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Trousson, Raymond / Vercruysse, Jeroom (dir.), Dictionnaire general de Voltaire. (Champion classiques, references et dictionnaires 18) 1272 p. 2020:10 (Champion, FR) <670-9>
ISBN 978-2-38096-016-7 paper ¥7,064.- (税込) EUR 38.00



Soltani, Kiavash, Redeveloping Tehran: A Study of Piecemeal Versus Comprehensive Redevelopment of Run-Down Areas. (The Urban Book Series) 179 pp. 2022:3 (Springer, GW) <676-945>
ISBN 978-3-030-97090-1 hard ¥24,306.- (税込) EUR 99.99

This book compares two urban regeneration models, namely piecemeal and comprehensive redevelopments. Tehran, like many cities in the developing world, on the one hand faces extensive deterioration in its inner-city neighbourhoods and on the other hand, faces rapid population growth. Urban regeneration is adapted as a policy that not only accommodates urban growth within the city boundaries, but also tackles the deterioration problems. This book tries to understand how these two redevelopment models operate in run-down neighbourhoods of Tehran, with a specific focus on developers' behaviour regarding these two models.Two neighbourhoods that have undergone redevelopments in Tehran, one piecemeal and one comprehensive, are chosen as case studies. Utilising institutional analysis as a qualitative methodological approach, this book improves our understanding of the process of built environment production, as well as the role of developers and state in the development process. The book demonstrates that the development decision-making cannot be solely understood as the result of economic rationality, as it occurs within institutional contexts structured by dynamic needs and concerns of actors. In advancing institutional analysis, the research demonstrates the different approaches taken by developers, development organisations and planners as they engaged differently with the wider structures set by the government through different policies.

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Kirmani, Nida (ed.), Marginalisation, Contestation, and Change in South Asian Cities. 224 pp. 2022:10 (Oxford U. Pr., PK) <676-920>
ISBN 978-969-734-012-5 paper ¥2,878.- (税込) GB£ 9.99 *

The expansion of neoliberal forms of accumulation and the growing flows of goods, ideas, and human beings between and within global networks is having profound effects on the urban experience in South Asia, creating new possibilities as well as challenges, particularly for marginalised citizens. While powerholders struggle to create 'world-class' and 'smart' cities to attract capital, the vast majority of urban inhabitants are forced to cope with multiple forms of insecurity. For many urban citizens, the city is both a site of promise as well as precarity. As such, there is an urgent need for scholars to reflect on the social, political, economic, and ecological impacts of these changes on South Asian cities and their citizens. This book approaches the city as a site of multiple contestations and contradictions and aims to highlight struggles over space, resources, identities, and meaning taking place within South Asian cities. It explores the ways in which the adoption of neoliberal models of development have impacted South Asian cities and their citizens, focusing on both Indian and Pakistani cities, highlighting similarities and differences in urban change on both sides of the border.

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Lundsteen, Martin, Convivencia: Urban Space and Migration in a Small Catalan Town. (Challenging Migration Studies) 250 pp. 2022:4 (Rowman & Littlefield, US) <676-792>
ISBN 978-1-78661-452-0 hard ¥28,274.- (税込) US$ 126.00 *

While Convivencia is a specific historical term that has come to represent an idea of peaceful co-existence, Convivencia: Urban Space and Migration in a Small Catalan Town complicates this simplistic vision. Instead, it shows how convivencia has been and is indeed always conflict-ridden by scrutinising the relations between cultural diversity and social conflicts and considering why some social conflicts are said to be inherently cultural. It does this through a multi-scalar extended case study of a small town in Northern Catalonia, Spain. Starting from an ethnography, it sheds light on the multiple local-global processes inherent to the social construction of the "migrant problem" and its solutions.The book analyzes the simultaneously local-global transformation of migration and societies, connecting the local processes of space- and place-making in Salt with the more extensive processes of migration, economic crisis and social transformation, and finally, the responses to these changes from the local society, institutions, and NGOs.This work allows for a deeper understanding of the complex web of urban, social, and political transformation in which migration as a phenomenon takes part. Focusing mainly on the interaction between mobility and settlement and the socio-cultural processes at different scales through the vectors of production and reproduction of space, it advances findings on the "new social question in Europe."

