
Die Legitimitaet des Verbots der Auslandsbestechung: Zum Rechtsgut einer internationalrechtlich determinierten Rechtsnorm und den Grenzen transnationaler Strafgewalt.

・ISBN 978-3-428-19179-6 Brosch. EUR 79.90

¥19,774.- (税込) *

・ISBN 978-3-428-59179-4 eBook



著者・編者 Ponader, Alexander,
シリーズ (Schriften zum Strafrecht 430)
出版社 (Duncker, GW)
出版年 2024
ページ数 295 S.
ニュース番号 <729-644>

≫The Legitimacy of the Ban on Foreign Bribery. On the Value of a Legal Norm determined by International Law and the Limits of Transnational Criminal Jurisdiction≪: The ban on foreign bribery in German criminal law is based on international anti-corruption conventions. It is far-reaching but does not follow a consistent approach. The author examines which interests the provision can be based on, including a human rights-based and a solidarity-based approach, and to what extent it is merely a symbolic legal norm based on international conventions. In addition to criminal law considerations, questions of state sovereignty are also examined and answered.