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掲載点数 全18件




Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Alterman, Jon B. / Hall, Natasha / Todman, Will, Sustainable States: Environment, Governance, and the Future of the Middle East. 88 pp. 2021:10 (Rowman & Littlefield, US) <676-928>
ISBN 978-1-5381-4037-6 paper ¥11,444.- (税込) US$ 51.00 *

The importance of environmentally sustainable public utilities in the Middle East is an improbable topic for a Washington think tank study. Yet, many countries in the Middle East face serious challenges providing utilities in any manner to their populations, and the failure to do so is an increasing flashpoint for public dissatisfaction. This study finds that providing more environmentally sustainable services in the Middle East would be an effective way to address many citizens' grievances which go beyond the reliability of those services. It would also help ameliorate deep dissatisfaction with the quality of governance and help build trust between citizens and their governments. This study examines three sectors-power, water and sanitation, and solid waste-in Jordan, Lebanon, and Tunisia. While the three countries are different in many ways, each faces increasing challenges providing services to their citizens. Providing these services in an environmentally sustainable way would also crucially increase each country's resilience and diminish their vulnerability in a chronically unstable region.

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Progress on Transboundary Water Cooperation Under the Water Convention: Second Report on Implementation of the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes 2017-2020. 180 pp. 2021:12 (UN, US) <676-984>
ISBN 978-92-1-117268-3 paper ¥10,098.- (税込) US$ 45.00 *

This publication presents and analyses the findings of the second reporting exercise under the Water Convention, which was carried out in 2020. It reviews and summarises progress made in the implementation of the Convention and further identifies significant trends, successes, challenges and opportunities concerning transboundary water cooperation. The reporting mechanism under the Convention was formally adopted (decision VII/2) by the Meeting of the Parties to the Water Convention at its seventh session (Budapest, 17-19 November 2015).

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Abraham, Benjamin, Digital Games After Climate Change. (Palgrave Studies in Media and Environmental Communication) 209 pp. 2022:4 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) * paper 2022 <676-985>
ISBN 978-3-030-91704-3 hard ¥26,737.- (税込) EUR 109.99
ISBN 978-3-030-91707-4 paper ¥26,737.- (税込) EUR 109.99 *

This book presents the first sustained analysis of the digital game industry’s carbon footprint and its role in exacerbating global climate change. Identifying the ways videogames can actually help combat the climate crisis, it argues for the urgency of transitioning to a fully carbon neutral games industry, exploring the challenges and opportunities inherent in this undertaking. Beginning with an analysis of debates around the persuasive power of games, the book argues that real impact can only be achieved by focusing on the material conditions of game production ? by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from making, selling, and playing games, as well as the hardware used to play them. Abraham makes a compelling argument that a sustainable games industry is possible, and outlines the actions that everyone can take to reduce the harms that digital games cause to people and planet.

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Baier, Lowell, Federalism, Preemption, and the Nationalization of American Wildlife Management: The Dynamic Balance Between State and Federal Authority. 224 pp. 2022:3 (Rowman & Littlefield, US) <676-988>
ISBN 978-1-5381-6490-7 hard ¥30,742.- (税込) US$ 137.00 *



Boldt, Ulrike, In Zeiten des Wandels: Biografische Verlaeufe von Umweltschuetzern waehrend des gesellschaftlichen Umbruchs in Ostdeutschland. (Dresdner Studien zur Kultur 8) 99 S. 2021 (Leipziger U.-V., GW) <676-989>
ISBN 978-3-96023-335-0 paper ¥4,375.- (税込) EUR 18.00 *

