

Fertility and Childcare in East Asia: Gender Dynamics and Intergenerational Support.

・ISBN 978-1-032-69629-4 hard GB£ 145.00

[在庫] ¥40,353.- (税込) *

著者・編者 Wu, Xiaogang / Zhou, Muzhi / Kan, Man-Yee (eds.),
出版社 (Routledge, UK)
出版年 2024
ページ数 318 pp.
ニュース番号 <719-282>

This textbook explores recent research on the topics of gender inequalities, intergenerational support, and family in select East Asian societies, including China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Japan.

East Asian societies have been undergoing rapid economic development over the last three decades, whether gender (couple) relations and families in East Asian societies have also been undergoing transformations remain less clear. The chapters in this book uncover dynamic and evolving couple and intergenerational relationships within families in East Asia, together with the persistent impact on time use, housework and childcare. They provide a rich source for understanding gender dynamics, intergenerational relations, and childbearing and rearing in East Asia, at a time when it is expected that families and gender relations in East Asia will continue to evolve with characteristics of both modern gender egalitarian values and traditional family obligations.

A rare and valuable resource, this textbook will be a key resource for researchers, scholars and practitioners of Sociology, Development Studies, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and Comparative studies who wish to study gender and family relations in East Asia, a rapidly developing region with a shared Confucian culture. The chapters in this volume were originally published in Chinese Sociological Review.