・ISBN 978-3-658-45135-6 paper EUR 59.99
[在庫] ¥13,724.- (税込) *
著者・編者 | von Holle, Vinzenz, |
出版社 | (Springer, GW) |
出版年 | 2024 |
ページ数 | 234 pp. |
ニュース番号 | <732-156> |
The standard economic theory, despite its many advantages, has a significant weakness: it is only of limited applicability to the economic reality of practice. Therefore, the book presents a new economic theory that is completely oriented towards the reality of economic practice. In this new theory, human beings are not just actors but constitute the central element from which the theory and everything else derive: work, production, consumption, demand, supply, exchange, trade, markets, stock exchanges, money, state economics, and global economics with all their complexities. Unlike the standard model, the new theory employs a holistic approach in its methodology. With this new and differentiated economic perspective and mindset, the new theory is capable of initiating a paradigm shift in the discipline of economics.