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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Goldman, Loren, The Principle of Political Hope: Progress, Action, and Democracy in Modern Thought. 248 pp. 2023:1 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <684-891>
ISBN 978-0-19-767582-3 hard ¥20,196.- (税込) US$ 90.00 *

A few years ago, the rhetoric of hope was all the rage, but the faith it expressed has been challenged by recent events and in recent political theory. Despite the regular appeal to hope from politicians, there is a widespread feeling of despair in the modern world: democracy is in retreat, it seems, and authoritarianism threatens both domestically and internationally. As a precondition for political action, the decline of political hope has special urgency in the context of democracy, an idea based on the egalitarian faith in the capacities of ordinary people to collectively manage their common affairs. What, if anything, can offer a foundation for hope in a democratic age? In The Principle of Political Hope, Loren Goldman draws on Immanuel Kant, Ernst Bloch, Charles Peirce, William James, and John Dewey to offer an account of political hope as a frame for navigating the relationship between subjective aspiration and objective possibility. Considering what political hope is, how it operates, how it has been thought about, and how to think about it in the contemporary world, Goldman's conceptualization of hope rejects grand notions of progress while still maintaining the possibility of a brighter future. This hope, as opposed to optimism, is characterized by uncertainty, haunted by the possibility of failure, and works to overcome despair. It is rooted in political action and democratic experimentation. Through an insightful reading of each thinker, Goldman shows that the anticipatory aspect of political thought allows us to make sense of political acts as prefigurative instead of merely expressive. Participation in voting, electoral politics, protest, aesthetic happenings, and even everyday minor acts of illegality are not merely activities serving instrumental ends-in-view but fleeting enactments of and preparation for a better future. Refreshing and lucid, Goldman reconstructs hope as a necessary condition for social and political engagement, reinvigorating the possibility of utopia in the process.

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スペイン王国における国家理性 1590~1650年
Kattenberg, Lisa, The Power of Necessity: Reason of State in the Spanish Monarchy, c. 1590-1650. (Ideas in Context) 325 pp. 2023:1 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <684-892>
ISBN 978-1-316-51314-9 hard ¥21,615.- (税込) GB£ 75.00 *

Exploring reason of state in a global monarchy, The Power of Necessity examines how thinkers and agents in the Spanish monarchy navigated the tension between political pragmatism and moral-religious principle. This tension lies at the very heart of Counter-Reformation reason of state. Nowhere was the need for pragmatic state management greater than in the overstretched Spanish Empire of the seventeenth century. However, pragmatic politics were problematic for a Catholic monarchy steeped in ideals of justice and divine justifications of power and kingship. Presenting a broad cast of characters from across Europe, and uniting published sources with a wide range of archival material, Lisa Kattenberg shows how non-canonical thinkers and agents confronted the political-moral dilemmas of their age by creatively employing the legitimizing power of necessity. Pioneering new ways of bridging the persistent gap between theory and practice in the history of political thought, The Power of Necessity casts fresh light on the struggle to preserve the monarchy in a modernizing world.

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Kraus, Hans-Christof, Wege und Abwege der Ideen: Studien zur politischen Geistesgeschichte der Deutschen. Kleine Schriften I. XII, 449 S. 2022:6 (Duncker, GW) <684-893>
ISBN 978-3-428-18467-5 hard ¥12,129.- (税込) EUR 49.90 *

Der erste Sammelband mit Aufsaetzen des Passauer Historikers enthaelt Studien zur politischen Geistesgeschichte der Deutschen aus dem Zeitraum von der Spaetaufklaerung und Fruehromantik bis zur Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Beleuchtet werden anhand von Einzel- und Detailstudien zu bestimmten Themenkomplexen und einzelnen Autoren die Wandlungen im politischen Denken der Deutschen zwischen spaeter Aufklaerung und romantischer Modernitaetskritik, Liberalismus und Konservatismus im 19. Jahrhundert, bis hin zu einzelnen Aspekten von Kriegsdeutungen, Legitimitaets- und Kontinuitaetskonzepten, demokratischen und demokratiekritischen Reflexionen sowie geschichtsphilosophischen Konstruktionen im Zeichen der totalitaeren Ideologien der ersten Haelfte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Den spezifischen Eigenarten gerade des deutschen politischen Denkens in diesem Zeitraum ? bis hin zur Idee eines ≫Geheimen Deutschlands≪ ? gilt dabei besondere Aufmerksamkeit.

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Shields, Patricia M. / Hamington, M. / Soeters, J. (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Jane Addams. (Oxford Handbooks) 768 pp. 2023:2 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <684-895>
ISBN 978-0-19-754451-8 hard ¥42,636.- (税込) US$ 190.00 *

Jane Addams stands as perhaps one of the most prominent female voices in social theory of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. While built through books, essays, journal articles, and speeches, her intellectual legacy has seldom been recognized as academic by contemporary audiences. Yet, over the last forty years, her contributions to sociology, philosophy, conceptions of democracy, inquiry, feminism, care ethics, community engagement, social ethics, community engagement, peace, municipal governance, social justice, and more have emerged and received traction in the scholarly literature. The Oxford Handbook of Jane Addams is a selective collection of original analyses offered by an international group of social and political theorists who have contributed to the burgeoning field of Addams Studies. This Handbook is a testament to the maturity of contemporary Jane Addams studies. Less than a half-century ago, such a scholarly collection would have been considered unwarranted. Despite intellectually influencing her contemporaries, Addams was marginalized as an original thinker for much of the 20th century. Today, a resurgence of academic work led by feminist scholars such as Mary Jo Deegan and Charlene Haddock Seigfried has restored Addams to her rightful place as an essential intellectual pioneer with ongoing significance. This collection pays particular attention to her contributions to scholarly fields of sociology and philosophy as well as to more professional disciplines of public administration and social work. Furthermore, this volume signifies Addams's global impact as scholars from all over the world contribute to the tapestry of her intellectual legacy. The 38 chapters in this volume are divided into six sections: Addams, Democracy and Social Theory; Addams and Her Contemporaries; Addams Across Disciplines; Addams, Peace and International Relations; Addams on Knowledge and Methods; and Addams and Social Practice. A major focus of The Oxford Handbook of Jane Addams is how Addams's insights remain relevant when confronting today's social challenges.

