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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Sumalvico, Thea, Umstrittene Taufe: Kontroversen im Kontext von Theologie, Philosophie und Politik (1750-1800). (Hallesche Forschungen 64) XVII, 575 S. 2022:10 (O. Harrassowitz, GW) <697-49>
ISBN 978-3-447-11910-8 paper ¥17,989.- (税込) EUR 74.00

Thea Sumalvico zeichnet in ihrer Studie Taufdebatten der zweiten Haelfte des 18. Jahrhunderts in Streitschriften, Dogmatiken, Lexika und Zeitschriften nach. Diese Debatten oeffnen ein Fenster zu zentralen philosophischen und theologischen Streitpunkten dieser Zeit. Verhandelt wurde insbesondere die Wirksamkeit der Taufe: Ist sie als Gnadenmittel zu verstehen oder als Initiationsritus in die kirchliche Gemeinschaft? Transformationen in Rechtfertigungs- und Erbsuendenlehre fuehrten dabei in vielen Faellen zur Infragestellung der Heilsrelevanz der Taufe. Die strikte Trennung zwischen Geister- und Koerperwelt, die sich insbesondere aus der Leibniz-Wolffschen Philosophie ergab, liess unmittelbare Wirkungen Gottes zunehmend nicht mehr plausibel erscheinen. Dies galt auch fuer Wirkungen von Teufel und Daemonen, was zu umfassenden Diskussionen um den Taufexorzismus fuehrte. Die Taufe wurde entsprechend haeufig umgedeutet, damit ging aber nicht unbedingt eine Abwertung einher: Als Eintritt in die Institution Kirche kam ihr grosse Bedeutung zu. Dies war stets auch mit politischen Fragen verknuepft, ging mit ihr doch auch die Zusage buergerlicher Rechte einher, was insbesondere in Debatten um Judenkonversion und -emanzipation ersichtlich wird. Von einer in sich kohaerenten, aufklaererischen Tauftheologie kann dabei nicht gesprochen werden, sondern die Frage, was Taufe bedeutet, wird verhandelt und bleibt umstritten.

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Parotto, Giuliana (ed.), Democracy and Representation: The Meaning of Eric Voegelin's Theory of Representation. (Eric Voegelin Studies: Yearbook 2) XX, 341 S. 2023:4 (W. Fink, GW) <697-677>
ISBN 978-3-7705-6753-9 hard ¥26,497.- (税込) EUR 109.00

Die aktuelle Krise der liberalen Demokratie ist in den Mittelpunkt der verfassungsrechtlichen, historischen, philosophischen, theologischen und politischen Analyse gerueckt. Der Populismus und die wachsende Abneigung gegen politische Eliten und ihre Dominanz in den Volksvertretungen stellt zunehmend das Wesen der Repraesentanz und die Beziehung zwischen Repraesentanz und Demokratie in Frage. Die Gefaehrdung von repraesentativen Demokratien durch autoritaer auftretende politische Fuehrungsfiguren hat der beruehmte Politikwissenschaftler Eric Voegelin (1901?1986) nach Ueberwindung des Faschismus in Europa mit den Worten beschrieben: “If a government is nothing but representative in the constitutional sense, a representative ruler in the existential sense will sooner or later make an end of it; and quite possibly the new existential ruler will not be too representative in the constitutional sense”.

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Paulin-Booth, Alexandra, Time and Radical Politics in France: From the Dreyfus Affair to the First World War. (Studies in Modern French and Francophone History) 296 pp. 2023:5 (Manchester U. Pr., UK) <697-678>
ISBN 978-1-5261-4964-0 hard ¥24,497.- (税込) GB£ 85.00 *

This book investigates how people have thought about and experienced time, and how their ideas about time have shaped their political views and actions. Using French thinkers and activists of the radical left and right between the Dreyfus Affair and the First World War as a case study, it argues that time provides an important means of exploring how concepts such as nationalism, revolution and social change were understood at the turn of the century. Attending to different experiences of time - the speed at which it was perceived to move, the extent to which the future was near and graspable, the ways in which the past was seen to impinge on the present - opens up exciting new possibilities for analysing politics, ideologies and worldviews.

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Philips, Menaka, The Liberalism Trap: John Stuart Mill and Customs of Interpretation. 232 pp. 2023:6 (Oxford U. Pr., US) <697-17>
ISBN 978-0-19-765855-0 hard ¥18,625.- (税込) US$ 83.00 *

Arguments about liberalism's meanings, endurance, imminent death, or revival are widespread in modern political thought. But what effect do these preoccupations with liberalism have on the way political questions are taken up? In The Liberalism Trap, Menaka Philips argues that the focus on liberalism has become a customary limit on our political imaginations. To examine the costs of that custom, Philips turns to John Stuart Mill-the so-called paradigmatic liberal. As she argues, Mill's famed liberal status is habitually substituted for his political arguments such that the now standard association of Mill with liberalism determines how and why he is read. Philips, however, takes a break from that ready association. Her comparative reading of Mill's work concerning women's emancipation, class reform, and the British Empire recovers a thinker guided not by the ideological certainties he is often made out to represent, but by a politics of uncertainty-a politics which generated radical, gradualist, and paternalist strategies throughout his proposals on domestic and imperial questions. By reading Mill against the limits of liberalism, Philips draws out the possibilities and risks of Mill's own political practice, while inviting a critical evaluation of the customs of interpretation that shape contemporary political thought.

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Piirimaee, Eva, Herder and Enlightenment Politics. (Ideas in Context) 411 pp. 2023:5 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <697-18>
ISBN 978-1-00-926386-3 hard ¥28,820.- (税込) GB£ 100.00 *

Johann Gottfried Herder initiated the modern disciplines of philosophical anthropology and cultural history, including the study of popular culture. He is also remembered as a sharp critic of colonialism and imperialism. But what types of social, economic and political arrangements did Herder envision for modern European societies? Herder and Enlightenment Politics provides a radically new interpretation of Herder's political thought, situating his ideas in Enlightenment debates on modern patriotism, commerce and peace. By reconstructing Herder's engagement with Rousseau, Montesquieu, Abbt, Ferguson, Moeser, Kant and many other contemporary authors, Eva Piirimaee shows that Herder was deeply interested in the potential for cultural, moral and political reform in Russia, Germany and Europe. Herder probed the foundations of modern liberty, community and peace, developing a distinctive understanding of human self-determination, natural sociability and modern patriotism as well as advocating a vision of Europe as a commercially and culturally interconnected community of peoples.

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