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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Goes, Eunice, Social Democracy. (Short Histories) 176 pp. 2024:3 (Agenda Pub., UK) <730-534>
ISBN 978-1-78821-615-9 hard ¥20,790.- (税込) GB£ 75.00
ISBN 978-1-78821-616-6 paper ¥5,263.- (税込) GB£ 18.99

Social democracy emerged in the late nineteenth century and has become a leading political ideology in Europe. This short history approaches the evolution of this ideology as a body of political thought and political practices. It expounds the development, transformation and practice of European social democracy through the analysis of four key moments in its history: its origins and rise as a key political force in European politics, the second revisionist phase with the embrace of capitalism in the postwar period, the Third Way of the 1990s and the contemporary crisis of social democracy in an era of fragmented politics. The book offers a fresh and engaging discussion of one of the most enduring ideologies of the European political sphere and its manifestations in different countries of the region.

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Janssen, Jorn, Max Stirner and the Political Theology of Fanaticism. 196 pp. 2024:9 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <730-535>
ISBN 978-3-031-61025-7 hard ¥27,584.- (税込) EUR 119.99

This book provides a rigorous and insightful exploration of political fanaticism, guided by a nuanced interpretation of the works of Max Stirner, a philosopher often overlooked in contemporary discourse. Based on a comprehensive analysis of Stirner's perspectives, the book sheds light on the phenomenon of political fanaticism and its implications for modern society. Defined as an intense and irrational emotional investment in political convictions, political fanaticism permeates both North American and European contexts, presenting a significant area of study within political theory. The aim of this work is not to advocate for any particular ideological position but rather to critically examine the phenomenon itself. Central to the investigation is Stirner's distinctive idea that political fanaticism mirrors the fervor of religious zealotry transposed onto the political stage. By delving into Stirner's philosophical insights, the book aims to elucidate the underlying mechanisms driving political fanaticism and its relationship to broader societal shifts. Contributing to the field of political theology by exploring the intersections between politics and religious belief systems, the aim is to achieve a deeper understanding of the complex dynamics at play in contemporary political discourse. Ultimately, the goal is to provide scholars and researchers with a comprehensive framework for analyzing and contextualizing political fanaticism within the broader landscape of modern politics. By engaging with Stirner's works and interrogating their relevance to contemporary challenges, the book seeks to enrich scholarly discourse and foster critical reflection on this pressing issue.

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Lacaita, Carlo G. / Martinelli, Alberto (eds.), The Civilization of Modernity: An Anthology of Carlo Cattaneo's Writings. (Studies in the History of Political Thought 18) 462 pp. 2024:11 (Brill, NE) <730-536>
ISBN 978-90-04-44742-4 hard ¥33,335.- (税込) EUR 145.00

This volume offers an exhaustive selection of Cattaneo's writings, which cover a wide range of issues and advance highly innovative theories, such as the achievement of republican federalism in Italy and Europe, thought as a principle of political economy, and the psychology of associated mind. The two introductory essays examine how his ideas developed through the time and argue for their enduring vitality.

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Oberndoerfer, Dieter, Arnold Bergstraesser: Demokratischer Aufbruch und weltbuergerliche Verantwortung. (Politisches Denken in der Gegenwart; Urban-Taschenbuecher) 130 S. 2024:12 (Kohlhammer, GW) <730-537>
ISBN 978-3-17-044969-5 paper ¥5,747.- (税込) EUR 25.00

Arnold Bergstraesser (1896-1964) war einer der Gruendervaeter der Politikwissenschaft in Deutschland. Sein politisches Denken verstand er als "synoptische Wissenschaft", die sich u. a. aus der Soziologie, der Volkswirtschaftslehre, der Geschichte und den politischen Institutionen speist. Das eroeffnete ihm vielfaeltige Denk- und Handlungsraeume. Besonders bekannt ist er fuer seine visionaeren Ansaetze weltpolitischen Denkens und als Begruender der sogenannten "Freiburger Schule" der Politikwissenschaft, mit ihrem normativen und praxisorientierten Ansatz. Mit Dieter Oberndoerfer legt einer der ersten Bergstraesser-Schueler ein Buch vor, in dem sich die Lebensgeschichte, das Wirken und Denken Bergstraessers buendeln. Persoenliche Erinnerungen verbinden sich auf lebendige Weise mit der Geschichte der Politikwissenschaft.

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Carter, David / Foxley, Rachel / Sawyer, Liz (eds.), Brill's Companion to the Legacy of Greek Political Thought. (Brill's Companions to Philosophy 8 / Brill's Companions to Philosophy: Ancient Philosophy) 475 pp. 2024:10 (Brill, NE) <730-18>
ISBN 978-90-04-67933-7 hard ¥45,750.- (税込) EUR 199.00

A wealth of political literature has survived from Greek antiquity, from political theory by Plato and Aristotle to the variety of prose and verse texts that more broadly demonstrate political thinking. However, despite the extent of this legacy, it can be surprisingly hard to say how ancient Greek political thought makes its influence felt, or whether this influence has been sustained across the centuries. This volume includes a range of disciplinary responses to issues surrounding the legacy of Greek political thought, exploring the ways in which political thinking has evolved from antiquity to the present day.

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