism, racial theory, and the emerging disciplines of sociology and political science. Using archival and printed sources hitherto overlooked in work on Michels, this new study contests previous arguments which have sought to explain Michels as a disillusioned adherent of ideas of direct democracy or as an extremist moving from revolutionary syndicalism to fascism. The biographical and intellectual influences on Michels are shown to be more complex, and more transnational, than such schematic explanations have allowed. Andrew Bonnell sheds new light on Michels' relationship with the German Social Democratic Party and on his understanding of his own role as an intellectual in a workers' party. Bonnell also analyses Michels' problematical relationship with revolutionary syndicalism in France and Italy. Michels was connected to a possibly uniquely diverse network of intellectual and political contacts in pre-1914 Europe. This transnational intellectual history illuminates the intellectual worlds in which Michels moved and presents a new interpretation of his shift from the radical left of the spectrum to Italian fascism, an intellectual itinerary which has intrigued many historians.

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Hauptmann, Emily, Foundations and American Political Science: The Transformation of a Discipline, 1945-1970. 280 pp. 2022:11 (U. Pr. Kansas, US) <682-742>
ISBN 978-0-7006-3377-7 paper ¥6,055.- (税込) US$ 26.99 *

Foundations in the United States have long exerted considerable power over education and scholarly production. Although today's titans of philanthropy proclaim more loudly their desire to transform schools and universities than did some of their predecessors, philanthropic programs designed to reshape educational institutions are at least a century old. In Foundations and American Political Science, Emily Hauptmann focuses on the postwar Carnegie, Ford, and Rockefeller programs that reshaped political science. She shows how significant changes in the methods and research interests of postwar political scientists began as responses to the priorities set by their philanthropic patrons.Informed by years of research in foundation and university archives, Foundations and American Political Science follows the course of several streams of private philanthropic money as they wended their way through public universities and political science departments in the postwar period. The programs launched by the Carnegie, Ford, and Rockefeller philanthropies as well as their reception at the universities of California and Michigan steered political scientists towards particular problems as well as particular ways of studying them. The rise of statistical analyses of survey data, the decline of public administration, and persistent conflicts over the discipline's purpose and the best methods for understanding politics, Hauptmann argues, all had their roots in the ways that postwar universities responded to foundations' programs. Additionally, the new emphasis universities placed on sponsored research sparked sharp disputes among political scientists over what should count as legitimate knowledge about politics and what the ultimate purpose of the discipline should be.

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Karkour, Haro L., E. H. Carr: Imperialism, War and Lessons for Post-Colonial IR. (Palgrave Studies in International Relations) 193 pp. 2022:4 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <682-743>
ISBN 978-3-030-99359-7 hard ¥24,306.- (税込) EUR 99.99 *

This book highlights important parallels between Carr and three influential figures in the first wave of post-colonialism-DuBois, Cesaire and Fanon-on the analysis of imperialism and the causes of war. Specifically, Carr's analysis of imperialism and war parallels the first wave post-colonial thinkers in two respects. First, Carr's work historically situates imperialism in the context of the social question in Western democracies. Second, Carr's work provides an ideology critique to Enlightenment rationalism, which postulates that 'reason could determine what [are] the universally valid moral laws' and thus 'by the voice of reason men could be persuaded both to save their own immoral souls and to move along the path of political enlightenment and progress' (Carr 1984, 22 and 24). Carr's ideology critique exposes the Enlightenment's pretences of reason and universality as a deceptive plea that legitimates imperialism. These parallels, the book argues, reveal that Carr didnot only recognise global hierarchy, but also theorised the role of what Julian Go refers to as the 'episteme of empire'-that is, 'the meanings and modalities of seeing and knowing that ... accompanied empire and made it possible in the first place' (Go 2017, 19-20). Carr's IR theory, in short, was much closer to post-colonial thinking than previously appreciated in the discipline.

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van Brederode, Robert F. (ed.), Political Philosophy and Taxation: A History from the Enlightenment to the Present. 413 pp. 2022:6 (Springer, GW) <682-162>
ISBN 978-981-19-1091-3 hard ¥34,030.- (税込) EUR 139.99 *

This book explores how taxation is related to the role of the state and its relationship with its constituents, the concept of private property rights, the concepts of societal fairness and justice, and the battle between the individual and the collective. This book appeals to students and scholars who want to know how philosophers in the past and present think about taxation, and how their thinking has developed through cross-influencing. There exists no comprehensive study providing such an overview. This book is a foundational study on the philosophical justification of taxation (qualitative aspect) and the normative qualifications required of tax law to constitute tax that is just and fair (distributive or quantitative aspect). The latter includes evaluation of what type of tax is morally correct or acceptable to realize distributive justice. This book covers periods from the Enlightenment era until the present. The philosophers are grouped together in schools of thought and each chapter except for chapter 1 and chapter 13, are is dedicated to a specific philosophical school. Moreover, this book aims to provide an overview of each school of thinking and the individual philosophers, including placing them in the context of their times. The book has particular importance as the study of taxation is an underdeveloped area of political and legal philosophy.

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