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Bernt, Matthias, The Commodification Gap: Gentrification and Public Policy in London, Berlin and St. Petersburg. (IJURR Studies in Urban and Social Change Book Series) 288 pp. 2022:7 (Wiley, US) <676-746>
ISBN 978-1-119-60304-7 hard ¥21,305.- (税込) US$ 94.95 *
ISBN 978-1-119-60305-4 paper ¥7,841.- (税込) US$ 34.95 *

THE COMMODIFICATION GAP 'In an elegant and careful theoretical analysis, this book demonstrates how gentrification is always entwined with institutions and distinctive contextual processes. Matthias Bernt develops a new concept, the "commodification gap", which is tested in three richly researched cases. With this, the concept of gentrification becomes a multiplicity and the possibility of conversations across different urban contexts is expanded. A richly rewarding read!' -Jennifer Robinson, Professor of Human Geography, University College London, UK 'Urban studies has reached a stalemate of universalism versus particularism. Matthias Bernt is breaking out of this deadlock by being very precise about what exactly is universal and what is not - and how one can conceptualize both. The Commodity Gap is a key contribution to not only gentrification studies, but also to comparative urbanism and urban studies at large.' -Manuel B. Aalbers, Division of Geography & Tourism, KU Leuven, Belgium The Commodification Gap provides an insightful institutionalist perspective on the field of gentrification studies. The book explores the relationship between the operation of gentrification and the institutions underpinning - but also influencing and restricting - it in three neighborhoods in London, Berlin and St. Petersburg. Matthias Bernt demonstrates how different institutional arrangements have resulted in the facilitation, deceleration or alteration of gentrification across time and place. The book is based on empirical studies conducted in Great Britain, Germany and Russia and contains one of the first-ever English language discussions of gentrification in Germany and Russia. It begins with an examination of the limits of the widely established "rent-gap" theory and proposes the novel concept of the "commodification gap." It then moves on to explore how different institutional contexts in the UK, Germany and Russia have framed the conditions for these gaps to enable gentrification. The Commodification Gap is an indispensable resource for researchers and academics studying human geography, housing studies, urban sociology and spatial planning.

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Mitschang, Stephan (Hrsg.), Praxis der Regional- und Bauleitplanung: Abstaende zu Windenergieanlagen, Verfahren nach dem Planungssicherstellungsgesetz und Einzelfragen des Baulandmobilisierungsgesetzes. (Berliner Schriften zur Stadt- und Regionalplanung 42) 220 S. 2022:3 (Nomos, GW) <676-453>
ISBN 978-3-8487-8751-7 paper ¥15,072.- (税込) EUR 62.00 *

Der Tagungsband enthaelt die schriftlich ausgearbeiteten Vortraege eines im September 2021 durchgefuehrten Online-Seminars an der Technischen Universitaet Berlin mit dem Thema ?Abstaende zu Windenergieanlagen, Verfahren nach dem Planungssicherstellungsgesetz und Einzelfragen des Baulandmobilisierungsgesetzes - Fach- und Rechtsfragen“. Er beinhaltet die Ermaechtigung zur Festsetzung von Mindestabstaenden zu Windenergieanlagen nach Paragr. 249 Abs. 3 BauGB und dessen Umsetzung anhand von zwei Beispielen. Zudem Praxisberichte zur Anwendung des PlanSiG sowie Einzelfragen zum Baulandmobilisierungsgesetz: Staedtebauliche Entwicklungskonzepte zur Staerkung der Innenentwicklung, Genehmigungspflichten bei Wohnungsumwandlungen, Mobilfunkanlagen und Elektromobilitaet. Mit Beitraegen von RA Dr. Julian Augustin, RiBVerwG Dr. Andreas Decker, Joerg Finkeldei, Maximilian Fischer, Benjamin Herzer, Dr. Henning Jaeger, LMRin Dagmar Lamberth, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Stephan Mitschang, Ute Mueller, Prof. Dr. Christian Otto, RA Prof. Dr. Olaf Reidt und Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Soefker.