Durch den Systemwechsel wurden die Menschen in Ostdeutschland mit vielen Veraenderungen in ihrem Leben konfrontiert, fuer deren Bewaeltigung ihnen eine grosse Anpassungsleistung abverlangt wurde. Fuer die einen bedeutete es das Scheitern bisheriger Lebensentwuerfe, fuer die anderen die Chance fuer persoenliche Entfaltung und beruflichen Neubeginn. War es auch moeglich, fuer die eigenen Wertvorstellungen und Lebensmaximen in beiden Systemen einen Platz zu finden? In diesem Buch erzaehlen ostdeutsche Umweltschuetzer ueber ihre Herkunft, Praegung und ihre Erlebnisse sowohl vor als auch nach dem Mauerfall. Und sie verraten etwas darueber, welche biographischen Ressourcen und Impulsgeber ihnen bei der Verwirklichung ihrer Lebensentwuerfe halfen. Ulrike Boldt ist Historikerin und Soziologin aus Jena. Sie arbeitet als Coach in der Job- und Karriereberatung fuer Akademiker, Fach- und Fuehrungskraefte. Die Dresdner Studien zur Kultur richten sich an Kulturpraktiker, Kulturpolitiker sowie an Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaftler, die sich mit aktuellen Entwicklungen in ihrem Fach auseinander setzen wollen.

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Bruno, Andy, Tunguska: A Siberian Mystery and Its Environmental Legacy. (Studies in Environment and History) 304 pp. 2022:6 (Cambridge U. Pr., UK) <676-990>
ISBN 978-1-108-84091-0 hard ¥8,642.- (税込) GB£ 29.99 *

In 1908, thunderous blasts and blazing fires from the sky descended upon the desolate Tunguska territory of Siberia. The explosion knocked down an area of forest larger than London and was powerful enough to obliterate Manhattan. The mysterious nature of the event has prompted a wide array of speculation and investigation, including from those who suspected that aliens from outer space had been involved. In this deeply researched account of the Tunguska explosion and its legacy in Russian society, culture, and the environment, Andy Bruno recounts the intriguing history of the disaster and researchers' attempts to understand it. Taking readers inside the numerous expeditions and investigations that have long occupied scientists, he foregrounds the significance of mystery in environmental history. His engaging and accessible account shows how the explosion has shaped the treatment of the landscape, how uncertainty allowed unusual ideas to enter scientific conversations, and how cosmic disasters have influenced the past and might affect the future.

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Jamail, Dahr / Rushworth, Stan (eds.), We Are the Middle of Forever: Indigenous Voices from Turtle Island on the Changing Earth. 368 pp. 2022:5 (The New Pr., US) <676-992>
ISBN 978-1-62097-669-2 hard ¥6,504.- (税込) US$ 28.99 *

A powerful, intimate collection of conversations with Indigenous Americans on the climate crisis and the Earth's future Although for a great many people, the human impact on the Earth-countless species becoming extinct, pandemics claiming millions of lives, and climate crisis causing worldwide social and environmental upheaval-was not apparent until recently, this is not the case for all people or cultures. For the Indigenous people of the world, radical alteration of the planet, and of life itself, is a story that is many generations long. They have had to adapt, to persevere, and to be courageous and resourceful in the face of genocide and destruction-and their experience has given them a unique understanding of civilizational devastation. An innovative work of research and reportage, We Are the Middle of Forever places Indigenous voices at the center of conversations about today's environmental crisis. The book draws on interviews with people from different North American Indigenous cultures and communities, generations, and geographic regions, who share their knowledge and experience, their questions, their observations, and their dreams of maintaining the best relationship possible to all of life. A welcome antidote to the despair arising from the climate crisis, We Are the Middle of Forever brings to the forefront the perspectives of those who have long been attuned to climate change and will be an indispensable aid to those looking for new and different ideas and responses to the challenges we face.

