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掲載点数 全7件




Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Kerkmann, Jan (Hrsg.), Denkwege des Politischen: Beitraege zum Staatsverstaendnis Martin Heideggers. (Staatsverstaendnisse 166) 220 S. 2022:12 (Nomos, GW) <693-66>
ISBN 978-3-8487-8222-2 paper ¥11,911.- (税込) EUR 49.00 *

Mit dem Namen Martin Heideggers wird vornehmlich die daseinshermeneutische Analyse der Endlichkeit und die These einer Geschichtlichkeit des Seins verbunden. Weder hat Heidegger eine normativ ausgerichtete Ethik entwickelt, noch ist er mit einer eigenstaendigen Staatstheorie hervorgetreten. Es verwundert daher nicht, dass der Begriff des Staates in Heideggers kritischer Rekonstruktion der metaphysischen Ueberlieferungstradition nahezu abwesend ist. Gleichwohl darf diese begriffliche Absenz nicht ueber die politischen Implikationen der geschichtsphilosophischen Narrative Heideggers hinwegtaeuschen. Der vorliegende Sammelband hat zum Ziel, Heideggers Staatsverstaendnis erstmals systematisch zu erschliessen. Mit Beitraegen von Pedro Bortoluzzi, Alexandre Derot, Felix Herkert, Dr. Jan Kerkmann, Prof. Dr. Andreas Luckner, Prof. Dr. Reinhard Mehring, Prof. Dr. Daniel Meyer, Dr. Tatjana Noemi Toemmel und Milan Wenner.

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Paukstat, Adrian, Staat - Macht - Subjekt: Die Bewegung des Staatsbegriffes bei Michel Foucault und Nicos Poulantzas. 230 S. 2022:12 (Koenigshausen & Neumann, GW) <693-75>
ISBN 978-3-8260-7689-3 paper ¥9,237.- (税込) EUR 38.00

Ohne Zweifel zaehlt die Frage ?Was ist der Staat?? zu einer der Grundfragen des politischen Denkens. Ganz besonders aus emanzipatorischer Perspektive war diese Frage stets untrennbar mit einer zweiten verbunden: der nach den Grenzen und Moeglichkeiten des buergerlichen Staates im Kontext progressiver, gesellschaftsveraendernder Praxis. Ist der Staat ein blosses Instrument, das lediglich der eigenen Verfuegungsgewalt unterworfen werden muss, um die Verhaeltnisse zum Besseren zu wenden? Oder ist Staatlichkeit per se eine Form buergerlicher Vergesellschaftung, an der transformatorische Praktiken notwendigerweise abprallen muessen? Am Beispiel der staatstheoretischen Ueberlegungen in den Werken von Michel Foucault und Nicos Poulantzas soll versucht werden, diese beiden scheinbar gegensaetzlichen Zugaenge zur Staatsfrage einer Vermittlung zuzufuehren. Letzteres vor allem dadurch, das Foucaults und Poulantzas’ Ueberlegungen auf die konkreten politischen Erfahrungen im Frankreich der Nachkriegszeit bezogen und in ihren ideengeschichtlichen Kontext eingebunden dargestellt werden, um so im Rekurs auf die heterogenen Quellen dieses Staatsdenkens, deren Nutzen fuer eine kritische Staatstheorie der Gegenwart abzuwaegen.

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Boorman, Scott A., Three Faces of Sun Tzu: Analyzing Sun Tzu's Art of War, A Manual on Strategy. 500 pp. 2024 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <693-809>
ISBN 978-1-108-47103-9 hard ¥25,938.- (税込) GB£ 90.00 *
ISBN 978-1-108-45698-2 paper ¥8,642.- (税込) GB£ 29.99 *

Sun Tzu's Art of War is widely regarded as the most influential military & strategic classic of all time. Through 'reverse engineering' of the text structured around 14 Sun Tzu 'themes,' this rigorous analysis furnishes a thorough picture of what the text actually says, drawing on Chinese-language analyses, historical, philological, & archaeological sources, traditional commentaries, computational ideas, and strategic & logistics perspectives. Building on this anchoring, the book provides a unique roadmap of Sun Tzu's military and intelligence insights and their applications to strategic competitions in many times and places worldwide, from Warring States China to contemporary US/China strategic competition and other 21st century competitions involving cyber warfare, computing, other hi-tech conflict, espionage, and more. Simultaneously, the analysis offers a window into Sun Tzu's limitations and blind spots relevant to managing 21st century strategic competitions with Sun-Tzu-inspired adversaries or rivals.