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Chang, Michael Chao-Jung / Green, Liz / Petrokofsky, Carl, Public Health Spatial Planning in Practice: Improving Health and Wellbeing. 208 pp. 2022:9 (Policy Pr., UK) <676-254>
ISBN 978-1-4473-5846-6 paper ¥8,642.- (税込) GB£ 29.99 *

Health and wellbeing are significantly influenced by how professionals plan, design and manage the environment. This book supports those working in the built environment and public health sectors, with the knowledge and insight to maximise health improvement through planning and land use decisions. Supported by examples of policy and approaches, it focuses on implementation and delivery, and sets out what is needed to achieve healthier environments within the parameters of legislative and policy frameworks. It demonstrates how when we harness the art and science of public health spatial planning, can we begin to effect changes to the policies and decisions that shape population health.

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Ebejer, John, Tourism in European Cities: The Visitor Experience of Architecture, Urban Spaces and City Attractions. 304 pp. 2021:9 (Rowman & Littlefield, US) <676-332>
ISBN 978-1-5381-6054-1 hard ¥28,723.- (税込) US$ 128.00 *

Tourism in European Cities explores the relationship between tourist activity and the architecture and built environment within which it takes place. This is the first book to consider urban tourism with a particular focus on European cities. Tourism in European Cities considers the tourist experience and the various elements that shape it. In many cities, the historic core plays a crucial role in tourism either as the location of the more important attractions, or as an attraction in its own right. The book dedicates a chapter to urban heritage and its relationship to tourism, including urban conservation and UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Another chapter considers contemporary architecture and debates some cities' efforts to use iconic architecture, in particular, to enhance their attractiveness in the context of increased competition between cities. In the context of competition, many cities are resorting to events as a strategy to reposition and differentiate themselves from other cities. Major events are accompanied by major investment in event venues and in urban infrastructure. The city often serves as a backdrop to the urban festival as activities and performances are staged in the city's urban spaces. This book is essential reading for students of tourism and urban geography. It is also of interest to students of urban planning and architecture, and anyone keen to learn more about tourism and European cities.

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Liu, Qiyang, Public Acceptability of Congestion Charging in China. 390 pp. 2022:3 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <676-179>
ISBN 978-981-19-0235-2 hard ¥21,875.- (税込) EUR 89.99 *

This book explores the public acceptability of congestion pricing in the Chinese context. Successful in western cities, notably London, congestion pricing has overcome vested interests to revitalize city centers and reduce pollution. Given the radically different nature of China's culture and political system, the author articulates why public acceptability should be an issue and how it will look in an authoritarian context. Based on stakeholder interviews, focus groups and an attitudinal survey, this book will interest policymakers, planners, and scholars of transport governance.

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Riley, Liam / Crush, Jonathan (eds.), Transforming Urban Food Systems in Secondary Cities in Africa. 407 pp. 2023 (Palgrave Macmillan, UK) <676-214>
ISBN 978-3-030-93071-4 hard ¥29,168.- (税込) EUR 119.99 *

Countries across Africa are rapidly transitioning from rural to urban societies. The UN projects that 60% of people living in Africa will be in urban areas by 2050, with the urban population on the continent tripling over the next 50 years. The challenge of building inclusive and sustainable cities in the context of rapid urbanization is arguably the critical development issue of the 21st Century and creating food secure cities is key to promoting health, prosperity, equity, and ecological sustainability. The expansion of Africa's urban population is taking place largely in secondary cities: these are broadly defined as cities with fewer than half a million people that are not national political or economic centres. The implications of secondary urbanization have recently been described by the Cities Alliance as "a real knowledge gap", requiring much additional research not least because it poses new intellectual challenges for academic researchers and governance challenges for policy-makers. International researchers coming from multiple points of view including food studies, urban studies, and sustainability studies, are starting to heed the call for further research into the implications for food security of rapidly growing secondary cities in Africa. This book will combine this research and feature comparable case studies, intersecting trends, and shed light on broad concepts including governance, sustainability, health, economic development, and inclusivity. This is an open access book.

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Pickard, Dona (ed.), Urban Agriculture for Improving the Quality of Life: Examples from Bulgaria. (Urban Agriculture) 157 pp. 2022:5 (Springer, GW) <676-216>
ISBN 978-3-030-94742-2 hard ¥19,444.- (税込) EUR 79.99 *

This book presents the findings of a multidisciplinary study on the effects of urban agriculture (UA) on the social, economic and environmental aspects of the quality of life in Sofia - the capital of Bulgaria. The analyses are based on a sociological survey representative of 3 districts of Sofia (among 750 people), in-depth interviews, focus groups, expert statements, ecological monitoring of UA sites, and spatial mapping of natural resources for UA. It also focuses on UA effects on the social well-being of citizens and communities, the correlation between social capital and UA attitudes, the challenges for UA to integrate disadvantaged social groups, the factors for success of small UA businesses, as well as the role of policy and civil society in developing UA. This work is also important for the analysis of the underlying links between all aspects of urban agriculture, many of which are valid beyond the local socio-economic context and environmental specifics of the city of Sofia.