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Lim, Audrea (ed.), The World We Need: Stories and Lessons from America's Unsung Environmental Movement. 256 pp. 2021:5 (The New Pr., US) <676-995>
ISBN 978-1-62097-515-2 paper ¥4,484.- (税込) US$ 19.99 *

The inspiring people and grassroots organizations that are on the front lines of the battle to save the planet As the world's scientists have come together and declared a "climate emergency," the fight to protect our planet's ecological resources and the people that depend on them is more urgent than ever. But the real battles for our future are taking place far from the headlines and international conferences, in mostly forgotten American communities where the brutal realities of industrial pollution and environmental degradation have long been playing out. The World We Need provides a vivid introduction to America's largely unsung grassroots environmental groups-often led by activists of color and the poor-valiantly fighting back in America's so-called sacrifice zones against industries poisoning our skies and waterways and heating our planet. Through original reporting, profiles, artwork, and interviews, we learn how these activist groups, almost always working on shoestring budgets, are devising creative new tactics; building sustainable projects to transform local economies; and organizing people long overlooked by the environmental movement-changing its face along the way. Capturing the riveting stories and hard-won strategies from a broad cross section of pivotal environmental actions-from Standing Rock to Puerto Rico-The World We Need offers a powerful new model for the larger environmental movement, and inspiration for concerned citizens everywhere.

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Short, Brian, "Turbulent Foresters": A Landscape Biography of Ashdown Forest. (Garden and Landscape History) 512 pp. 2022:5 (Boydell, UK) <676-998>
ISBN 978-1-78327-707-0 hard ¥25,938.- (税込) GB£ 90.00 *

A richly detailed history of Ashdown Forest -- home of Winnie-the-Pooh. The seeming tranquility of many rural landscapes can hide a combative history. This biography of one such landscape, Ashdown Forest in the Weald of Sussex, exemplifies the evolving conflicts that have taken place over many centuries. Wealth and poverty, power and exclusion, have all characterised this landscape through the ages. When a thirteenth-century boundary was erected to form a hunting park it was imposed upon a landscape which for centuries had provided sustenance for peasant families, for swine herds, for itinerant groups, all of whom had developed grazing and collecting rights and customary ties with the area. Conflict between manorial lords and commoners, "turbulent foresters", was born, and the evolution of this conflict over succeeding centuries is the recurring motif of this book. We move through the exploitation of iron ore and timber during the Tudor period, learn of the real threats of enclosure, of military occupation, to be followed by a landscape aesthetic bringing wealthy incomers, attracted by scenery easily reachable from London by train. All sides felt that the Forest was theirs by right. Victorian law-suits, twentieth-century protective legislation and a growing environmental consciousness have all left their mark. And the struggle for Ashdown continues amid ongoing development pressures. This book demonstrates that multi-layered conflict has been a characteristic feature of what still miraculously remains the largest area of internationally recognised heath in the South-East of England.

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Sorkar, M. N. I., Power and Issue Framing in the Contemporary World: The Case of Climate Negotiation. (Contributions to International Relations) X, 140 pp. 2022:6 (Springer, GW) <676-999>
ISBN 978-981-16-9739-5 hard ¥26,737.- (税込) EUR 109.99

This book puts forward a new angle of understanding the society of states in the milieu of the contemporary world. The absence of a regulatory mechanism, i.e., anarchy, has been the fundamental issue of international relations. This book explains how the normative imperatives, information and communication technology (ICT) and nuclear deterrence generated ambiance have poised the states in a society where they are bound to follow certain normative imperatives that dilute the color and meaning of anarchy and obliges the states to act in a certain way. It develops a theoretical proposition with regard to state power defined in terms of the capability of determining the outcomes. The proposition first elaborates how international institutions foster normative imperatives; then, in line with this ontology, it narrows down the focus solely on the power of the states in the contemporary world. It explains how the power that can determine the outcome today is holistic in nature, comprising both materialistic and normative factors. In the next step, it tailors the proposition in a way so as to employ it for a specific empirical work. The book does not end just positing the theoretical proposition; the proposition is testified through some case studies with regard to climate negotiations under the UNFCCC. The empirical part not only serves to examine the plausibility of the theoretical proposition, but it also presents the logic of the major actors and the politics with respect to some of the major issues of climate change, i.e., mitigation, funding policy and mechanism and adaptation. The scholars in this arena, climate activists and climate-conscious people in general would find this book worth reading as it kindles a different angle to understand the issues in the context of the contemporary world and as it elaborates the logic, framing process, and mechanism of reaching outcomes through complex negotiation process. No other work has so far analyzed the issues covering the entire period of 21 apex UNFCCC negotiations that led to the Paris Agreement. Apart from university libraries, this book, thus, has the prospect to be sold in the markets targeting the academicians, climate change experts, bureaucrats, negotiators and the common readers.

