
Papers of American Missionaries to Asia: Arthur M. Guttery and YMCA China



 本コレクションはオレゴン大学ナイト図書館の所蔵資料より、中国湖北省武漢を中心にYMCA幹部として活躍したアメリカ人宣教師アーサー・M・ガッタリー(Arthur M. Guttery, 1885-1981)の説教や講演、中国に関する評論、書簡、回顧録を収録します。




・Memoirs: Guttery, A.M. "The Influence and Leadership of God in the Life of One Y.M.C.A. Secretary", Y.M.C.A Memoirs: Laurie, Annie and Lawrence Todnem, "Vignette of China That Was, 1915-1945", Y.M.C.A Memoirs: Barnett,Eugene Epperson, "Memoirs," Vol. II, Y.M.C.A

・Memoirs: Colton, Ethan T., "Memoirs", Y.M.C.A

・Memoirs: Petitt, Clifford W., Boyhood and Early Domestic and China Y.M.C.A. Experiences, Y.M.C.A

・Notes on Y.M.C.A. Activities, Y.M.C.A

・"Excerpts from Reports and Letters… Concerning Y.M.C.A. Work in China," by Guttery, Y.M.C.A

・Newspaper Articles, Miscellaneous

・Large Prints, Photographs (PH089), 1913-1940

・Small Prints, Photographs (PH089), 1913-1939


・Documents, Miscellaneous

・Printed Matter, Miscellaneous