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Gaquin, Deirdre A. / Ryan, Mary Meghan (eds.), Places, Towns and Townships 2021. 7th ed. (County and City Extra Series) 806 pp. 2021:10 (Bernan Pr., US) <676-161>
ISBN 978-1-64143-495-9 hard ¥34,557.- (税込) US$ 154.00 *

Places, Towns and Townships is an excellent resource for anyone in need of data for all of the nation's cities, towns, townships, villages, and census-designated places in one convenient source. It compiles essential information about places in the United States and the people who live in them such as:*? population*? housing*? income*? education*? employment*? crime*? and much more!In addition to the tables, Places, Towns and Townships includes text that describes key findings, figures that call attention to noteworthy trends in data, and rankings of the largest cities by various demographics. Compiled from multiple government sources, the data in this unique reference volume represents the most current and accurate information available. This data will not be updated for several years, making Places, Towns and Townships an invaluable resource in the years to come.

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Cheshire, Lynda (ed.), Neighbours around the World: An International Look at the People Next Door. 348 pp. 2022:8 (Emerald, UK) <676-1009>
ISBN 978-1-80043-370-0 hard ¥22,440.- (税込) US$ 100.00 *

Neighbours are a lively topic of everyday conversation and interest. Neighbours Around the World takes a comparative look around the world at our relationships and interactions with the people who live next door, analysing the ways in which these relationships are changing in the face of large-scale macro social and urban processes. Understanding that there is considerable variation in the relative importance that we place on neighbours - the extent to which we interact with them or rely on them for local support, and the likelihood that our relationships with them are characterised by friendliness, indifference or conflict - this edited collection examines how neighbouring is shaped by our individual characteristics, but also by the structural features of where we live and the forces reshaping our local neighbourhoods. Casting a conceptual and empirical gaze on neighbours as a constituent feature of urban life in diverse cities, neighbourhoods and local streets around the world, the authors take us from Singapore's public housing estates to mobile home parks in Florida, and from one of the most famous tourist spots in Shanghai to new-build estates on the edge of Moscow and St Petersburg. Neighbours Around the World uncovers the diversity and commonalities in the meanings, experiences and practices of living with neighbours-the people next door.

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Boonstra, Beitske / Cutler-Broyles, T. / Rozzoni, S. (eds.), Moving Spaces and Places: Interdisciplinary Essays on Transformative Movements through Space, Place, and Time. (Emerald Interdisciplinary Connexions) 268 pp. 2022:8 (Emerald, UK) <676-1006>
ISBN 978-1-80071-227-0 hard ¥22,440.- (税込) US$ 100.00 *

Moving Spaces and Places is about movement as a transformative experience, showing how movement changes affect and percept of spaces and place and solidifies space into meaningful places. The cross-disciplinary contributions in this collection - brought together by aesthetics and artistic practices and embodied and participatory research approaches - illustrate how the physical act of moving and the psychological experience of movement are inextricably interwoven. Traversing the knowledge domains and practices of culture, art, pedagogy, geography, architecture, and city planning, the chapters reveal the diversity of the study of movement in relation to space and place; as a way of setting things in motion, as a psychological act of agency, and as a way to reflect, instantiate, and eventually reconcile-and even heal-relationships between people, spaces, and places. This multi-layered investigation of movement takes temporal, physical, and psychological transformation as its conceptual core, and appeals to a myriad of readers ranging from architectural practitioners and urban planners to activists, artists and geographers.

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Busse, Beatrix / Warnke, Ingo H. (Hrsg.), Handbuch Sprache im urbanen Raum / Handbook of Language in Urban Space. (Handbuecher Sprachwissen 20) 400 S. 2022 (de Gruyter, GW) <676-1007>
ISBN 978-3-11-029587-0 hard ¥43,744.- (税込) EUR 179.95 *