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気候変動、紛争、ジェノサイド 改訂版
Alvarez, Alex, Unstable Ground: Climate Change, Conflict, and Genocide. Updated ed. (Studies in Genocide: Religion, History, and Human Rights) 232 pp. 2021:9 (Rowman & Littlefield, US) <676-839>
ISBN 978-1-5381-6151-7 paper ¥6,956.- (税込) US$ 31.00 *

Unstable Ground looks at the human impact of climate change and its potential to provoke some of the most troubling crimes against humanity-ethnic conflict, war, and genocide. Alex Alvarez provides an essential overview of what science has shown to be true about climate change and examines how our warming world will challenge and stress societies and heighten the risk of mass violence.Drawing on a number of recent and historic examples, including Darfur, Syria, and the current migration crisis, this book illustrates the thorny intersections of climate change and violence. The author doesn't claim causation but makes a compelling case that changing environmental circumstances can be a critical factor in facilitating violent conflict. As research suggests climate change will continue and accelerate, understanding how it might contribute to violence is essential in understanding how to prevent it.

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Jinlong, Liu, Crying Forests: Political Ecology in the DPRK. 188 pp. 2022:3 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <676-890>
ISBN 978-981-16-9724-1 hard ¥26,737.- (税込) EUR 109.99 *

This book aims to provide a comprehensive analysis on social, economic, and political issues to understand why forests in the Demacratic People's Repblican of Korean have been so severely deforested. Deforestation and forest degradation issues in the DPRK has been highlighted as an important international political issue, which has been intervening with food security issues and energy issues, and it's hard to discover the way out. The DPRK provides a unique case to international community that illustrate why the forests issue is so complex, illuminating the issues of declining forest coverage that beset developing nations around the world. This book will interest political scientists, conservation ecologists, and journalists.

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Locret-Collet, Martin / Springer, Simon et al. (eds.), Inhabiting the Earth: Anarchist Political Ecology for Landscapes of Emancipation. 230 pp. 2021:10 (Rowman & Littlefield, US) <676-726>
ISBN 978-1-5381-5914-9 hard ¥28,723.- (税込) US$ 128.00 *

Over the last several decades, scholars and practitioners have progressively acknowledged that we cannot consider cities as the place where nature stops anymore, resulting in urban environments being increasingly appreciated and theorized as hybrids between nature and culture, entities made of socio-ecological processes in constant transformation. Spanning the fields of political ecology, environmental studies, and sociology, this new direction in urban theory emerged in concert with global concern for sustainability and environmental justice. This volume explores the notion that connecting with nature holds the key to a more progressive and liberatory politics.

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Mateer, Jennifer / Springer, Simon et al. (eds.), Energies Beyond the State: Anarchist Political Ecology and the Liberation of Nature. 242 pp. 2021:11 (Rowman & Littlefield, US) <676-729>
ISBN 978-1-5381-5916-3 hard ¥28,723.- (税込) US$ 128.00 *

Resource and environmental management generally entail an attempt by governing authorities to dominate, reroute, and tame the natural flows of water, the growth of forests, manage the populations of non-human bodies, and control nature more generally. Often this is done under the mantle of conservation, economic development, and sustainable management, but still involves a quest to "civilize" and control all aspects of nature for a specific purpose. The results of this form of environmental management and governance are many, but by and large, across the globe, it has meant governments construct a specific idea regarding nature and the environment. These forms of control also extend beyond the natural environment, allowing for particular methods of managing human and non-human populations in order to maintain power and enact sovereignty. This volume contributes to advancing an 'ecology of freedom,' which can critique current anthropocentric environmental destruction, as well as focusing on environmental justice and decentralized ecological governance. While concentrating on these areas of anarchist political ecology, three major themes emerged from the chapters: the legacies of colonialism that continue to echo in current resource management and governance practices, the necessity of overcoming human/nature dualisms for environmental justice and sustainability, and finally discussions and critiques of extractivism as a governing and economic mentality.