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Stojkovski, Velimir, Schelling's Political Thought: Nature, Freedom, and Recognition. 256 pp. 2022:12 (Bloomsbury Academic, UK) <684-59>
ISBN 978-1-350-17785-7 hard ¥24,497.- (税込) GB£ 85.00 *

In the first study to examine F. W. J. Schelling's political thought, Velimir Stojkovski not only unearths a neglected dimension of the influential thinker's philosophy but further shows what it can teach us about our ethical and political responsibilities today. Unlike Hegel or Fichte, Schelling never wrote a political treatise. Yet by reconstructing the portions of such works as The New Deductions of Natural Right that deal explicitly with the political and by thematically rethinking parts of his writings that have a clear repercussion on politics - in particular those on nature, freedom and religion - this book reveals the centrality of politics to his oeuvre. Revisiting his corpus in this way, Stojkovski uncovers a number of ways we can learn from Schelling and his reception. He examines how Schelling's views on nature can clarify our moral and political obligations to the non-human world and further demonstrates how the separation of ontology as first philosophy from the ethico-political has resulted in a fragmented view of the status of the political subject and thus the body politic. Forcefully renouncing this fragmentation, Stojkovski explores how the same divide has contributed to the ongoing political turmoil in Europe and America. Combining an exploration of German Idealism with contemporary concerns, this is an essential study that will introduce readers to a new Schelling: a political thinker for the 21st century.

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Beatty, Aidan, Private Property and the Fear of Social Chaos. 344 pp. 2023:1 (Manchester U. Pr., UK) <684-46>
ISBN 978-1-5261-6570-1 hard ¥24,497.- (税込) GB£ 85.00 *

This is a book about what people imagine it means to live in a world where private property is dominant, and their fears - and sometimes hopes - about living in a future world where private property has disappeared. In the propertied imagination, private property is a fragile thing, an institution beset by terrifying enemies and racialised and gendered mobs: Levellers and Diggers, socialists and anarchists, fervent religious radicals, abolitionists, feminists, and haughty welfare-state bureaucrats. The history of private property is the history of a recurring nightmare that one or another of these groups would storm the castle and take control. That threatened social chaos is the central unifying story of this book.Private property and the fear of social chaos starts by charting the thinkers who laid the foundations for how we understand private property, including Locke, Burke, Marx and Engels. The book looks at how their ideas have been put into practice in ways that continue to shape the modern world, from Harry Truman's housing policies and the anti-abolitionist George Fitzhugh to Margaret Thatcher and Elon Musk. Arguing that the spectre of 'the mob' has been intimately interconnected with the idea of private property throughout capitalist modernity, the book ambitiously narrates this history from the early colonisation of the Americas to Silicon Valley, and the future of human colonisation in space.

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Peddle, Francis K. / Peirce, William S. (eds.), The Annotated Works of Henry George: The Science of Political Economy. (The Annotated Works of Henry George) 578 pp. 2022:2 (Fairleigh Dickinson U. Pr., US) <684-234>
ISBN 978-1-68393-338-0 hard ¥36,577.- (税込) US$ 163.00 *

Henry George (1839-1897) rose to fame as a social reformer and economist amid the industrial and intellectual turbulence of the late nineteenth century. His best-selling Progress and Poverty (1879) captures the ravages of privileged monopolies and the woes of industrialization in a language of eloquent indignation. His reform agenda resonates as powerfully today as it did in the Gilded Age, and his impassioned prose and compelling thought inspired such diverse figures as Leo Tolstoy, John Dewey, Sun Yat-Sen, Winston Churchill, and Albert Einstein. This six-volume edition of The Annotated Works of Henry George assembles all his major works for the first time with new introductions, critical annotations, extensive bibliographical material, and comprehensive indexing to provide a wealth of resources for scholars and reformers. Volume V of this series presents the unabridged and posthumously published text of The Science Political Economy (1898). George's original text is comprehensively supplemented by annotations which explain his many references to other political economists and writers both well known and obscure. A new index augments accessibility to the text, the critical annotations, and their key terms. The introductory essay by Professor Francis K. Peddle, "Political Economy and the Satisfactions of Wealth," provides the historical, economic, and primarily philosophical context for George's debates with the prominent political economists and thinkers of his time. Henry George, in history books and documentaries, is generally portrayed as a prominent reformer in the Gilded Age, one who ushered in with others the social and economic advances of the Progressive Era in the period from the 1890s to the 1920s. The Science of Political Economy reveals George to be one of the most original and systematic architects of political economy, and its developing self-image as a science, in the nineteenth century, along with David Ricardo, John Stuart Mill, and Alfred Marshall.Henry George wrote The Science of Political Economy in order to correct the many confusions and myths about the nature and definition of wealth, value, and money, as well as the essential assumptions behind efficient production and the moral basis of the distribution of wealth. He defined political economy as the science that treats of the nature of wealth, and of the laws of production and distribution. It is not, for him, a science of human psychology or the twists and turns of political life. George's constructive critiques of previous political economists led to fresh insights about the meaning and the limitations of political economy, about the intriguing relation between wealth and value, and about how the proper distribution of wealth in society ought to be understood as a function of the cooperative character of civilization. Volume V of The Annotated Works of Henry George presents the culmination of his life's work and thought.

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