

The IMF, Financial Crisis, and Repression of Human Rights.

・ISBN 978-3-031-55892-4 hard EUR 119.99

¥29,696.- (税込)

著者・編者 Mukherjee, Bumba / Yadav, Vineeta,
出版社 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK)
出版年 2024
ページ数 318 pp.
ニュース番号 <724-227>

This book seeks to answer a number of key questions about the relationship between the IMF, developing states and the impact of financial crises on human rights abuses, including: Why do some but not other IMF-assisted developing states experience the joint outbreak of currency and sudden reversal crises under the Fund's program?; What are some of the short-term political ramifications of such crises?; Why do human rights violation by governments increase sharply in the wake of twin currency and sudden reversal crisis in some but not all crisis-affected countries?