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Vehrs, Hauke-Peter, Pokot Pastoralism: Environmental Change and Socio-Economic Transformation in North-West Kenya. (Future Rural Africa) 272 pp. 2022:5 (J. Currey, UK) <676-190>
ISBN 978-1-84701-296-8 hard ¥21,615.- (税込) GB£ 75.00 *

Examines how pastoral peoples imagine, or even design, their futures under the pressure of changing environments and large-scale government projects. In East Africa and beyond, pastoral groups find themselves and their livelihoods under increasing threat when dealing with rapid environmental change. On the one hand, they contemplate major upheaval as a result of landscape and climate change on a scale never seen before. At the same time, these often-marginalised groups find themselves subsumed by the wider interests of national political economies prioritising new investment in land as well as encouraging tourism. This book investigates one such group - the nomadic pastoralists in East Pokot in north-west Kenya - and traces their social and ecological transformation over the past two hundred years to show how modern challenges are linked to the past history and also shape the perceptions of pastoral futures. In East Pokot the grass bush savannah upon which the pastoral lifestyle depends has strongly declined over a long period of time, with encroachment of acacia. Though traditionally cattle-rearing, its people have been forced to diversify into raising other browsing animals as well as cattle husbandry. The development efforts of the Kenyan government to use natural resources have also threatened their environment and their way of life. Bringing a long view to the history of human-environmental relations, the author reveals a more complex picture of change that, contrary to earlier assumptions, is not due exclusively to the pastoralists' pasture management, but also to the extinction of wildlife populations in the region, which were hunted heavily in colonial times. Attempts to move beyond Pokot territory, to the regions west of Lake Baringo and to the hard-fought Laikipia Plateau, have often been compromised by violent conflicts. While a younger generation looks to develop new sources of income through the job opportunities created by geothermal energy production, and diversify into other agricultural activities, this has also brought a dynamic social transformation: increasing production and sale of alcohol, decreasingly nomadic lifestyle, growing differences between the older and younger generations, and so on. Contributing to debates on future rural Africa, ecological history and environmental change, the book will appeal to anthropologists, sociologists, geographers, historians and development scholars. Published in association with the Collaborative Research Centre FUTURE RURAL AFRICA, funded by the German Research Council (DFG).

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Conklin, Christina / Psaros, Marina, The Atlas of Disappearing Places: Our Coasts and Oceans in the Climate Crisis. 224 pp. 2021:8 (The New Pr., US) <676-11>
ISBN 978-1-62097-456-8 hard ¥6,728.- (税込) US$ 29.99 *

A beautiful and engaging guide to global warming's impacts around the world"The direction in which our planet is headed isn't a good one, and most of us don't know how to change it. The bad news is that we will experience great loss. The good news is that we already have what we need to build a better future." -from the introductionOur planet is in peril. Seas are rising, oceans are acidifying, ice is melting, coasts are flooding, species are dying, and communities are faltering. Despite these dire circumstances, most of us don't have a clear sense of how the interconnected crises in our ocean are affecting the climate system, food webs, coastal cities, and biodiversity, and which solutions can help us co-create a better future. Through a rich combination of place-based storytelling, clear explanations of climate science and policy, and beautifully rendered maps that use a unique ink-on-dried-seaweed technique, The Atlas of Disappearing Places depicts twenty locations across the globe, from Shanghai and Antarctica to Houston and the Cook Islands. The authors describe four climate change impacts-changing chemistry, warming waters, strengthening storms, and rising seas-using the metaphor of the ocean as a body to draw parallels between natural systems and human systems. Each chapter paints a portrait of an existential threat in a particular place, detailing what will be lost if we do not take bold action now. Weaving together contemporary stories and speculative "future histories" for each place, this work considers both the serious consequences if we continue to pursue business as usual, and what we can do-from government policies to grassroots activism-to write a different, more hopeful story. A beautiful work of art and an indispensable resource to learn more about the devastating consequences of the climate crisis-as well as possibilities for individual and collective action-The Atlas of Disappearing Places will engage and inspire readers on the most pressing issue of our time. Locations include: Houston, Texas Shanghai, China Hamburg, Germany San Juan, Puerto Rico New York City, New York Pisco, Peru Kisite, Kenya Kure Atoll, Hawaii Camden, Maine The Cook Islands San Francisco, California Norfolk, Virginia B?n Tre, Vietnam Ise, Japan Gravesend, United Kingdom