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Cooper, Julie / Brody, Samuel Hayim (eds.), The King is in the Field: Essays in Modern Jewish Political Thought. (Jewish Culture and Contexts) 320 pp. 2023:6 (U. Pennsylvania Pr., US) <693-810>
ISBN 978-1-5128-2409-4 hard ¥15,695.- (税込) US$ 69.95 *

If politics is about the state, can a stateless people be political? Until recently, scholars were fiercely divided regarding whether Jews engaged in politics, displayed political wisdom, or penned works of political thought over the two millennia when there was no Jewish state. But over the past few decades, the field of Jewish political thought has begun to examine the ways in which Jewish individuals and communal organizations behaved politically even in diaspora. The King Is in the Field centers writing from leading scholars that serves as an introduction to this exciting field, providing critical resources for anyone interested in thinking about politics both within and beyond the state. From kabbalistic theology to economic philanthropy, from race and nationalism in the U.S. to Israeli legal discourse and feminist activism, this key study of Jewish political thought holds the promise to reorient the field of political thought as a whole by expanding conceptions of what counts as "political." In a world in which statelessness now applies to 100 million individuals, this volume illuminates ways to understand how diaspora Jewish political thought functioned in adopted homelands. This approach allows the book to offer questions and analysis that add depth and breadth to academic studies of Jewish politics while simultaneously offering a blueprint for future volumes interrogating political action through multiple diasporas. Contributors: Samuel Hayim Brody, Lihi Ben Shitrit, Julie E. Cooper, Arye Edrei, Meirav Jones, Rebecca Kobrin, Vincent Lloyd, Menachem Lorberbaum, Shaul Magid, Assaf Tamari, Irene Tucker, Philipp Von Wussow, Michael Walzer.

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Kenny, Paul, Why Populism?: Political Strategy from Ancient Greece to the Present. 250 pp. 2023:3 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <693-811>
ISBN 978-1-00-927529-3 hard ¥8,646.- (税込) GB£ 30.00 *

The rise to power of populists like Donald Trump is usually attributed to the shifting values and policy preferences of voters-the demand side. Why Populism shifts the public debate on populism and examines the other half of the equation-the supply side. Kenny argues that to understand the rise of populism is to understand the cost of different strategies for winning and keeping power. For the aspiring leader, populism-appealing directly to the people through mass communication-can be a quicker, cheaper, and more effective strategy than working through a political party. Probing the long history of populism in the West from its Ancient Greek roots to the present, this highly readable book shows that the 'economic laws of populism are constant.' 'Forget ideology. Forget resentment. Forget racism or sexism.' Populism, the author writes, is the result of a hidden strategic calculus.

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Meyer, Daniel / Raulet, Gerard (eds.), A Critical Archaeology of Cosmopolitan Thinking: Return to the Interwar Years. (Beitraege zur Politischen Wissenschaft 202) 214 S. 2022:11 (Duncker, GW) <693-813>
ISBN 978-3-428-18577-1 paper ¥19,422.- (税込) EUR 79.90 *

In the period between World Wars, the shock of World War 1 and the trauma caused by the conditions of the peace treaties generated an abundance of works on cosmopolitism and supranationalism. In the very period that witnessed the rise of nationalisms, pacifism and cosmopolitan thinking underwent a thorough renewal. While the Socialist International, bolstered by the progress of the Bolshevik revolution, claimed to offer an alternative to the weakness of Western democracies, these experienced a readjustment in the issues linked to cosmopolitanism, fuelled by the leading intellectual theories. Practically all the schools of thought and all the major intellectual figures played a part in this. Important turning points in theory were achieved. This enquiry into the intermediate period between both World Wars aims at outlining an archaeology of models and paradigms in contemporary cosmopolitan thought.

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Pabst, Adrian / Scazzieri, Roberto, The Constitution of Political Economy: Polity, Society and the Commonweal. 250 pp. 2023:4 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <693-205>
ISBN 978-1-108-83109-3 hard ¥27,379.- (税込) GB£ 95.00 *

The two dominant conceptions of political economy are based on either reducing political decisions to rational-choice reasoning or, conversely, reducing economic structures and phenomena to the realm of politics. In this book, Adrian Pabst and Roberto Scazzieri contend that neither conception is convincing and argue for a fundamental rethinking of political economy. Developing a new approach at the interface of economic theory and political thought, the book shows that political economy covers a plurality of dimensions, which reflect internal hierarchies and multiple relationships within the economic and political sphere. The Constitution of Political Economy presents a new, richer conception of political economy that draws on a range of thinkers from the history of political economy, recognising the complex embedding of the economy and the polity in society. Effective policy-making has to reflect this embedding and rests on the interdependence between local, national, and international actors to address multiple systemic crises.

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