
Model Verification and Validation in Engineering Mechanics: Theory and Applications of Uncertainty Quantification and Predictive Accuracy.

・ISBN 978-0-470-85934-6 hard US$ 120.00

¥27,324.- (税込)

著者・編者 Hemez, Francois / Doebling, Scott / Anderson, Mark,
出版社 (Wiley-Blackwell, UK)
出版年 2030
ページ数 624 pp.
ニュース番号 <A03-58831>

Model validation attempts to assess whether a mathematical or computer model is appropriate and capable of providing accurate and credible predictions. Numerical models have been developed to predict such complex phenomena as crash dynamics and acoustic levels in the automotive industry; virtual design and prototyping in the aerospace industry; simulation of earthquake dynamics; and the assessment of nuclear weapons reliability. Simulation-based analysis also has the advantage of being more cost-effective than actual physical experimentation. This book: * Includes real-world engineering applications * Assesses the predictive accuracy of numerical models over a specific design domain * Encompasses the four main model variation topics: definition of features and metrics; domain of validation; uncertainty quantification and meta-modeling * Educates the engineer, researcher or graduate student to the issue of predictability using computer models * Addresses critical questions at a time when demands in terms of performance and accuracy are higher than ever