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Lee, Wendy Lynne / Hales, Steven D., This is Environmental Ethics: An Introduction. (This is Philosophy) 336 pp. 2022:7 (Wiley-Blackwell, UK) <676-109>
ISBN 978-1-119-12270-8 paper ¥7,841.- (税込) US$ 34.95 *

Provides students and scholars with a comprehensive introduction to the growing field of environmental philosophy and ethics Mitigating the effects of climate change will require global cooperation and lasting commitment. Of the many disciplines addressing the ecological crisis, philosophy is perhaps best suited to develop the conceptual foundations of a viable and sustainable environmental ethic. This is Environmental Ethics provides an expansive overview of the key theories underpinning contemporary discussions of our moral responsibilities to non-human nature and living creatures. Adopting a critical approach, author Wendy Lynne Lee closely examines major moral theories to discern which ethic provides the compass needed to navigate the social, political, and economic challenges of potentially catastrophic environmental transformation, not only, but especially the climate crisis. Lee argues that the ethic ultimately adopted must make the welfare of non-human animals and plant life a priority in our moral decision-making, recognizing that ecological conditions form the existential conditions of all life on the planet. Throughout the text, detailed yet accessible chapters demonstrate why philosophy is relevant and useful in the face of an uncertain environmental future. Questions which environmental theory might best address the environmental challenges of climate change and the potential for recurring pandemicDiscusses how inequalities of race, sex, gender, economic status, geography, and species impact our understanding of environmental dilemmasExplores the role of moral principles in making decisions to resolve real-world dilemmasIncorporates extensive critiques of moral extensionist and ecocentric argumentsIntroduces cutting-edge work done by radical "deep green" writers, animal rights theorists, eco-phenomenologists, and ecofeminists This is Environmental Ethics is essential reading for undergraduate students in courses on philosophy, geography, environmental studies, feminist theory, ecology, human and animal rights, and social justice, as well as an excellent graduate-level introduction to the key theories and thinkers of environmental philosophy.

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P.J.J.ヴェルフェンス著 グローバルな気候変動政策
Welfens, Paul J. J., Global Climate Change Policy: Analysis, Economic Efficiency Issues and International Cooperation. (Sustainable Development Goals Series 13) 490 pp. 2022 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <676-1001>
ISBN 978-3-030-94593-0 hard ¥31,599.- (税込) EUR 129.99 *

This book considers climate change from an economic and international policy perspective. It argues that an emissions trading systems (ETS) should first be adopted in all G20 countries with those national ETS then integrated into a global ETS. The topic of global warming is at the forefront of international discussions, especially given recent environmental policy changes in the US under Presidents Trump and Biden and the emergence of the Fridays For Future movement.Combatting climate change does not necessitate a trade-off between economic growth and climate policy provided that the latter is consistently linked to new economic policy. Policymakers should support innovation, effective redistribution policies and modern mobility concepts. Moreover, there are crucial links between financial market dynamics and price dynamics in ETS. If measures discussed here are coordinated effectively in the EU/G20, and at the global level, then climate neutrality could be achieved.

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